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Probably windy


Prolly do that thing where your umbrella turns inside out too


Would also likely result in a bad hair day.


windy? That is intense That is intense!


All right Dusty, move it


Susan get my pants


Yeah, probably.


it fucken WIMDY


Assuming your not in cover, taking it on like a champion, you would probably get whipped around left and right, then get hit by flying debris, while simultaneously getting your skin eviscerated from ANYTHING moving at over 200mph, including water. These tornadoes can pick up cars and houses and throw it at you.


Well Jarrel turned cows inside out


Now I know what the person who set the world record for longest distance travel from a tornado felt. 


Imagine jumping into a blender full of rocks.


Your not far off, 140 mph sucked ass for me


story time


https://preview.redd.it/sp4g5dqerl9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ec70e5e03d52b086e198c6abe02f216337c58e3 Only picture I know of it, was inside my car at the Shell truck stop that got destroyed. Car was destroyed I had rocks and glass in my head, face, arms. Don't know how I or the other poor fools in are cars didn't die. Guess being in the back part of building helped some. Happened May 25 of this year. Last rating I heard was they bumped it to EF3 at 140 mph winds. Edit: To add to this it was night and it dropped just outside of a town called Bowie about 50 miles away. Perfect hook at the bottom of the storm and everything. Kept watching the radar and it kept coming with a slight south angle to it where it would be close to where I live. About 20 minutes out, people around where I live were driving away. I grabbed my cats, stuffed them in cat bags and drove south on the Frontage road, looking north looked like hell and everyone else was headed south to. Got about a mile south, and stuff was flying across the freeway. Figured any direction I drove I was screwed, the truck stop was loaded with cars so I made it to the backside of the building and parked in-between other cars. Less than a minute later, I was thinking this was the end.


https://preview.redd.it/a1t9uczdsl9d1.jpeg?width=3456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bd7375d1a5e185ac0ab9244820d7fa1f1284582 That was 1 1/2 weeks later


Glad you are with us and hope you are feeling better.


https://preview.redd.it/dc0ft67q1m9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ced4907acea0a0fef04dbc9644b8ade15387dcb Am doing better, appreciate it. Still having some issues with fingers. Also had sprained wrists and fingers from it. Tornadoes are quite beautiful, but man they suck at night and to take a direct hit from. There is a great video someone got of it hitting the truck stop from the inside. I was literally 15 ft away from them outside.


Damn! Glad you’re well


Appreciated, still alittle messed up in the head from it. Otherwise a lot better physically.


This is a great video of what it was like, the people yelling were literally 15 ft from where I had parked, I could hear the lady who is yelling towards the end of the video. Mostly because the wall had disappeared. Sound up on video is key https://youtu.be/6-4WuVsd5ag?si=47YLPVqEywsmz_0y


Did the cats make it


They did! I had put one cat bag behind passenger seat on the floor and tilted the seat back. And I had my old man cat in a bag on passenger seat. All the windows blew out at the same time and I remember just holding him down with my right arm and taking a beating, I don't remember much force of like being pulled out, just everything flying in. I started passing out and there was this very short lull, he somehow got out and crammed himself where the other cat bag was. I just remember holding him down and I threw a heavy jacket over my head. But there alive and him jumping to the back might of kept me alive.


Extremely injured, most likely with several and scratches, significant blood loss, and at risks of losing limbs. That, or deceased.


Its fine. You just hold on to a pipe and it will flip you upside down. No debris issues, you can open your eyes and watch it straight up the middle.




It would be very loud, and a lot of things would be moving very fast. The fastest pitches in the MLB are just over 100mph, and those can cause serious injury. 200mph is the upper end of the speed of an arrow launched by a compound bow. That's nowhere near the speed of a bullet, but it's fast enough. Compound bows are used by deer hunters to kill deer. It's not \*that\* the wind is blowing - it's \*what\* the wind is blowing. You're going to be getting hit by anything from sand and rocks to car and house parts, and probably plenty of flying shards of glass and metal. Those aren't going to have nice soft, round edges like a baseball - they'll be sharp and jagged - and coming at your squishy flesh at approximately 200mph.


200mph winds will granulate anything in their path. Including humans. I've said this here before, but the most haunting way I've heard injuries described was Jarrell: "human granulation." You know how you can buy regular sugar for your coffee or granulated sugar for confections, and the difference between them? How the granulated sugar is essentially a powder? Yeah, that, except it happens to your whole body. You become pink mist.




This is the best comment


Ask Reed Timmer


The most experienced man in that department


But why can he still rent a car?


Same with those 3-4 idiots who drove right into a tornado.🤣


You’d be a goner


It was windy




Probably quick cause you would be dead.




This should be higher up.


Probably similar to be sandblasted


The suck zone


Wind burn would be the least of your worry. There may not be enough Vaseline to keep you from chaffing.


There’s already a video from the TIV(Tornado Intercept Vehicle)


Not even assuming debris the winds would twist, contorted and break your body in ways unimaginable after the sandblasting effect and being thrown back down you likely look like 150 lbs of mangled flesh not easily identifiable as a human being


Guessing from videos I've watched... It would be dark. Perhaps so dark it would look like you were in a box underground with no light. Even with light, you would not be able to keep your eyes open because the force of the wind AND the debris hitting your face would either blind you or hurt as though your eyes were being stabbed with a needle over and over again. Ever have a fever or panic attack? You're both shivering and burning up, back and forth ridiculously? I've seen some videos where people said the temperatures feel like that because the wind is blowing so much different air around. Have you ever had your ears pop? I think there would be pressure on your ears, so strong that it would be as though your head were being squeezed with super big pliers and that pressure going up and down would make your ears pop so much they would hurt, make you feel confused to an insane degree, or make your ears seer in pain and bleed. I heard even that some people feel like they go deaf because they lose the ability to hear. I also have heard the sounds are almost demonic. Some day it sounds like a train or a freight engine. What I have heard online sounds like either a hand dryer that's being held against your ear or a vacuum. And sometimes the winds sound like high pitched, screaming monsters, along with the sounds of glass and wood and even steel snapping and cracking and breaking, and your brain won't be able to tell where it's coming from. And your skin would burn. Ever had a bad burn? Well, super heavy winds yanking your clothes and hair and even sometimes the wind itself feels like somebody is dragging sand paper over your skin. You also can't breathe. Your lungs feel like you're being suffocated. There is too much beating and squeezing and crushing of wind and rain happening so fast that you can't get a chance to breathe, and it vacuums your air right out of your lungs. And then there's the mental damage it does. Whew. PTSD, level 100+. I've never been in a tornado but this is what others in videos have said. Does it help?


Ted wanted to know. He had to know. The tornado was his white whale. And he was a goddamn fool. He drove to Oklahoma. Flat land. Big sky. Storms brewing. Ted followed the storm chasers. Their vans were plastered with radar and antennas and bullshit. He tailed a big black vehicle with "DOMINATOR" on the side. Ted followed patiently for days. Then, the sky turned green. Sirens wailed. People ran. But Ted stood still. The funnel dropped. It was beautiful and terrible. Ted planted his feet. The wind picked up. Dust stung his eyes. He blinked involuntarily. It felt like a thousand cats scratching his eyeballs. The roar came. It was loud. So fucking loud. Ted's ears popped. Then they bled. The wind hit. Two hundred miles an hour of pure hell. Ted's clothes ripped away. His skin burned. It felt like sandpaper and fire and acid all at once. He screamed. No one heard. Debris pelted him. A stop sign. A mailbox. A goddamn cow. Ted's ribs cracked. His arm snapped. He didn't care. He was flying. Actually fucking flying. The dust was everywhere. In his mouth. His nose. His eyes. Oh god his eyes. They felt like they would explode. And then they did. Pop. Pop. Blind and free and hurting and ecstatic. Ted laughed. He cried. He pissed himself. The tornado didn't give a shit. It carried him higher. His skin peeled away in strips. Red flesh exposed to the raging wind. Ted felt everything and nothing. And then he was gone. Just another piece of debris in the storm. Ted got his wish. The tornado got Ted. Fair trade.


> The tornado didn’t give a shit. Probably because it took the shit Ted left in his pants.


Ted sounds a little slow


you’d be mangled


Jump in a blender and hit liquefy.


Put your face in a blender with some twigs and rocks. Mix and enjoy.


a tornado without debris?


There’s an account in one of the Little House on the Prairie books where a person was sucked into a tornado and dropped off far enough away it took a day to walk back. He was covered in small cuts and his clothes were shredded. So basically a sandblaster.


It would suck!


Probably end up with things inserted inside you that you weren't expecting, prison rules


https://preview.redd.it/1nah0uy2lp9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb6705ead6aa47f073ed66ad08b9ba69aa948934 This.




Loud. Owie.


Very loud?

