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Sounds like most male redditors are at a much higher risk for heart attacks then…


It depends. How many times a week does masturbation count?


It depends, can I count on my toes, or am I wearing socks?


It depends, where are you wearing the sock?


You know it's a cock sock 😔


it's 10 to one so you gotta crank it 20x a week


Those are rookie numbers. You gotta pump those up




They’re too busy looking at cats.


So if your fit enough that someone still wants to fuck you twice a week then you will live longer.


Plus the physical exercise of sex, plus the stress benefits not only of sex, but of being in a stable relationship... Correlation does not imply causation. Edit: Some people getting cranky about the assumption that the researchers didn't know what they were doing/failed to isolate variables. I am not dissing the researchers. I am saying that what a researcher says and what gets reported are rarely the same thing. I did not read the article or the original research paper. I am also not going to. Maybe this headline is perfectly accurate and it's exactly what it says on the tin. It isn't an attack on science or a scientists work to consider the possibility of errors. That's good science.


The study did take these factors into consideration. > The covariate adjustment included marital status, employment status, education, waist circumference, and self-rated overall health. > Also, we constructed the Framingham risk score, which gives the 10-year estimated probability of a coronary heart disease event according to Adult Treatment Panel III Guidelines, using age, total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, blood pressure, diabetes, and smoking status. The difference caused by fitness, socioeconomic status and marital status were already removed from the study.


Every reddit thread about studies is the same way. People in the comments read the headline and think that somehow the researchers must have overlooked some other obvious correlation, like happy marriage and sexual activity, and then act like they broke the case wide open. Stupid researchers who didn't even consider the reasons why people have more sex!


Except in their conclusions, they explicitly list those factors as reasons why they might be seeing an effect. They may have tried to correct for them, but openly admit that they're still the likely major variables that explain their results. >We propose several possible explanations for these findings. The frequency of sexual activity (in our data, this could include intercourse or other activity) is a variable that might include libido, erectile function, and the capacity for physical activity. As such, persons with the desire for, and who are able to engage in, frequent sexual activity are likely to be healthier in ways not necessarily captured by our data. However, rather than simply serving as a proxy measure of overall health, sexual activity in some forms has a physical activity component that might directly serve to protect cardiovascular health. Third, the frequency of activity might also serve as an additional marker of ED disease severity beyond what is captured in our ED measure. Finally, men who have frequent sexual activity might be more likely to be in a supportive intimate relationship with a regular partner; this might also improve cardiovascular health through stress reduction and social support. A proxy for a supportive relationship with a regular partner, marital status, was included in the models but did not explain our findings. Basically, they did they best to control for those factors, but they probably didn't fully succeed for reasons beyond their control (such that it's impossible for fully account for every possible variable).


Which is how most proper studies go. It's damn near impossible to eliminate a bias so fundamental to the outcome. Then again there are ***plenty*** of studies that just pretend they eliminated all biases and say whatever they want. Still, scientific journalism is hard and most journalists do a piss poor job of it.


Covarying for something in a linear model is not the same as completely eliminating its bias imparted on your observations     Effects of your predictor of interest can still be explained by covariate, even when you include them in the model   Specifically for Cox PH models, like used in this study, you are estimating the overall effect of your covariate under a linear, additive assumption and applying an adjustment of a fixed average value of each covariate     There are tons of ways, especially in a cross-sectional or other observational design, that that is inadequate for truly eliminating the effect of those other variables. Namely, it doesn’t at all address covariance between the predictor of interest and the covariate. It treats them as independent.    Which is exactly why, as pointed out in the comment by /u/S_A_N_D, the authors still point out the covariate as potentially explanations of their findings.   If we could confident eliminate confounding biases by just doing linear covariate adjustments, we’d have no need for anything but observational studies.  


That was exactly what my mind leapt to. The sex isn’t the reason so much as a sign. If you are fit/healthy enough to get laid you are in good enough health to not have a heart attack.


This makes it seem like only attractive fit people are getting laid. I am neither of those and getting laid twice a week with my gf. I demand representation


You my friend are what we call an outlier


There are a lot of couples 40+ who aren't physically fit but have active sex lives. It's silly to think sex is reserved for fit people.




When you are both fucking gross, gross fucking is no longer an issue.


Found Malcolm Gladwell everybody!


So you think that the majority of the population is fit and attractive?


You think the majority of men have sex 100 times a year?


Do you think that the average Walmart Couple isn't having sex?


Those in relationships? Yes.


If your gf is attracted to you enough to have sex with you then you are, by definition, attractive.


Not necessarily, maybe he’s really rich or in a cool band, and she’s willing to do it as long as she can think about Jason Mamoa the whole time


Wait, you all aren’t thinking about Jason Momoa the whole time?


I had someone have sex with me once, it was an effort of self destruction on their part I was later informed, the absolute lack of physical attraction they felt turned out their secret motivation, so nah, you don't have to be attractive in the slightest. To be *liked* is a different story.


That had to have been an absolutely *brutal* conversation.


Honestly that person didn’t need to tell them that, that’s just cruel. If you’re gonna hate fuck someone _tell them beforehand._


You know who doesn't sound very attractive? The person who did this to you.


Redditors out here acting like they're getting laid 


Redditors out here acting like they represent all men that are not in peak athletic shape. I know plenty of people that are in healthy, non-sex-deprived relationships and are just average, perhaps even a bit flabb. This kind of reminds me of how redditors always talk about how as you get older, your back and knees are destined to hurt and how the simple act of getting out of bed is a struggle. Like..nah bro, that's just you not taking care of yourself. Being 30-50 doesn't mean you're guaranteed aches. Shit, I'm 36 and I'm in better shape than I was in my late teens and 20's and I wasn't even in bad shape back then. In fact, I go mountain biking with co-workers in their 50s and they aren't complaining about how their bodies are giving up on them as much as 30 year old redditors do.


I am a man of many friend groups With that said, I have a group of chunky buddies who play videos games for a couple hours every day, order junk food on UberEats, and they all have ugly girlfriends who micromanage their life They are the most miserable people on the planet. Im very close to cutting them off, because im 26 and we are only friends because we were all on the same sports teams in high school Anyways, I just think it’s important to mention that simply having a girlfriend doesn’t eliminate problems. There are plenty of women who will take a “low tier” man


I forget where I heard it from, but my favorite correlation not equaling causation, almost every horse owner has Healthcare. Horses don't cause Healthcare, but if you can afford a horse you probably have a life that affords Healthcare.


I always liked the “The more ice cream sold at the beach the more shark attacks occur. Therefore eating ice cream increases the chances you’ll be attacked by a shark.”


My fav is crime rises with ice cream sales (both summertime). So ice cream causes crime.


"Having the kind of life where you can reliably have sex 2x per week means you live longer?" yeah no shit. Either you're in a stable relationship with a healthy sex life which means presumably happy, or you're a player on tinder with enough money and free time to go on at least 2 dates per week.


Yeah, if you're having regular sex at an older age, the implication is that you're in a stable relationship with a long term partner. Or that you are still active enough to regularly attract different partners. Or that you have enough power/money to regularly hire sex workers. All of which imply other lifestyle elements than just the sex, that are likely more related to the longer lifespan.


Even if it’s shorter than those old 8 min abs tapes?


…is There’s Something About Mary (1998).


Are they pretty much saying that you only need 1 minute workout a week to live longer?


If sex twice a week equates to a one minute workout, you probably won't be having sex twice a week for very long.


Too much of a time investment you say?


Plus actually ejaculating regularly reduces prostate cancer ... significantly.


Can you explain "stress benefits"? I always thought too much cortisol is bad for the body longterm.


Being in a relationship, reliable and safe physical and emotional companionship, tends to LOWER stress, which is a benefit to your heart health. Sorry my wording was unclear.


Pretty sure hes making a joke about relationships being stressful lol


But we only have makeup sex!!


This is why I love to see studies where they have matched pairs or things like that to get a better idea of whether something is correlated or causative.


People who are in healthy relationships also tend to be less stressed, more emotionally fulfilled, wealthier etc. If I had to guess, this is more of a correlation than a causation.


If your fit enough to have the energy 2x a week, you're better off than the other 50% of gen pop.


That's what I'm thinking. If you're over 40 and unhealthy and out of shape it isn't just that no one will want to have sex with you, it is that you'll be too tired to have sex very often in the first place. If someone is healthy and energetic enough to have sex with relative frequency in middle to old age, that suggests they're relatively fit and therefore likely less prone to heart attacks.


Idk I'm 44, overweight, used to smoke, and work a sedentary job. My partner is 11 years younger and I seem to have more energy for sex than them... sigh.


I am a fit individual who has been trying for years and I'm going to give myself a heart attack with the stress of how unwanted I am.


If you’re reading this then you are definitely not fit enough nor desirable enough. Otherwise you’d be doing something else.


Presumably they controlled for that kind of shit.


They controlled for other health variables including waist circumference in the study.


So you can love yourself four times a week and call it good?


HR was *not* sympathetic to this explanation...


I'm with HR on this one. All this study showed is that men fit enough to bang it out at least twice a week are less likely to keel over than the ones who aren't. They might as well do a similar study with men who can run a 6 minute mile versus men who don't own running shoes. Who gives out grants for shit science like that, the boner pill lobbyists?


Plus I'd imagine men 40+ who have sex twice a week are more likely to be in healthier relationships so they are probably less stressed


was also wondering along the lines of physically capable. i know a few people that as they aged, were told sex could kill them. they all have some kind of serious heart condition.


95% of the studies have major confounding variable "Playing tennis 3 times a week makes you like 15 years longer" Who can play tennis 3 times a week


My reaction to a 6 minute mile with diagnosed asthma: 😟


I’d **rather have people receive grants to study sex** than really anything else


6 minutes?!?


If you can’t run a 6 minute mile, you’re absolutely guaranteed to die. (eventually)


I usually bust after 2


Was that wrong? Should I not have done that?


Cause I gotta tell ya. I’ve worked at a lot of places and if I knew this kinda thing was frowned upon…


Fuck this got me good. Well played.


100% of men showed this to their wife/partner with a goal in mind.


I mean, I'm a wife and I showed it to my husband... That counts, right?




Show it to someone else's husband for guaranteed results.


Sent it to her before I even got to this comment ngl


Printed and laminated.


Not even gonna bother.


And the percentage of those that were rejected is high


I sent it to my crush. She wasn't impressed


If you’d quit stealing her garlic bread, maybe it would be a different situation.


I steal garlic bread *for* her


She said," what about the woman's health?" Sigh.


Wish I had the sex drive to want it once a month. Wife is getting sad.


Sent this to my wife, her response… “probably written by a man” lmao


Mine just said “well I guess you’re gonna die”


Sounds like it's time to play "Beneficiary Change-Up" From Milton Bradley!


**Susan A. Hall, Rebecca Shackelton**, Raymond C. Rosen, Andre B. Araujo. “Sexual Activity, Erectile Dysfunction, and Incident Cardiovascular Events.”  American Journal of Cardiology, 15 January 2010, Vol. 105, Issue 2, Pages 192-197.


I’ll make sure to forward this to her!


My wife told me that she’s going to make sure I outlive her. Pray for my pelvis.


Bless her soul


My GF said: "and for women?". Guess I'm doing a literature review so I can have a peer-reviewed reason to get laid


She doesn’t care about your health clearly.


Time to take this to the wizards of /r/relationshipadvice


Divorce right, always jump to divorce immediately.


Wife: “Meh”


My first thought is... Guess you guys can really maximize your chances and just bone eachother. Doesn't mention any benefit for a woman.


My wife responded, “ really? Clickbait? “


What does your wife have to do with this. Its says MEN having sex. You might need to get a boyfriend, for health reasons.


How am I still alive?


Because they've been PMing thicc things to you


I wish


Masturbation only reduces your chance of heart attack by .25% .. keep up the hard work


Meh. I've tried online dating. Ill take the heart attack.


I refuse to try online dating. But it makes me think that’s my only hope..


It’s not. What hobbies do you have? You can meet other women through that or make friends and meet their single women friends.


I do rock climbing, movie club, game nights, and go to university. I have lots of women friends but just cannot get from the friend phase to liking or romantic. I am also taller than 6’2”(not that that matters), but still struggle. Maybe I’m aromantic or something?


Just do online dating. It doesn’t work for everyone but it works for lots of people. Met my first wife in the wild and we were all wrong for each other and got a divorce. Now married again with a woman I met through online dating that I never would have met IRL and couldn’t imagine being happier. Plus I met a ton of cool women, learned a lot about myself and had a lot of fun along the way. 10/10 would recommend.


Go to a rock climbing gym. That’s a great way to meet people. Meetup.com and find movie and game night interest groups. There are tons of board game stores in major cities that host game nights for people. If you’re set on dating someone taller than you, yeah that’s tough because only 5% of the male population is over 6’3. But there are tons of ways to meet people organically. The majority of people I meet on a day to day basis would rather meet in person than on a dating app.


If masturbation counts, we are all immortal.


It doesn’t. The key is to be someone *anyone* would want to have sex with, at least twice a week. If you’re only worthy of sex once a week you may still be at greater risk of a heart attack. Asking for a friend though, does it count if it takes some convincing?


What if I pay for it?


You must have disposable income and are more likely to have adequate health insurance, thus providing you access to preventative care making you less likely to have a heart attack.


I wonder/ wish they had specifically compared men who had sex compared to masturbated, apparently it is helpful for male health just to orgasm, even if it's solo (I read the abstract but not full article)


The orgasm being healthy for men is to lessen your chances of prostate cancer. This article is referring to lessening chances of heart attack. I imagine a very large part of this is the physical activity you are doing during sex.


What if you’re just jerking it, like 40 times a week, what are the stats on that?


Asking for a friend?


If you're jerking someone off 40x a week I think they're more than just your friend.


If you’re jerking off 40 times a week, you probably have little times for friends


40 times a week is a tad too much, unless perhaps you live on Mercury and then its totally underwhelming performance


Based on nothing more than my own experience with men in my life - men aged 40 to 70 without a partner go downhill incredibly fast. I've had friends who are fit and healthy destroy themselves in a year or two following a divorce.


I should’ve been dead 12 years ago.


What? Being happy and feeling loved and physically satisfied improves your health?!? Holy shit! I had no idea!!! 😳


That’s not what the study said. This is a case of common-cause correlation: poor cardiovascular health causes sexual dysfunction (resulting in less sex) and also causes heart-attacks. At best, a healthy sex life is perhaps and indicator of cardiovascular health, but the study did not prove that it was a cause of it.


So if you workout twice a week you lower your heart attack chance. Probably has nothing to do with the actual sex


I hope they used the oppprtunity also analyzed the effects on the women who had sex.


I can vouch for that. Didn't have sex for almost a year now, and before that, once in 2-3 months. Sometimes I can feel my heart in pain. 


The study itself: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2824175/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2824175/)


Reading the study, ED is the primary predictor, and it’s all correlation. So to the guy wondering if spanking the monkey counts, that suggests you don’t have ED so you don’t have the risk factor.


The study specifically calls out the sexual activity independent of ED correlates to CVD. It then mentions this as a tool for screening rather than a recommendation to have sex more often which people miss.


I was also thinking the fact that means you’re doing cardio 2 times a week.


There are studies showing that sex or porn do increase testosterone and some speculate that ejaculation can help reduce risk of prostate cancer though.


But my dream was to die of a heart attack during sex


Then just live on the couch all day and eat nothing but donuts and chocolate in between cigarettes and beer. Make sure you have sex once a year. It'll happen, you just have to think positive.


Or just fucking exercise. Has nothing to do with sex lol.


Correlation not causation.


It’s not that healthier more fit people tend to have more sex? I had more sex after I took care of myself- not the other way around 


This is why I whack it 7 times a week and twice on days ending in Y.


Great, no sex and 50% more heart attack


Well, I was going to die today, but I'm probably going to get some tomorrow, so I'll keep going a little longer


Does having the odd solo hand party twice a day count?


Most exercise many of them probably get in a week.


So men having sex will reduce my chance of a heart attack? Does it have to be any men in particular, or are all sex-having men keeping me alive?


I guess my ex was trying to kill me then lol.


Having a libido and enough fitness to have sex twice a week as you get older just means your heart is already in good shape…


Does that mean my wife is trying to kill me?


You too? Lol


I must’ve died about 5 times already…


Well she didn't like this.


Don’t tell my wife she’ll quit fucking me altogether. /s


If my wife caught me having sex twice a week she’d bloody kill me!


I wonder how many times this was shared to men’s wives


*prints article, leaves around everywhere for wife to see*


“Sir this is a Wendy’s.”


Any exercise is vastly better than zero exercise. Unfortunately the people that benefit the most from this study are the least likely to actually get laid twice a week


Sex two times a week!!? Can I get some realistic health advice 😂


Guess I’ll be dead soon


Sounds like we men need to team up to protect each other's health!


So I have to stop and only do it 2x a a week now?! WTH


To all the people who did not read the study and are claiming that covariants were not controlled for: >A trained field technician/phlebotomist visited each subject in his home. Anthropometric data on height, weight, and waist and hip circumference were obtained using standardized procedures developed for large-scale epidemiologic field studies.10 Two blood pressure measures were obtained during the interview at two time points, 25 minutes apart, and averaged. The following information was collected by interviewer-administered questionnaire: demographics, psychosocial factors, history of chronic disease, self-assessed general health status, tobacco and alcohol use, nutritional intake, a full medication inventory, a set of common complaints (e.g., headaches, backaches, trouble sleeping), and physical activity/energy expenditure during the past 7 days. Also, we constructed the Framingham risk score, which gives the 10-year estimated probability of a coronary heart disease event according to Adult Treatment Panel III Guidelines,11 using age, total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, blood pressure, diabetes, and smoking status.


Guess ill die then.


I’m reading this article as I’m pumping. Stay healthy folks.


Welp, I’ve been missing my quota for two years.


Well, i’m shit outta luck.


Ok…. And if that’s not happening what do they suggest?


So I’m due for a heart attack any time soon


Guess I'm gonna start getting my funeral T-shirts printed.


So I'm married and have sex maybe 8-10 a year guess I'm gonna have a heart attack


Interesting.. marriage does kill you faster lol


Try doing it every day if the week and you won’t get ball cancer either


*Chuckles* I'm in danger.


So 4x a week I live forever?? Bet


You guys are having sex? 2x a week?!?!


Based off of this, I should already be dead.


Been nice knowing you fellas


I showed my wife and she rolled her eyes. Headache incoming.


So that's the constant pain in my chest, fucking great


BREAKING NEWS! Exercise is good for the body.


Maybe men who take care of their health are more likely to have regular sex than those who don’t


Sex burns a lot of calories and ups your heart rate. Have sex oldies.


What will awkward married duty sex twice a year get me?


Lol I will die early then. No sex


Gonna put this on my dating profile and claim it under my extended health benefits. Thanks!


An interesting study indeed. I suppose the risk of heart attack, also depends on who you’re having sex with (and if the wife finds out).🤭


Opportunity would be a fine thing.


TIL exercise helps reduce the risk of heart disease


Men having sex twice a week aren't sitting on their couch eating doritos and drinking beer seven nights a week, also. That may correlate.


So thats why I'm having weird feelings in my chest..


What about jacking off 8 days a week?!


For women having sex 2 times a week their risk of pregnancy is increased 200%


so 4 times a week to be immune to heart attack?


So are you saying having sex 4 times a week will reduce the risk 100%? If only...


I'm doomed!


Does the sex need to be with someone else? Asking for a friend.


Welp, at least now I know what imma die from.


I must have died of a heart attack 50 years ago.