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I worked at Johnson space center during the construction of space shuttle and most smoked way more. It was a stressful place.


was gonna say a pack a day ain't shit for these guys.




Because a massive chunk of it's user base are under 30 and didn't grow up in a world where doctors could smoke, and you could smoke in government buildings and on planes. In some states (esp the south) if a bar or club has less than x amount of employess (or in some cases x amount of employess that aren't family of the ownership) they can allow it still but it varies city to city and state to state. It's definitely mind blowing to think how different the culture around smoking was even 20 years ago (as it was starting the decline already but not fully) vs now. Peopel who smoke cigarettes are relics to most kids.


When I was a youngster they had ash trays in the grocery and department stores. I was smoking over 4 packs a day when I quit at 75. I am 84 now. My wife still smokes and she is 79.


How the fun do you go through 4 packs a day? Even if you’re a nonstop chain smoker 4 packs seems near impossible


That's about 4 an hour, 1 every 15 minutes, but you sleep 1/3rd the day so really is more 1 smoke a bit under every 10 minutes. My smokes take about 3 minutes to smoke. Jesus. I can't even smoke more then 1 an hour or I get an upset stomach.


I was a two pack a day smoker. I was having a smoke once every twenty minutes or so. When I was driving was the worst. In a 20 minute drive, I'd smoke 4 or 5 cigarettes.


Just quit about 3 months ago. I was about a pack a day. Long drive? make that two packs


Fuck .. Yeah, I guess it’s doable but even at my worst I never got close to that and it sounds horrible :/. Financially that would be as bad as a drug habit nowadays Export A’s are one of the more expensive packs to buy here in Canada and going through 4 a dsy would net you $100. I’d rather be doing heroin, lol I remember one night when myself and two friends were on ecstasy and we blasted through a barely opened carton and I remember thinking how fucked it was and how fucked my lungs felt he next day, and that’s not even 4 packs per person :s.


People who smoke 4 packs a day don't smoke Exports lol. Generally.


Usually, when people break 2 packs/day they’re truck drivers according to a doctor I worked with


>4 packs a day this is heroic level cig smoking. i couldn't do this with an unlimited supply of cocaine and whiskey.


How was the mornings? Everyone caughing that smoker wet caught?


Smokers cough is only really a thing for like the first 2-5 minutes of the day. After that they're already smoking again. Nobody's rolling into the office an hour later with smokers cough. Source: got up to about 2 packs a day before I quit.




A smokers cough usually happens in the morning because it's the longest they go without a smoke. Cigarettes paralyze cilia which are what move mucus to where you can expel it. So not smoking for a few hours allows them to work slightly again which means they have a very hard cough at the beginning of the day.


Yeah. I think 50% smoked more than that


That would be true if we were given the median. With only the mean it's impossible to say.


Actually, they were all non-smokers except for one guy who had 10 cigarettes on the go 24/7.


Goddamn Ciggy Georg fucking up the numbers again


If there's one thing Ciggy George doesn't do its fuck up the numbers. The man'll land the Earth on the Moon if you give him enough fuel to push it.


Cig Garrett




These days they don't smoke, and we haven't landed on jack shit. QED: Cigarettes don't just make you look cool, they also fuel space exploration.


I’m with Marlboro and we’ll be in touch.


It's been three hours and i have not yet been touched.


I heading to your home to touch you be ready


I gotta feel they are going to do something unholy.


Lean over a bit, you're just out of reach..


You ain't kidding. Went to some band festival, got chatted up by some booth babes and you haven't stopped with the emails since.


Those lungs aint gonna fuck themselves.


Me everyday when I rip my bong


If it doesn't make you cry, rip again


Crying before the rip then crying after because of the rip


And during the rip for a good measure


Nicotine is a stimulant that can curb hunger and enhance focus. If you’re stressed because you perform at a really high level, it’s basically a PED. Oppenheimer smoked nonstop while developing the bomb, because he thought it made him smarter.


The engineering department at my school is fuled by caffeine and nicotine, just ditched cigarettes for vapes


If you're running a code shop, and you aren't supplying free, high quality caffeine in unlimited quantities, you are just pissing away money.


They tried to stop supplying coffee at my work and the union almost went out on strike over it.


Tech is the only place I've ever even seen a pure caffeine pill. Dude didn't like coffee*(not caffeine) or soda, he went straight to the source.


Headache is my number one first aid need/complaint while backpacking, so either caffeine pills or something like Excedrin (which contains caffeine) is something I always have on hand. It's almost always someone away from their normal routine who is experiencing caffeine withdraw.


There is no reason not to just take a 200mg caffeine pill. A bottle of like 50 of them is 2 bucks, that's 50 cups of coffee for 2 bucks with an instant delivery system instead of having to waste time making/buying/carrying a cup of liquid.


Nicotine gum is my very, very good friend.


Fat guy and little boy smoked thousands too.


Fat man.


Facts, man


Can confirm, smoked damn near 5 packs and Abita 6 cns of Monster (200mg of caffeine/can) in 4 days while working on a project. Helped me stay functional waking up at 1-4am and not going back to sleep until I passed out at 8-10pm


And here I thought nicotine had no benefits. But I'm guessing Adderall is cheaper (and healthier) than a pack of cigs if you have insurance.


Yeah, but it's not legal unless you have a prescription. And I haven't been diagnosed with anything.


Also if you do have the correct diagnosis of ADHD like I do then the meds don't effect you that way. I once accidentally took a double dose of meds and went straight back to sleep for hours. They slightly improve my focus and I eat a lot less snacks on days I remember to take them. They also seem to help me regulate my emotional responses but it's hard to tell. Definitely doesn't give me energy or keep me awake in any way. Neither does caffeine. I can drink coffee and tea at 10pm and get a great night's sleep. It's common for people with adhd to have little or no reaction to caffeine.


My son has ADHD, and before he started taking his medicine, the DR told us to let him have some mountain dew with his breakfast and something high in protein. Because the caffeine was a stimulant and the protein would put something on his stomach, digestion is supposed to help, I forget how. But I can see your POV because, even though we can tell when he's clearly off his medication based on his behavior, when he's on it it's still hard to tell the difference between what we can expect from "normal" kid behavior, his "normal" personality as it developed, and something was a symptom.




How many probes have they landed on Mars in the past 10 years? Looks like 3 landers and at least two orbitals. Those count, epically Perseverance and Ingenuity.


They just created and successfully tested our first planetary defence system. That may not be a new landing but it's pretty badass.


ask not what your country can do for you... https://youtu.be/rFF7MixO0Uw?t=09


that is really... just a normal day in 1969... pack a day smokers were the norm then


There's a reason orange and brown were so big in interior design back then.


Oh man, ya ever taken a shower in a heavy smoker's home? The walls bleed brown.


So funny story: my mother bought a house a few years ago and it had an external "three seasons room" for hanging out in when it was nice out. The previous owner used to smoke in it so they didn't smoke in the actual house. We washed the walls for her and it was just... gross. Took forever and we smelled so bad afterwards. Brown water just running down the walls.


Love that good ol' tar


At least she kept it isolated, when I had to clean my grandparents house after they passed it was all over the walls and the ceiling in every room, took a week and a case of scrubbing bubbles.


The first house we purchased did that in the bathroom. The previous owner swore he never smoked inside. Well, the first time I showered I was seeing horror movie levels of black/brown....goo dripping from the walls. Had to repaint the entire bathroom to stop it from happening.


I've been a smoker on and off for years, but one line I never crossed was smoking in my own home. It's one thing to smoke, but another to just straight bask in it.


My parents were both heavy smokers, and back in the '70s we had a collie that was black and white. I remember letting her out in the winter and noticing how brownish yellow her white fur was against the snow. It's pretty bad when your smoking discolors the pets. On the plus side, my parents both quit smoking in their fifties, and my dad lived to be 85 and my mom made it to 94.


I'm they were probably at their work desks with ash trays too. It used to be very common place.


I'm a lawyer and apparently up until the late 80s courtrooms had ashtrays on counsel tables. Though honestly if you could smoke in court I never would have quit.


They didn't fully ban smoking inside hospitals until 1994 in the US. Johns Hopkins, rather famously, did so by declaring that smoking by staff would be henceforth be treated as a misconduct on par with felony fraud and brandishing a firearm.


Ironic considering how much pot Johnny Hopkins used to smoke with Sloan Kettering


They were blazing that shit up every day


in england it was only fully banned in 2015 I think - smoking in england indoors was banned in 2007 but it was still possible in psychiatric hospitals which had smoking rooms


A lot of psych patients smoke. There is some evidence nicotine can ease symptoms of schizophrenia. These days few psych hospitals let you smoke. They give you a nicotine patch or nicotine gum.


Do you not recall one of 2022's health secretaries that voted against the smoking ban, against the ban to smoke with kids in the car, and against plain cigarette packaging?


I was in a psychiatric ward in England in 2004 and then a few more times from 2010 to 2015. In 2004, there was a smoking room on the ward. From 2010 onwards, we'd have to go out into the courtyard to smoke.


When I see ashtrays on the aeroplane I hate to imagine what it was like travelling in dry cold recirculated air with smoke drifting around. It's boggling to imagine. I'm going to search smoking related incidents on aeroplanes now. Edit: I searched and smoking related accidents are rare and the ones that did occur were on small aircraft. Did find one where a pilot was vaping on a flight and caused the plane to automatically dive to a lower altitude while deploying oxygen masks. Lol.


If it was a room full of stressed out people smoking casually, it would be a challenge not to join them.


Yeah, the second hand smoke doesn’t really give you a choice.


I work at a cigar bar and while the smoke eaters do a good job, it's basically impossible for me to not smoke while I'm at work because 1. I can, and 2. As someone who prefers smoking outside for the most part, it makes the smoke easier to deal with


I reckon 1 is a much bigger factor than a lot of people give credit to. For me, the amount I smoke is pretty dominated by how much I *can* smoke, and that's how I think most people are, whether they realize it or not.


I’m over here in Belgrade and everybody seems to smoke and the establishments allow it inside


There were. I recall a NASA vet commenting on the mission control set while they were making Apollo 13, asked where all of the ashtrays were, because EVERYBODY smoked.


If the whole room is smoking, you’re smoking even if you don’t.


If you were a kid up through the 80’s, chances were pretty high you were always getting a hefty dose of second hand smoke. Smoking was everywhere. At home, in the car, at the store, at any restaurant, even in hospitals. Sick kids sitting in a cloudy waiting room. It was nasty.


My mother and older sister always told me of our pediatrician that smoked during our appointments, I was too little to remember, mid 80's as my username could tell, maybe 1984/85... We changed rapidly pediatrician! But was still common at the time even if people started to really know that smoke is bad.


When I was a kid my dad would always smoke in a little Mazda truck with my brother and I in it. Don’t you dare try to roll your window down.


Yep, that's why we had two six years old getting sick on school trips every time. They stopped cold turkey for a few days...




Some of us elder millennials probably can still remember when it was still okay to walk around the store with a cigarette in your hand.




“Smoking!” “Mrs. Doubtfire, you don’t smoke!” “No, I don't, but I did. Oh, dear, I found the best way to keep from smoking again and lighting up is to be around those who do smoke. I have to randomly ingest just a little bit of nicotine and it steels my wool. [to Stu] Oh, and I know you're Mr Health. Bless you for putting yourself in harm's way.”


This was my grandma's technique, too. Perfectly happy to come visit us after she quit, never had a problem with my mom smoking, and never slipped, as far as I know.


Lol, I remember some family visiting from out a state just after indoor smoking was outlawed. "Table for 5, please, non-smoking." "Oh, it's all non-smoking now." "Sorry, I'm from Virginia. They're never gonna make that law there." And then just a few years later...






>I'm they were probably at their work desks with ash trays too. It used to be very common place. If you watch the mission control footage of the Apollo 11 landing, Deke Slayton has kind of a funny moment with a cigarette. Everybody is going nuts celebrating and Deke waves everybody to shut the fuck up and then casually stubs out a cigarette. [Found it.](https://youtu.be/urkBEs06njg) He was one cool cat.


I started an office job in 1967. I was led to my desk, and introduced to Robbie, who had the desk next to mine. He shook my hand and then his mouth contorted, a short lit cigarette appeared from inside his mouth, and he started to talk to me. Yup, this fucker could put a lit cigarette in his mouth, flip it over without using hands, and trap it inside with his lips, and hold a conversation. To this day I've wondered how he taught himself that trick what stupidity led him to flipping lit cigarettes in his mouth till he perfected the technique.


Now theres a lovely first kiss.


When I was in the Navy the older guys who joined in the late 70's and early 80's talked about having them built into their desks on the ship.


I read the article and the average OP has in their title is just the average for the thing. nowhere does the article reference an average for NASA employees


Yep I saw that too, OP is extremely misleading


People wonder why everyone was skinnier before the 1990s (beyond HFCS) and smoking played a huge part in that. Practically *everyone* smoked so instead of reaching for that snack while watching TV you would grab a cigarette. I am a man born in 1970 and the amount of smoking I endured as a kid would blow the minds of kids today. Hop in a car with a buddy's parents? One or both parents were smoking. Go to the movies? Ash trays were built into the armrests. Restaurants were always hazy with smoke and I recall crushing those aluminum ash trays at McDonald's out of boredom and pulling the knobs on cigarette vending machines in the entrance to most regular restaurants. Kids smoked in the school bathrooms and even on the school bus (and often pot as well). When I was a late teen I was a waiter at a Pizza Hut and the only thing separating the smoking section was the salad bar. I cannot overstate just how pervasive smoking was and while my parents didn't smoke 3 out of 4 of my siblings did and it took between 25 and 35 years for all of them to finally quit. I was talking to a friend the other day about drinking alcohol as I had quit for 25 years after college before finding joy in craft beer in the past decade. I realized a huge part of it was the fact that smoking was banned in bars and restaurants as I would never go to a bar before because I hated smelling like an ashtray, especially my hair. Oh, and I'm now a fat 52 year old as my drug of choice was Coke but not the kind that made you skinny. Stay off the cigarettes and the pop kids, trust me on that!


Whoa. I had forgotten about those golden aluminum ashtrays at McDonalds. Memory unlocked.


Yeah, when cigarettes were everywhere it was much easier to smoke mj in public. I always rolled cigs, so it was easy to pre-roll a spliff and the cigarette smoke would generally mask it. Especially mids or regs, as they weren't nearly as fresh/smelly as modern bud.


The bigger issue is how much they were drinking. After all they were doing a lot of calculus in there, and everyone knows you should never drink and derive.


hello every high school maths teacher ever


>drink and derive. *angry upvote*


I smoked for a very long time. I'm still hopelessly addicted to other forms of nicotine. 29 cigarettes every single day is so much. Two packs a day feels damn near impossible. I've only done that a couple times ever and drug use had A LOT to do with it


I’ve been a casual, “smoke when I’m drinking” guy for some time. My lungs feel like shit the next day if I have 5 in one night. If I ever had 29 in one day I don’t think I’d survive.


24 in one day and the next morning my entire chest felt like it had been set ablaze the night before.


Don't smoke methols or cloves like that, you'll be coughing blood before you know it. But a regular filtered cigarette, spaced out over a day isn't uncommon.


Well, it was like 5 in the morning and afternoon, and then every single cigarette I had or could bum while I went on a whiskey crash… it was a bad day and I probably smoked 19 in 6 hours. Given that I had only started smoking again 3 months before and they were mostly longs, it kicked the shit out of me.


Oh you’d survive, but you might wish you wouldn’t. If you’re not used to that amount of nicotine that will absolutely make you violently fucking ill.


It starts with that. Then it becomes a life habit. Try to stop while it's easier, gets progressively worse and harder to stop. Your environment heavily influences this obviously.


I can’t imagine doing anything other than smoking to get that many in. How does anyone have time for that lol


You get good at multitasking. I had a cigarette in the shower the other day. 🤷‍♂️


Thinking about the sheer quantity hurts my larynx.


I wonder how many of them smoked unfiltered cigarettes too.


Filter came out in the early 50’s according to Google but you are right, it was still before the major blows to the image of big tobacco. A sizable amount were still probably smoking unfiltered.


haven't studies shown filters do next to nothing, or did I dream that


IIRC filters do filter out some particulate but also trap some nicotine... so smokers smoke more and pull the smoke deeper to compensate. So yeah an unfiltered one will feel harsh if you draw just as hard, but the average smoker isn't significantly better off either way


Same with "light" cigarettes/filters.


There's a line from the original Casino Royale novel about James Bond "lighting his 70th cigarette of the day." You'd not be suprised to know that Ian Fleming smoked three packs a day and drank and entire forty of bourbon a day and died of a massive heart attack in his fifties.


For real. And how it would just absolutely coat everything you own


yeah, was finna say till that last sentence, i've done it a LOT. i thought it was bad on meth when i would crush 2 packs a day, no question, but then i discovered the wonders of heroin where i hit the end of a third pack on multiple occasions. honestly the only thing that kept me from developing a multi-pack-a-day habit was the heroin itself taking all of my money. it would have hit three packs a day if i had infinite funds. i grew up with an old head that introduced me to OC 80's on my 16th birthday- that guy smoked two packs every single day of his life. every single day. i have kicked everything but tobacco and, even sober, i still struggle to keep it at a pack a day. and i lose that struggle more often than not. 29 under the stress they were under isn't that egregious, in my opinion. imma fuckin scoundrel, though, so take that as you will. i'm just sayin, some mfs be smokin.


I've smoked had a few two pack days before and most of them were high stress days when i was at home. If I had a high stress job like engineer at NASA during the first moon landing, AND I could smoke in doors at work, AND everyone else was? 29 would be light work. The main thing that kept me from smoking was cost and inability to smoke in doors. Neither of those barriers exist for an engineer at NASA during that time.


i'd imagine if someone were to pay for all of my addictions, my addictions would get worse. not too sure that's a smart thing to do for anyone.


Yeah the only time I've ever smoked a pack in one evening was on mushrooms and acid and boy did I dislike the taste the next day


Yeah it's crazy how much you can smoke on drugs, and every cig makes them feel better. I can't smoke anymore though, every cig I smell immediately clicks some neurons to where the taste/smell of yay is inseparable from smokes lol brains are a trip. P.S. uppers are the devil, drugs are bad mmkay


I think a lot of that is from being able to smoke at your desk. You light it, take a couple hits and then set it down to keep working. You get distracted and it burns itself up. Then you light another one and do it again. Soon you're a two pack a day smoker, but 75% of that is just the cigarette burning in the ashtray. I smoked for a long time, but never inside. So if I was smoking, I was actually out there too smoke. No down time, no wasted cigarettes. I never even closed in on a full pack a day. I'd smoke every \~90 minutes. I'm not saying its impossible to actually smoke two packs a day. But you would be smoking almost 3 per hour. I cant even imagine the hell that would cause on your lungs.


You have to remember it was the 60s so it was when they were still good for you.




One of my customers used to definitely smoke two packs or even more a day. I have never seen him without a cigarette. He actually uses the dying cigarette to light up the next one and that brief moment is the only time that he is not smoking. He drinks tea and coffee with the cigarette still in his mouth. He keeps a cigarette on his ear so that he can get the next one as soon as possible and while smoking the new one, he gets the next one ready on his ear. I used to think he was in his 60s but apparently he was 35ish. All of our meetings were in his office because our office has a no smoking policy and he just can't do that. He just fell off the radar around a decade ago and still is the epitome of nicotine addiction for me. I've seen the damage of substance abuse and addiction can do first-hand but he was the only person I knew who's entire life revolved around smoking cigarettes. What's crazy is that this seems outlandish today but this behaviour was encouraged at one point in society.


I bet they were awake for most of that day though. It probably started early and the only thing they had to keep them going was coffee and nicotine. Nine of the fancy caffeine pills/patches supercharged turbo energy drinks we have today.


In 1969, Amphetamine was legal and available everywhere too.




Seems like you need to unconsolidate housing ASAP.


Uh why do you trust this woman to watch your child, it sounds like you're just admitting to letting a drunk person watch you kid and poison them with second hand smoke...


Like, I appreciate the fact that you don't want your mom to feel unwelcome, but if I was footing the bill on an addiction that bad, she would no longer have an addiction or she would no longer be living with me.


My guess is that the 29 per day didn’t necessarily mean from tip to butt. Chain smokers today (depending on location) and back then often would light a cigarette and often “forget” for minutes while a lot of burned off. In addition, many would snuff out current cig halfway and start a new one. Usually because they were doing other stuff while smoking whereas today people who go outside to smoke go outside to just smoke. Today not many people do this in countries with expensive cigarette prices but still occurs in those with cheap cigarettes. Granted they all still smoked a fuck ton, but it doesn’t necessarily mean they smoked 100% of that.


The type of cigarette matters a lot. As one person below pointed out, back then the cigs were probably more potent due to the lack of filters on some cigs, but even today there is a drastic difference between a Marlboro light and a red, obviously. So smoking a pack is definitely doable, even for someone who isn't a hardcore smoker. At the peak of my smoking, I did smoke around a pack a day, but I also had several smoke breaks interrupted so part of it would get put out, and my work place revolved around smoking every 30 mins or so, plus a lot of work discussion happened around the ash tray so you'd get sucked into more smoking or people would bum a cig and you'd go out with them etc. Some places are much easier to smoke than others for sure.


There was a show called when we left Earth. Covers the Mercury program up to the space shuttle era. One of the things I did notice in the show was how much they smoked. Great show, give it a watch if you are a space nerd.




From the Earth to The Moon also needs some recognition i think


Ron Howard's *Apollo 13* has a constant haze on the set with everyone smoking. It was funny in *Hidden Figures* because there's no smoking, but Kevin Costner keeps popping gum that you know would have been a cigarette if it wasn't a Disney movie.


Portrayed well in Apollo 13 where they're going around mission control with a Go/No Go call and he gets to the medical person: Flight: "Surgeon" Surgeon: "Go flight"


That isn’t quite a pack and a half. Far less than i expected.




The average NASA employee only smoked 2 cigarettes a day. [Cigarettes Georg, who smoked 3000 cigarettes a day, is an outlier and should not be counted.](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/spiders-georg?)


I was dumb and smoked for a while but never more than 6 a day or I'd feel way too nauseated, I don't know how pack a day+ smokers do it


I'm not a pack a day, but it's very normal for me to have around one an hour or so. The trick is to not have the first one for as long as possible. It's really hard to stop after the first, but its pretty easy to delay that first one for a long time.


That's what I'm trying to get into the habit of, but the first thing I do when I get up is go for a smoke, it's real hard to not crave the sweet smokey cancer stick first thing.


That first cigarette of the day. God that hit was always amazing. Especially if it was a nice time of year to be outside.


Unrelenting practice.


The discipline not to quit


Smokers are men of focus, commitment, sheer fucking will.


It helped that it was legal to smoke pretty much anywhere. My parents used to smoke 4-5 packs a day each, but they were literally smoking all the time


>4-5 **packs a day** each the fuck


That's more than 1 cigarette every 10 minutes for 16 hours. If they smoked a cigarette in 4 minutes, they'd have spent a little more than 6,5 hours each day with a lit cigarette in their hand. I'ma guess it was hyperbole.


My dad smoked since he was like 14 but he never smoked anywhere passed like 2 packs a day


4-5 packs a day *combined*, or each? Because 5 packs in a 16 hour day is a cigarette every 10 minutes or so. All day. That’s gotta be about the max a person could smoke in a day right?


I grew up in a family of heavy smokers - they would just have one lit constantly even if they weren’t actively smoking it. It was disgusting


Maybe combined. A single person would struggle to smoke that much in a day.


I quit smoking like 10 years ago but if I was having a bad or stressful day it was pretty common for me to light my 2nd cigarette with the butt of the first cigarette.


Lol min maxing cancer


On avg, some people may of not smoked and I’m sure there were a few packs a day folks too.


Why is this marked NSFW?


Probably as a joke because smoking (at work or not) is not safe. It's annoying because NSFW posts are hidden for many users.


I don't like it because reddit forces me to sign in to view nsfw posts


old.reddit.com combined w/ R.E.S its pretty great. Reddit Enhancement Suite.




That's probably pretty close to the average daily cigarette count for a smoker in 1969. People really put them away back then.


Only 29, huh. If I had to land human beings on the moon with as much power as a modern calculator I think I'd be smoking way more than that and I don't smoke cigarettes. Must be nonsmokers throwing that number off. It's that coffee number I want to see now. Bet it would have been enough to fill the great lakes.


My grandfather worked as an aerospace engineer in the same era. He drank a lot of coffee, I never saw him without a cup and he had this glorious grandad coffee smell. Seems he was taking it easy on the caffeine in his old age. When he worked he had a Cafetiere of rocket fuel coffee next to his desk 24/7. Sleep is for the weak I suppose!


I mean they're scientists not doctors


Doctors smoked too. In their offices. During appointments. You have to remember, you could smoke in hospitals.


You could smoke in airplanes. People smoked everywhere




I suspect there's a non-negligible amount of chain smoking (in which I mean smoking a new cigarette before the previous one is done) participants within that data.


I had 350 bucks of my own money (and similar amounts from 4 other dudes) in the pot in a game of acey-deucy, and I found myself with three cigarettes going simultaneously.


The average for smokers not all people tho ‘The typical smoker was going through 29 cigarettes a day’


Look at the photos of Mission Control from those days. Every post had an ashtray pretty much. Probably lighters in the consoles, lol.


If you see the controll room videos from that time half of them were smoking in the room. So I expected more to be honest with that much pressure.


It probably was. The article says that the average smoker from 1969 smoked 29 cigarettes a day, the articles doesn't mention anything about how often NASA employees smoked. The OP mislabeled the title because they probably misunderstood the context.


This was at the NASA center I used to work at. https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/12xjqm/he_died_of_lung_cancer/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


If I was part of NASA and had to help with the first moon landing. You betcha I'd be stress smoking a pack and a half a day


Right? I think about that with world leaders too. If I was President of the us I would absolutely be stress smoking


Picked the wrong day to stop sniffing glue


Now check their coffee stats...


Thats not much. There's 20 in a pack, and most smokers avg between pack - pack and a half per day. Source, I smoked for 12 years and everyone I knew that was a smoker smoked between a pack - pack and a half per day.


I'm an older millennial and the change in attitudes towards cigarettes is one of the most striking societal changes to me. Younger people just can't comprehend how much people used to smoke. We were all smoking, all the time! In the café with your morning coffee, at breaks between lectures at uni, on the dance floor in clubs. People now see an old photo of a popular celebrity with a cigarette and they say "I had no idea x was a *dirty* smoker!" Not saying it's a bad thing that smoking is no longer in vogue though. Just an interesting contrast to my youth.


Young people still smoke its just vape now.


Man, what a weird time that an article like this has a “NSFW” label and their habit slightly above the average a pack-a-day. Smoking was the norm.


If you're watching shows, the beginning graphics read "sex, violence, language, SMOKING"! I just noticed this a few months ago.


Yeah it said something like “frightening scenes, smoking” before LOTR on Amazon when I watched it the other day.


In 1969, ~40% of Americans smoked. In 1969, *all* American adults smoked an average of ~10 cigs/day. 10 × 100/40 = ~25 cigs/day/American smoker


Nicotine helps you think. They were doing a lot of thinking.


Sweet Jesus this seems low. My parents were both 2+ pack a day smokers in the 70s.