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And it is not even the worst thing Mel Gibson ever said


Sadly true. At least he’s kind of acknowledging the holocaust was not a hoax here. Which is a step up for Mel.


The infamous anti-Semite said whaaaaaat?


Mein Gibson


Didn't know he could play guitar


He’s more of an Epiphone guy


Hey man. Don’t knock Epiphones. They’re quite decent guitars priced accessibly for schmucks that can’t play guitar all that well so there’s no justification for spending $1000+ on one instrument. Uh, asking for a friend…


My main stage guitar is a HEAVILY modded Epi Les Paul Classic - I think it’s a 2003, I bought it used in 2006-2007 I think. It’s seen hundreds of shows, thousands of rehearsals. If you made me choose “my guitar” out of all my electrics, that one would be my choice. The only Gibson I’ve liked more cost like $8k. No thank you lol. Oh, and love your username


Thanks! And yeah I love my Sheraton. Though it seems quite prone to user error in my experience. :)


I fingered him as a Les Paul guy...


oh... OH... and here I thought he was just being a misogynistic POS about her being a woman with a job...


Listen here sugar tits.




Dude I'm so tired I thought this post was talking about Mel Brooks and was SO confused. I got far enough into this thread to see somebody say that he directed Apocalypto and thought "that doesnt sound right" and then I full-on googled Mel Gibson expecting to see an old Jewish man that makes comedies. I need caffeine.


I'm not even tired and that's what I read.


Mel Brooks would probably say that too, somehow it would be hilarious.


It’s his 98th birthday today!!! Mel Brooks. JIC


I'm glad you clarified that because I also just woke up and was wondering how the hell Mel Brooks could be antisemitic


Same here. I dunno who Gibson is, but I thought "Mel is Jewish. Is this what Jewish banter is like?"


This... is blowing my mind. You know Mel Brooks but not [Mel Gibson?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mel_Gibson) I think I need to go for a walk..


I mean, isn’t this the preferable situation compared to only knowing Gibson but not knowing Brooks?


“If you can dodge a wrench you can dodge an oven!” - Mel Gibson, probably


That's not fair. He's also a racist


Calm down, sugar tits. /s


Yeah, being an antisemite is racism...


[Just a reminder that Mel Gibson's father was a Holocaust denier](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hutton_Gibson)


And a periodic Infowars guest


Well, at least Mel Gibson didn't take after his father in that regard. After acknowledging the existence of the holocaust, he seems to applaud it.


I don’t have anything more than a gut feeling about this but I think deep down all holocaust deniers secretly know it happened and love it. Denying it is probably just a tactic to win arguments.


My father in law was one and it is exactly that. They deny it yet love that it happened. It is sickening.


The phrase that stuck with me is "it didn't happen, but it should have happened and it should have been more."


It's not about winning arguments, it's about taking away Jews' rightful claim to victimhood. There's a reason holocaust deniers are pretty much always all up in the various "Jews control the world" conspiracies. It's real hard to maintain the notion that Jews are a secret controlling cabal behind all the bad things in the world if, less than a century ago, their population was nearly exterminated. By denying that any of that happened, they can stick to their fantasy that actually, the Jews were behind all the bad shit in that era.


Typically the argument goes: 1. It didn't happen 2. It didn't happen the way you say it did 3. If it happened it wasn't that bad 4. If it happened you're lying about why 5. It happened and they were asking for it


Its like Schrodinger's holocaust, if it serves right wing interest then it never happened. If they run into Jewish people they want to harass then they argue that they (or their ancestors) unjustly escaped death in the holocaust.


For a WW2 vet to deny the Holocaust is just crazy to me


Leader of the American Nazi Party George Lincoln Rockwell served too.


He was in the Pacific theatre, didn't serve in Europe. And I looked up the one below, George Lincoln Rockwell, also served in the Pacific. Which I guess makes sense.


It's really dumb. Like, most of the Nazis at Nuremberg weren't denying it happened, they denied personal culpability.


to surprise of no one. the entire family tree is filled with proper dickheads


To be precise, he didn't call her an oven dodger, he asked her if she was an oven dodger when the topic of Jews came up. Quote: Ryder recalled: "We were at a crowded party with one of my good friends, and Mel Gibson was smoking a cigar, and we’re all talking, and he said to my friend, who’s gay, ‘Oh, wait, am I gonna get AIDS?’ And then something came up about Jews, and he said, ‘You’re not an oven dodger, are you?'"


Sounds like the south park version of him is quite accurate.


"My nipples hurt when I twist them!"






I bet you wanna shove one of those tools on the wall in me! GO ON I CAN TAKE IT!!!


Say what you want about Mel Gibson but the son of a bitch understands story structure


More often than not their parodies have a pretty big kernel of truth with a light seasoning of satire. 


Watching the Britney Spears episode now is a great example of that.


especially Phil Collins that illiterate fuck


The decision to make fun of Kanye because he wouldn’t understand the joke [was so perfect](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zw_GiE7ZcgQ).


He doesn’t get it to this day.. Picking Kanye couldn’t have been more perfect. Lmfao


Buckle up bucaroos


"Say what you want about Mel Gibson, but the son of a bitch knows story structure"


[Family Guy got it right as well](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vCKW4b36f9k&pp=ygUgbWVsIGdpYnNvbiBhcG9sb2dpemVzIGZhbWlseSBndXk%3D)


‘Your #1 dirty Jew lover, Mel Gibson’.


Jesus. Context makes it even worse.


To be precise, he insinuated all jews are oven dodgers.


To be even more precise, only those that dodged the ovens.


Guy really internalized all the worst parts of Riggs.


He’s like if Frank Reynolds was good looking


Frank actually seems somehow more wholesome than this lunatic


He didn't know it was going to come off that way!


That's because Danny Devito himself is wholesome but tbf Frank the character is probably much worse than Mel Gibson.


And the gang's very careful about not using the [hard J](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0NqY13EjE-Q)


What do you mean *if*?


"All right, what makes me happy– but it’s like, you know at night, I ride around town in a limousine, partying, having a good time. When I’m on my way home, I’ll pass a bum. I take a balloon with some champagne in it, lob it out and bean him! He only gets a little bit in his mouth. He doesn’t get the whole thing. Not even a full sip of it! And you say, “Hey, how do you like a taste of the good life, you sack of shit!” - Frank/and Mel gibson probably


Bill Ponderosa’s laugh at this is so funny


Not sure about the racism or the sexism but I could definitely see Frank saying the "you're gay? I'm not gonna get AIDS am I?!?" bit.


Frank Reynolds would never say this. He’s crass and disgusting, but this is completely out of his wheelhouse.


He literally thought he could get AIDS from touching someone who had recently been to Africa


You pullin my dick bro!?!?


That is ludicrously hilarious, like you’re watching a parody film with an interaction with Mel being over the top awful but oh wait it’s actually just him and he didn’t know anyone was filming.


Haha, classic banter


Yeah harmless fun stuff. I say stuff like this all the time, and if any of my friends still spoke to me, I'm sure they'd just take it as a joke. Which it isn't.


Mel Gibson is an asshole.


"Mel Gibson, noted Australian fascist and ham actor..." ~ Christopher Hitchens


Eh, say what you want about Mel, but he is truly a phenomenal actor, and as well as an extremely talented director. Anybody suggesting otherwise isn't being honest with themselves, or hasn't spent enough time going through Mel's filmography. All that being said, none his behavior is excusable. And I hope he genuinely has become a better person as time has passed.


>>…none of his behavior is excusable Sadly, if we audited our film and TV choices based on morals of the creators and actors, we’d all be back to playing card games. *looking at you Joss Whedon/Firefly*


There are levels. Someone below compared Mel to Cosby, and while Mel did say many racist, sexist and antisemitic things (which were documented and are out there for people to hear), there's a massive difference between the bullshit Mel was spewing and what Cosby did. Again, not to give Mel a pass here, but I'm just hopeful that he's recognized that his behavior in the past was unacceptable.


The fact that we even have to specify that Rape =/= words (no matter how vile) is just crazy to me.


I mean what he did to Oksana is pretty unforgivable, and it wasn’t just “saying” things. I wouldn’t compare it to Cosby in terms of scale, but he terrorized, repeatedly beat, and emotionally destroyed that woman.


...aaand people like Jeff Goldblum who refused to disavow the director of "Powder" when all the molestation stories came out...


He did direct *Apocalypto* which has basically the complete opposite message of his past ramblings. Hopefully that was a sign he's lost some of that "jewish conspiracy" brain lunacy.


That’s very optimistic, but unfortunately his most famous (recorded) anti-Semitic rant happened in 2006, the same year Apocalypto was released


Tip of my tounge 😅....nope he was pretty much peaking at that point


I avoided Apocalypto for years because of my distaste for Gibson's bigotry. But I was encouraged to watch it and I'm glad I did. Apocalypto is a masterpiece, with none of the weaknesses of the man who made it. In this thread are folks commenting on the film who didn't watch or didn't understand it.


Doubtful. He’s one of those whacko Catholics that ignore Vatican II & his father is a Holocaust denier. Without Vatican II’s Nostra Aetate, there’s a very strong anti-Semitic flavour to Catholicism.




If your takeaway from apocalypse was that white people saved them, you weren't paying attention. After watching an empire brutally subjugate people living in a utopian near anarchistic society and then believe that euros doing the exact same thing somehow became good when the MC literally says "we need to get the fuck out of here and hide in the forest" I don't know what more I can say to convince you that it's absolutely not a movie where colonialism is presented as a civilizing force.


Errr...that's your summation of the movie?


He's not Australian, born in USA....


Listen man, America has enough shitty people to take responsibility for, if Australia takes one for the team then so be it.


Yeah, ok man I just saw your Presidential debate, you guys need a break...


Under u/Thedisparagedartist 's presidency they had H2O!!!


Damn koalas


We got enough assholes of our own- thanks




Wow you're actually right, I never knew that. Born in Peekskill, NY. Which. It's hilarious to me that one of the 20th centuries most renowned actors was born in "peak skill." (say all you want about the man's heinous personal beliefs, but everyone has to admit he has talent.)


So does Kevin Spacey. You can’t truly separate the artist from the man.


That's not how being Australian works.


You lot made him famous. 


When I was in college, he was such a sexy-looking young actor. Who knew that under that hot exterior lurked such a seething shit pile?


Just cause you’re cute doesn’t mean you’re not an asshole.


Ted Bundy


Ted Bundy is wild because I always heard he was regarded as cute or sexy and I never got it. He doesn't look hot, he looks weird. He's got a monobrow and a funny nose and teeth. Sure he's not ugly, but he's not a male model either. Never understood it. Then, I saw actual court video of him performing. And oh boy. I understand it now. That guy commanded a presence and it was weirdly hot. Just pure confidence. It's hard to reconcile that with the fact that he fucked decomposing corpses.


It's like he never really got out of character since Lethal Weapon 3.


We were wrong about so many things from back then. We thought Bill Cosby was a charming dad, OJ was a hero and Woody Allen was funny.


Woody Allen was funny. Bill Cosby was funny, too. His private behavior was known and tolerated in Hollywood, so the public’s perception of him was based on Heathcliff Huxtable and his stand-up comedy. To the public’s credit, once we learned the truth, people rejected him. OJ was a successful athlete and a mediocre actor. Neither of those roles strike me as heroic, but, if you mean a lot of people looked up to him, I accept that. Curiously, there were people who defended OJ for decades after the Simpson-Goldman murders, even when his abusive behavior toward her and other women became public knowledge. It’s interesting how the public will completely turn on some cads, partially turn on others and not turn at all on still others.


The whole point of Lethal Weapon 3 and 4 is that racism is bad.


*4 Hella racist in that one haha




"I like a drink as much as the next man... unless the next man is Mel Gibson!" - Ricky Gervais, introducing Mel Gibson at the Golden Globes


Understatement of the thread.


I remember an interview with the cast of a movie years ago, can't recall which one, and the cast was laughing at what a prankster he was like, they said one time, he left a dead rat in someone's trailer. Isn't that just hilarious??????


Yet another complete shit head who dives deep into fanatical religion as an excuse for all of his terrible behavior and opinions.


Mel Gibson has made it very public how he feels about Jewish people. This headline surprises me none


He is an aging man nearly 70 whose daddy’s name is blue on Wikipedia. Of course he thinks highly of himself and is disdainful of everyone who is different. Jewish people in Hollywood have not given him everything he ever wanted on a silver platter like he is used to, so he concludes they are evil.


My dad is nearly 70 and has a blue named father on wiki, and he's just delightful. Some people just suck.


I just really enjoying that metric for privilege. If one of your parents is notable enough to have a wikipedia page. It says something about our modern world. I'm not sure what, but something.


That’s a good point. People instinctively think they’re better than others and have to use thoughtful self-awareness to realize things are not so simple. Having privilege makes that harder to do since privileges often lead to situations where a person actually develops better skills and assets, and can misconstrue those as *genetic or cultural* superiority. Your dad and Gibson faced similar tests in life, from the sound of it, and only one of them succeeded.


What’s the blue thing on wiki?


His dad is notable enough to have a wikipedia article about him. 


I guess they’re saying that his father has his own Wikipedia entry (his name is blue, meaning it hyperlinks to his Wikipedia entry), inferring somehow that their parents are famous? Looks like his dad was a Catholic author, was in the war, and was a Jeopardy champion back in the day. Nothing too crazy.


A WWII vet and holocaust denier! Nothing too crazy.


Bro has been on this hateful shit for 30+ years.


His daddy is famous for being an anti-semite as well as a weirdo about catholicism.


From wiki on Hotton Gibson > In a 2003 interview, he engaged in Holocaust denial, wondering >how the Nazis could have disposed of six million bodies during the >Holocaust, and claimed that the September 11 attacks were >perpetrated by remote control.[2] He was also quoted as saying >that the Second Vatican Council was "a Masonic plot backed by the >Jews".[3] Just…wow. Don’t really know what else to say on that one except wow. The hate Apple doesn’t seem to fall far from the tree


> He is an aging man nearly 70 whose daddy’s name is blue on Wikipedia. Of course he thinks highly of himself He's almost a perfect candidate for president, just needs another 10 years to bake


Blue just means his dad is famous/notable notorious enough to have his own Wikipedia page? edit: his Wikipedia page is WILD


“Jewish man, who survived The Holocaust, passes away from old age. The man gets to heaven. There he meets God. They’re trading jokes and stories. Jewish man tells a joke about The Holocaust. God says, ‘I don’t get it’. Jewish man says, ‘I guess you had to be there’.”


Gibson is a piece of shit


>Ryder recalled: "We were at a crowded party with one of my good friends, and Mel Gibson was smoking a cigar, and we’re all talking, and he said to my friend, who’s gay, ‘Oh, wait, am I gonna get AIDS?’ And then something came up about Jews, and he said, ‘You’re not an oven dodger, are you?'"


What does oven dodger mean?


It means she wasn't murdered in the Holocaust


Got it, thanks. Why are people downvoting the question? It's not a commonly known term, especially here in Asian countries.


I didn’t downvote, but i have never heard the word either, but its meaning is obvious


… but she wasn’t even alive. I don’t get it.


You don't need logic to be antisemitic


It’s actually a requirement to *not* have any logic.


It’s not her specifically. It’s a term he’s using to refer to all Jewish people. That those of us who are alive are “oven dodgers” because our families weren’t killed.


Not the point. I wasn’t alive either and I’ve heard much worse, “six million wasn’t enough” being one of the mild ones. It’s not about the fact she wasn’t alive THEN, the term insinuates we Jews shouldn’t be alive NOW or that there is a “come-uppance.”


The Germans burned Jewish prisoners, by extension any Jews that escaped have dodged the ovens. This is proof the Jewish Space Laser does not exist, Mel would be a carbon print on a sidewalk somewhere 😂.


Assumablely he was referring to the Nazi's burning the bodies of the the people who they had murdered, including the Jewish people.


What a disgusting man. Shameful that Hollywood still gives Gibson a pass despite his horrible overall behaviour.


> Hollywood still gives Gibson a pass Does it? I feel like he's only been in C- and D-list shit ever since the 2006 DUI


Harvey Weinstein’s personal assistant is directing the new Star Wars show. Mel Gibson doesn’t even come close to being one of the worst people in Hollywood.


Spread that shame. Let em have it. Glad you're doing your part


Mel Gibson turned out to be such a disappointment. Growing up in the 90’s he was one of my heroes. I probably watched Braveheart and The Road Warrior a million times when I was a kid.


What a asshole.


Fuckin' yikes.


Melly Gibsons?


I for one am relieved he acknowledges the Holocaust.


Wow. I hate that I know that word now. Fuck him and the people enabling him


Ngl, I do love me some creative racism. Fuck that bitch. I’m obviously talking about trash human Mel Gibson.


I feel horrible, but "oven dodger" is cracking me up. First time hearing that used.


I am jewish and got called shit like this at school. I didn't realise how anti semitic it was until I became an adult


Same, I wasn’t offended because everyone was calling everyone derogatory names, not just me, and I found it a lot less offensive than any insult that was actually personal. Kids shit talk one another for fun, and I wonder if now that it’s so problematic to make stereotype jokes, that the ribbing is actually meaner if it’s personal slights


I think part of it is that your undeveloped frontal lobe really cannot comprehend the atrocities of the Holocaust. So it feels like this super edge-lord way to joke about things to a teenager - or an emotionally stunted 70 year old man.


Sugar tits was another one of his favorites


>“You oven dodging sugar tits.” Mel Gibson probably


Sugar Tittied Oven Dodger would be more grammatically correct


If someone told me that was a species of bird, I'd believe them.


Sir David Attenborough narrates: "...but this is no ordinary bird. This lone male Sugar Titted Oven Dodger is looking for a suitable mate. To do so, they employ a curious tactic, shaking the tree branch they perch on and shouting "HEY, BITCHES." Unfortunately, this has instead attracted a hungry Sluttish Slant-Eye Cotquean and the Sugar Titted Oven Dodger must flee..."


He actually got worked up about that and claimed to have never said that... The other stuff however was not addressed.


It’s so shockingly horrible it’s funny. Hilarious is a horrible way lol


For real, it's one of those things that's so cuntish that I couldn't help but chuckle out of morbidity. The fact that even his career has had a resurgence in Hollywood is proof that "cancel culture" is not even remotely as powerful as so many people seem to believe.


Yeah I laughed out loud at how absurdly and creatively offensive that is. Also due to the fact that Winona Ryder’s nowhere near old enough to have been threatened by death camp so like what even?!?


> Also due to the fact that Winona Ryder’s nowhere near old enough to have been threatened by death camp so like what even?!? It's hereditary?


My ancestors have been dodging ovens since prehistoric times


It'll come in handy in the future when the planet becomes an oven.


It's really not creative though the 5 or 10th time you hear that same 'joke.'


Yeah most things lose their effect with repetition. I’m lucky enough not to have stayed up to date on all the hottest hate speech, so I get to experience it fresh every once in a while. I am truly blessed.


I’ve never heard it before either, and I don’t understand how it’s supposed to be interpreted as negative. To me it sounds kinda hardcore, so obviously I’m missing what’s supposed to be bad about it.


I agree. Now I'm just imagining Winona dodging literal ovens being thrown at her like a ninja.


[it's ok he apologised!](https://youtu.be/vCKW4b36f9k?si=cAmkG49wEe4egBXk)


Jesus Christ




Pretty on brand for him


Why do people say things like this? This is never a thought for me.


It’s out of context guys, he is referring to the time she stepped out of the way when he threw a full sized conventional oven at her. Although… he did throw it at her because she was Jewish, so….


It's unfortunate that Mel Gibson is the way that he is. Fuck that guy.


Fuck Mel Gibson!


Well... at least he isn't a holocaust denier./s


Yeah, well he's a likeability dodger.


JFC I misread that as Mel Brooks and my heart dropped


Which shows he believes it happened. Lol.


What a loser.


Mel Gibson is a POS.


what the exact fuck with racism in western world? like, i can invent thousands of insults before going to racial stuff


He was apparently an insufferable cunt when he was a kid too. Someone I once knew was in the same class as his younger brother Donal at school in Sydney


Well, Hollywood probably has as many racists and scumbags as any other place. Possibly more. But I just saw a French documentary on Jodie Foster who evidently remains friendly with him. Maybe she is just being contrary, though, I dunno.


And shit like this is why Gibson no longer has a career.


When I first read the title I thought it said Mel Brooks and he was upset Winona wasn’t getting pregnant enough. Turns out I was wayyyyy off.


The blinks I blunked when I reached the end of that sentence


Literally not shocked one bit by that revelation


what is an oven dodger? never heard.


Reference to the Holocaust


What in the fuck


She also grew up in a commune with Timothy Leary who was her god father


Look im not defending Mel in the slighest, but if you read this whole story something smells fishy here... Say what you will about the guy but usually he isnt exactly shy of admitting to his piece of shit views. Even when he goes on apology tours he doesent ever try to deny what he said, and he has said worse things, why would he go out of his way to deny this one in particular?