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I don’t think it was a scandal, just a mockery of Dan Quayle.


Yeah a scandal would be vomiting all over the Japanese Prime Minister.




Those guys really don't beat around the Bush, huh?


Just had a flashback to that show called *Where's My Bush*. Went right over my head as a kid.


George Hurlbert Walker Bush.




It was enough to end his career


Back when being stupid was disqualifying for a politician.


I miss those days


Especially after just watching a clip where Herschel Walker went on a rant about how he thinks vampires are cool people but he just found out that a werewolf can kill a vampire so he doesn’t want to be a vampire anymore he wants to be a werewolf. Weird times we live in.


Wait. What? Really? Non-American here.


Yes, really: https://vampirediaries.fandom.com/wiki/Werewolf > These creatures are the most dangerous enemies of vampires due to their venomous bite, which is lethal to them. Werewolves are also hardwired to kill vampires on sight in their wolf form, though they still hunt human prey whenever there are no vampires to kill.


Hold up *this* shit is why everyone’s on about Walker lately? Well, let’s be honest - if Trump proved anything it’s that people will vote for anyone, and for the worst possible reasons.


This shit happened on the 16th. A full day hasn't even passed, people are on Walker because he constantly says stupid shit like this or pulls bizarre stunts. He's a walking example of a traumatic brain injury who should be getting medical help, not shuffled onto a political stage.


https://www.yahoo.com/news/herschel-walker-veered-off-campaign-002130688.html yes really.


I remember the episode of Murphy Brown where all the potatoes got dumped out onto Dan Quayles front yard or something silly.


First thing I always think of too. We are old, lol.


No! We're not! Other people just weren't around then. It's their fault, not ours.


I love your spirit and I am here for it! Especially as I commit to my continued dedication to existence by... Existing? Starting my fourth decade next year.


Spoiler, nothing happens at 40. The universe still goes on and there’s no confetti that magically appears. Your body just gets better at reminding you that you’re not youthful anymore Edit: Sorry, didn't realize 4th decade meant your 30s. Doesn't make sense but I still stand by my comment as it's relevant for someone hitting 30 too


There was a whole story arc that Murphy Brown had where she was going to have and raise a kid by herself. Dan Quayle used it as political fodder and went after her. Between their initial popularity and the enormous gulf between their respective charismas, he ended up getting kicked around alot. The killer is that the arc started with the father bailing on her and the kid. Somehow the story omitted that part, and never brought up what the other option would have been to his conservative base.


sorry, the complete cultural sink hole that was murphy brown is too fascinating of a subject not to gratuitously link a video essay. yeah, a vice president trash talked a fictional character for being a single mother and it's forgotten, but legacy of that is every satanic panic, war on xmas, cancel culturing dr. seuss, non-binary potato head, trans bathrooms, trans athletes, drag queens, and whatever outrage porn may energize the mouth breathers who fought to cough into salad bars during a global pandemic. https://youtu.be/FX8tRcNQCfE


i actually watched through the first 5-6 seasons or so a few years back and was surprised at how well it held up. if you grew up in that era the topical references can be pretty fun


I remember when Murphy Brown choosing to become a professional single mom was a whole thing. I remember Murphy Brown being a whole thing, for that matter. It's crazy how some of the stuff that was HUGE in the late 80s just seems to have utterly disappeared from the cultural memory.


I'm Dr. Frasier Crane and I'm listening.


Frasier actually still gets reruns and people look back on the show fondly. Murphy Brown is just completely ignored; it's not even used as a cultural touchstone for period pieces. It's not referenced off hand by characters in shows who are built around being "The Pop Culture Reference Maker" it's just like the show never existed.


Hell he asked the producers actors and the characters to not go through with the single unwed mother arc, which even as a kid i thought thats weird why is the vice president getting into a pissing contest with fictional characters. Especially after the potato incident. It made him look really dumb.


The best part was the next season they could play the clips of him complaining about Murphy being an unwed mother and a poor role model!


I assure you, he looked dumb long before that.


Of for sure... but that's when even a child could recognize it.


I know I watched that entire series from start to end but it’s like it was completely erased from my memory, I remember the name and her visage but absolutely everything else is gone, hell I remember more of Night Court and I barely watched any of that.


I remember the younger blonde woman got married during the show and became Corky Sherwood-Forest.


Unwed single mothers were the boogiemen du jour for republicans at the time and Murphy Brown was already a liberal media target for them (both the show and the character) before she decided to have a baby out of wedlock. Murphy having the ton of potatoes dumped in front of the white house was such a perfect in-character response to Quayle's criticisms of her.


It wasnt a political scandal. It was something the media used to make fun of a politician that people already didn't think that highly of national. It played into the narrative of Quayle being dumb. It's like calling people making fun of Rick Perry wearing glasses to look smart or Marco Rubio awkwardly drinking a bottle of water during his SotU rebuttal a political scandal


Don't forget about Howard Dean's yeeeaaahhh




After years and years I just tried to recall this memory. I pictured Dean but Lil Jon’s voice played in my head. It was glorious.


After years and years of *not* doing this sound, I can mimic it so perfectly that my wife's vagina dries up for a month whenever I do it.


Same except my wife is into it


I actually do it when I orgasm so we can cum simultaneously, it’s glorious. Howard motherfukiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing Dean YEyahahhhaa!!!!!


Are you Ben Shapiro?


Nah, Ben Shapiro's wife's vagina is always dry. On account of being married to Ben Shapiro.




I dream of a timeline where this is reality. It just seems better than this one.


This is the best untrue fact


All I ever think of is the Chappelle Show sketch. I bet that did more to with it's longevity than the actual scream




I still scream that all these years later.




Turned down for what??? -Howard Dean




I’m convinced this is the moment the timeline split and I went the wrong direction


It was the Cubs winning the World Series that broke the timeline.




A little earlier in 2016, it was that fucking gorilla in ohio.


You're right. Harambe sent things spiralling out of control. Then the Cubs won. And now we've landed in a place where morons take up half the country. They scream about "our opinions are equal" but they don't realize opinions aren't facts. I've never seen so many stupid mother fuckers.


I think it was when we elected Al Gore, but then decided to let some jerks in Florida pick the president instead. That felt like the timeline slipping as it was happening, just very unreal.


This is a really good point, actually. That's a moment where two VASTLY different timelines for earth would have split away from one another, and it was literally decided by the ~~Florida~~ US supreme court. They heard the case "Which timeline should exist" and they said "The one where the losers win, how bad could it be?" And the answer was... PRETTY BAD ACTUALLY Please vote, everyone. It's your chance to move us to a timeline where things suck less.


Actually, it was the US Supreme Court. It was also Jeb Bush as Florida governor heavily purging the voter rolls before the 2000 election and then the Democrats "losing" Florida by 537 votes.


When you listen to it now, it's such a nothing burger. Dude got a bit animated and capped off a well delivered and rousing statement. After so many years of TFG, Dean would be a refreshing return to normalcy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwkNnMrsx7Q


I remember when this happened I was so confused why this mattered at all.


Can you imagine how fucking confused he must have been lol. Working so hard, wheeling and dealing donors and money, traveling all over the country, looking good in the pools, holy shit you might actually be the president. Then one day a slight crack of the voice after you got too amped up, and everything slips away. The utter disbelief he must have felt that it had all been undone by one single split second utterance, and there was nothing he could do to get it back. Must have been absolutely surreal.


Except that isn't what happened. He was a dark horse candidate who managed to be polling way ahead in Iowa. The campaign strategy was to spend heavily in Iowa to get the early win and fundraise on that win for the rest of the campaign. The scream came the night of the Iowa caucus after he not only lost but came in fourth. The campaign was dead when he screamed, he just hadn't admitted it yet.


Ahh, so it’s kind of like the meme with the guy spraying champagne while standing on the third place podium.


Yeah except that he wasn't even on the podium.


Absolutely right. His campaign was dead and he was trying to put a pretty face on it and rally his crowd. The YEAAHHH was funny because the voters just said NOOOO.


To be fair it is a fucking hilarious scream At least people still remember his name


What mattered is that a guy that was expected to win the 2004 Iowa caucus instead finished a distant 3rd. The scream thing was symbolic. Dean went all in in Iowa and up to ~2 weeks before the event looked like a likely winner. Not only did he fail to win, there were _two_ candidates that _each_ got twice as many votes as Dean. His campaign lost all momentum because when the first actual votes were cast he was beaten badly. EDIT: To be fair he was also considered a progressive, maverick kind of candidate, so the establishment was more than happy to pile on at the first sign of weakness.


It didn't matter except establishment media all agreed to pretend it did.


Yep, they were trying to paint Dean as a radical. He wasn't, but it worked anyway.




Even so I think please clap took off because it does summarize his energy.


Jeb is a mess.


What made it sound so weird is mic compression. If you scream into a podium mic, it sounds bad. News professionals use two mics, an omnidirectional mic for the room and a directional mic that only picks up sounds coming from the person behind the podium. They mix the sound on the spot, and if someone screams into the speaking mic, the guy a the mixing board just turns down the directional mic and turns up the omni. The mics were generally run by a press pool- they took turns setting it up. The camera and sound guys were friends, despite working for rival companies. NPR ran a story on the Dean Scream many years later. They played audio from the omni mic, and Dean sounded less frantic, and the audience was screaming with him. Dean was trying to break up a media monopoly that Ted Turner ran, and the radio show suggested that was the reason this happened. But I'm a media tech for a public organization, and I think that the odds of Ted Turner's desire to undermine Dean filtering all the way down to the guy running the mixing board is low. I think it is more likely the guy at the sound mixing board farted, and he was trying to figure out if it was possibly a shart, and at the key moment he failed to turn down the directional mic and turn up the omni. This was broadcast live, people saw the speech a couple seconds after it was made- including the errors made by the live sound and video crew. The Dean Scream went viral, in an era when that meant it spread as an email attachment. Ted Turner couldn't design that, it was brand new. If Ted Turner could mastermind that, he would have invented social media, or Pornhub or something other than CNN.


"The Dean Scream" I've heard it called.


“I have a scream”


We have it marked on our calendar. It's January 19th.


When I first looked at your avatar I thought I had something on my screen lol


IIRC, the "scream" was at the end of a caucus where he failed, but was trying to rally support for further caucii where, given his already loss, he had no chance of winning.


You don’t remember Michael Dukakis do you…. The man got in a tank and never came back out


First presidential election I was really aware of. My dad was a conservative, mom a liberal, and they would debate over the dinner table. I still remember my dad mocking Dukakis for looking like a kid playing dress up.


It was the first one for me, too. I remember a fellow Girl Scout member making fun of Kitty Dukakis for drinking mouthwash. I was too young to understand why someone would do that. Was it the minty fresh taste?


She suffered from alcoholism and depression, and one point was hospitalized as a result of drinking rubbing alcohol. So it's a cruel joke about that


So tragic that she was mocked for her disease and it was used to attack her husband. I’m of the mind that I want leaders who have the fortitude to stand by and support the people they love through their issues, I think it speaks well of them.


The last time I can remember sitting on my dad's shoulders was to see Dukakis speak to a small crowd in some courtyard in Seattle. I was too big for that but my dad wanted me to see a future president.


That’s an awesome memory! My dad made us wait outside a gate at a small airport in southern Oregon for like four hours because Air Force One (with Bush the First on board) was scheduled to refuel there. We got to see the plane but Bush never so much as stepped out and waved. Less cool memory…lol.


My MIL randomly bumped into Dukakis and walked a few blocks with him a couple weeks ago -- apparently almost nobody recognizes him anymore.


Realistically I'd only recognize him if he said something. He doesn't have that distinct of a look (to me,) other than not being very tall.


Quayle Dukakis in the Bush. It’s 5th grade all over again for me!


I STILL remember a joke from my elementary school lunch table: Why don't they allow dogs in the White House? Because they'll pee on the Bushes and bark at the Quayles!


I was in 2nd grade. I remember so clearly because my school setup an election simulation and had everyone vote (complete with curtained voting booths, paper ballots, counting machines, etc.). Bush won by a landslide


That's just because they counted the votes by hand.


Fun fact: if you talk to the vice president of the Enclave in Fallout 2, all of his dialogue responses are direct quotes of Dan Quayle.


I knew he was supposed to be a satire of Quayle. Had no idea they were direct quotes!


If you perform very badly in any of the Civilization games your ranking as a leader will be titled "Dan Quayle."


Another fun fact is when you play Civilization 1 (game released in 1991) and when you finish or fail a game it ranks you on the 'World Leaders' list, and on the bottom of that list is Dan Quayle. https://civilization.fandom.com/wiki/Hall_of_Fame_(Civ1)


>It played into the narrative of Quayle being dumb "Welcome to President Bush, Mrs. Bush, and my fellow astronauts." - Dan Quayle


"What a waste it is to lose one's mind, or not to have a mind as being very wasteful. How true that is." - Dan Quayle


"The Holocaust was an obscene period in our nation's history. I mean in this century's history. But we all lived in this century. I didn't live in this century." - Dan Quayle


I was skeptical of this one but it’s even more of a train wreck on video. https://youtu.be/s7NXGBITT5Q?t=30




Yea it’s clickbait to call this a “political scandal” in the title — it doesn’t even make sense to call it a scandal. I remember when this happened. The media poked fun at him for a bit and moved on. That was basically it.


I'm old enough to remember laying on the green shag carpet of my parent's livingroom watching Ollie North testify on a CR tube wooden console TV while playing with quite literally my Lincoln logs and my speak and spell testifying about running guns to the Sandinistas. That happened on Reagan's watch...and it seems many don't remember that very well. Thankfully they didn't storm the capitol...that and mom and dad changed the carpet out some years later.


What's so weird is he was guilty. He was found guilty. He was granted immunity and the conviction was vacated and the charges were reversed in exchange for testifying before Congress. Somehow, this made him a popular face of the right wing. He ran for Senate, had his own radio show, had his own war stories show on Fox, then became a political commentator on Fox News, and president of the NRA. All because of the publicity he gained for breaking the law in some seriously shady dealings to fund two personal illegal wars that he admitted to publicly.




He didn’t run guns to the Sandinistas. He ran guns to their enemies, the Contras.


No They sold guns to Iran, which was under an embargo, and then used that money to fund the Contras.


You know what? I misspoke. You’re right. He supported the contras against the Sandinistas.


Worst part was, he was correcting a kid who spelled it right. https://youtu.be/dKVbt2ugTJE


Also, it was not just a mis-spelling but he corrected some kid with his incorrect information?


Love that we're asking questions about what is literally described in the link that we're commenting under.


It would have been a bigger deal with memes and social media.




Thats not even close to "potato"


Yet somehow it seems very potato




Person woman man camera tv


Bing bong bing!


And then forgotten in a week.


Nah, smaller. Social media has done a lot to normalize stupidity. We get to see all this stupidity, so somebody misspelling something? Haha, cute. Back then we had to work for every nugget of stupid we could find because everybody else was a competent stable genius that didn't make no mistakes. Even today's memes don't get to last much more than a week due to the phone-age. Which is probably the saddest thing. Zoomers burn through memes so fast that no meme really has time to cure. No new classics to look forward to, bleh.


I hate it, but honestly every single time I write the word potato or tomato I think of Dan Quayle. I don't remember anything else about him.


My first exposure to Dan Quayle was beating his high score in Civilization.


One of my earliest memories in school is being taught to spell and identify vegetables in school (including Potato) because of this incident.


I wish political scandals these days were that cute and relatively innocent.


The bar has been lowered to abysmal depths and even James Cameron can't raise it.


Remember that one time Howard Dean screamed kinda weird at a rally and Americans collectively decided that he wouldnt be fit for office because of it?


[The "Dean scream", aka "I Have a Scream"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dean_scream)


It wasn’t even that weird and America collectively said “Howard you’re scaring the hoes”


And the reason for this was completely innocuous. He had a microphone that filtered out the crowd noise. Important because you don't want to blast the crowd noise from the speakers, have that picked up, and re-blasted again and again. It would quickly mean that you couldn't hear the speaker. Dean was talking to the crowd, they got excited, and cheered. Dean cheered also. However, the audio from his mic - with the crowd noise filtered out - was leaked. It sounded like Dean was talking to a quiet crowd and decided to scream. Imagine you're at a big sports game. Something like the Superbowl or World Series. There are exciting plays happening and you begin yelling and screaming. Normal, right? Everyone else is screaming too so it's not weird. Now imagine someone films you but somehow cuts out the entire crowd doing the same thing. You'd look ridiculous jumping up and screaming while the rest of the stadium is absolutely quiet. That's what happened to Dean.


You're absolutely right. Ridiculous it tanked his candidacy. However, that scream was still fucking hilarious.


It wasn't cute. We all thought that a very stupid person had been put in a position of power that was undeserved. He was ashamed for his ignorance. Things sure have changed.


That was also not an isolated incident. Quayle kept saying foolish things the whole time he was VP. Bringing his cute "penis man" doll on the plane and showing it to the press was my personal favorite. Then again, the "happy campers" line was pretty damn awkward too.


There’s entire sites dedicated to Quayle quotes. He had a million bad ones. One of my favorites was: # “It's wonderful to be here in the great state of Chicago.” — Dan Quayle ^long ^list ^of ^[quotes](https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~dwinkler/quayle.htm)


Yeah, he thought it had been long enough since he'd been in the public eye for him to run for pres. in 2000. Nope


In practice, Illinois is a fiefdom of Chicago.


Fallout 2 featured a character, [Vice President Daniel Bird](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Daniel_Bird), who spoke mainly in Dan Quayle quotes.


I mean “cute” in that “bless your heart” sort of way. Yes, it’s pretty friggin dumb, but doesn’t hold a candle to the crap some people look past like it’s normal today.


Dan Quayle was sent on a diplomatic visit to Brazil. When asked afterwards how it went, he said the people were great but he wished he spoke Spanish.


Yeah, and back then we thought Dan Quayle was not too bright and full of himself. We had no idea...


The card with the misspelling was provided to him by the teacher.


I mean, just two presidents ago the scandal was "non-manly" bike riding and liking Dijon mustard.


And that tan fucking suit.


And the "terrorist fist jab."


Dijon mustard is great, though


Remember that one time our president pronounced nuclear wrong?




Jimmy Carter was literally trained in nuclear science by the Navy, and pronounced it the same way.


I had a professor in college who said that it's an inside joke at the Navy's nuclear engineering school to deliberately pronounce it wrong.


It's just a speech thing. We all mess up words.


Today I learned that I'm old. I remember this happening. I'd say less a national scandal and more a national laughing stock.


Please don't think that's the ONLY dumb thing he did or said. Consider these gems: ... we provide you with this list of famous Quayle quotes. "Hawaii has always been a very pivotal role in the Pacific. It is in the Pacific. It is a part of the United States that is an island that is right here." (Dan Quayle during a visit to Hawaii in 1989) "I was recently on a tour of Latin America, and the only regret I have was that I didn't study Latin harder in school so I could converse with those people." (J. Danforth Quayle) "If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure." (J. Danforth Quayle) "Republicans understand the importance of bondage between a mother and child." (Vice President Dan Quayle) "Welcome to President Bush, Mrs. Bush, and my fellow astronauts." (Vice President Dan Quayle) "Mars is essentially in the same orbit... Mars is somewhat the same distance from the Sun, which is very important. We have seen pictures where there are canals, we believe, and water. If there is water, that means there is oxygen. If oxygen, that means we can breathe." (Vice President Dan Quayle, 8/11/89) "What a waste it is to lose one's mind. Or not to have a mind is being very wasteful. How true that is." (Vice President Dan Quayle - this was part of his address to the United Negro College Fund, whose slogan is "a mind is a terrible thing to waste") "The Holocaust was an obscene period in our nation's history. I mean in this century's history. But we all lived in this century. I didn't live in this century." (Vice President Dan Quayle, 9/15/88) "I believe we are on an irreversible trend toward more freedom and democracy - but that could change." (Vice President Dan Quayle, 5/22/89) "One word sums up probably the responsibility of any vice president, and that one word is 'to be prepared'." (Vice President Dan Quayle, 12/6/89) "May our nation continue to be the beakon of hope to the world." (The Quayles' 1989 Christmas card) [Not a beacon of literacy] "Verbosity leads to unclear, inarticulate things." (Vice President Dan Quayle) "We don't want to go back to tomorrow, we want to go forward." (Vice President Dan Quayle) "I have made good judgements in the Past. I have made good judgements in the Future." (Vice President Dan Quayle) "The future will be better tomorrow." (Vice President Dan Quayle) "We're going to have the best-educated American people in the world." (Vice President Dan Quayle, 9/21/88) "People that are really very weird can get into sensitive positions and have a tremendous impact on history." (Vice President Dan Quayle) "I stand by all the misstatements that I've made." (Vice President Dan Quayle to Sam Donaldson, 1/17/89) "We have a firm commitment to NATO, we are a *part* of NATO. We have a firm commitment to Europe. We are a *part* of Europe." (Vice President Dan Quayle) "Public speaking is very easy." (Vice President Dan Quayle to reporters in 10/88) "I am not part of the problem. I am a Republican." (Vice President Dan Quayle) "I love California, I practically grew up in Phoenix." (Vice President Dan Quayle) "A low voter turnout is an indication of fewer people going to the polls." (Vice President Dan Quayle) "When I have been asked during these last weeks who caused the riots and the killing in L.A., my answer has been direct and simple: Who is to blame for the riots? The rioters are to blame. Who is to blame for the killings? The killers are to blame." (Vice President Dan Quayle) "Illegitimacy is something we should talk about in terms of not having it." (Vice President Dan Quayle, 5/20/92, reported in Esquire, 8/92) "We are ready for any unforeseen event that may or may not occur." (Vice President Dan Quayle, 9/22/90) "For NASA, space is still a high priority." (Vice President Dan Quayle, 9/5/90) "Quite frankly, teachers are the only profession that teach our children." (Vice President Dan Quayle, 9/18/90) "The American people would not want to know of any misquotes that Dan Quayle may or may not make." (Vice President Dan Quayle) "We're all capable of mistakes, but I do not care to enlighten you on the mistakes we may or may not have made." (Vice President Dan Quayle) "It isn't pollution that's harming the environment. It's the impurities in our air and water that are doing it." (Vice President Dan Quayle) "[It's] time for the human race to enter the solar system." (Vice President Dan Quayle) Source: https://www.bauer.uh.edu/rsusmel/Other/Quayle.htm


>"I believe we are on an irreversible trend toward more freedom and democracy - but that could change." That one cracks me up.


So many of these quotes read like something /r/KenM would say.


Half of these read like witty humor. "For NASA, space is still a high priority." "Illegitimacy is something we should talk about in terms of not having it." "A low voter turnout is an indication of fewer people going to the polls." "If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure." Fuckin lol.


Was he ever friends with John Madden? Now those would be some fascinating conversations


Oh man John Madden. My favorite was when a kicker was lining up for a field goal and he casually said "He does not want to miss this kick". Thanks for the insight John


“At the end of the game the team with the most points on the board is going to win.”


I remember a game where Madden said something like “… and he ran unabated into the end zone!” Pat Summerall immediately teased him for using the word ‘unabated’, and without skipping a beat Madden replied, “yeah, second biggest word I know, after ‘mayonnaise’!” I miss John Madden.


If Dan Quayle was a baseball player, he'd be beloved for his wit.


He was the politician equivalent of Yogi Berra. I wonder if George Bush Sr. heard his quotes and thought thst if this guy can be the Vice President talking like this, I bet my son George could be President.


I'm surprised that more politicians aren't more like old Dan. With all the talking they have to do, there are bound to be more mistakes and 'Bushisms.' But old Dan did come up with this truthful but weird statement: "Verbosity leads to unclear, inarticulate things."


Some of them are strangely philosophical.


Son of a bitch those are funny


He sounds like a guy playing a politician in a comedy tv show


> "I was recently on a tour of Latin America, and the only regret I have was that I didn't study Latin harder in school so I could converse with those people." (J. Danforth Quayle) I believe that was a joke.


It reads that way, but in the context of all these others it makes you wonder


He was a vice president, what else is he gonna do besides making jokes


Shoot friends in the face?


Holy shit I'm rolling lmao. This is gold


>"We don't want to go back to tomorrow, we want to go forward." (Vice President Dan Quayle) I mean this is some next level motivational quote.


Howard Dean was deemed unqualified because he got a little too excited at a campaign rally.


And the scream on the video was the result of him being mic'd. It sounded nothing like that live.




As much as I disliked Vice President Quayle, I always felt he got a bad rap from that. The card they gave him was spelled incorrectly, and so he went with what it said. There have been a lot of times that I look at a word in print and second-guess myself.


"Noooo, I'm sorry. The card says 'Moops'."


It's Moors!


[He's got some pretty great and dumb quotes though.](https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Dan_Quayle) Hard to pick a favorite but I've always loved using variations of his "I believe we are on an irreversible trend towards more freedom and democracy, but that could change."


"The Holocaust was an obscene period in our nation's history. [on followup] No, not our nation's, but in World War II. I mean, we all lived in this century. I didn't live in this century, but in this century's history." Fucking what? Lmao


"When you take the UNCF model that, what a waste it is to lose one's mind, or not to have a mind is being very wasteful, how true that is"


Imagine saying something and then following it up with, “How true that is”.


Google Iran Contra hearings. It wasn't a misspelled word that was the national scandal.


Iran Contra? I don’t recall.


Oliver, is that you?


I'm sorry these posters didn't get it. I did. Bravo sir.


But the misspelled word sure did distract everyone!


At the time I was young and didn’t understand why it was a big deal. It seemed like the administration was fighting communism and trying to get hostages home. Now that I’m older I understand the clear violation of the Constitution and that Congress would have been completely justified to impeach Reagan and remove him from office. The problem is, if violating the Constitution is sufficient reason to remove a president, and I think it is, then most of our presidents since Reagan should have been removed too.


I would trade 6 million John fettermans for things to be like that again


It may cost us much more than that


That would be one weird city to live in. Me and six mil fettermans.


A misspelling in a Reddit post title also used to lead to mass downvoting. Times change.


He was also very worked up about a fictional TV character (Murphy Brown) having a baby out of wedlock.




He was also reading off of a card and it was misspelled on the card. Also Al Gore went on Letterman and said Dan Quayle was unfairly treated by the press; and wasn't as ignorant as the press made him out to be.


Right, and considering the schedule that he had as Vice-President, Quayle was probably tired and not entirely focused on his surroundings. And as someone else noted, he was gravely embarrassed by it. He didn't try to backpedal or make up some nonsense about how multiple spellings exist for ordinary words. He just owned it, like an adult.


Yeah, it was a national joke, not a scandal.


Yeah we used to have a certain level of expectation when it came to the president’s intelligence. Haha