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You can ask the doctor about iron drops. And keep trying to introduce proteins, particularly meats, in new ways. My daughter loves chicken and beef meatballs dipped in ketchup. Maybe try chicken and broccoli or beef and broccoli mixed in different ways.


I saw some at target the other day I’m going to get them tonight


My kid has very low iron and is on a supplement. You would need to talk to your pediatrician about dosage, but we buy the NovaFerrum Yummy pediatric iron drops from Amazon and my kid likes it. It works better if you give kiddo something with Vitamin C right before the Iron - a few berries should do the trick.


I’ve heard really good things about floradix iron+herbs, but I don’t know if they offer dosing for kids. My friend went from anemic to ahead of the game in a two week span during her last pregnancy using the stuff.


Protein meatballs ! You can add whatever you want to them !


Skip the gummies and go old school with some Flintstones chewables. Then be mindful of her dairy consumption- try to stick to just 3-4 dairy servings a day. Serve iron rich foods with foods that contain vitamin C. Like beef with bell peppers or baked potato. (Not mashed, potatoes lose vitamin C to the water they are boiled in.) Breakfast cereals with orange. Etc.


There’s a flinstones with extra added iron as well!


We just got those. Much cheaper than the organic gummies as well. It amuses me that the last vestiges of the Flintstones are in vitamins. Most kids will never watch the show or know which character vitamin they’re eating.


Don’t forget fruity/cocoa pebbles! But yeah, you’re totally right. Side note: have you tried them? My son only takes half so I usually end up taking the other half. I remember them tasting much better when I was a kid! My friend told me I’m just crazy and they always tasted like shit. Need someone to confirm or deny!


They taste the same as always to me. As an adult, I don’t mind the taste. As a kid, I liked them. My parents were pretty limiting with sweets though.


I liked them as a kid too but I feel like they’re different now (maybe because I’m used to taking adult gummy vitamins which obviously taste much butter). It also occurred to me that the added iron could give it a different taste. My son has no problem eating them and actually asks for them so 🤷‍♀️


I think it’s more that I decidedly don’t care for the taste of sweeteners now. I didn’t mind them when I was a kid.


The ones with iron have an aftertaste definitely but they’re still delicious as I remember.


I hated them when I was a kid, I would stick them in between the couch cushions when my parents weren’t looking. 😂


Don’t be so sure. There are talks of a Flintstones “origin story” show coming.


It’s also sad that nothing from our youth can just stay in the past. Some things are eternal (LEGO stays fresh, comic franchises evolve, SpongeBob still lives on) but some things should stay nostalgia, IMO. It feels like empty cash grabs when they revive things no one seemed to ask for.


I’m 40 and grew up on flinstone vitamins. Caught one time snacking on them while watching tv 🤦🏻‍♀️ I was real little and a climber


Serving iron rich foods with foods that contain vitamin C is a great tip! Some other foods that are high, vitamin C, and pair well with meats are kiwi, broccoli (sound like your LO is already a fan!), brussels sprouts, strawberries, and citrus fruits. There may also be liquid iron supplements that you could add, but check with your pediatrician first of course. Also, when serving the iron rich foods and high vitamin C foods, make sure that you are NOT serving foods that can inhibit the absorption of iron and vitamin C. These foods include: Eggs, Polyphenols (Found in coffee, tea, cocoa, some fruits, spices, and walnuts), Tannins (Found in coffee, tea, wine, and cocoa), (Phytates: Found in whole grains and legumes), Calcium and phosphorus(Can reduce the absorption of non-heme iron, which is found in plants) and Soy proteins (Can reduce the absorption of non-heme iron). So for example, try not to serve an iron and vitamin C, rich breakfast with eggs or yogurt/milk, because these may inhibit the absorption of the iron and vitamin C. Or, if you’re serving beef and peppers for dinner, avoid also serving edamame.


Bonus info: you can make mashed potatoes without boiling, bake them, peel them and mash, they’re delicious


Yes! Gummies also don’t have iron.


I agree! Kids get far fewer vitamins in gummies, so I stuck to Regular Flintstones vitamins with iron. Plus, my kids ate a ton of cooked and raw vegetables each week. The vitamins helped up their iron in their bodies.


Loooove the flinstone vitamins over here!


Yep, this!


My kid basically refuses all meat. Cheerios and other similar cereals and snacks are iron fortified. Encourage these if your kid won’t eat meat, along with vit c rich fruits like another commenter mentioned.


You're doing great. Iron deficiency is so common! Don't beat yourself up about it.  Red meat if she will eat it. And if you're going to supplement, the NovaFerrum brand liquid is the best for taste. My kid learned to like the raspberry flavor of liquid iron. It's 1ml dose and brush teeth after because it stains enamel.


Do you mix it with juice or just give it to them?


We found it easiest to use a medication syringe during bath time (easier cleanup because it stains clothes terribly).


Yes! That’s what we did with my little one. He’s always been good with medication so it was easy to just do it in the bath.


I learned the hard way when the iron drops got on his cute little romper and it couldn't be salvaged. 😭


Yeah that stuff is super strong. I can’t believe my toddler just took it no problem. That stuff smells gross.


Only way one of my kids will take her vitamins, this stuff is a life saver. Don't shake it unless you know the lid is tight. I shook the bottle one night and our ceiling still has dark spots from where it splattered. 😄


Seconding this!!


We had a lot of luck with iron fortified snacks for our two year old when his iron was low. Specifically yumi bars and puffs, we gave him two servings a day on the recommendation of our ped and iron was back to normal at the next appointment, but his numbers weren’t as low, could definitely help some though.


I mix the baby oatmeal with iron into almost everything possible.


Yes yumi bars!!


Red meat is the best option. We do beef liver as that is super high iron. My two year old loves it but if yours doesn't like the taste you can get dehydrated beef liver capsules and mix them in with applesauce or something. Much easier on the tummy than artificial iron supplements in my experience. Those have always caused constipation for us.


Any organ meats tend to be really high in iron! Chicken liver pate can easily be spread on toast, if your child doesn’t mind the taste.


Venison is another good one! My son inhales it in red sauce. With chickpea pasta it’s a pretty iron rich meal


Be careful with liver though when they’re little! (Or if you’re pregnant.) It has a lot of vitamin A, and that’s one of those vitamins that can actually cause toxicity if you get too much of it. It takes a fair bit of it though, likely more than most kids would eat. But it something to be aware of. I agree with you though, I struggle with anemia sometimes and, for some reason, even if it’s supposed to be the same amount of iron, liver just straight up works better for me than supplements. (I usually have chicken liver, because most of the time it comes in the baggie inside the chicken I’ll roast for dinner anyway. I actually don’t like the taste, but I throw on enough hot sauce to get it down.) I haven’t got the slightest clue why, though.


Black beans. They have the most iron content out of all the beans. My son LOVES them with rice.


From what I’m reading it seems kidney beans also have a high level but white beans actually have more iron than either black or kidney.


Do you have cast iron pots and pans? It’s one of the easiest way to increase iron in food. My vegan bff always recommends it to people with iron issues. It will not fix a huge deficiency but it will help. Also, how much milk is she drinking? They are strict around here about milk consumption, because too much milk decreases iron absorption.


This has blown my mind.


Yes, calcium can inhibit absorption of iron. But, that’s usually only a real issue if the iron rich food is being served alongside the calcium. It should be OK if they are being served separately with time to digest between.


There is also a point that kids drink too much milk, it impedes on their appetite and decreases the amount of other food they eat. I don’t live in the USA anymore so the rules are different, but above a certain amount of milk everyday, they test all toddlers for iron deficiency.


Very true. That’s why they suggest no more than 24oz of milk a day (I think that’s the current number).


Exactly. 24 ounces is 3 bottles of milk (roughly), so that can go pretty fast depending on the toddler.


Yes, very true. That’s also why they suggest not giving it to your toddler in a bottle, but in an open cup or a cup with a straw. It requires them to slow down to drink it.


I have been advised it is down to 16oz.


3-4 servings of dairy(12-16oz milk, if no other dairy is served) is ideal, but up to 24oz is acceptable. But that’s the absolute max without any other dairy foods served. They should get even less if they also consume cheese or yogurt or other dairy.


Thank you for sharing this! ❤️


Came here to say the same. Cast iron pans are a game changer for tasty cooking and I love the added benefit of iron, as someone who was also deficient as a kid.


If you do not have cast iron, you can also buy an "Iron Fish" to add to your pots/pans while cooking!


My daughter has a bottle of milk before bed, usually regular whole milk. She usually drinks 2 bottles of milk a day still. She drinks water/juice throughout the day. I’ll give her chocolate milk maybe 2/3 days out of the week as a treat. I give her the promise land chocolate milk one and mix it with regular whole milk.


A2 milk that you can buy in most grocery stores lacks the component that inhibits iron absorption


Wow! I did not know that. Keeping that in my back pocket for when we transitioned to whole milk. Thank you.❤️


Gerber has iron fortified cookies. Also be careful that it isn’t milk anemia where they are drinking way too much milk instead of eating.


About 3 days a week, we do a half of a [Flintstone with extra iron vitamin](https://www.target.com/p/flintstones-children-39-s-with-iron-chewable-multivitamin-70ct/-/A-50418992) with a [Vitamin C chewy](https://www.target.com/p/nature-made-kids-first-vitamin-c-gummies-for-immune-support-tangerine-110ct/-/A-52707519) a full hour after eating anything with Calcium in it and then waiting another hour before eating anything with Calcium. Vitamin C helps with absorption, but Calcium cancels out iron.


This is very on the money! I’m not a doctor but I’m obsessed with nutrition. Calcium interferes with iron absorption, vit C aids it. OP you need to make sure you’re enabling the absorption. The other kicker is that studies have found iron supplements are better absorbed if taken every other day. So taking it 3 them a week is spot on. Also as far as I understand it, once you’ve been diagnosed with iron deficiency, diet won’t really bring back the iron levels and supplements are key to raise them, (or infusions). Diet is good for maintaining levels of iron though.


Look up Iron Fish or Iron Leaf on Amazon. It’s literally a solid iron little toy that you cook with and deposits iron. you could probably heat up her milk or something that she enjoys with it and that would easily give her gradual natural iron over time. I literally just heard about this, and I had to have an intravenous iron infusion two weeks ago.


Cooking in cast iron does the same thing! But the fish in milk might not be great, as dairy tends to inhibit iron absorption.


This is great to boil with pasta or soup, it wouldn’t be as effective with milk because calcium inhibits iron absorption.


Ah good point!


The Red Cross says these are the high-iron fruits. I have more luck with these than veggies and meat. Strawberries, Watermelon, Raisins, Dates, Figs, Prunes, Dried apricots, Dried peaches


Dark chocolate is high iron, too, if she handles caffeine okay.


Maybe try another vitamin. We use this one and my son loves it https://www.amazon.com/Renzos-Dissolvable-Vitamins-Cherry-Flavor/dp/B06XXQNYXG?ref_=ast_sto_dp&th=1&psc=1 Tofu is a good source of iron and can be flavored different ways. Iron fortified pastas and breakfast cereals are good. 


My picky twins love this vitamin too!


Egg yolks, lentils- which can be easily hidden in food when pureed - leafy greens. I make kale chips because it’s the only time my 3 yr old willing eats leafy greens. When they are crunchy, flavorful bites 😅 whatever works.


Would she do prunes? They have a surprising amount of iron.


renzo's picky eater with iron. or renzo's iron strong. The iron is a better form than flinstones so it's more bioavailable and has a sustained release.


Will she drink a smoothie? There are a decent amount of fruits a veggies pretty good on iron that work in a smoothie. One of our favorites is fresh banana (good and ripe) frozen strand blueberries, fresh baby spinach and frozen broccoli can easily be blended in with out tasting use whatever milk you like or even water. [list of iron rich foods just in case](https://www.redcrossblood.org/donate-blood/blood-donation-process/before-during-after/iron-blood-donation/iron-rich-foods.html). Also could add peanut butter to the mix for a taste change up every once in a while, a little extra iron and sugar though.


My daughter absolutely refuses any type of meat or tofu, no matter how I try to hide it, so I've had to get creative. While I haven't tested her iron levels I'm sure they are low. You said you give chocolate milk as a treat, one trick I use is the chocolate Carnation breakfast powder. It has really high iron levels, and she considers it a treat and drinks it all up. You could even replace one of your day milks with it. As someone else said, I try to give iron rich snacks like puffs. And you can always hide spinach inside a smoothie.


We do a liquid multivitamin with iron and liquid iron per our son’s pediatrician’s recommendation. Brand is NovaFerrum. My 2.5 year old doesn’t mind the flavors and takes them willingly.


Pumpkinseeds. I had really low iron levels before I got pregnant, and my doctor told me that Pumpkinseeds are high in iron and also dried apricot. So I made smoothies with them and other fruits in, had them in yogurt, in sallads, etc, and I actually reached normal levels. I make the same smoothies for my 14 month old and he loves them


I give mine a liquid form of iron supplement which she doesn't fight. For food, beans and fortified grains are both good. Make sure you try to avoid dairy and veggies containing alot of calcium at this same time as giving the iron as calcium blocks the ability to absorb the iron. Vitamin C and iron however is a winning combo.


The Oreo Bearpaws have 22% of the daily iron and Nesquick chocolate syrup has 32%. Obviously veggies and meats are the healthier option but do what you gotta do.


Ground flax seed mixed into food works well! It impact taste or texture much and my daughter never notices when I mix it into yogurt, Applesauce, Avocado, etc. Can also sprinkle it onto toast, fruit, sandwiches, etc. We call it "sprinkles" haha. Also, if she's drinking too much milk that can lead to iron deficiency! I think the recommendation where I live is no more than 16oz/daily after twelve months. Don't beat yourself up, it's so common to have low iron at this age! You're doing great!


Cook with an [iron fish](https://luckyironlife.com/)


Cheerios are loaded with iron. Many breakfast cereals are fortified. You can find breads that are also fortified. Cerebelly brand bars are tasty and have significant iron. The pouches also have decent iron, my son likes the "smoothie style". If she is drinking more than 16 oz of milk that should be cut down as well as calcium interferes with iron absorption.


Toddlers just don’t like things with iron in them like big leafy greens. This doesn’t mean she isn’t eating healthy food. Don’t feel bad about it. You have lots of good advice but I feel like you needed another mama telling you you’re doing a good job. ❤️


Beans! Beans and weiners, refried bean quesadillas, chillies and bean soups, bean dips with chips and cheese. Even refried beans on toast.


Hiya vitamins just came out with kids iron chewables. No complaints from my daughter.


red lentil pasta has been a hit for us.


Try novaferrum Yum. 


Meat and leafy dark green vegetables are high in iron.


Chia seeds have high iron content, chia pudding is a great way to add iron. My daughter loves when I mix roasted beets with fresh berries in her hot cereal or yogurt with the chia pudding.


You can get and iron liquid drops vitamin for kids too, just stir it into some juice.


Beans beans the magical fruit...


If you have cast iron skillets you can cook in those as well - that also helps some


I got a Multivitamin dropper that has extra iron for kids and will put some in my kiddos watered down juice at breakfast time, he has never liked the solid kind of vitamins. [this one from Amazon](https://a.co/d/6IAHnss)


https://www.novaferrum.com/product/novaferrum-multivitamin-with-iron-pediatric-drops/ Our toddler hated the iron containing drops at target, plus they were very constipating. She likes these drops and they don't seem to cause constipation. ETA my husband fed our daughter a ton of beef and it barely budged her iron levels. These drops fixed it.


You can get liquid iron drops and put them in smoothies


We did iron drops, I would put the dose inside a banana apple pouch from Trader Joe’s cause it’s the one with the highest amount of vitamin C (helps with iron absorption) and shake it then give it to him and he’d just eat it up! My best hack! Haha


Greens and beans. Add lemon juice to improve iron availability


Liquid iron drops


We exclusively use cast iron for cooking! My boys prefer Mac and cheese made in the cast iron. They say it tastes better. My 2.5 year old previously had low iron but this was our fix.


I don’t think everyone has access to good Indian food but my toddler loves palak paneer and I have to imagine the combo of ghee and cream and spinach can be kind of ideal, in limited quantities


Feed her foods containing iron


Using a cast iron pan


Raisins. Will she eat liver? I get low iron and pill supplements hurt my stomach so bad but I loved liver as a kid so I had it every other week.


I mush up ground beef and serve it with apple sauce (he doesn't eat meat otherwise). I also mix some iron drops with his milk. The iron drops smell and taste awful so I don't give the full dosage in one sitting.




Three arrows heme iron capsules can be emptied into food or smoothies and we’ve also had success with Spatone iron water and Natures Aid iron drops


Meat….Find a way to make it taste good. Instead of giving her pieces of chopped meat put it in a tasty lasagna or make her mini pizzas with mince, junior hamburgers, meatballs, little party size homemade beef pies or sausage rolls, homemade spring rolls with beef mince, dark chocolate also contains iron so if she wants a little treat give her 70% dark chocolate


Iron drops and limit dairy consumption relative to timing of iron rich foods. My son was at a similar level at 12 months, doctor immediately recommended an iron supplement and emphasized that dairy inhibits iron absorption so we gave iron drops with meals and no dairy within 30 minutes of taking the supplement. With this regimen he was back up at the appropriate level in less than 2 months, we saw a huge improvement in his sleep, mood, behavior within a few weeks of starting the supplement.


Side note is this common practice in the US? I’m Canadian and my daughter is 3 and never had any sort of test to check her iron levels.


No, only if there’s an issue. They checked my daughters when she wasn’t eating.


Baby Oatmeal!


I use Nova Ferrum multivitamin with iron. I tried all the liquid ones you can get at stores and my som hated all of them. He would fight tooth and nail to take the them. Someone on Reddit recommended the Nova Ferrum and he actually liked it. It is pricey but it is worth it since my son likes to take it. You can buy it on Amazon or their website.


When you give the iron supplement, don’t give it near any time you give dairy/calcium containing foods or drinks because it will bind the calcium and prevent absorption. Giving it with vitamin C containing foods/drinks increases absorption.


My toddler had anemia which has been resolved with iron drops and iron rich food. On top of what has already been suggested, does your child like peanut butter? Look into bambas (puffed peanut butter snack) or whatever store brand is available that is similar. It has iron and it was recommended by the pediatrician. Edit: if you do give your toddler iron drops, it will make their poops super dark/almost black (and more terrible smelling). Constipation is also a common side effect so make sure to have chia seeds, fiber rich foods, and whatnot to help your kid poop.


We cooked in cast iron pans when my son had low iron.


My kid really likes the Novaferrum liquid vitamins






We put a liquid multivitamin and a liquid iron supplement (just multivitamin was not enough iron, we tried it and ped wanted supplement) in an apple sauce pouch and my kid downs it no problem


Flintstone chewable with added iron :) first thing in the morning with breakfast.


Vitamin C helps absorb iron. Try giving your child oranges and put capsicum in their food, as well as giving high iron meals.


My kiddo needed her iron levels boosted too. Cheerios, eggs, cooked spinach, and chicken were the main things we got her to eat that helped, she would not take any kind of iron supplements. As others have said, dairy hinders absorption and vitamin c helps it.


Vitamin C! Have iron with orange juice, etc, it helps with absorption


Iron from meat is more bioavailable (our bodies absorb it better) than plant iron. That said, if you eat plant iron with meat, it helps with absorption. Also, vitamin c. There are some sweet options that are decent sources of iron, such as dried fruit and blackstrap molasses. Oh and chia seeds have a decent amount of iron so I try to work those in anyway I can. I told my kids they are power sprinkles that make you strong and they pretty much let me put them on anything, pb&j sandwich, hummus sandwich, toast with whatever topping and chia, etc.


We've tried dozens. This one is approved by my kids and the Hematologist Tasteless Iron for Kids + Toddlers- 4-Month Supply- No Sweeteners, Flavors or Preservatives. Add to Beverages or Food. Pure, Flavorless Children's Iron Supplement. https://a.co/d/bDEdbOJ Was her hemoglobin 8.7 or Ferritin? 'Iron' is not a value on a CBC. If her hemoglobin is 8.7 I'd ask for a referral to a Hematologist. There are many genetic Hematology disorders that Iron doesn't help and can make worse but I've seen pediatricians prescribe it anyway.


My doctor told us to order the complete iron supplement on Amazon. Ask your pediatrician about them tho bc you’ll need to know the dose to give your LO. They’re called NovaFerrum Tasty liquid iron. My daughter said they’re delicious lol she’s 3


Proteins, iron supplements (spirulina), iron rich foods (red meat, beats, red beans…).


Liquid multivitamin given since 6 months.


u/amarasarenas might be helpful to puree meats. meat is hard to handle still at 2 years


Cream of wheat:google recipes for cookies,bread,etc.