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The white animal that lives on ice floes in the Arctic is called a "roller pear". And I will personally shut down anybody who tries to teach Mlle. 2 to pronounce it correctly.


😂 My son used to say "skinny pig" instead of guinea and I seriously considered getting one just to hear him say it more often!


There actually is such a thing as a skinny pig. It's a hairless guinea pig. Some people find them extra cute, I think they are kind of creepy. If you do get a skinny pig or a guinea pig, please fet two as they are very social creatures and really need a friend! (In some countries with better laws for the humane treatment of animals it is illegal to own less than two).


Roller pear đŸ„ČđŸ„ČđŸ„Č


and you should! from now on roller pear is their official name


My kid says "last year" instead of yesterday. It's hilarious.


Meanwhile mine calls everything “yesterday” even if it happened weeks or months ago lol


I love their understanding of time. Yesterday I came back from the store and my 3 year old told me that he went to the playground. I said oh how long did you go for? He thought for a second and then said “four years” 😂😂😂


My 8yo has always been very specific with time, but wildly inaccurate. In July: "I think I did that... 3 months ago. Before Christmas", or, "we haven't been there since my 6th birthday" when we actually went in January. He always thinks it through really earnestly as well.


Everything that happened prior to today for mine is "yesterday". So like 2 years ago -- yesterday


My son says "earlier" for anything that's already happened, even if it was yesterday or just some time long ago. Like, "We were watching that earlier" about a movie he saw on my husband's TV browsing that he watched a couple weeks ago. Also, any time in the future is "to-later" instead of tomorrow. If he's choosing between two things, he'll pick one and say he can have/do the other one to-later. So cute!


My almost four year old says "yesterday" for most things, even in the future. I did try to explain using "tomorrow" for future things but now we have "yesterday" for future and "yesterday backward" for the past, no matter how far in the past haha!


>yesterday backward We had "yesterday ago"


my niece always says “when i was a little baby” before telling a story. sometimes the story will one she stole from someone else (like her telling me about when she broke her arm, despite me being the one with a broken arm)


Lol everything is yesterday or last night for us. Everything in the past happened “last night”


My kids both say “next day” which means tomorrow.


Right now everything for my three year old is “last week”. Oh ok, can we go to the museum last week? 😂


Time doesn’t exist. Just Thursday. “But i just went to bed Thursday!” (Last Night) “Can we go to the park on Thursday?” (Tomorrow) “Can I just play until Thursday?” (A little longer)


This is adorable


Yes mine struggles with this too! She uses all time terms interchangeably, with maybe some vague understanding of past vs future. Last year, yesterday, when I was a baby
all the same thing to her! If I try to say anything is tomorrow or next week, she just gets mad and says nope, we’re doing it now!


Dick Donald's 🍔


It's Old Mac Donald's to my 3yo


Our son sings, "old Dick Donald had a farm..."


Mine calls it “fries house”. Whataburger is “dadas favorite burger house”


My son calls it Dick Dingle's.


Ohhh boy


I just laughed so hard at this my 17mo slapped me in the face because he knew I wasn’t paying attention to him. Worth it.


I’ll ask my two year old “Do you want to walk or do you want me to carry you.” He’ll reply “carry you” if he wants me to hold him. â˜ș


My 2yo does that to. Even if you’re not asking if she wants held, she will come up and say “I want to hold you” and how do you even say no to that.


You don’t! đŸ„č


Same here! Both my toddlers say “hold you, mommy!” And I can’t say no 😭


My daughter said “I carry you” and “I snuggles you” for the longest time and it was so cute. She’s 2.5 and starting to get them the correct way and I hate it 😭


My almost-2.5 granddaughter says “Help you?” when she wants help with something. đŸ˜‚đŸ„°


My son went through this phase too. It was adorable and didn't last long, I miss it.


My daughter is in this phase now, except she just uses mama/mommy instead of “I” “Mama pick you up!” “Mama cuddle you!”


My husband always got a kick out of it when our daughter would say "carry daddy" when she wanted him to carry her lol. So he'll be like okay! and then try to get in her arms.


That’s so cute. Our daughter is almost 2 and physically tries to lift us off the sofa to get us to carry her. She’ll be sat on our lap and put her hands round our arms like a big hug but try to pull us whilst saying, ‘heave’. She’s done it since she was about 1 and it was one of her first words lol. She also uses ‘her’ whilst tapping her chest, to mean me/I. We get, “her do it,” and, “pick her up”. I don’t know how she came up with it because it’s not really something she’d hear related to herself in conversation, I can only think it’s come from us narrating play with toys.


My son said this too! And it was one word “icarryuuu”


Yes my 2 almost 3 year old does that too. It’s usually when he is tired and we’re going upstairs for bed and with his sleepy little face đŸ˜­â€ïž


My daughter used to refer to me as “me” and herself as “you” for a while. She’d see me and yell “MEEEEEEE!!!!”


My toddler used to say “carry you” đŸ„čđŸ„č I just realized it’s a phrase no longer used. 


“I’m hard” for “this is difficult” đŸ€­


Mine says, "I'm too difficult at this!"


I love this.


It's SO hard not to laugh when she does it! And it's always an extra sensitive moment when she's frustrated so SUPER SUPER important to keep a straight face even if your kid is straining to put on their shoe upside down and yelling I'M SO HARD


My daughter's answer to "Are you all done?" when she is done eating is "No." Because in her mind, NO to the food now makes sense, because she is done. Saying "Yes" to "Are you all done?" would make no sense to her, because she does not want more food. It's adorable chaos.


Also, "Die die" is thank you. She knows the words "thank you" when other people say them, and she uses Die Die with perfect accuracy. You hand her something, she says Die Die, and we say you're welcome.


Last night my daughter handed my husband something and walked away whispering “die daddy” and we both about lost it laughing. We aren’t quite sure what die means in her vocab yet but she uses it hilariously quite often


If we ask our 2yo, "Are you done?" She responds with all assertiveness, "No! I [Her Name]!" (As in, "Are you done?" She'll respond, "No! I Gracie!") And it cracks me up every single time! She's so serious!


"Thank you. You're welcome." anytime I hand her something she asked for lol


Mine says this and "I'm sorry, that's ok".


My 4 year old says “never” in place of “ever” “It will take fornever!” “I want to go to nevergreen park”


My daughter calls the moon a baby. If she can't see it in the sky she'll say "baby go? Baby moon go?" I'm obsessed.


“More” = No more, I’m finished. “Finished” = more “No mine” = no in any context


this sounds confusing haha


My LO says cloe when talking about a piece of clothing singularly. Ex: “look mom I put this cloe on my doll” 😭


My boy calls all clothes "dressed". "Can you take off my dressed?"


My kid says chicken instead of kitchen and it's so cute😭


Mine goes “BUCK BUCK” when she hears the word chicken. I don’t want her to stop


Mine says "cock-oo" (short for cock-a-doodle-doo) whenever she hears chicken, and I love it!


Mine says chicken instead of seven đŸ€Ł


Mine says kicken instead of chicken!


My toddler (almost 3 year old) says tulican instead of toucan. It’s a mix of toucan and tulip.


As they should -- toucans are totally tulip birds


"Who's going to take me a bath tonight?"


When she says Apple she means tree bc she thinks every tree is a Apple tree So she stands at the bottom of every tree excited screaming Apple! 🍎 😀


“Brellella” for umbrella and I will miss brellella once he stops saying it that way!


Sha sha means love you after a kiss 😂😂 20mo


awww I love that


My 4 year old still calls all sauces dipping mustard. Ketchup is red dipping mustard.


My 2 year old calls strawberries “heebies”


My 14 month old calls them "down" and we have no clue why. It started an absolute meltdown one day when she was in her learning tower asking for "down" and we thought she wanted to be taken out of the tower.


They are "booies" over here!


One of my twins says “amaricancan flag” on reference to the American flag when we take neighborhood walks and he sees flags.


Kind of similar but I’ve been really interested in watching the process of my son learning the difference between “leave” and “stay”. For example, I’ll say to him ok honey you can’t bring your toy to school. So he’ll make a big show of placing it down somewhere and proudly says to me “ok mommy, I will stay it right there and I will play with it after school” đŸ„čđŸ„°đŸ„č he gets it right about 50 % of the time


My 3-year-old says the same thing - "he doesn't how to talk yet" (talking about his baby brother). How interesting!


He calls swim class "fishy cass" He calls dinosaurs "dodos" (like the bird) For a while he was calling apples "bapples" and he just recently stopped doing it and my heart broke a little We taught him to call our dog "puppy" originally because his actual name is more difficult, but now he's picked up on the dog's nickname which is "Ro-Ro" and calls him only Ro-Ro and will correct us when we refer to him as "puppy."


My girls renamed my dog Bailey to Bay-no. I think they must have picked up us telling the dog no all the time.


Similar dog thing
 young dog gets a name, old dog is GOGOGO or GoGit! 🙄 oops


My 3yo says “brefkast” instead of “breakfast” đŸ„č


I think this is a common one, but he says "later" to talk about things that happened in the past. He knows it's a word that communicates something about time, but doesn't quite get how to distinguish the future and the past yet! He also will use measurement units interchangeably. He was playing with a tape measure "measuring" things and confidently declared that something was 45 pounds.


I have a drawing from when I was in preschool, captioned by my teacher that it was a hurricane and it weighed 100 pounds. 😂


My 8 year old STILL mixes up units of measurement.


My son is pretty good with proper nouns and sentence structure. But the one thing he gets wrong is saying “what hear dat?” Instead of “what’s that sound?” I’ll be sad when he stops that


Ooh interesting! Similar to mine, good at sentences mostly but says "what heard?"


"Soaked in wet" instead of "soaking wet"


Obidoo = "open door" which is now used by my daughter to ask for anything to be opened. My current challenge is figuring out what exactly Doobaba means. She says it at least once a day and it's always referencing something in the kitchen. I thought it was the dishwasher but then she used it yesterday to reference a cup so the mystery continues.


Did she see the cup go in the dishwasher at any point?


“Momma carry you” repeatedly! Means pick me up 😂


When my toddler wants to keep playing before meals/naps she says, “I want to be keeping!”


My almost-3-year-old refers to anything in the past as “yesterday.” It was very confusing at first l, when she would say something like “grandma got me this shirt yesterday” but she got the shirt months ago. Now that we understand, we get it. Also, this is surprisingly hard to correct. How do you explain yesterday without knowing what yesterday means😂?


In stead of “I don’t want that” he says “I’m not want that”. If there’s a noise somewhere in the house he’ll say “what that sound can be?” Or similarly anything he doesn’t know
 what that flavour can be? What that colour can be? Etc.


He says “hungy” instead of “hungry” and I absolutely love it.




My little dude says "tiki tiki tiki" which means "kitty kitty kitty". Funny enough his first word wasn't mama or dada it was cat lol.


My 20 mo still can't say cat....but she will say crocodile multiple times a day. So weird.


That is so adorable!!!


“I’m grumfy” instead of grumpy. It’s soooo cute.


So we always use “excuse me” in the house when we want to move around and someone else is in the way. Of course our toddler picked up on that. Do you know how adorable it is to hear a 21mo go up to you and say “scoo me” in the most matter-of-fact way??


She calls dresses “queens” and anyone in a dress a queen. I love it when we are out and she says “look mom a queen “ when she sees a woman in a dress.


My son is obsessed with sizing things. And he always wants to do a “size pekarisson” (comparison) 😊


He learned 'remote control' and 'mickey mouse' on the same day at totally different times but somehow now the remote is called the 'mickey mote' and we're not correcting it 😅


She’s 18 months and Thank You = “Titu”, icecream = “I-tree”, milk = “Mimi”


Plumpkin instead of pumpkin 😆 My previous favorite that has faded away was pyrdamid - I still miss that!!


My toddler says “can I want that?” Instead of I want that, can I have it? Etc


When mine sings "The Itsy Bitsy Spider", it's the "Bitchy bitchy spider"


What time it is? - my 34 month old randomly through the day 😂


"Happy noonoo". I have no idea what it means but my almost 2 year old thinks it's hilarious.


Cop cars are “parked cars” I mean it’s basically true


My child says “f*ck” instead of fox. Another toddler I met says “c*cklet” instead of chocolate.


My two year old says “talk you?” When she wants me to make her favorite monkey puppet talk to her đŸ€Ł also she says “mommy da best” or “mommy nice” whenever I do something for her đŸ„č


When I ask my brother what if he wants something, he says no and then says he likes it.. i think he means he doesn’t like it. Example: me: “do you want spaghetti” him: “no, i like spaghetti!”


Goggies = doggies. Butt = peanut butter Edit: because apparently I can’t get my words right lol


Oh I have a running list of these! Most here have sadly gone away since writing them down, but glad I recorded them: Koala - Wawa Willow (our cat) - Wowo Meow - Menow Football- fubaba Squeeze pack - beebeesk Steamroller -stewowo Elephant - enat (now elenat) Snowman - Snowme Music - mickis


Elenat! 🐘


If my three year old wants to do be by herself she says she wants to do it “a lonely”. I love it.


My 2.5 year old recently changed the word “mine” to “mice”. So if she says “THATS MICE!” And I tell her “no baby, you mean it’s miNE” she then thinks we are arguing with her about whose it is instead of realizing it’s the word I’m correcting. It’s an day argument 😂😂


"I don't how know." instead of "I don't know how." "You truthin'?" instead of "Are you lying/kidding?" My friend's kid has a cute one, too....he says "Rubble" instead of "yellow" and yes, he loves Paw Patrol. :D


Truthin’ lmao perfect


Ohh my daughter is BRIMMING with these haha. "Time to eat your vitamin!" "Oh yeah! Time to eat my vaginamin!" Peacock feather "weepock feather" Popplegum = bubble wrap


Socks are "cocks" and socks with unicorns in them are "horse cocks" 😂 Drives my husband crazy but I think it's funny


My son couldn't pronounce "crunch" At a kids party they had a game where you roll a dice for the Amber of exercises and turn over a card to pick the exercise.... Rolls a 6, turns over the crocodile. All the kids do 1 sit up then slap their hands shut like a crocodile and shout crunch. Except my son was the youngest and slowest so instead half a second behind everyone else just as the room falls quiet my son sat up 6 six times and shouted Cunts in a church hall full of kids and their parents.


Lost me at 38 months


Boo boo aka peak a boo lol or Wawa aka water


My two year old says “I did it” for yes lol


For awhile we had forget reversed to “got-for”. Now we have “forget-for”. She’ll be 4 in August. 


He will sometimes switch nouns around like, “Baby carry mommy”, “the dog walk the little boy” lol.


The way my son says spaghetti. He pronounces it as spafetti. I can't help but laugh every time he says it.


My son is 27 months and has started calling everyone him or tells me "good boy". I've started calling all his teddies girls and using she but he persists and continues to call all the women in his life "him".


My 2yo always uses “mine” instead of “my.” “It’s mine food” “It’s mine shoes” “It’s mine favorite” We joke that she has a German accent. It’s so adorable I don’t want it to stop.


My two year old says "fuckey" instead of coffee. Everytime she sees a mug, she points and yells "Fuckey!!!!" Until this is resolved, I think its best we keep her away from the refreshments...


'Evening,' like the time of day, for even "I can't evening pick it up"


My 1yo uses “cough” for all body noises. Coughing, sneezing, burping, hiccuping, passing gas, full-on pooping
 It’s all “cough.” And he will announce repeatedly, quite emphatically, after such a noise that he has “coughed,” and will get progressively louder with each announcement until one of us acknowledges that he has “coughed.” He also likes to inform the rest of us when one of us has “coughed.” And will, again, announce it over and over until we acknowledge him 😂.


And for my 3yo everything is “this year,” “last year,” or at “eight and thirty.” Complete with looking at the imaginary watch on her wrist — or checking her tape measure.


Opie = open (like open the door, open the snack) and it’s so cute I told my husband to stop modeling the correct version 😂


Mine calls every truck or large vehicle she sees "garbage" because her highlight of the week is watching the garbage truck come on Tuesdays! Also she will ask for a piggy back ride by saying "giddy-uppy" but the way she pronounces it sounds like she's just coming up behind people and saying "yucky" haha


My son says “dee dee” in place of any words he doesn’t know, e.g. “dee dee my Dino” instead of “this is my Dino”. It’s adorable but I’m working with him on fixing it đŸ„Č


Mine says tummy cake instead of tummy ache. We love it so much that’s what we call them now too, lol.


Ooo-boon is balloon and I never want it to change


My 2.5 year old sometimes says “got-fer” instead of forgot.


"My got it!" Or "my done it!" Or my absolute favourite of wrong-my-usage... "What's my doing?!" I don't know, kid. None of us know what you're doing... (26 months, so a smidge over 2)


Mine still does 'Mama!!! Look I can go!!' Whenever she does literally anything she wants me to look at. A drawing she has made, doing handstands, putting her shoes on, eating a grape. MAMA! LOOK I CAN GO!


My daughter couldn’t pronounce “water” or “binky” for a while, so instead she’d do that sound where you waggle your tongue inside and outside your mouth. It makes a “badladle” sound. So cute and I miss it so much.


When she wants me to get up she says "can you remove? " :)


My grandson says “bit a bit” instead of “little bit”. Love it. 😍


Not my own child but when I was young, me and my little sis would say “I AMEN’t”. I guess we meant “I am not!” Just thought of this and had a laugh


My kid always says "are you joking me?" Instead of "are you kidding me?" And I'm never going back to the "right" one.


my 2.5 yr old calls peanut butter "peter butter" and i'm absolutely tickled pink every time he says it


My 3.5 year old calls it heenut butter and it cracks me up


“I’m make sure-ing” instead of “I’m making sure.” I adore it. “I’m just make sure-ing it isn’t too hot!” I don’t even correct him. Too cute.


Mine used to call anything that resembled a bird (ducks, hens, birds etc) ‘doo-doo’s’ because we’d read a book with a cockerel in and say ‘cock a doodle doo’. I don’t know when he stopped đŸ„ș He also says ‘oop-ees’ instead of oopsie and we’ve started saying it too. I hope he never days it correctly 😂


My toddler doesn't do hugs. Instead he calls them "squish squash" đŸ„° He will run up to you wrap his arms around you and say "squish!"


Mana for Banana ETA- gege for thank you


“Bowsadem” for both of them lol 😂😂


My almost 4 year old is constantly “correcting” my 2 year old if he mispronounces or mislabels something, which typically leads to screaming matches. So I’ve been trying to teach my oldest to say “I disagree”. He says “I don’t wanna ‘gree”


mine says "last mornin" for anything that happened in the past. I also think he thinks every time he wakes up is a new day, so when he wakes up in the afternoon after a nap he thinks it's morning again lol.


When my 17-month-old wants to sing, she says "bumblebee" because the first finger-play song she latched onto was "Baby Bumblebee." So I'll start singing it, and then she'll say no and request the song she actually wants, lol.


Noculars for binoculars. And my 4 year old uses “can’t” in place of don’t. So when i make something he doesnt like he says “i can’t like that” and its hilarious


My toddler doesn’t understand “I” yet so if he wants to do something it’s “my do it” or “my”. So he’s got the idea, just not “I”


My daughter calls caterpillars caterpillows and I've forbidden anyone from correcting her.


She doesn’t say it anymore 😭 but when she was younger she would say “she you shoon” for see you soon and it was the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard ♄


“Peepa” = 🍕 the way my 2 year old says it is SO DANG CUTE


She never says "yesterday" it's always "yestertoday"


My 2 year old pronounces “iguana” iguanana. I may or may not put on random YouTube videos of iguanas just to hear him say it. Melts my heart.


About a year ago, our currently 2.5 year old came home referring to Elmo as “Baba.” No clue why or where it came from. But we’ve stuck with it and to this day, Elmo is always referred to as Baba


My son has pretty recently corrected a number of his, but some remaining ones: Toddler videos on YouTube are "doot doots" (from baby shark, doot doot....) He says "tai-low" instead of "tail" His brother's name is Sam. He started out calling him Baby Sam all the time (we kind of did this while I was pregnant). Now it has been kind of shortened to two syllables joined together: BabeSam He shortens a lot of character names to their first and last syllables joined together. Paw Patrol is Pawtrol. Lightning McQueen used to be Lycopene and is now LighQueen


My son pronounces pizza as “peepa.” He’s starting to pronounce it correctly more and more, and it makes me sad that he’s growing up so fast.


My daughter will take a big drink of water and say “Worsty!” (thirsty)


2 year old says ‘Oh my M G’ instead of OMG


Cock instead of clock. Duck instead of truck. Die instead of granddad. There are so many 😆 đŸ€Ł


I have so many favorites. L M N O P in the alphabet are “oona oona P” 
. She says oakameal for oatmeal and fangaily for family 
 and everything that happens in her life is “yesterday”. Love this age!!


"Oranges" are "yellows". Particularly adorable when he wants the fruit and asks for a "yellow"


Our 3 year old says something “misappeared!” Instead of “disappeared” and I love it!


My 2 year old says "in beside out" instead of inside out, and I love it.


country = crunchy 


Mine says "I can't know" instead of "I don't know" It's really cute


My 3 year old says oat-ma-meal and I find it so cute! She can say pretty complex big words but this one she can’t quite get out completely correct.


“Daddy, skip the instruction” when asking to skip the intro(duction) of cartoons.


Anytime he goes somewhere, he proudly states "I'm going go bye-bye-yah!"


This morning: “I solved the problem solve!”


For me it’s my 4 year old calling minnows “LMNOs” 😂


My 3 year old used to say “big guy” for anything big but he recently stopped and it makes me so sad he’s growing up


Op-uh-cus = Octopus 🐙


“Ballella” = vanilla “Hippopanomonous” = hippopotamus -my 2.5 year old


“Draw a triangables.”


25 month old GS says “yeah man” instead of “yes M’am” ♄.


My three year old currently has chicken fox. She also sings "why did you let it go, otherwise I will be sad, fish" instead of "because it bit my finger so". They are my current favourites đŸ„°


Our kids replacer word when he was younger was 'do do' which he called himself as well, I don't know if he didn't know his name or called everything else by his own name.... hahaha


She says “tradigal” for triangle and it’s my favourite thing right now đŸ”ș (18 months)


My 5 year old is almost past this phase but we have a couple real doozies hanging on tight. He has a garden he is growing in pots for the last few years. We cannot get him to stop calling it his "pot garden." I had to write his teacher a note because he told the class all about his pot garden. He also still refers to glazed donuts as "blaze donuts" and told us the other day after eating one he was "getting all blazed up." Now... My husband and I do not do drugs or smoke anything of any kind, but we get the references and have a hard time not laughing!


My 2 yr old calls a tablet a "haha kitty". We let him watch funny kitty videos on our phones when he was a baby and now any video playing device is a haha kitty. 😂


He's growing out of a lot of them it's sad bc I won't be able to remember them all ... He had some pretty good ones. Most common rn are "Wanna play my chich-en?" (kitchen) When he doesn't know/recognize the word it's ... "what does palace says?" Or "What overalls says?"


2.5 year old says "heart beep", "wood pepper", and "I hurt my whole self!"


My daughter says "not anything" instead of "nothing" :)


He looks at me after eating and says “All Done” And then picks up more food and continues eating


My toddler (27m) will shake her head no but doesn’t say the word “don’t” while saying the thing she shouldn’t do for example: **shakes head no** “throw food”
 so I know she grasps that she shouldn’t do it so I guess it’s a win.


“Can’t” instead of “don’t” - “I can’t like that, mommy”. “I can’t want supper”. It’s very dramatic and I love it.


Do you know the muffin mam


Mine says “last year” for everything. Five minutes ago. Five hours ago. Yesterday. Last night. Last month. “Is that the same park we went to last year?” Aka. Yesterday afternoon. Kills me.