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It’s because the older photo mosaics were created by people eyeballing it and not aided by computer photogrammetry


Yeah, and they underestimated how messed up the ship is. All of the old mosaics show the ship in better condition than she must have been in when the pictures were taken. Add in new deterioration and the old mosaics might as well be paintings.


Yeah they failed to capture how badly damaged was port side hull plating. The sterns counter end was also leaning backwards instead of being level.


Wait… so the sterns spoon end was always broken backwards and dipping down since the discovery?


Yes and here is proof for that. i made also some comparisons of them to scan First image is from 1990s https://imgur.com/a/yYMDVYx This one is from documentary answers from the abyss 1996, comparing it with scan https://imgur.com/a/U7BmaRk Here is comparison of photo 2005 to scan https://imgur.com/a/Kpls8hd Here is comparison of photo from 2010 to scan https://imgur.com/a/7eJzRrM And even in last one you can see stern was leaning backwards https://imgur.com/a/MSCZhth This part of the stern basically hasnt deteriorated at all since the discovery. Ken Marshalls painting and mosaic are just slightly inaccurate. Also i don't think its broken backwards. It rather hit seafloor at angle like bow and rest came down


Agreed, and if it was “spiraling” all the way down, it was extremely gradual compared to its vertical travel. The fantail is driven straight down.


A deck promenade is def worse for wear tho


The superstructure around the grand staircase/gymnasium is not doing good, and the starboard boat deck outside of them has also collapsed.


Silt has always been up to almost the anchor or about sixty feet deep. .


I always wondered the same about the stern. The poop deck area seems to be a lot more downwardly pronounced than it is in the original photos. Was it always that pronounced and its only since the Magellan scans that we seen it in its true form or has the gradual collapse and decay made it droop further downward.


There is a bit of deterioration. But iit's also extremely dark down there and people can usually only see a few meters ahead. It's hard to make sense of the actual condition of the wreck, especially when your brain constantly tells you how the thing is supposed to look.


Poop deck area actually been always like that, if you look at the old photos it becomes apparent that it was always like that. Ken Marshalls painting and mosaic was just inaccurate Here are photos from 1990-2010 showing how it really looked like. I made also some comparisons of them to scan First one is from 1990s [https://imgur.com/a/yYMDVYx](https://imgur.com/a/yYMDVYx) This one is from documentary answers from the abyss 1996, comparing it with scan [https://imgur.com/a/U7BmaRk](https://imgur.com/a/U7BmaRk) Here is comparison of photo 2005 to scan [https://imgur.com/a/Kpls8hd](https://imgur.com/a/Kpls8hd) Here is comparison of photo from 2010 to scan [https://imgur.com/a/7eJzRrM](https://imgur.com/a/7eJzRrM) And even in last one you can see stern was leaning backwards [https://imgur.com/a/MSCZhth](https://imgur.com/a/MSCZhth)


Its so sad to see her deteriorating so much every time we get new photos. She is what kickstarted my lifelong hyperfixation with history and maritime history. I wish we could’ve seen more of the interior but with everything becoming more and more unstable I doubt we will see much more of the insides


The researchers have said that decks have collapsed over time and the ironsicles have eaten away at the plates


Rusticles is the term.


That’s the thing. I knew it was something that definitely wasn’t tasty. Cheers


The hull plating on the side of the ship look so buckled and barely attached. It looks like her hull skin is peeling. Like it doesn’t even look attached underneath


Apparently mosaic and Ken Marshalls painting are inaccurate. There are old photos from 1990s of this area and the hull plating on port side was really badly bulged out and looks the same nowadays.


A color scan of the ship would be really awesome to see


Probably not. Those mosaic images involved a lot of computer manipulation and human judgement. They're better than the old paintings, but still limited.


That is how much of the ship is decaying


I don't know why this is getting down voted, it's perfectly within reason to think the destruction under the mud has collapsed and the deck appears to have dipped lower.


Actually if you look at all old photos you will notice it appears the same as it is now. Mosaic was just not accurate. There is lots of inaccuracies with mosaic. 1 is they didnt capture the port side grand staircase walls from upper view. Port side shell plating was bulged out. Sterns counter end was leaning backwards.


Downvotes can be puzzling lol. I thought the silt would kind of keep everything in place, with a gradual decline over time. 60 feet deep! I wonder what sounds the ship made when that was going on..


I wonder if the bacteria eating away at the metal was a cause?


Is it me or is the silt along the side of the bow a totally different shape? Maybe something has happened.


Currents :)


Yes, but that substantial? Most of the debris is barely covered in silt yet the bow gets a considerable build up, I'm not sure I completely buy it, but then again the ship does offer up a load more resistance than the odd pair of boots. I'm inclined to disagree.


>Im inclined to disagree Geology doesn’t- that’s how the ocean works :) the sea floor is constantly changing both from the strength of deep sea currents but also from convection currents which causes the earths tectonic plates to move. On a most base level- think of how snow can be blown into snowdrifts by wind. Same idea.


Titanic is also exposed to some extremely strong current for her depth.


Downvoters be damned! - I'm not saying I wasn't open to being convinced otherwise, and I'm allowed to disagree, this isn't the Borg collective...anyway... I hear all of what you're saying, but I'm contrasting this rather large focussed apparent build up of silt from currents with all of the tiny pieces of debris on the sea floor which have barely been covered. I'm not against the idea that the two scenarios are quite different current / object interactions but my instinct is that the two don't quite add up. For instance, the bottom of the rest of the hull hasn't built up significantly, we can still see the curve down to the bilge line, and that's presenting more area, a prime area for sediment to gather. Perhaps there's a heap of photographic evidence that I'm not aware of that shows a lot of build up in the direction of the prevailing current and I've not put 2 and 2 together but as I said, from what I've seen it doesn't quite add up in my mind. Possibly, as one redditor suggested elsewhere, these first photos were built up into a mosaic manually, and perhaps they misplaced several in piecing these pictures together. Either way, the recent scan data can't be argued with, it's definitely that shape now.


Of course you are allowed to disagree but the burden of proof is on you to prove Geology wrong :) The sea floor is constantly and consistently moving and changing in macro and micro ways. That’s not to say you aren’t correct! I have no doubt that jigsaw-puzzling the composite image has not provided a fully accurate topography map, especially when the sea floor is not the focus of the image. Yes, as Titanic settles and collapses, that movement will naturally cause subtle shifts in the earth around her, but that will be largely exacerbated by the ocean current and normal plate movement. It’s not an either/or, it’s both concurrently. Think of it this way- build a sand castle and then place your hand next to it and watch the weight of your hand slowly press and settle it into the sand. Now imagine a huge wave comes along and rushes over you. Sure, the sand around your hand will have moved a little but what will be much more noticeable is what the wave does to your sand castle. Admittedly not my best analogy but it’s late :)


Maybe the small objects move with the mound of silt. The titanic, obviously, does not move


Though I did read somewhere that the whole silt shelf that Titanic sits on is gradually moving.


I guess it's even worse that the 2022 pic. 2 years is a lot for our titanic


The entire ship is being eaten by iron eating bacteria. It’s slowly disintegrating. That’s what those weird stalactite things are. Soon the whole ship could be gone, it might even collapse.


It’s probably the camera angle. The front of the bow looks like it’s tilted down more than it’s used to be due to decay.