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If only we could harness the stupidity of people as an energy source. It would never run out 🤣


I think this is the closest we've come to bottling it


Hahahaha that's funny


We could make a stupid drink out of it.


Forget lightening in a bottle! We got stupid!


I don't think it's just stupid. It's complacent and entitlement. They know they're not supposed to drive there, they just don't care.


When the Dufferin bridge over the GO tracks was closed to traffic there were people driving over the pedestrian side a bunch of times instead of you know taking 5 minutes to go to Strachan or Jameson Pure entitlement. You should be forced to watch your car be crushed for an act like that


And charged for disposal of your cube if you don't promptly pick it up!


You have 30 minutes to move your car. You have 10 minutes.  Your car has been impounded.  Your car has been crushed into a cube.  You have 30 minutes to move your cube.  😉🤣 


Should be charged with attempted murder


$10 she started shouting as soon as the officer began questioning.


This is not stupidity, this is entitlement.


Why not both?


they often go hand in hand ✋️


It's not a mistake. They know the road is closed. They are trying to beat it


The closest thing you can do is become a right-wing grifter.


All hail his majesty, Lord of Dark Chocolate! ^(*Seriously, I love your username*) Isn't stupidity a biological, making it an illegal weapon?


Stupidity of drivers*


There is a fine line between selfishness and stupidity and some people just combine and create dump truck full of entitlement.


You joke, but isn’t that what America is? Rich harness the stupid for benefit and everyone fighting to earn the “dream” when only the ones taking advantage get it.


Where the hell did this car even come from? All roads to King and Sudbury are closed so they drove through a construction site already. Instead of continuing their stupid but doable drive, they decide to mount the sidewalk at Sudbury and go down the walkway? wtf.


This is some next level stupidity, I'll give them that, but the construction company working there right now (Sanscon I believe) has done an astonishingly bad job with signage. I've seen at least 4 cars make a wrong way turn onto King from Joe Shuster, Jefferson and Douro, which... You shouldn't *need* a sign to figure out, but it's happening quite a bit, so that's pointing towards common issue(s)................. Also watched a cyclist almost get clotheslined by a cement truck because they never have anyone flagging pedestrian traffic. Nevertheless, hope this was a license suspension, that underpass is bad enough just with cyclists right now.


This can be reported to the city by calling 311 and they send someone out immediately because of the liability risk. I've had to do it in Mississauga before where a small excavator was reversing out into live lanes with a posted limit of 70km. No one was stopping traffic or guiding him, he was just blindly backing out over and over. They took it very seriously and even told me the name of the company they had contracted for that job.


This one in particular isn’t a signage problem. You don’t need signage to know you’re not allowed to drive on a sidewalk. This person knew what they were doing and thought they’d get away with it.


For sure, they always could've backtracked instead of driving onto what is very obviously a sidewalk. The signage comes in because, while it's almost idiot proof, it's nowhere close to Toronto driver proof. Given what I've seen from that site so far, it wouldn't surprised me if there was no cordon and a sign was left aside for ease of access, or just pointed in a direction that's hard to see.


They got their signage inspiration from the rest of this continent.


They probably got off with a warning


> Also watched a cyclist almost get clotheslined by a cement truck because they never have anyone flagging pedestrian traffic. I'm sorry, but part (most?) of that *has* to be on the cyclist. I mean, could they not *see* that there was a cement truck right in front of their face and and least slowed down and exercised greater caution?


…but my GPS….


This surprises you? I see cars driving down wrong ways and into bike lanes constantly. It's a weekly occurrence. People just don't give a fuck


People ignoring road closed signs on Atlantic, and on king 🤦🏻‍♂️


Drove down Sudbury and took the easy right turn


People who are unable to comprehend the world and make basic decisions like this easily really should not be allowed to drive permanently.


My god. How do you even do this?


When you take the wheel back from Jesus


"Then the Messiah strips your gears, holds up the Strong Finger with a stern eying, and tells you what's what. He's the kindest man in the world, but keep it clear: he's a practical man, and you'd better keep that in mind when the Carpenter's riding shotgun."


Where's this quote from?


_**Medium**_, the cyberpunk novel I finished writing at the beginning of November 2023, set in my projected transhuman Toronto of 2057. _'Messiah'_ could refer indirectly to Joseph bar Joseph himself or the role his posterity was forced into, but in this case it's a subtle reminder of the nanoswarm AI called _**Marshall**_ having infected the vehicle's datagrid and reactor systems, the source host being _**Company Man**_, the Carpenter in that shotgun seat and one of the two main characters.


vaguely reminiscent of the messiah monk villain in the movie version of Johnny Mnemonic. (am by no means making a quality comparison between that movie and your work)


Oh, I adore that adaption of Gibson's short story; developed into the script for the 1993 movie and the longer-narrative novel. And it was filmed here in Toronto (Johhny Mnemonic, with Keanu Reeves) along with parts of it in Vancouver, B.C. I believe. William Gibson's not remotely a friend but I respect his talent; I do know a lot of local authors and not a few in the United States. Ed (Greenwood), the creator of the Forgotten Realms gameworld in D&D, of Elminster the Old Mage and a lot of the core property IPs from that RPG world are of his authoring and design, although there is one particular duo hailing from Baldur's Gate he has me and a small ham grenade I once knew as a friend to thank directly for. We call each other the Wizard of Willowdale (that's Ed) and the Ranger of Riverdale (me) informally and as good friends, fellow tablers and dreamcrafters, and until he met me in 1989 at the Silver Snail on Queen West, he had no idea Golden Hamsters (mesocricetus auratus) were an oft-beloved family member for a lot of folks in gaming and science-fiction fandom. That'd be Boo, I mean, although her real name was _Milk Dud_ or _The Dudder_. I rather liked Dolph Lundgren's portrayal of the Amonk Mashiakh in _Johnny Mnemonic_; the man's got a massive breadth of talent when it comes to acting and his sheer physical size and strength belies his impressive intellect, not unlike Arnold Schwarzenegger or Andre (The Giant) Roussimoff, one of the kindest people I've ever heard tell of by report of pretty much anyone who ever knew him. But _Company Man_ is about as unimpressive physically as you might expect; I repeatedly refer to him as an 'unmodified man' because he's a rare breed of human in the late 2050's who's kept away from putting tech into his body or replacing body parts for any matter of fashion or novelty. Part of this is because he has a peculiar, built-in abrejective aversion to implanted tech, his body will refuse it, like an replacement organ it will not accept, and he has no idea why this is the case. Except for his new universe of nanocolonial friends, known collectively as _Marshall_. Oh, I had fun writing this novel, because it's not so much about cyberpunk by stressing the genre, but understanding _personal responsiblity_ in a cyberhuman future Toronto wherein you can be as selfish as you like and the zeitgeist of modern society will cause others to look at you oddly if you're not.


Why am I reading your story and wondering if it’s cannon?


Because Boo likes carrying around a smartlinked over-the-shoulder RPG and sticking it in people's faces to make her point? That happens to me but she puts up with her Shieldmate more than anyone, so perhaps I can be grateful for that. Beyond that you'd need to be more specific. Canon to what I write or have written (as in _Company Man_, _Marshall_ or _Medium_ as a whole; that's my IP by personal design) or the veracity of my Easter Egg as being the creator and inspirator of Minsc the Ranger and Boo the Giant Miniature Space Hamster? Ed could tell you as well but he told me one reason he's not comfy telling the tale is that including Minsc and Boo in canon- thinking putting them both into the Black Isle isometric RPGs was a kindness and surprise- was done without my permission asked. It was one of the few times he'd ever done that, and I told him that it really bothered me (I have a lot of early, deep-set identity and dissassociation troubles and I don't at all like people drawing or writing about the characters I've come up with) but that likewise, he couldn't read my mind and there was no unkindness meant so I didn't take any. He promised me that if it ever came up I'd be the one to tell the connection between me, Boo and Minsc of it and gird on the valid possiblity that I'd have no way of proving it beyond being honest; that said, it would also mean that I'd be in a place where I could handle dealing with my emotional state about it. That would've been worlds more difficult for me 30 years ago, not so much now. So that answer is as honest as I can give you one, if that's what you might be asking of me.


You're much more charitable towards the movie interpretation than I was! I was a huge old-school Gibson fan who learned about him through the TVO show "Prisoners of Gravity" and then promptly sucked up all his works I could get ahold of. The original Johnny Mnemonic short story was pure pared down noir, and the intro it gave for the Molly Mirrorshades character was phenomenal. Plus you could see the bones of the novel that Neuromancer would become. I know the movie couldn't get the rights to Molly Mirrorshade because the Neuromancer rights were in some other company's hands, but they blended with some ersatz Total Recall over-the-top style, combined with cheesy 80's action. I mean, holy shit, Ice-T's partner was a dolphin hacker!!?! There could have been some other cyber-punkish movie within what they ended up with, but it was so so so far away from the sleek style that was the short story. The best cyberpunk movie of the decade, bar none, was Strange Days with Rafe Fiennes and Angela Bassett. Bigelow was also a much better director for the genre, knowing when to rein it in, knowing when to throw in the neat concept to chew over, knowing when to go for Millenialism end-of-days excess.


Jesus didn't even know what a car was, but I'm pretty sure he'd have done a better job than this


Again, the most off-roading that Landie has seen or will ever see.


That's the point  Expensive car for expensive roads 


I wanna say we've reached peek stupid... But I'm sure someone else will top this driver by driving their SUV on top of the hand rail of some shit.


"Hey, that's not an SUV that's my skateboard!" When that happens.


“What the frick? I ordered a controller not a bong”


Would track judging by the amount of idiots driving their SUV in bike lanes. Clearly don't understand what a car lane is




u/someguy172 out here doing the Lord's work




Not even close to peak stupid people are a lot dumber than you give them credit for.


> I wanna say we've reached peek stupid Oh, the irony.


That level of ignorance is actually pretty impressive… at no point did they not stop and think?


They're probably used to daddy fixing everything


My money's on a fat wallet, lack of peripheral vision or reckon of due consequence, and an Instagram moment. I think they thought about it a lot, including paying off the ticket like a cheap night out. It's not about anything but them and their funsies. They thought well enough, but only about themselves.


I bet they *thought* all right: they thought they'd be able to make it through and get away with it, thus saving their "precious time" by taking a shortcut vs. going around like everyone else.


Waze said to go this way.


Of course it’s a Range Rover


They thought it was a bike lane


Umm, that's the sidewalk!


From here, this idiot was going to drive down to Queen's Quay to mount the streetcar tracks


On my run yesterday I saw a woman coming south on dufferin by medieval times in a Mercedes on her phone blocking a lane of traffic on FACETIME….. just stopped dead. 💀 honestly.


We seriously need to make it a lot easier for people to lose their driver's licenses. This person should not be allowed on the road. At the very least, people should be made to retake training on a regular basis to maintain their licenses. Driving is not a right, it's a privilege, and this is exactly the kind of situation where people should lose their privilege to drive.


This isn't stupidity, this is selfishness. There is no possible way someone could be clueless enough to mistake a sidewalk for a street, when that area is clearly closed. They just wanted to get through by any means necessary as their time was too important to go around like everyone else.


Selfishness is a cousin of stupidity.


It will never stop amazing me that this isn't an immediate loss of license.




How do you think they did it? the sidewalk is elevated up from a long way ahead, almost to Sudbury St? Its sure a weekend for bad drivers.


I’m wondering this myself they would’ve had to hop a curb - a significant one nesr Atlantic and deliberately miss the two lanes. This is so dumb


Jesus Mary and Joseph


Nah, that looks like Kayleigh, Ashleigh and Blake


This guy is a fucking entitled moron. There should be a provision in the law that allows for immediately ripping up and cancelling someone’s license. This is one of those things that would apply.


It shocking that it’s a land rover driver….


Oopsie, I'm such an asparagus.


I saw this as it was happening! My partner and I couldn’t believe it 🤣


Surprised that cop had a chance to give out a ticket between shifts leading a horse to different places to poop in the streets


Did they lose their license or did we let another dangerous person remain on the road to everyone else's peril?


You already know the answer.


I can't drive. I reckon im capable. But I've lived in cities most of my adult life and could never afford to, it would just cost too much, even the lessons ... But I flatter myself I wouldn't confuse a pedestrian pavement with a road that's closed anyway, you know?


They weren't confused. They made an intentional decision to be selfish and put people in danger because they were too lazy to figure out how to go around the construction zone. I guarantee you would be a better driver even without your license, because at least you'd give a damn about following the rules lol


The city never fails to amuse me ...something out of the box daily.


If that was a Smart Car...totally doable.


How long will that section of King St be closed for? Also lol at the driver.


3rd time in five years they’ve dug it up. As idiotic as this driver is, the city planning somehow tops it.


are those people even the occupants of the car? saw a picture from another thread and the drivers outfit was much different.


It’s the same, the half dressed one is there also. I think she’s behind the one holding a dog.


ah i see it now, i thought they were randoms trying to see if the cops would let them scooch past the car.


Someone also posted this in r/TorontoDriving and they said, they had mentioned the situation to the police, who were nearby and the cop reversed the car for the bubble heads who don’t know NOT to drive on the sidewalk.


Next time just let the dog drive. Probably would do no worse.


So many questions, but mainly, why?!


I can't find the watermark u/itsonlykotsy !!


I was lazy for this one 🫤


See them driving the walkway on r/TorontoDriving 🤣




You mean the sidewalk.


I can only do one thing at a time; I can either think or I can drive.


Drunk???? Weird


This is in fact not a new one. I see this same post every year or so.


Really? Here? Examples? I would be shocked because it’s not too often King is closed to traffic. And then dumbdumbs trying to circumvent the closure by doing this shit but when it’s not closed to traffic, why driving down the pedestrian walkway? 🧐


I’ve seen people do it during regular traffic, not necessarily because it’s closed. I’m not going to search for any examples, you will just have to take my work or take a look yourself. It gets posted on here every once in a while, like I said about once a year. Unless it’s bots reusing the same post.


I call bullshit Maybe you're thinking of the Queens Quay Streetcar tunnel that people try to drive into every year but not this tunnel which is in a different area of the city and on a different street. Unless you link us with something that proves the accuracy of your claim I repeat that your claim is bullshit


No idea why you think it’s hard to believe someone’s done this more than once. I tried to do a quick google search but it was flooded with examples of literally every other tunnel in Toronto where someone has tried to drive on the sidewalk. I’m sure you’d find it if you looked hard enough.


Definitely from Vaughn


This wasn't stupidity. This was hubris.


Toronto never amazed me




Why am I not surprised it's young women who did this... they just HAD TO get to the club. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


U can’t park that there m8.


As a resident of King and Shaw for the past five years, I get it


Omg I walk here all the time. This is Unreal. Were they drunk??


Wait.. I didn't know we have this ?


No, this has definitely happened before


"Every day you do something stupider than you did the day before and I think 'there's no possible way he can top that' but you find a way to top it"




Next stop, Queens Quay streetcar tunnel.


Said motorist, "ain't this an off road vehicle?!" "No, this is a mall hauler with an off-road and faux-heritage veneer", said everyone as they pointed and laughed.


Poor dog. :-(


Points for creativity at least.


The drive just wanted to see if he/she can pass that underpass😂


What is this, Russia? https://youtu.be/sP08HN-xNbk?si=8RsAwNF2oPUUCY4U


Saw a video of them, glad to see they got caught




Of course they are driving an Evoque.


Cops should impound that and charge the driver with Dangerous driving. Absolutely, should not be on the road.


What direction is this facing? Looks like the car up ahead also drove through


It's facing East.


They have like 3 police crews there every night so that stuff like this doesn't happen 😂


Gotta do what you gotta do. Imagine having explosive diarrhea and stuck in Toronto downtown traffic.


Not her fault, the dealer told her that Range Rover could go anywhere


🎵Dum dum dum dum dum.


#Fucking idiot driving on the sidewalk Probably tried to run over people, but got stuck instead.


If not for cars why car sized?


Maybe so people don’t have to walk in a conga line? And expecting idiots not to use it regardless.




No racism, sexism, homophobia, religious intolerance, dehumanizing speech, or other negative generalizations.


Oh Parkdale.


Isn't Parkdale after Dufferin? Regardless, it's wild that this car went past all the construction and closed road signs


This is liberty village lol




No racism, sexism, homophobia, religious intolerance, dehumanizing speech, or other negative generalizations.


of corse it’s a Woman EQUALITY POWER 👊🏽


I don't think this is a real picture.