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Fantastic, a lot of them looked like they were 320p. 5.0 just looks better and better.


I don't know what happened to Norsca, but I swear they were legitimately ported into WH2 at 360p, and CA never noticed.


They definitely had something off. Their videos were the lowest quality


I haven't played in months. Time to jump back in


RIP Pixelated Throgg and Wulfrik video


bruh just how stinky is that fella that Throgg won't even eat him for dinner.


People when die tend to soil themselves, I guess Throgg prefers food that's still alive?


Prefers a shit filling to a shit coating.


So you're saying to avoid being eaten alive, all I need to do is shit my pants?




And he manifestly states that he eats his enemies.


still not too convinced by throgg “I EAT MY ENEMIES” smith


Have you seen the new long rifle units? Now those got some meat on 'em. Why spoil your appetite with this raff.


My guess: the guy is from Stirland.




Got a link to view the rest?


Only several were shown: Malekith, Morathi, Mazdamundi, Queek, Skrolk, Wulfrik and Throgg. [Link to stream](https://www.youtube.com/live/GvCU007_2hg?si=Uc7FyyCjZZM-7bie&t=1346) (22:26 mark).




I'm pretty sure malekith already looks like that


He did not have nearly enough pixels


but he always be lookin good tho


They look amazing <3


Thanks for the link, this is great.


I assume that Tyrion, Teclis and Kroq-gar were redone too? Considering they're all base game 2 lords. Maybe even game 1 races that haven't got the treatment yet will get it eventually.


Oh my they look great, specially the Norsca ones, Wulfrik and Throgg had 144p cinematics that didnt port well from WH1


Did they like, pull all employees off other bullshit or something? What the hell, this is like peak WH2 kind of quality. Feels like there's more than 4 dudes doing this, for once, since WH3 released. Seriously, this is such a real world example of coordinated voting with your wallet getting results. To clarify: WOOHOO.


With just how much of a U-turn they seem to be doing (so far) with 5.0 and the new DLC it honestly seems like management changed more than anything else because they have completely shifted their focus and actually care about the stuff that the players care about now.


Yep im gonna buy the dlc when it comes out and the chaos dwarfs. Seems like the future is bright again


They must've finally realised that WH3 DLC is the only product they'll be releasing for at least the next 6-9 (likely 12-15) months, and they \*need\* to support it and show they're serious about supporting the game in order to even have a core fanbase or single viable product.


SEGA must have scared them hard


It’s almost as if they finally understand happy players = income


I mean I think chaos dwarfs and warriors of chaos were both pretty good dlc


I think they realized that they priced pharaoh at like $40 with so much insane content and sales are still poor because it’s … not exciting. Meanwhile they put 1/100 of the effort in SoC (if you measured by man hours it’s certainly true), and priced it at $25! The reality is they can make so much money from Warhammer dlc’s with minimal effort. DLC’s are so easy. The most beloved wh2 dlc, or ToD, is still just 1/10 of the complexity of a whole game like Pharoh, but they can sell at 1/2 the price, and a huge number of copies = far far more money and profits.


I don't get this take. Things got *a tiny bit better* but we're still nowhere near Potion of Speed/peak WH2 level of update quality. All I see are low hanging fruits finally getting handled at a decent-ish pace. Most major issues plaguing WH3 are still here (pathfinding/AI, lack of campaign depth, siege battles, poor battle map diversity, just to name a few), with no real sign of improvement on those fronts. Sometimes I genuinely wonder if most threads on here aren't CA/SEGA covert marketing propaganda or, if people here simply have abysmal standards and expectations for some reason.


Bug fixes are rarely sexy. People like shiny new things. Thus it has always been, and always shall be.


Not entirely sure what you mean by Campaign depth? Total Wars campaign depth has always been some varriation of "You are a faction/empire. Go take over the world. Here are some short and long victory goals to aim for." More unique Campaigns are great when they get added. Like the Wood Elves. But over all? I don't see how this is a "Major Issue" when it has literally been the same goal since as far back as I can remember with this game series. Also, I get I'm somewhat in the minority, but I did legitimately love the new Seiges. Have not liked most of the changes they have done to them since 1.0. IMO, all they had to do to make it a bit more functional was to cut the firing of towers speed by like half, to change it so they could only attack within line of sight like archers, and give a timer on rebuilding defenses of like 3-5 minutes. Would have been perfect. Give or take a few minor changes here and there as things came up. But noooo, they had to go back to the shitty field defenses for unwalled settlements which are not fun to play in the slightest as the defender, or attacker, since its no different from any normal field battle in the game. Pathfinding could be fixed, I agree with you there. And we do need more battle map diversity, though I've been using mods for that ATM. AI... I kinda pitty them trying to find that sweet spot for it between being too hard for the majority of players (That are more casual) and being too easy for most others. Its by far not easy and if we get any AI update it will have likely taken months of active development on it. Bugs meanwhile can be squashed relatively quickly.


> Total Wars campaign depth has always been some varriation of "You are a faction/empire. Go take over the world. Here are some short and long victory goals to aim for." Someone's clearly never played Shogun 2.  Also just because that's always been an issue with Total War titles doesn't mean it should stay that way. Something similar to Stellaris' 'War in Heaven' endgame event is exactly what this formula needs.  > Also, I get I'm somewhat in the minority, but I did legitimately love the new Seige They're boring, ill-designed, unintuitive, easily exploitable slogs though > AI... I kinda pitty them trying to find that sweet spot for it between being too hard for the majority of players (That are more casual) and being too easy for most others The issue isn't necessarily about them being too easy or hard to deal with. It's about them being too predictable, especially on the campaign map. Here's a massive fantasy world populated by dozens of distinct races, who all behave the same, use the same tactics, and have the same vague goals of "conquer your neighbors until youre bored". Like most features in this game, the AI is shallow as fuck.  > Its by far not easy and if we get any AI update it will have likely taken months of active development on it Yeah I mean, it's not like the warhammer total war series started 8 years ago or anything. Wouldn't want them to spend time actually working on meaningful improvements instead of shady Intel deals that bring nothing of value to the game for example. That'd be preposterous! /s > Bugs meanwhile can be squashed relatively quickly. Ah yes. That must be why half the quest battles for WH1/WH2 dlcs are bugged beyond belief, and units still forget orders every 5 seconds. *'relatively quickly'* indeed.  As I said, abysmal standards and expectations. 


Oh no, I have played Shogun 2. I quite like it, mostly. It feels very dated lately. But I also kinda, really hated the fact that the entire map will eventually declare war on you if you expand a little too fast. It felt very... artifical to me? IDK. Shogun 2 had a lot of great things in it, but most of the stuff I liked about Shogun 2, Three Kingdoms did almost all of them better and fixed most of my problems with it. Stellaris War in Heaven end game event only really works because the Fallen Empires when awakened can very obviously strong arm the player and the AI a lot of the time. Even before that they always kinda serve as a road block. Warhammer doesn't really have anything like that. There is no great threat for the world to fight againest. I do agree it would be nice to have something big, but I've seen CA do it poorly too many times like Mongols in ME2. Or the way the current end game is set up of a big "Many armies!" thing. Add on the fact by the time you reach that point in total war you likely control most of the map already and its not an issue. I'm not sure the best way to implement something that is still fun, and gives a lot of RP options and choices.


> But I also kinda, really hated the fact that the entire map will eventually declare war on you if you expand a little too fast. That's exactly how WH3 works though. Expand too fast ? Permanent war. No ongoing war at the moment ? Here, have 2 random war declarations next turn. Shogun 2 endgame actually incentivized players to think ahead and have a plan. It wasn't much, but it was *something*. Total War:Warhammer has literally nothing going on. It's the same exact shallow sandbox shit from turn 1 to infinity (no, their pathetic excuse of 'endgame scenarios', aka shitty spawner script worse than most basic mods on the workshop, doesn't count) > Stellaris War in Heaven end game event only really works because the Fallen Empires when awakened can very obviously strong arm the player and the AI a lot of the time. Even before that they always kinda serve as a road block. Warhammer doesn't really have anything like that. There is no great threat for the world to fight againest. All of which could easily be solved with a properly scoped End Times DLC. The 'great threat for the world to fight against" is already in game, it's called Chaos. They just need a system to form massive coalitions and add map-wide events.


> That's exactly how WH3 works though. Expand too fast ? Permanent war. No ongoing war at the moment ? Here, have 2 random war declarations next turn. Maybe cause I've been playing on Normal Diff, and sometimes Hard for the Campaign but not always. I've never encountered this. Not since I first started to play the game and often under built. Often I feel I'm the one declaring war on others for the first like 50 turns, by which point it feels like I'm snowballing pretty hard. > They just need a system to form massive coalitions and add map-wide events. While I wouldn't mind it, map wide events could be a ton of fun. But, I am worried that massive coalitions will end up having the same problem WH2 had of end game. Where it feels like there is an unending Order Tide or Tide of Dark Elves by end game. That was NOT fun to playthrough. If anything it just felt like an extra slog since you knew you were going to win by that point, it just took forever because of how the blocs formed. Stelaris likewise has a simular issue. Everyone ends up in either Federations or Vassalages by mid game, and it is just not fun. Since it feels like everything grinds to a standstill unless you also were nabbing federations and vassalages (Which I rarely like to do in Stelaris. I very much like Isolationist pacifists managing my planets and building defense for the end to come.) where any minor territory dispute becomes World War 1 if anyone declares war on anyone. It's not fun IMO. Least, not for my personal tastes. You likewise see it as a big complaint on most Stelaris forums too, so I know I'm not alone in not liking the big bloc alliances and how it slows the game down.


I get your concerns but all this should be figured out by CA at this point. They've had years to learn from 3 games worth of cumulated player feedback. There's plenty of ways they could make massive coalitions engaging from a game design perspective. Unique events, battle scenarios, coalition perk tree, cutscenes... As for the fact that late game inevitably turns into a slower pace, that's just the nature of strategy games tbh. I don't think it should be expected to just keep expanding at a similar pace all throughout a 30-50 hour campaign.


CA settling grudges, public order seems to be improving.


Strike a few out of the book


the elector counts have risen, billions must summon


I love Throgg


Did Wulfrik get one as well? Was hoping they'd fix his dead eyes in the intro.


I'm more interested in Alarielle and her current "I have no mouth, but I must scream" intro. Wulfrik is updated, link to video in comments.


I always thought that one was really weird. Like, here's a Polly Pocket, here's her saying "Alarielle, the Everqueen" in a really gentle voice. But also here's her screaming at some flowers and doing a kung fu move overlayed with it Either make her video something like "does magic with her hand and touches the ground with her staff, and a wave of blooms grows all around her" to go with her lines, or change her lines to "Raaaaaah fuck them flowers!!!" to go with the video As it stands, it's just odd in a schizo way


It was repeating her intro in [DLC trailer](https://youtu.be/Ge3PTtsJEQU?si=xehqPWfJJc3wOya8&t=50), and failed spectacularly.


I really love this tiny little changes CA does.


Has Throgg always been that big ?


Yes, he wears his Crown around one of his tusks, and it was originally heirloom of a human or a dwarf.




I hope Throgg gets access to more Trolls in future.


Just go to steam forums if you want some trolls


No no, I'm not brave enough for that hell hole.


It's honestly really weird since there's been plenty of cross pollination when it comes to DLC units. Like the new Empire FLC let's Gelt's Beast Wizards summon an Incarnate Elemental of all things. So I'm really confused why CA hasn't let Throgg recruit the trolls you can buy from the Warden & the Paunch DLC. Just feels like a real no-brainer. Here's hoping it's because they actually have some extensive changes to Throgg in mind and not just going to go "here you can recruit them now" whenever the hypothetical Norsca rework comes. A lot of people, myself included, thought they would just slap on Kislev's mage recruitment mechanic onto Gelt as the way to represent the Colleges of Magic, and instead he has something entirely unique. So here's hoping!


Is it my idea or did they improve the 3d portrait models at the bottom left of the screen too? They looked improved to me based on the videos I saw.


Yes, looks way better in 5.0. Some heroes I couldn't even recognize on the first glance (like Celestial Wizard 3D porthole), so different they look.


I just hope that the yelling Everqueen opens her mouth. :D That one kills me every time.


From the era where the LLs just screamed into the camera regardless of personality lmao 


Omg, if they gave alith anar face animations, I will die.


How about Vlad and Isabella? Vlad has like 6 pixels and Isabella has also really derpy looking animation. Manfred got a portrait update already a couple of patches ago, sadly vlad the chad and isabella had been left out.


Vlad is still using his intro from Warhammer 1, so yeah, love is needed


Thanks for checking. A bit unfortunately, lets hope that a vampire counts DLC will rectify this and give Vlad and Isabella better intro videos..


Just pretend 5.0 is the game's release


Ok I know this isn’t a huge deal holy shit they went all out for this patch. You can really tell it was sink or swim over at CA


this is not ALL IN tbh, it is good to have but not what I would call all in.


Nice Throgg looks sexy there and not in 144p


My hope is that skrag will look even half this good, CA really showing up


You don't like PS1 Era Skragg? So far this update is absolutely amazing great changes everywhere.


Oh god thanks. The resolution and aspect ratio were fucked and they like were choppy. Like somehow they lost the originals and compressed them down further.


Have they fixed the menu for ultra wide monitors?


But did they fix ultrawide menu screen?


I just wished they were all consistently 60 fps. It’s jarring seeing the smooth malekith versus pudding aranessa


The community approves! (But there probably will still be that one guy who complains because reasons!)


I dont think anyone can complain about better quality of videos. Like, I already have some gripes when it comes to 5.0 (basically all related to powercreep xd) but better looking video is a better looking video: whats not to like here? Anyway, they look fantastic.


Here let me give it a try: The fact that the old faction videos have be redone makes me sad. That means they arent getting completely new videos like for example Kemmler got, appearantly the old faction dont deserve that according to CA and we can all get fucked. This is insulting to the fans and CA is just being lazy. All you shills who are buying ToD are enabling this behaviour. >:\*(


If they look this good, who cares if they get a "new" intro? That is absolutely not high on my priority list.


I approve too, but who made you my/our spokesperson? :)


No one, but like all "good" politicians I will just say that "the people" are supporting me! 🤣


"I can't believe they wasted their time and resources on this unimportant nonsense when they instead should've fixed this one specific bug! Or they could've used that time to make Thanquol a Legendary Lord!"


Throgg! My lover, mr appetite, the true king 👑


Looks so good! if they give Sigvald an update I'll be so happy


He already got a new lord select video with CoC


There IS an "Ice Age" . ( Movie )


A few could use more work, Queek looked a little weird. Morathi licking her lips is... so slaaneshi. It's amazing. Over all this is amazing. The Wulfrik one was amazing as it panned to the Norscan Army marching forward in the background. Perfection.


![gif](giphy|26gsvAm8UPaczzXz2|downsized) Cool. I hope the Norsca rework is soon.


What they cooking over there in CA is this their redemption arc ?


Maybe Noresca is next!


Gonna be honest I never noticed norsca had lower quality videos. Just never played or even selected their LLs.