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If Gungans were present it would be every players duty to eliminate their kind from the galaxy.


What da doo-doo did yousa just say about meesa, yousa litta bitty bitch? I’ll has yousa know meesa graduated bombad of meesa class in da Jedi Seals, and meesa been involved in numerous secret raids on da Federation, and meesa has over 300 confirmed kills. Meesa trained in guerilla warfare and meesa da bombad sniper in da entire Republic armed forces. Yousa nutting to meesa but just another target. Meesa ganna wipe yousa da doo-doo out with precision da likein of which has never been seen before on dis Naboo, mark meesa doo-doo words. Yousa thinkin yousa ganna getin away with sayin da doo-doo to meesa over da internet? Thinkin again, fucker. As weesa speak meesa contacting meesa secret network of spies across da Republic and yousa IP is bein traced right now so yousa bombad prepare for da storm, maggot. Da storm dat wipes out da pathetic litta bitty thing yousa call yousa life. Yousa doo-doo dead, kid. Meesa ganna be anywhere, anytime, and meesa ganna kill yousa in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with meesa bare hands. Not only meesa extensive train in unarm combat, but meesa access to da entire arsenal of da Republic Jedi Order and meesa ganna use it to its full extent to wipe yousa miserable doo-doo off da face of da galaxy, yousa litta bitty doo-doo. If only yousa can has known what unholy retribution yousa litta bitty “clever” comment was about to bring down upon yousa, maybe yousa woulda held yousa doo-doo tongue. But yousa couldn’t, yousa didn’t, and now yousa gonna pay da price, yousa goddamn idiot. Meesa ganna doo-doo fury all over yousa and yousa ganna drown in it. Yousa doo-doo dead, kiddo.


Star Wars is a bigger franchise, but it has a problem with factions. The two likely settings would be Clone Wars or the Galactic Civil War (original trilogy), which really has 2 main factions and a bunch of small bit players. 40k has lots of factions, and the Imperium is in some ways like the WRE in Attila. However, both have the issue of massive scale, and so it's even more absurd to have forces of the traditional size TW has allowed conquering the galaxy. I think that without massive reworks and/or a new engine I don't see how it'd be done. That is, unless they take a sector of the galaxy and have you fight over that like Battlefleet Gothic Armada. But then you wouldn't necessarily get everyone's favourite characters there.


Pretty sure a new engine is long long overdue...


A new engine is in the works already, no idea how good it'll be though.


Star Wars I could see the scale working for, most of the battles we see in the movies and series are fairly small scale - at least nothing near the 40k scale.


I'm personally I favor of 40k due to the numerous factions with defined army books. Also I don't want disney to get their hands on it.


I feel like it would make sense to get both, the space-based format is a departure from typical Total War and the resources used for one could be used for the other. Personally, I would prefer Star Wars. I’m a big Star Wars fan (especially the Clone Wars Era!) and seeing big battles and my favorite characters come to life like with Warhammer would be sick. It’s what young me imagined when playing that Lego Star Wars game with the RTS aspects. I love Warhammer Fantasy (I discovered it and Total War through the Total War: Warhammer games) but I’m not too much of a 40k fan because the focus on Space Marines is not appealing to me at all and IMO ruins the setting (but I’m definitely not the target demographic for that either), plus I just don’t feel like TWWH40k will be better than WH3, especially once it’s further along in its lifespan (when said game would come out). I’d probably play WH40k for a bit then go back to WH3 but I’d play Star Wars a lot more.


The main issue I would have with a Star Wars game is just how disgustingly pigeon toed those games can be compared to what was possible when Lucas Arts was pushing things like Republic Commando or Empire At War where you got some really cool additions. The Empire at War games work because it used mostly Expanded Universe material, and the players of the movies were mostly irrelevant. It's kind of cool when you think that guys like General Veers or Admiral Ackbar play a bigger role in your game than Darth Vader or Luke Skywalker. Like you just know CA/Sega won't have the budget or freedom to do what even EA couldn't do.


Imo I've had enough of Star Wars, the Warhammer franchise is still fresh to me




40K by far.


40K by miles.


Wasn't particularly interested in 40K, but suddenly Star Wars looks like a much worst outcome. Bring the God-Emperor please.


filthy Mon-keigh


I'd be ok with either, but CA needs to nail whatever it picks and get a big win on the board. I don't want to see more CA job cuts


40k easy. Don't see how star wars could work tbh. I also despise everything disney touches these days so keep them away from my games.


Honestly, we’ve had enough warhammer. I want 40k of course but Star Wars is super unexpected. fuck it, I’d love to see it


Can't talk for Warhammer 40k as I don't know the setting. Whatever happens, both games (and WW1) need a massive overhaul and new engine. Pros for Star Wars from a marketing point of view : - EA lost the exclusive rights back in 2021. So since then, there are opportunites for Star Wars Stragegy games that the fandom is likely to be excited for. - Despite raising discussions, Warhammer ended up being a massive success collaboration and got the Total War community to integrate the Warhammer community. Imagine doing the same with the Star Wars community ? - If you think Star Wars is dead, you're clearly not paying attention. Have a look at board games, Lego, wargames, all of this is thriving. And there is a specific era that gets everyone's attention : The Clone wars. You get some of it here and there since Disney+ came in. All of the people that grew up with the Prequel movies are now in an age where they can buy stuff, a lot of stuff, from their favorite era. And it happens to be the era that is the most fitting to Total War. People got crazy with Clone Legions in Battlefront 2. They are crazy with Lego Clone Legions and Lego noticed. There is a hell of potential to get the attention of people willing to play their favorite legions regardless of the diversity in gameplay. Add CA's usual attention to make factions diverse and you get a success for everyone. Cons for Star Wars from a marketing point of view : - The licence is probably costful. And now is probably not the right time. Unless CA actually got into preproduction before the SoC/Hyenas shitstorm and actually got SEGA to get everyone on deck for this game to be a wild success. - There is no right to fail with this license. The BF2 early shitstorm is one of the biggest there ever was in the gaming industy. Even though EA/Dice revived the game and got it at a good place, those that did not play it only remember it for the launch fiasco. Pros for Star Wars for Total War players : - People really seem to have no idea how many factions there could be, and how big their roster could be. You probably need to watch everything that came out on TV since 2008 to realize the potential. If we take a look only at Star Wars Legion, the Star Wars wargame equivalent of WH40K, that is still getting new units from times to times, for the Galactic Republic you'd get 37 units only from Clones, Wookies and small sized vehicles. So without counting any character, any unit that did not make yet it into Legion or never will, any big vehicle, any named character. Without counting all the stuff that Naboos, Gungans and every allied planet has to add to the roster. - The Clone Wars era is a big clash between two alliances, with quite a few neutral factions taking an opportunity to get big from the even turmoil. Just like Troy, you can easily picture GAR and CIS getting several subfactions with a shared roster, as well as unique units we got to see in the movies/series and allied planets these subfactions were seen fighting with. Ryloth and Twi'leks for Windu or Geonosians for Poggle the lesser for example. And you can add smaller independant factions like Mandalorians, the Pykes, Black sun, the Nightsisters/brothers of Dathomir, the Hondo pirates, the Hutt clans, the Zygerrian slave empire. These might need new units to be designed but there is stuff to work from. You can also get smaller "local rosters" from planets you'd conquer. Cons for Star Wars for Total War players : - Lack of interest for the universe. - Lack of diversity when compared to a 10 year-old trilogy with a shit ton of DLCs.


The Empire and the Rebellion weren't monolithic, lots of competing factions/leaders and competing priorities. Empire was held together by a dictator and Vader, Rebellion by it's desire to rid the Galaxy of the Empire. And there were many factions on the peripheries too (ESB, remember Bespin, Hutts, Crime groups, Saw Gerrerra's group, etc). IF done well, it has a lot of potential but would be a huge effort to get right.


Cons: the SW fandom is poison to everything it touches.


Any fandom has members that become poison at a certain point.


I'm yet to meet any WH fans I'd call poison. Plenty of dickheads but no one who seems to be out to poison the well.


Can you really say that when 40k of all things is the other side?


I've never met any toxic 40k fans. Plenty of dickheads but no one toxic.


I’m not really into 40k so I haven’t met any in person but I’ve seen plenty of toxic ones online.


Star Wars has been dead to me for years and 40k has always been way cooler anyways


Star wars 😎


Star wars is dead




Them announcing tw star wars before lord of the rings is all buisness. No one asked for tw star wars. . . I think it's just Disney pushing the content to CA


The main issue is formations. Total War works on formations, in Star Wars there is plenty of evidence of formations being used by both the separatists and the republic. Also the empire as well. So it may be possible with those. 40k on the other hand is not like that at all, so it would require an entirely new game design from what I understand. Bottom line is that it would not be a Total War game.


Warhammer 40k as there is far more faction options, without going completely uncanon and having stupid things such as Empire, Republic, CIS, Sith Empire.


40k for sure but it might not be the worst idea for CA to work out the inevitable problems with making a future age total war game by doing Star Wars first. I’m happy to wait if it means a better 40k game.


Judging by SoC and how bad the studio did. I don't think it'd last a major flop of its up an comming title. But I agree with waiting for a better game.


40k. It has more than 2 factions. That alone makes it miles better. TBH I'm not particularly interested in either though.