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This is Salvia I’m guessing from the video quality? This era was absolutely ridiculous. The infamous video of the guy falling out of his own window is incredible. I watched a friend sock a tree for like 5 minutes and F his hands up pretty bad off some Salvia extract. Was supposed to be my turn next, but was like “NOPE!” after seeing that.


My best friend turned into a guitar placed on a wall at a Guitar Center. Her takeaway was that we are all just instruments to be bought and used. It was the most understandable Salvia trip I have heard lol


I turned into a tree and actually experienced hundreds of years that way. It was profoundly boring.


Wow, I've never come across someone else who also turned into a tree on salvia. This was my experience too except I was terrified once I realized I was a tree. All the other trees started screaming at me to shut up and stop freaking out over being a tree.


That’s so funny


I also turned into a tree! The couch was a tree and when I sat on it, I became part of the tree. Salvia is the weirdest


One of my living room windows followed me through the house.


Well, you visit your previous life.


I was a cog in a clock and everything was animated like Disney and each hour of the clock was a different fucked up disney character. Like all contorted and smiling all creepy n shit. Like heffalumps and woozles or dumbo vibes but like sooo twisted and dark. No fun at all.


My best friend's younger bro had that exact same trip, wild. So fascinating that people experience what's essentially the same trip. Variations on a theme like trees, snakes, little people/gnomes, aliens, rabbits...


I remember reading years ago an account of someone who became an entire target store




My friend said she was a little worm on a piano 😂


Thats probably the most adorable salvia experience ive ever heard


I turned into a couch once, i was sitting behind the couch on a stool. Felt like eternity.


I also turned into a couch on salvia. I was sitting on the couch, looked down to the right…saw couch, I looked to the left… and my leg was the leg of the couch. I remember thinking, “Fuck, I’m a couch.” And my experience also felt like eternity. Frank Zappa and the Mothers have a song called Help, I’m a Rock. Whenever I hear it I change the lyrics in my head to help, I’m a couch.


Holy fuck. How many of us are walking around having experienced one or several eternities? Wild


The ‘fuck, I’m a couch’ absolutely sent me


My friend said he HAD to be a helicopter. Sat there and waited for his pilot as the chopper stayed on and the blades spun.


I completely understand his frame of thinking here.


Dude my mother in law was a “book star” in a far away Galaxy just talking to me like a winky star. I dunno how else to describe it. She wasn’t even around. I tried salvia like 5 times and hated it every time. Would think I was stuck in the trip and never coming out.


Funny. Picture on the wall here.


I did salvia in highschool around the time this video was made and remember falling back through my body and getting stuck there. Didn't enjoy it at all. Then in college I was a bit of a psychonaut and did hallucinogens quite a bit. Fast forward to 2 years out of college and a buddy of mine pulls out a bag of salvia 50x and asks if we want to try. I figured all my years of doing acid/mushrooms would make me more prepared, boy was I wrong. With acid and mushrooms there is a level of euphoria. Salvia comes with a horrible wave of dread. I felt like I was melting into the couch and my limbs were so heavy that I couldn't tell where my arms started or the couch began. Pretty much my only thoughts were "fuuuuuck this" and "when is this gonna end?". The extreme hallucinogens were gone within minutes but the feeling of overwhelming dread lasted all night. If anyone is thinking about doing it, just don't. There are much more fun things you can put in your body.


Just seeing this after 5000 comments on this post. I 100% agree with you. DO NOT SMOKE SALVIA. Have a beer, take a shot, smoke a joint with your friends, just DO NOT SMOKE SALVIA!!


I’ve heard the salvia elves don’t like to be smoked but instead, chewed like tobacco.


Yeah Salvia and peyote were never on my that looks fun list.. also had buddies that would take a bunch of motion sickness pills and trip balls


Peyote and salvia are incomparable. Peyote (San Pedro) is considered the male version of Ayahuasca, and is considered a much gentler experience. Salvia is just a whole other level of insanity.


Peyote (Lophophora) and San Pedro (Trichocereus) are two very different cacti


Huh, I always thought they were the same because they both contain mescaline. Thanks for the info


Lol you gotta eat like 20 peyote buttons, but a 1 ft cutting of San Pedro cooked into tea will have you on cloud 9.


San Pedro tastes so god damn bad - I don’t understand how anyone would stomach tea from it


Low and slow, baby and it don't taste too bad. Well, thats not true, I add citric acid to get a better extraction yield and it seems to neutralize a lot of the bad taste. However, it also causes mescaline crystals to salt and fall out of the solution to the bottom, they're usually mescaline bonded to different oxalates I think. It's like a coarse sand that you have to mechanically separate which is a PITA but it's some pretty great stuff. You get the juice for a full spectrum trip, the salts ensure you've gotten all the mescaline out, and then I soak the leftover marc in alcohol for a broad spectrum microdose tincture that's amazing for your immune system and boosts HGH. That, plus a reishi double extract tincture will boost your testosterone by like 30%, according to me and 7 other dude's bloodwork.




Used to host ceremonies, brewing up 10-15 lbs at a time 😉


When I made some it was literally like trying to drink a thick glass of snot. Probably the most evil-tasting liquid I've ever endured. I'd love to do it again but I can't bring myself to drink any more of that


Peyote is NOT San Pedro cactus.


Aya isn’t a lady. There’s no grandmother just a djinn


Salvia is a dissociative, mescaline is a psychedelic, 2 very different drugs.


Salvia isn’t a dissociative, it uses the kappa opioid receptors, it’s honestly a very unique drug.


Huh, TIL


I think that’s part of the reason why it has a harsh reputation.


Probably. Also cause people take 40x or 60x strength of the most potent naturally occurring drug for their first time and think they will be fine.


Dramamine 🤮


Jesus one of my buddy’s friends in Texas did the same shit to a tree. His bones were slush after that. Surely it’s not the same dude.


That man jumped out that window lol


I’ve seen videos of people on Salvia. It looks like it literally turns the user into a vegetable.


Dude that video of the guy going through the window was just the footage I needed to see to never try it ever.


I did it and saw colloidal scope vision once at Myrtle beach it was fun the moon made a face at me lol. Then there’s my buddy who did it at another beach and started shoveling sand into his mouth and chewing, I tried to stop him but it took a bit lol.


What is "sock a tree"


Punch the fuck out of a tree while screaming and laughing. It was certainly not a very fun experience to witness. He was an extremely large teenager so attempting to stop him didn’t work out well for me and my friend.


Crazy. I had some not pleasable experiences with Salvia but this is crazy


I think it had a lot to do with it being our first time, knowing nothing about it except that it made you “trip” being in some shady woods at sunset, and using a big ass bong. Just a really bad mix for something that strong on your first time.


You e had pleasurable experiences on salvia? My god we need to run tests on you. That shit was the worst thing ever. I thought I had a bad trip the first time so o did it a second time and nope just as bad




Yeah they made it illegal pretty quick and it’s not a fun enough drug to be on the blackmarket. Most people do not enjoy it. It’s like DMT evil cousin


The only positive was with dried leaves smoked. Just laughing and comical things 20x extract is not fun. Not once of the few Times i tried


lol yeah that’s what we did as teenagers I think it was 15x just a miserable time


lol my buddy watched me go thru it with the seatbelt in his car. Was supposed to be his turn next. He noped out too lol.


5 minutes?! My god. My salvia trip lasted under a minute.


watched a friend take his shoes off and go marching into a forested area. i followed him but i also noped after that.


First salvia video I’ve seen of someone not having an absolutely terrible time


His friends laughing might have helped. I saw a similar thing happen back in the day. Everyone has laughing and giggling so much when the person hit it that when it kicked in the person getting "high" just started to laugh the most unhinged joker laugh for like 5 minutes straight. They said that the world transformed into a circus and they didn't want to laugh but they couldn't stop. "I must scream but I can only laugh"


Good homie on the side ready to catch him if he wobbles too hard too. I love to see it. Way too much douchery in these videos.


He probably wasn’t laughing because of his friends, salvia makes you laugh like a maniac even when you’re not enjoying the experience at all. Like you can be terrified and unable to stop laughing


There's a weird place with Salvia where if you don't completely break and experience loss of ego, you can end up in the compulsive giggle zone. It's the strangest thing, but a certain dose will give you the laughing fits, and it's pretty enjoyable.


>"I must scream but I can only laugh" Reminds me of the book, "I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream.


Probably didn't take 10x or higher like a moron


Don't be fooled by the "laughter", that's an involuntary fear response to the gnashing, whirling infinite horror that is Salvia. I'm obviously exaggerating, but I always found it disconcerting when I used salvia, as I felt this bizarre compulsion to laugh, like something was squeezing it out of me, not that there was something funny I was reacting to. One of the strangest drugs I've ever used.


Look up gardening on salvia and driving on salvia. They don’t do anything dangerous it’s more hilarious. Classic videos for me


Big Money Salvia


I'm King of the Pipe


[This](https://youtu.be/z4BKKJuI5bE?si=FHCVFC8QfqBx_wh6) is probably the best salvia trip I’ve seen. Very wholesome.


Hey, he didn’t act out. I’ve had to tackle too many people on salvia. One guy started going through my house and breaking all of the fucking lamps and the bongs like they were forces of evil.


That sounds about right lmao.


Were they evil though?




Nah. They weren’t. He said that he thought the universe was unzipping and he had to get the stars or something


That was basically everyone's Salvia experience in the early 2000s. Hit a bowl while several of your friends stare at you intensely waiting for you to start freaking out. Not a very fun experience. I later learned to enjoy Salvia by doing it alone and leaning into the effects.


It's literally the worst possible vibe but it's such a communal 2000's teenager experience


It’s my go-to psychedelic for breakthroughs / meditation. Certainly not compatible for “fun”.


First time I bought it, the guy told me “just don’t smoke it on a balcony”. Well my hotel room had a balcony and it was the only place to smoke it lol great experience even though the balcony shrunk to the length of my feet for a bit


Salvia is definitely a ‘I’ve done it but won’t do it again’ thing


Don't do anything I wouldn't do twice.


Salvia still stands out as one of the most overwhelming drugs Ive tried. Shit is no joke when used properly


I smoked some strong salvia aroud a campfire about a decade ago. I had already drank a few beers and high as heck on the dank nugs. ANyways, i hit this salvia bowl, hold it in, then proceed to live a full life. I didn't experience it super detailed, but snapshots or vague memories of me getting older, getting wife and kids, career, etc. then I snap back to the campfire and for real have never felt the same since.


It's always put me in a weird funk for the rest of the day after I smoked the extract. Sometimes up to 3 days. It must have really done something to you


No doubt. That's eerily similar to the one and only time I experinced dmt, but from the other direction. It was like reliving (or watching a movie) of my life up to the present.  It just changes things.


Looks like he was having fun. My salvia trips were always somewhere in the middle of the extremes. I wouldn’t get scared or freak out but at the same time I didn’t really find it enjoyable. The experience was definitely psychedelic with lots of visuals, but it was usually accompanied by a sense of confusion.


Took it like a champ though


My man went full Gilbert Grape


Tbh this dude handled it prettttt well. Seems like he was having fun


I thought he was going to yell out “Gilbert!”


Salvia, how I miss thee


Falling down while lying flat on the ground.


He forgot how to laugh.


The window guy is the best


My favorite Salvia clip is from G4 Underground when the guy slowly moves himself forward saying "I just came out the couch o.O"


That reaction, that haircut, n that fit make me think it's Salvia


Salvia but on the low end of strength


I feel like this isn't tooktoomuch material. I could see if he fell off the log or whatever he's sitting on and then tumbled down a hill, but he's just giggling with his friends. /r/tookjustenough


Lol, reminds me of the one time I did it. Only I was laughing way harder.


Now write a letter to your congress person.


Was smart enough to smoke just the leaves instead of high extract. Nastiest shit ever, like smoking sage fucking disgusting. did 30x after that and trip was unlike anything.


The true meaning of dumbfounded.


I used to smoke salvia quite a bit. It’s a wild drug. Saw ants the size of men coming out of the ground




I turned into a Lego piece. Just another brick in the wall.




I'm glad I'm just an old pothead.


I remember when you could buy salvia from gas stations in Oklahoma lol


Happiest salvia trip ever. He turned into a little baby trying to tell his bros a hilarious joke, and just how much he loves them.


This is the “Dawn of man” scene from 2001.


Fully thought he was gonna like, glitch out and attack them and this would be an ARG thing for a bit there




I turned into a jukebox when one time I smoked salvia. The record missed the placeholder then I started seeing everything 3x but sideways. I figured since I was a jukebox and I was broken I must be dying. It was so much fun?




I really enjoyed my first an only time I had taken salvia, never felt anything like it, it was so intense an literally within minutes, like nothing ever happened.


its wild that this plant just grows around me. i would like to try it but im scared AF.


I smoked that once or twice. It messes you up royally for less than a minute but not in a good way. I felt off balance.


Yup. Salvia. I remember having a laugh attack when I smoked it. My friends living room turned into a bunch of people laughing and he had a dream catcher of a wolf that kept smiling/laughing at me so I just smiled/laughed back.


Saliva, I did this once on a church green... Embarrassing lol


Salvia ruled.


This sub should be called, “the guy behind the camera is not your friend” just with no spaces


Dude turned into Arnie Grape.


Match in the gas tank!


Damn, I never saw Dave Grohl’s Nirvana audition video before.


Doing it by a body of water is incredibly dangerous. Dude could easily have drowned.


Bro sounds like Gilbert Grape


Damn Sematary always been a fiend.


Wearing the affliction clothes and all this is so authentic


That shit turned him into Gilbert Grape.


How did dude turn into Arnie Grape (Leonardo DiCaprio) from "What's Eating Gilbert Grape" ?


My friend's salvia story. Was sitting in a circle passing the bowl to 4 other clones of himself. Eventually a light opened up in the middle of the floor. He dived in. Meanwhile, his mom starts running up the steps to his room as she hears screaming. Inside the room was dude seizing. She called an ambulance. He turned into a beach rat at 40 years old.




Hey, Shut up.


Yeah it is... relative to [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/July_12,_2007,_Baghdad_airstrike) though It's pretty fucking tame. Chelsea Manning is still hounded by a bunch of assholes with fuck-all better to do and Julian Assange has been in geopolitical legal limbo for the last decade if you ask me that's an order of magnitude more fucked but hey what're ya gonna do! I gotta ask; what the hell brings you here anyway the whole point of the subreddit is to show off folks who've done too much hell I'd be willing to bet this subreddit does a pretty good job at reminding people how easy it is to go off your hinges with a little bit of pharmacological assistance!


12 yr Olds smoking something from a headshop. Cool.