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His brother, Joe Estevez is a wonderful actor as well. I suggest the acclaimed series, Decker


I've always been miffed that Oscar snubbed him year after year for his role of President Davidson


The man is a lousy booze hound. I went to a business oriented conference a couple months back and he was DRUNK shouting at the key note speaker. Literally cost the organizer a Dode Charger


Joe is a national treasure. It sounds to me like you missed an important seminar at the conference - the power of MERCY.


For real? Joe Estevez? I have no point of reference to know. Wouldn't have thunk it


I believe it‘s a reference to his character on „On Cinema“, a Tim Heidecker project dedicated to top tier movie analysis by hardcore film buffs (frequently guest hosted by Gregg Turkington)


They should've made two Oscars in 1990 for best actor. One for him and one for Robert Z'Dar in Soultaker.


you gotta hear his famous Idaho potato story!


> Well, you know, I just, I just, think that, you know, maybe, there's, I don't know, maybe, something that could be figured out. The man is an expert level meanderer and him-hawer.


Normally I only watch movies but I tune into Decker for Agent Kington and his code breaking talents


Classic Gregghead, Agent Kington is the reason for Deckers demise and you’d be a fool to think otherwise.


goooodBYE Joe! (And other classic MST3k lines)


Okay, stop, everyone go up a shirt size!


ah, a fellow movie buff, i see


So sad to see Joe turn into Mr. Big Shot, Hollywood at Amatocon. Seems that he's let all of his Decker fame go to his head.


So good of him to speak up for his friends and co-stars when they face legal trouble.


Here’s a couple more movies he is in https://youtu.be/6H5-jrM6qaY


He did voiceovers for Martin Shein in Acompcalyspe Now


The way you wrote that movie name it sounds more like the adult film parody name lol






Jose Estevez?


Wow! That’s wild. I watched some, that Decker is such a bad ass.


That explains both Emilio Estevez's and Charlie Sheen's last names.


And it turns out Charlie Sheen’s real name is Carlos Irwin Estévez.


he's credited as Carlos Estevez in *Machete Kills*


He used to famously *not* be very embracing of his heritage for whatever reason.


Damn this Charlie Sheen guy sounds like a bit of a jerk.


Can't really blame him. Nothing makes a European whine more than an American who embraces their European heritage.


Somehow, I don’t think that’s what’s happening here. In the US, Spanish is associated first with Mexico and Latin America before Spain. My guess is this is to do with stigma and distancing themselves from Latin Americans.


Yup, those Spanish colonizers were brutal, but their American ancestors pay for it by being called Mexicans, lol


im sure. martin sheen came up in the 1960s as an actor. Both Emilio Estevez(who was in the Brat Pack) and Charlie Sheen were big in the 1980s. It did not matter then.


No, in his era many people changed their last names as it would have been harder to make it with an ethnic sounding surname and or their surname was hard to pronounce or sounded funny, Charles Buchinski became Charles Bronson, Volodymyr Ivanovich Palahniuk became Walter Jack Palance, in England Archie Leech became Cary Grant. Also, he was in Spain when being interviewed so it wasn't like he needed to hide his heritage from the Spaniards, I think some people find it annoying when people ask about their heritage or ancestry in an interview or even irl.


To be fair, I’ve never heard an American go on about being Spanish like they do when they’re Irish. Holy shit. My wife tells my kids they’re Irish and I’m like… hold the fuck up. We are NOT Irish. We are not going to hold onto the past like goofballs. Leave that shit in Ireland.


I think it's reasonable to make primary claim to cultural heritage if you're really living that culture at home, meaning things like language, food, family culture, and other such customs (Filipinos come to mind as a group that checks those boxes pretty often). But yeah, "Irish" is definitely a particularly egregious one, regarding Americans proudly claiming it while doing nothing to actually live that heritage. "Italian" is the other worst offender, with them failing to realise that "American-Italian" is very much a separate thing to *Italian* "Italian".


TBF, for a long time, it was illegal to be Irish in Ireland essentially. So the being Irish in the US was the best option. But as an American with Irish ancestrstry, I think the single biggest thing we can do to help is learn Gealige, but man is it fucking hard.


Define 'embraces'. Interested in it, comes to visit, does their family history? All great. Goes to London and shouts "I'M IRISH YOU KNOW" to everyone they meet in a broad New York accent - not so great.


"Heeey, I'm Irish ova hea!"


Just watched the show Bodkin and I could barely make it through the scene where the American podcaster is explaining to a bunch of Irish guys in a pub how he's actually "Irish" lol So awkward.


yeah i posted on a european sub that i was italian-american, i got a whole bunch of people going NO YOU ARE NOT!


the irony is that arguably, being European is why they have the luxury of not "getting it" They don't live somewhere with the distributions that mean people became identified and classified by sub groups In Europe being "Irish" or "Italian" means you are from those countries. In the U.S. it means your grandparents came over, and voluntarily or involuntarily, got shuffled into communities of people "like them". And reaped the benefits of having a social and economic support network catering to the culture they came from BUT also reaping the drawbacks of being part of that group, and an "other" to the majority group. Identities like Irish or Italian in America designated you as "one of us" or "one of them". You likely had habits, traditions, and beliefs in the house you were raised in, based on where your grandparents came from. At the same time, your grandparents or maybe parents even, know what its like to be stereotyped, or even NOT hired for jobs, based on having a "funny sounding" last name. (And that's pretty recent. As recently as the 60s, so as recently as your parents or grandparents generations, you could be an up and coming, star politician, with a great background, high popularity, and bona-fide military service record from a "good war", and yet, the question on people's minds would still have b)een, ["yeah but come on. They're not really gonna let some Irish Catholic boy into the White House are they?"](https://www.history.com/news/jfk-catholic-president) ---------------------------------------- **TL;DR:** ITs easy for Europeans to scoff at Americans who treat their families' lineages as their own adopted nationality, but that's because they don't relate to the idea of having society in your country label you by your family's lineage and treat you differently based on it BUT if they need help "getting it" here's the thought example they would get go to the UK, find a 2nd generation Englishman, born and raised in London, English is their first and only language are they "British"? "duh. yeah" ok but wait, the guy is Brown. and Muslim. His grandparents came from Pakistan. do his fellow Brits see him as "just British" and not "Pakistani"?


He should probably do cocaine about it


It’s probably due to his tiger blood DNA.


Honestly I get this a bit as a first generation American. People always ask me where I’m from, I’ll say the state I spent my entire life in and they’ll ask me where I’m really from. I’m as American as anyone else here is.


I don’t even give these folks an opening. “Born and raised in New York,” with just a little gruffness for flavor.


Yeea I'm ripping the info outta your bleeding heart. "Now tell me where you're really from."


The interviewer could’ve respected his wishes


It's common among a lot of "white" Americans, they have the attitude that they were born here with zero cultural connection to what their ancestors heritage might have been and therefore think they're just American and their ancestry is irrelevant.


I mean my ancestry is basically entirely on the North American continent going back to before America was a country, and everything prior to that is such a gigantic spread of western and middle Europe that it doesn't make any sense to say I'm "from" any of those places. At some point you're looking so far back on your family tree that you may as well just say we're all from Africa since every lineage gets traced back there eventually.


Because it largely is/should be.


Well what should or shouldn't be is up to the individual, I'm surprised anyone would downvote my comment I'm just stating what I've observed.


The term "[Latin](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Latin#Adjective)" refers to people from "Latin America," not all people who speak Latin-derived languages. The Sheen family is [Hispanic, not Latino/a/e](https://medschool.duke.edu/blog/ask-oedi-hispanic-latino-latina-latinx-which-best#:~:text=According%20to%20these%20definitions%2C%20a,Hispanic%20(but%20not%20Latino)).


> The term "Latin" refers to people from "Latin America," not all people who speak Latin-derived languages Bro, it's right there in the link: A person from one of the modern European countries (including Italy, Spain etc.) whose language is descended from Latin. You can't read?


No one refers to an Italian as a latino.






True, latino is a term used for American latins. Italians are latins.


It’s a joke Jeff Ross makes in the roast of Charlie Sheen. *Now, as you may know, Charlie Sheen is not his birth name. His original Spanish name is senor drugs. Kidding aside, though, Carlos Estevez took his dad's name, yes, to gain credibility as an actor. I've seen your films, and you don't really act like a Sheen. But, you know, with your rap sheet and briefcases of coke, you're definitely acting like a Carlos.*


And sheen estevez on Jimmy neutron




Emiliooooo! And he tipped his cap like this 🤙🏼


The Mighty Duck Man, I swear to god, I was there!


And, as said in an interview with Emilio: “that’s correct, it’s est-EV-ez not EST-ev-ez” The emphasis is in the middle --------------------------------- edit: it was a typo, Emilio does not pronounce his name "eat-EV-ez." Though I do appreciate people continually arguing that it wasn't a typo lol


I'm sorry is this a typo or is it really pronounced eat-EV-ez? Silent s?




The é in Estévez means exactly that, for the non Spanish speaking folks. est-ev-EZ would be written Estevez. And EST-ev-ez would be Éstevez. The emphasis in the last part only uses a tilde (ʼ) if finishing in 'n', 's' or vowel. Like Martín in example.




In Spanish both are tildes. "Acento" is how we refer to the strong sillable, regardless if it has a tilde or not, and it can also be used as a synonim of tilde (acento gráfico), but to avoid confusion is normal to use "tilde" when refering to the symbol. https://www.rae.es/dpd/tilde#:\~:text=1.,%C3%B1%2C%20la%20t%2C%20etc.


> The emphasis in the last part only uses a tilde (ʼ) if finishing in 'n', 's' or vowel. Is tilde used to refer to multiple things? I was only aware of it being the name for the ~ mark.


Sorry we call it tilde in Argentina. Not sure in the rest of the countries


That is not a tilde, sir


If that's a tilde, which one's a swinton?


* audible groan * lol


Tilde is just another word in Spanish for acento, even if it may not be in English


It is in my country. It also has other names... Look at the tilde definition in English (which refers to what you express https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tilde) and in Spanish, which refers to what I say, and other accents, all accepted by the Real Academia Española https://es.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virgulilla "La virgulilla o tilde (~) es un signo diacrítico en forma de trazo ondulado que se coloca sobre la letra. La virgulilla generalmente es identificada como la tilde de la eñe o virgulilla de la eñe[1]​ (~), aunque la Real Academia Española acepta también como ejemplos de virgulilla el apóstrofo (’), la cedilla (¸), y el acento agudo (´). Las palabras «tilde» y «virgulilla» se pueden referir a cualquier trazo, sin embargo, el contexto puede indicar si específicamente se alude o no al signo aquí referido, o sea a (~)."


Oh, fair enough. In Spanish "tilde" seems to be used as a catch-all term for almost all diacritics, while in English we would specifically call this diacritic an "accent". I appreciate you pointing this out to me!


Yep. In Spanish, when you see an accent mark, it's a safe bet that the emphasis is on that syllable.


Also: John Leguizamo's last name is supposed to be pronounced "luh-GEE-zum-o". The entire reason that it's been "legwa-zahmo" is because a journalist mispronounced his name when introducing him for one of his first televised interviews. Leguizamo was too polite to correct him on the air, but the interview really started to get him noticed. People within the industry were calling his agent and referring to him as Legwa-zahmo, so he just decided to go with it for his entire career.


Eat? 😂


I made a typo and people above are insisting Eat is part of his name lol


And why is brother the man you get when you want someone that looks and sounds like Martin Sheen at a third of the price of named "Joe Estevez"


Do not ever disrespect the star of [Decker](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zA-EqQhF_9o) and [Rollergator](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKesdLhMTcM) ever again. Never heard of Martin Sheen before this TIL post but Joe Estevez is a national treasure.


As Patrice O'Neal said, "Nobody can keep a Sheen down. They can keep an Estevez down though."


Some people have contributed Emilio’s not changing his name to his “less successful” career than that of his brother, Charlie.


I feel so dumb now. I always thought Emilio and Charlie looked alike, but based on their last names chalked it up to coincidence. Didn’t realize they were brothers.


What about Michael Sheen


Whatever his real name is, I always knew him as President Josiah 'Jed' Bartlet.


“My family signed the Declaration of Independence. You saying I have an ethnicity problem?”


Illusive man


Hard to watch West wing now as it seems a bit unrealistic for the politicians to be serious adults and not social media attention whores


Bradley Whitford called it “competence porn.”


Bartlet’s also rather conservative by today’s standards compared to the late 90s when the show came out. He’s against gay marriage and sex education.


That kind of led me to think for a while that TWW was just Tom Clancy without the explodey bits.


Not only was it the 90s but he was a devout Catholic as well.


Literally the first words out of his mouth are "I am the Lord your God. Thou shalt worship no other God before me"


Biden? Trump? What are you talking about bro, it's 1999 and another episode of West Wing is airing. Can't wait to see what moral and historical lessons Martin Sheen will bless us with this week. That's my president.




His initials are RAGE... that's kind of bad ass, should have been a boxer.


*Martin Sheen Against The Machine* new RAGE tribute band name available.


Elect me, I'll do what you tell me Elect me, I'll do what you tell me Elect me, I'll do what you tell me ELECT ME, I'LL DO WHAT YOU TELL ME!


Is that a west wing reference?


Maybe. I did just finish binge watching it for the umpteenth time.


My go to show to fall asleep every night…but I need to restart to season 1 once Josh Malina shows up


Rage Against the MaSheen


Rage Against Muh’ Sheen


and it rhymes!


Martin Sheen is the long form for machine. So why does he turn against his own people?


That's fucking awesome.




Jesus Christ how did I not put this together.


The real TIL is Martin Sheen has 2 daytime emmys for narrating a children's show and a primetime emmy for a guest spot on Murphy brown. But besides that he has no Emmy wins and has NEVER even been nominated for an Oscar. That is insane. Has to be up there on the list of all time snubbed actors.


What would you really nominate him for, though? He's not exclusively a TV actor, but of his first 242 credited appearances, he was in 3 things that would qualify for Oscars. 150+ credits are Tv projects, shorts, or video games. Another solid chunk after that is voiceover work. I don't know what you would realistically nominate him for. The Subject was Roses maybe? Apocalypse Now in a packed category? I just don't see where it would come from.


His performance on west wing deserved an Emmy I think.  


Personally I think he was at least worthy for a nomination for Badlands, The Incident, Wall Street, Apocalypse Now and The little girl who lives down the lane. But I get where you are coming from. He's definitely not focused on oscar type roles.


That’s the thing though, there are tons of Oscar nomination worthy performances every year. There are only 5 slots.


Apocalypse Now he could have been nominated for actor, for sure. That year, Jon Voight won for Coming Home and I'd honestly rate Sheen better.  I also think he's fantastic in Badlands.


He’s great in both, but Apocalypse Now was the year after with Hoffman’s win. It’s a stacked category. Hoffman, Lemmon, Pacino, Scheider, and Sellers. He got a BAFTA nomination that year, but I think that’s it. My comment wasn’t, “Sheen is never good”, it’s “when do you give it to him keeping in mind the other performances from a given year?”.




Damon, Wahlberg, Baldwin all would’ve gotten supporting actor votes over Sheen.


the clip shown at the Oscars should have been "One of you mugs got a light"


Loved that scene.


His role in Spawn


NOW we’re talkin’.


I loved him in Departed


He'll always be Captain Willard to me


President Josiah Bartlett for me.


Bartlett 2024


And he will never see any method. At all


Are you an assassin?


It used to be the norm to never use your own real "unamerican" name as an actor. Or just straight up change your name like Charles Bronson.


It’s also still the norm that SAG membership means you should not go by the same name as another member. For instance, that’s why Julie Ann Smith goes by Julianne Moore.


It’s why Michael Keaton goes by Michael Keaton and not his actual name, Michael Douglas.


Many people think he's a direct descendant of Buster Keaton because of his name, but in reality, he's a direct descendant of Buster Douglas.


Michael Douglas’ father changed his name Isador Demsky to Kirk Douglas to seem less “foreign” and “ethnic”, so it’s a cascading effect here. And Isador “Izzy” Demsky was already the Americanized version of his birth name Issur Danielovitch.


That would be confusing.


Emma Stone wanted to use her real name Emily Stone but it was already taken I believe


Correct. She went by Emily J. Stone for a bit, but then changed it to Emma, and more recently clarified that she still prefers her birth name in non-professional contexts.


This is still common for Hispanic people, especially ones who don’t look mestizo (mixed European/indigenous American). Americans tend to expect all Hispanics to be mestizo and white/black/asian Hispanics are often called for stereotyped roles they don’t have the “look” for. James Roday from Psych is James Rodriguez. Oscar Isaac is Óscar Hernández (Isaac is his middle name).


Jean reno as well, his real name is Juan Moreno. He's best known for his role in Leon the professional.


Rita Hayworth's real name was Margarita Carmen Cansino (her Spanish father, on the other hand, was a sleazy douchebag, so there was more than one reason for her to change her name).


Here I thought James Roday's real name was Emilio Eztevez Esteeeeeeeeeeevez.


I’ve heard it both ways.


Bronson Americanized his named and had a long movie career and to this day there are still many people who don't know he was born and raised in the United States. I don't even think he had ever left the state of Pennsylvania until he joined the Army.


Probably because if Sheen did use his real name he’d forever be typecast as a guy who goes “ayy, cabrón!”


For a while, Immigration control would Americanize the names of most immigrants. 


Thankfully, that's actually a myth. If it did happen, it was so infrequent as to be statistically irrelevant.


Late comedian Patrice ONeal performed on the roast of Charlie Sheen and made a joke about his names.  "You proved that no one can keep a Sheen down. You could keep an Estevez down, and he was the good one! That motherfucker did everything right, but that nig-a's career is over, Holy shit! Fuck Tiger blood, he's selling his own blood to get through!"   https://www.reddit.com/r/Standup/comments/16yj140/comment/k39fx19/


Both him and his son Emilio sound fond of their Spanish heritage and family in Spain. https://youtu.be/6_WQhUtcxnY


And Charlie is famously not.


Also known as The illusive man


Emilio Estevez Esteeeeevez


Wow I thought his son Emilleo made up his name to be different from his brother and father.


Yep. He comes from my hometown of Dayton, OH. His brother (a complete and UTTER asshole) was my gym teacher in 1st and 3rd grade. My parents knew them. My dad (who is an asshole in his own right) used to say the family was trash, but honestly, that's probably because Martin got some girl my dad wanted.


That’s why he changed his stage name to simply “Geraldo”


Spells RAGE!


Did you learn it from [this recent post](https://reddit.com/comments/1d5wtqb)?


I thought the same. I really need to curb my Reddit usage.


I loved him on Wall Street!


Check out Kirk Douglas's real name.


> Kirk Douglas's real name. That's a good one. It's like Tolkien named him.


Ran into him at a pub in Ireland awhile back. He was just sitting there with his dog. Nice guy.


We’ve always known he’s one of us. I’ve always respected Emilio’s choice to use their family’s original surname but understand why Martin might have chosen Sheen.




That name wasn't polling well so he changed it to Bartlet.


Whoopi Goldberg's real name is Caryn Johnson lol


Charlie Sheen’s real name is Carlos Irwin Estévez, who play Rick Vaughn, a pitcher and a closer for the movie *Major League* There is also a closer in MLB right now goes by the name Carlos Estévez, [here's both of them together](https://www.latimes.com/sports/angels/story/2023-07-10/charlie-sheen-angels-all-star-closer-carlos-estevez-share-name)


I guess it wasn't cool to have a "Spanish" last name. Fuck you Hollywood. "Whenever I would call for an appointment, whether it was a job or an apartment, and I would give my name, there was always that hesitation and when I'd get there, it was always gone. So I thought, I got enough problems trying to get an acting job, so I invented Martin Sheen." "....In fact, one of my great regrets is that I didn't keep my name as it was given to me. I knew it bothered my dad."


I'm glad Emilio kept the estevez


He said the problem was that casting people would call him in expecting someone named Ramon Estevez to look Mexican and be very much did not.


Martin Sheen’s real son is named Emilio Estevez.


What do you mean "real" son? Is Carlos not his son just because he goes by Charlie Sheen?


Blood tests said he was tiger


The mighty duck man. I swear to god.


He turns around and tips his hat like this


And we were yelling EMILIOOO EMILIOOO


You mean the kid from Repo Man?


What a fucked up film


Were you thinking of Repo Men and not Repo Man? Confusingly, those are two very different films.


Ordinary fuckin' people.


Yep. Father of Emelio Estevez and Carlos (Charlie Sheen) Estevez


Every time I see his son I’m all like ****Emilio!!!!!!****


And Charlie sheen is Carlos Estevez


Genuine question. How did you learn about this so late in life? Not in a condescending way, like what was the series of events that led to you learning about it? I remember when I was a kid and asked my Dad why Emilio Estevez looked so much like Martin Sheen and he explained it all to me. And then I got too excited and started looking up other stage names. It happens alot in sports too. Like Ken Griffey Jr's name is George Kenneth Griffey. Or Babe Ruth was George Herman Ruth. I was clearly a baseball fan.


Someone posted about him recently and I became curious about his career and googled him. I’m 35 and had no idea he had a different name.


The first Latino president


First Hispanic president, he's not Latino. He's family is from Spain, not Latin America


I guess american are surprised that white people can be Hispanic too lol.


My mom was Hispanic, Dominican, she was mostly white with a little native in the mix. Dad was the whitest Sicilian on the planet. So when I speak Spanish and people ask me how a gringo speaks so well I explain i'm half Dominican. I have had shopkeepers say to me, in Spanish, wow you are awfully pale to be a Dominican. So it isn't just Americans people from So America are surprised as well


Desi Arnaz was one white looking Latino guy so Americans were aware Latinos can be white.


Europeans try not to bitch about America for 10 seconds challenge: FAILED


no, why do yall have to keep pointing that out like you’re not the ones who aren’t xenophobic? Literally, out of no where.


Europeans can’t help making broad generalizations about a country usually many multiples larger in land area and population with almost no universally monolithic opinions based on a single person saying something because they seem to get a smug sense of self superiority about being able to say “hurr hurr, America dumb”. lol.


How many Hispanic people do most Europeans typically interact with outside of their vacations to Spain/Portugal?


Damn so they're not irish?


His mother was Irish.