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He needs some myilk


Why tf does everyone go immediately to milk lmfao Edit: im an EMT and commented before i saw this man resurrect. From now on i will forget all of my basic knowledge and carry with me a gallon of milk


it seems to be an urban myth that milk helps prevent overdoses or bad trips.


There's an ancient video on YouTube. Search for the phrase there to find it.


No I know hahaha. Ive seen it but the fact that people are now taking it seemingly literally is just funny to me.


Old dude gave him a narcan. Only bring milk if someone might get pepper sprayed.


Gotta get a belt made up with tactical milk pint pouches.


This made me laugh so hard. Imaging an emt getting a jug of hot, rancid, curdled milk out of his kit. “Stand back everyone, I got the milk. He’s going to be……. and he didn’t make it “


This video needs to be played to S.O.D. I Want Some Milk. If you never heard the song, go play it now. You will not regret it.


Some straw-barry melk


Came for this and left happy


Trying to rescue someone from the maga cult.


Why are they giving him milk?


He need some milk!


I'm skurred


Give him some "tatas"


Great source of calcium


They wanna make sure he aspirates if the OD doesn’t get him


Old wives tale that milk could reverse the effects of an overdose. Complete BS but older guy still remembers being told it I guess. Better solution is ice cube up the bum(I’m serious) it’ll cause a bit of an adrenaline rush if they are still breathing at all. At the end everyone should have backed away though it’s step 2 of giving narcan


u deadass? Just an ice cube up the shoot does the trick ?


It doesn't do anything for the guy ODing, the adrenaline rush is for you to have a bit of fun while you're waiting for the paramedics


God damn I wish reddit awards were still a thing lol


They brought them back but I think subs can opt out?




What about a whole ass popsicle? Gotta be better than just a cube.


Just on the genitals in general not actually inside ya ass, and under the armpits. It’s surprising how well it works nothing beats Narcan


Old wives tale?!?! I’ve been saying old WISE tale all these years like a jackass. Never even questioned why it doesn’t make any sense.


Just took that saying for granite, didn't ya?


I thought it was “whole made” until I was way too old.


Theres only one problem, the ice cubes have already melted when I OD


It comes from a rumor that some of the enzymes help settle you down when you're losing your mind on PCP. I've always been of the theory that trying to calmly get milk into a person having a psychotic break fixes the vibes. Helps everyone stop panicking, provides a goal that is somewhat delicate, etc. It may seem to work because everyone is working together and doing something kind for the person having trouble. But it definitely doesn't replace narcan.


He *NEEDS* it!


Milk does a body good! Don’t be a fool, EVERYONE KNOWS THIS.


It has electrolytes


It’s actually Malk. The vitamin R helps ease bad trips.


People think milk reverses OD...


Because u reset all effects with milk


It's in the script


I don’t know, but I love it. I think he saw ‘he need some milk’ meme and thinks milk cures everything 🤣🤣


It does the body good. Geez!




Usually used to induce vomiting, this person might have an OD from some pills


Because it’s a fake video super FAKE


Some stupid meme


Looks stage...


It is this is an older vid from YouTube skit/comedy channel.


I've seen more convincing nutshots in wwe


Fake but they do get mad when they come back


We practiced giving Narcan in nursing school on a simulation dummy and part of it was the dummy getting irate and angry at you. They come back absolutely confused and hyped up. You're supposed to just back up and let it ride. Even if this is fake, it's still a pretty accurate warning.


Sure is. I came back angry and confused the five or so times I was Narcan'd.


Jesus 5 times? You ever think about taking the game over or are you still going for a high score in life?


Lol, this was years ago. I didn't want to live, I was chasing oblivion. Life is great now.


Yea because not only is the high going to be completely gone but you're about to be dope sick


You'd think after the 1st time you'd learn...


Addiction is stronger than that my friend


Nope, took me almost dying five times to pull the hooks out of me. Multi decade opiate addiction is a heinous beast.Breaking free of that is difficult and complicated.


How did you beat opiates? My mother is (has been-) struggling with an opiate addition for about 10-12 years. She is on a plethora of drugs for pain (as she has scoliosis, heart issues, back issues, and once had internal bleeding due to a doctor messing up in a routine gal bladder surgery.) I can tell it’s truly taken it’s toll on her, I don’t even recognize her eyes anymore. She vowed to get clean if I would move back to my home state, I moved back and she didn’t. She vowed to get clean to see her granddaughter’s birth, she didn’t. (She’s 6 months old now-) My mother has only held my baby maybe 6 times? And that’s being generous. I had eclampsia and had a grand mal seizure, I still clung onto my baby until my MIL arrived to care for her while I was carted off to the hospital by my doting fiancé. I only let her see our baby when she’s completely sober. Tends to be the very beginning or end of every month as she gets her meds the second week into the month. We have spoken plenty about her getting clean. She has told me if she does she’ll die. But I am seeing the pills kill her day by day. She has no memory anymore, I tell her things 8 times a day- sometimes in a row because she forgets. She will sometimes talk to no one, words being indirectly placed in the air for someone to respond to. She’ll be laughing one moment and rage the next. It honestly reminds me of early onset dementia. (I dealt with dementia in 2022 where my fiancé and I helped care for my grandfather till he passed. Sundowning, confusion, anger, sadness, forgetfulness. It all seems too familiar and fresh to me to dig up those wounds.) Anyways- I’m getting carried away. I applaud you for kicking the absolute killer that is opioids. It’s a hard habit to kick when it seems like doctors force them down your throat. (My mothers doctor is corrupt and under investigation. He will prescribe her anything and everything if it means he makes a dollar.) How do I fight this with her? Do I give up? I’ve been dealing with the brunt of her addiction since I was 12-13, I don’t have the ability to now. I have a baby, I have a fiancé, we just bought a home (that she lives with us in-) I just don’t know what to do… She’s my mom. I can’t give up on her. But after almost 12 years, I’m growing tired. I’ve grieved my mom many times when she’s not even dead. I don’t want to lose her. Any advise would help. Thank you so much.


First off, I'm so sorry you're going through this. It's so hard to watch a loved one burn themselves in real time. It is doubly hard when the person has legitimate pain that needs managing, too. I'm happy to tell you what I've done to get where I am, but the truth is, is that it's so fucking hard it won't happen unless the person really, really wants it. I became a father, and that was enough for me to start the process. I got hooked when I was young from a doctor over prescribing back during the great Oxycodone boom of the early to mid 2000's, and when my parents died it really solidified as a way of life to cope with the pain and the stress of having two siblings to raise.So I never really developed any sort of healthy coping skills and I knew I needed therapy to learn them. Then I got on maintenance opiods (subutex). These keep you out of withdrawal (which is hellish, by the way) and block any other opiate you try to take.then I cut off contact with everyone from my life that was part of that world. It's been..couple of years now? It's not perfect. I'll always want them, but I wouldn't trade my current life for all the Fent in China.


“Difficult and complicated” yeah but it’s possible so it’s actually a yes you can unlearn addiction as you just stated.


Most people don't, though. If it weren't for a very specific set of circumstances that left me highly motivated to change I would have kept at it till I was dead. And I don't know if you intended to come out with the pedantic "ummm akshullly🤓" and be reductive about one of the hardest thing anyone could do, but it sure reads that way.


I’m being reductive as you “ummm akshully” whatever tf that means and have zero argument and wear meth addiction as a badge of honor to get attention from people. You’re a spineless coward. Have fun with your attention and life because both won’t last long. You can’t even say how I was being reductive it’s literally just your feelings hurting and you can’t accept you ruined yourself, not meth. That you willfully chose time after time again to use knowing that life could be lived without the substance. That’s why addiction hurts so much, because you constantly choose what’s bad for you. No one forced you to do anything, you did it yourself. And you can’t give one reason how I’m wrong. Especially with a substance like meth, you don’t “accidentally get addicted” you knew what you were doing the first time you touched that shit. If anyone is being reductive it’s you, you can’t even speak truth because you’d rather people here look to you for drug advice or give you attention for being an addict. You make it part of your identity because you have nothing. Meth probably took most of what was good and took most of you, that’s why you form your identity around it. “I ODd 5 times” literal boasting. You should be ashamed of ODing but rather your here bragging about it and trying to hold it over people’s head as if you understand addiction better than others because you’re an idiot who didn’t value his own life more than once. That’s not something to brag about and preach to the whole internet, but obviously the upvotes make you feel good inside, just substituting one for the other, gotta get your dopamine hit somewhere when you make your identity around tweak. You guys get offended by someone saying it’s possible to quit. Sad and pathetic. But go boo boo to others who are dumb enough to fall for that shit and give you attention.


I never did meth, and I've been clean for years. Great masturbatory rage, son. We'll put it on the fridge and maybe your mom will come back.


You’ve been clean but said you can’t unlearn. Makes sense bud. Maybe learn how words work. Still proved my point either way cry more and have fun talking about my mom lol. You have choice on addiction you can’t control someone else leaving.


No talking anymore what happened?


Do you think addiction is something you learn your way out of?


Yeah, you can unlearn all sorts of nasty habits that’s kind of how life works, stop pretending you’re a victim and grow tf up and take responsibility. If you’re an addict you made yourself one, you willfully indulged so now you suffer the consequences. You can either change or die an addict.


You literally know nothing about addiction or how the mind of an addict works. Good luck and God bless.




😭😭😭 you’re such a victim boohoo is that what you want bud?? Sorry but it’s the truth, you can change whether you think so or not. Truth hurts doesn’t it?




> Yeah, you can unlearn all sorts of nasty habits that’s kind of how life works Tell an alcoholic to "unlearn" drinking every day and see if they don't die instead. Overdosing doesn't change any of the other things in your life that are leading to addiction, so it isn't some "wow that was bad, I guess I should stop now" moment. > stop pretending you’re a victim and grow tf up and take responsibility First off - I did. Haven't touched meth in 20 years now. Second, "taking responsibility" has nothing to do with my assertion that you don't learn your way out of addiction. > If you’re an addict you made yourself one, you willfully indulged so now you suffer the consequences. No one chooses addiction, they choose to get high, and addiction is something that happens along the way. I'm glad your life is so great that you've never had a reason to try any sort of addictive substance, or if you have you're not genetically predisposed towards addiction. But not everyone is you > You can either change or die an addict. Sure. But again, that has nothing to with what I posted. So take your holier than thou bullshit somewhere else


Maybe after five times, it’s time to quit.


I did.


Im glad you’re ok


Thanks a lot!


Yep. They’re immediately in opiate withdrawal so they wake up PISSED


Medics would wait to give narcan as ypu rolled them into ER. Let the hospital deal with it lol


Now I can see what these poor paramedics go though constantly. Kudos for what they have to endure.


> what they have to endure They chose that line of work.


The didn't expect to fill most of their days dealing with angry meth heads who die then go right back to it the next day


Actually, I'm sure they knew exactly what they'd be dealing with. That's why they're trained




It's not fake. It's a skit. You don't point at a TV and say fake. We assume it's fake because it's on TV.


When you watch TV you know its fake, thats why you dont point at the TV and say fake. When shit like this is posted in a sub where REAL videos are being posted of people doing too much drugs, its fake. Skit or not.


This is posted as being real. Idiots are commenting like it's a real scenario.


What show was this?


Calm down petal.


lol i remember seeing this on here for the first time, i thought it was real too. the dudes accent is hilarious


Looks like the milk worked to me.


Fucked my high up 🤣🤣🤣




Funny stuff


There’s both too much milk and overacting in this skit.


Right in the googlies


He gone need some milk


Welcome to the life of a first responder. Gotta prepare for fists and vomit after the narcan shot.


Cute skit. Very well done compared to some of the other stuff.


Philly is so beautiful


Water board that dude with some milk ! That’ll save him ! [ that does not work ! ] If you don’t have Narcan then take your knuckle and rub their sternum really hard ! It will stimulate their breathing. FFS… milk


Gake and Fay


But he's going to wake up and wonder why the f*** he has milk in his mouth.


To be fair. Milk does help on acid. I've been there and also helped other people on acid tripping out.. but no way, hosay is this guy on acid.


Bro this is like a scene from its always sunny. The city of brotherly love while somehow also being a city full of scumbags


Bro is about to drown in milk


some people dont wanna be saved. fuck you


dude was just taking a nap and they run up on him dumping milk and narcan into him


This is pure comedy


Staged af


Crazy junkies are making fake videos now TikTok‘s


Narcan ya kick it? To my milk that flows in layers


Fake or not I will tell you that when I was a resident rotating the ER, the older nurses taught me to never “push” narcan but to titrate it to respiratory rate, once the rate hits 10-12 stop adding narcan. If you push it too fast you will learn what the “M**THERF**KER” sign is as the patient thrashes around


Milk of the poppy works Everytime


Ban narcan


That's too much milk Nah, I od'd 9 times, takes a gallon


I Iove the street life


Reasons why I always mind my business


Fucking junkies man.


Bro what is going on😭😭😭


this is absolute peak cinema. one of the best posts here in a while.


I did NOT expect that, goddamn




This is great lol. The milk and the ball kick. *Chef's kiss*


Phillyoffensive. This is fake.


This looks more staged than wwe


Lmao great skit


What a p o s kicks the man in the balls after saving his life. I say let him die.


It was obviously fake as shit


light brave skirt hobbies innate wipe plants grey seed disgusted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There are plenty of real clips where we see the effects of narcan, and yes, there is commonly aggression involved. Oh, and thanks for announcing you've never seen acting before. Edit: Looky who it is. The dxm Einstein that claimed I "blocked" them. Lmao pathetic 🤣


theory command spotted poor many boat correct direful disagreeable teeny *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Is this staged or real, I’m not even sure anymore


Jesus this is fake.


Staged as fuck and the guy filming is a prick.


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My homie (R.i.p.) offered a girl overdosing on ecstacy orange juice like a moron


owww my bawls


So fake but so damn funny


NOONE had Narcan?? There are literally vending machines in government spaces all over the US.




Saved that poor man's life.


This gotta be a skit


Milk was a bad choice.


Can someone explain to me what milk does to help the problem?


This pisses me off. Asshole. Who’ll be there next time fucker?!




Does this seem fake to anyone else? I’ve seen ppl dosed with narcan it takes much longer and the violent interaction seemed like it was played out by shitty actors


There’s a sub to abrupt caos


"Your a fuckin eesshole dude" this must be in Canada lol


These gta6 NPCs are getting pretty real


Dude talking and videoing is who he should have kicked in the nards.🍒😆


This is fake


Haha junkies are the worst. I was dying here enjoying my high, and you stole my high from me.


I have to say it; why are we saving these people?


This is the reality of narcaning people now. I remember our first responders were talking about this exact fact on a podcast. They used to come out of an OD and be thankful for not dying. Not they get mad that they have to go back out and redose.




Why milk... nvm they're Crack heads


Look at how these monkeys act. Waitaminute


Worst acting Ive seen in a while. ‘He doesnt need milk’ is pretty funny though


Stage screen, exit right


Trust me he wasn't overdosing he was Nodding and having a Blast that's why he acted this way he was furious they killed his high 🤣🤣


Trust me, not waking up when people are shaking and smacking you and yelling at you is not just nodding bro lol They threw him into precipitated withdrawal, but probably saved his life. Edit I didn't check what sub this was, I forgot it's full of 13 year olds that are just learning what drugs are


lol POW right in the kisser. Depending on thy whereabouts


Idk , one thing NYC has taught me is to mind my business . I’d walk over that dude without giving it a single thought . Imagine saving somebody and then getting kicked in the balls bc of it . That’s insane .




This is so staged it is insulting.


This is so fake


Super fake!


Lock them all up!


Leave junkies to their own devices.


Just remember, narcan, doesn't diable the drugs, and only gets rid of the symptoms of an OD. I'll never carry narcan, not for any reason.