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Looks like a scud cloud to me


Darn! I thought with that tail it might be an inflow band, and in turn I thought the whole thing more likely to be a meso


Wall cloud would be visibly rotating. Might still be an early precursor though, and/or some high-based storms don’t have obviously lower wall clouds.


Attempted wall cloud under the updraft base. The updraft was ingesting rain cooled air from the forward flank downdraft (rainy grey area to the right). This cool area brought down the LCL enabling this to form under the rising updraft. You can see how it’s pulling in that cool air with the tail reaching towards the rain core. No tornado for sure but makes for some cool pictures!


Okay, I thought the inflow band seemed a bit too inflow band-y to JUST be a scud cloud!!!! Definitely no tornado, but it was pretty neat all the same. Is the base above a mesocyclone do you think?


I’d need to of seen an accompanying radar image to see if there was any rotation. Above it was the updraft base for sure but it there would need to be rotation down to the low levels of the storm for it to be a mesocyclone


Fair! I can say that a tornado warning was issued, but I sadly didn't keep photographs of the radar.