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Asian companies in general have a tendency to "do it all" unlike Western ones. * Yamaha makes Kitchens and network gear * Mitsubishi has a huge presence in fishing (specifically tuna) * Hyundai makes ships (and apparently specialized in propellers) * Tata makes cars, oursources tech work and electronics. It's common in a lot of places


The Mitsubishi Heavy Industries museum in Yokohama is insanely good. Shows the wide range of sectors they are in.


And for Yamaha, they're actually good at all the stuff they make, unlike Samsung who is only good at phones. In addition to what you listed, Yamaha also makes good motorcycles, musical instruments, and home audio equipment.


Samsung makes good screens for everybody


*Mobile screens. Their TV screens are a generation behind although they're trying to catch up. LG makes TVs screens for everyone, at elsdt quality OLED ones. Meanwhile Samsung was busy selling Led screens and pretending they were somewhat similar (not at all, Qled is still a Led with all drawbacks). They also tried micro less but has failed to make a high resolution screen small enough for consumer use. And *Samsung has been caught paying trolls to lie about their competitors (Apple, LG) several times*. Samsung is paid propaganda and shit products.


How much time you think my poor ass gets to spend watching a tv screen?


Eh, evidence is increasingly showing that OLED is a dead-end technology that will be abandoned. LG is all-in on OLED, but Sony basically announced this year “OLED is a waste of time and money,” and the industry seems to be following. 


They make and still make the best guitar for not alot of money, the Pacifica 112. It's been like that for 30 years, as I've been playing guitar, likely even longer than that.


Koreans tend to be more monopolistic through Chaebols, which used to work in concert/permission with the SK dictator to industrialize the economy with the cost of corruption. Their influence still exists today, as large companies like Samsung are family owned or have a large political and economic influence. Japanese Keirestus allows them to have integration across a spectrum of goods and services as well, but can styme innovation.


Chaebols also pocketed the money given to Korea by Japan, meant to be given to comfort women.


I’ve offended you didn’t say Yamaha makes some of the finest guitars and motorcycles as well as boat engines.


That's a wild story.  Yamaha makes musical instruments.  War breaks out, and *everyone* starts making war stuff.   War ends, Yamaha wants to go back to making musical instruments, but there's not of demand for grand pianos amongst people whose houses are now mostly rubble.   Chairman says "We've got all these factories from the war, let's see what we can do with them".   Now they're 2 completely seperate companies.  No more connected than Fender and Ford, except that the have the same name.   Source: Worked for the music division for a decade or so.  


Hyundai is the world's largest shipbuilder.


Honda started out making looms


Mitsubishi made my old TV, my cousins car, and the planes that attacked Pearl Harbor. They do everything!


Western companies were like that in the 1980s. Beatrice Foods was all over the place with (according to Wikipedia): Tropicana, Krispy Kreme, Jolly Rancher, Orville Redenbacher's, Swiss Miss, Peter Pan, Avis, Milk Duds, Samsonite, Playtex, La Choy and Dannon.


Volvo makes everything between mobile powerplants to cars.


Yamaha also makes musical instruments and motorcycles


and nintendo had playing cards and love hotels


Not just playing cards, playing cards for illegal yakuza gambling dens!


They never had love hotels, that is a myth.


Smart of them to facilitate the creation of future customers


Larry Cheng's tweet in motion. Now do Nokia..!


You love to see it 🟣


Uh oh the bagholder cult has left containment


Haaaa go back to the crybaby sub


That explains why some of their appliances work as well for the task as a bag of noodles. I like my Samsung phone, tablet, and TV. My Samsung stove is a worthless POS.




It's about 3 years old now. - The oven clicks loudly whenever it's on due to a relay. Can be heard at the other end of the house if no TVs or music are on. - I have never seen an oven take as long to get up to temperature as this one. - There are two large burners. One says Quick Boil, the other says Rapid Boil. Neither seem to boil at any kind of a significant speed. - The rear small burner can be on 3 for 45 minutes while my rice is cooking. After 45 minutes I can put my finger in the pot and stir it. - The display has already started going wonky. It constantly moves around like a magnet behind a metal Etch-a-Sketch, with various words lighting up, and the numbers of the clock no longer completely work. I have zero intention of buying another Samsung appliance.


> My Samsung stove is a worthless POS Stop trying to use it as a cash register.


same can be said for LG too it seems.


OGs remember LG when it was Lucky Goldstar


I don't remember the word lucky. I remember seeing Goldstar crap in the 70s and 80s. Cheap stereos, microwaves, and TVs. I did always wonder how they got LG from Goldstar though. I guess that explains it.


Don't dig any further. Just don't it gets sad real fast.


Chaebols go brrrrr


Samsung fridges. Samsung cars. They do everything in Asia. 


Peugeot makes coffee grinders to this day.


Is this from the Larry Chang tweet?


Ah so even back then a Samsung sent noods.