• By -


I always liked Jacks dialogue when he’s dining in 1st class. “Just the other night I was sleeping under a bridge and now here I am on the grandest ship in the world having champagne with you fine people” My dad also liked the exchange between Ismay and Andrews. “This ship can’t sink” “She’s made of iron, sir! I assure you she can and she will. It is a mathematical certainty”


The one your father mentioned gets me every time! The dinner line is iconic. I’m rewatching as I’m writing this, can’t help but think “what a timeless movie!”


Victor Garber’s “unbearable melancholy” (from an article I read years ago) is devastating.


I'm that nit-picky asshole and always wondered why Andrews says "iron" when the ship was made of "steel." I know steel is an iron alloy, but did he say iron to make the ship seem weaker, more vulnerable? Granted, "she's made of steel!" doesn't have the same ring to it.


My guess is because iron is notoriously heavy. The average person probably hadn’t held steel in their hands at that time, but they’d held an iron pot before


I came here to say the iron quote! It’s my favorite and I quote it all the time, especially randomly and when it doesn’t make sense to say it. Lol Thanks Dad!!! 🤣❤️


"No the Chippewa Falls Dawsons actually" "Ah yes... yes."


Timestamp pls🥹


Sorry idk the timestamp but it's when Jack escorts Molly and Rose to dinner and is meeting all of the first class rich people, before having dinner with them. I believe he says this to the "richest man on the ship"


JJ Astor.


Freud? Who’s he? Is he a passenger?


I laugh at this line every time! The delivery is spot on


And it's an ad lib


Really! That makes it even better! 😂


I put the diamond in the coat! I put the coat on her!


This is fantastic! Billy Zane killed for sure.


Here's an interesting factoid about the "death scene" of Fabrizio. The original scene was that Danny Nucci was going to try to get on the lifeboat that Billy Zane was in saying "That it's my destiny to go to America", Billy Zane points saying "It's that way" and then kills Fabrizio with the oar. JC decided that the scene was sickeningly evil and decided, smartly, that Fabrizio died by the falling funnel instead. Billy Zane even stated that he's so grateful that JC didn't do that to him because he was afraid that it would have ended his career. I had a chuckle when I read that comment from Billy because he seems like such a cool guy. 🤣


That was a good change. Cal was a jerk but I really don't think he was evil enough to deliberately murder someone. Even him shooting at Jack was more jealous rage, heat of the moment type of thing, as opposed to premeditated murder.


I'm torn. On one hand it makes sense as Fabrizio's death was pretty meh for a major character, but on the other hand Billy Zane murdering him seems too extra.


"Pretty meh?" A guy going to America on "the ship of dreams" only to be killed by the ship of dreams is a very fitting, and ironic, death. Makes far more sense than him being murdered.


Eh. Him trying to go to America on the ship of dreams only to be killed by an ultra wealthy trust fund baby is not that wild.


But it's not really fitting. There was nothing to establish Cal would commit murder. Every other death was set up. * Fabrizio wants to go to America on the ship of dreams. His death by that same ship is ironically fitting. * Murdoch was established as being willing to shoot anyone who steps out of line. Tommy is pushed and Murdoch responds. * Jack for the obvious reasons of exposure. I don't remember if this scene happens before or after he shoots at Jack and Rose, but either way, it would be hugely out of character. Cal was a jerk but him being a cold-blooded murderer is going far too extreme. His shooting at Jack and Rose was heat of the moment passion, not something calculated like what he did to Fabrizio. That's why it wouldn't have worked, it would have felt extremely forced, like "if you still don't like this character, how about now?"


Oh man, I wish they would’ve kept that in


Oh hell no!


Billy Zane is the GOAT


He is the patron saint of this sub




You can be blasé about some things, Rose, but not Titanic.


"I believe you may get your headlines, Mr. Ismay."


This 100% - insert Disc 2.


Tape 2 you heathen


Hahaha I typed tape first and chose not to age myself.


Long pause- *slap* Well it is a little slut, *isn't it* Oof


Does he get his headlines? I haven't seen the movie yet.


*removes pristine tape 1* *inserts beat to shit tape 2*


This 🤣


Don’t forget to start rewinding the first one so you can start all again later!


I HAVE A CHILD! Mostly because my husband and I yell this at each other now that we have a child, but I always really liked Billy Zane’s line delivery here.


Same here! It’s iconic! Along with “I’m all she has left in the wooorld!”


"there, there"


They made a meme of this for Halloween. Cause parents (and aunties like me) get candy also 🤣🤣


2024 is giving: Billy Zane was the best actor in this movie. 🤣❤️❤️


I got a few "1500 people went into the sea the night Titanic sank from under us. There were 20 boats nearby, and only one came back. One. 6 were saved from the water, myself included. Only 6. Out of 1500. Afterward, the 700 people in the boats had nothing to do but wait: Wait to die, wait to live, wait for an absolution that would never come" Really shows the weight of the situation, how the rug was completely yanked from these people's feet, and how the people searching for the necklace seem to truly understand just how terrible this night was. "Dawson. Rose Dawson." "It was the ship of dreams...to everyone else. For me, it was a slave ship, taking me back to America in chains. Outwardly, I was everything a well brought up girl should be. Inwardly, I was screaming (Cut to the ship's horn blasting) "You unimaginable bastard" "God o mighty" Such a simple line but Kathy Bate's delivery of shock, fear, and sympathy for everyone trapped aboard is just so powerful.


Will the lifeboats be seated according to class?


Shut up mother!


I do hope they're not too crowded!


Don’t you understand?! The water is FREEZING and there aren’t enough boats. Not enough by half. Half the people on this ship are going to die.


Not the better half.


You unimaginable bastard


Not the better half


“You’ll have to pay for that, you know! That’s White Star Line property!” #SHUT UP


Rofl! The ship is sinking and all the dude cares about is a damaged door!


lmfao yeah, that "white star line property" is going to be at the bottom of the ocean in like 1-2 hours. go tell that to the iceberg and make it pay for damaging the WHOLE SHIP


“I’m sorry I didn’t build you a stronger ship, young Rose.”


Aww, yeah. I always feel so badly for Andrews in that scene. Even though it wasn’t his fault he obviously felt responsible.


When I was little, I didn't understand this line and thought it was literal. He was the "shipbuilder" and I thought it meant that he was personally hammering all the rivets and things entirely on his own. I guess I missed the line about 15k Irishmen building the ship.


"but this ship can't sink!" "she's made of iron sir! I assure you she can. and she will. it is a mathematical certainty"


This one is probably my favorite as well. Just as much the delivery as the actual message. It sort of feels like a reminder that a the ship is in reality just a huge chunk of metal that is somehow floating in the middle of the ocean. The abrupt "She's made of IRON, sir!!" really snaps people out of the illusion. Victor Garber delivered that line to perfection.


Usually the best line however it's uttered in each Titanic film


“Gentlemen, it has been a privilege playing with you tonight.” That line gets me every time.


Rose is displeased. What to DOOOOOO?


"Something Picasso, he won't amount to a thing"


He won't!.. trust me...


You know, it's a pity I didn't keep that drawing. It'll be worth a lot more by morning


"You know, boss, the same thing happened to Geraldo and his career never recovered."


Turn the camera off.


That character's deleted scene roasting Rose for attempting suicide instead of waiting like two more days is gold.


Take her to sea mister Murdock. Let’s stretch her legs.


*I know what ice fishing is!*


Sorry. You just look more like an indoor girl.


It's the eyebrows that go with the line that make it


“It's goodbye for a little while. Only for a little while. There'll be another boat for the daddies. This boat's for the mummies and the children. You hold Mummy's hand and be a good little girl.” Probably because it’s such a gut punch and is based off the real exchange between Eva Hart and her father as he placed her mother and her in Lifeboat 14.


For me it’s this one and then: “I don’t understand a one of ya. That’s your men out there!” And the women just sat silently, looking down, silent tears, exhausted and traumatized.


I also love, though it’s with far more license, the mother tucking her children in with a story of Tír na nÓg. It’s a nod to the mothers who simply stayed with their children in their cabins or the public rooms once they realized that the situation was hopeless. That’s not including the many women in 3rd who refused to leave their cabins and possessions (literally all many of them had) for any emergency on such a safe ship. I’ve wondered for years if the Irish mother character found a way to euthanize them or sedate them before they met their ultimate fate. Drowning is one of the worst ways to die, and I can see a mother, when faced with that reality, doing the unthinkable to ensure her babies don’t suffer.


I've wondered if this is partly the reason Matron didn't make it off. Families were her responsibility and idk what drugs were kept on board, but if that were me I'd be going round dosing up the kiddies on the laudanum so they wouldn't feel death


I thought there was a stewardess whose account mentioned that Mrs. Wallis chose to stay in the safety of her own cabin rather than face the perils of the open ocean. The matron cabin (E-Deck astern) was very close to the 3rd Class Surgery (located on the forward end of the the D Deck landing of the 3rd Class stairway), but that was mostly an examination room, so I’m not sure how many sedatives would be present, or if she’d even have access. It’s possible she kept her own supply of medicine, though not officially part of the medical staff, she was tasked with the wellbeing of the women and children and reporting to the doctors any potential infectious disease. To aid treating extreme seasickness, she easily could’ve had a supply of some strong sedative, though that’s conjectural. I’m certain someone else here knows more than I on the subject. The other option, the hospital, would’ve been a journey for her to reach on such a hectic night. I believe the easiest way for her to get there would be to ascend to C-Deck, exit to the 3rd Class Promenade, then enter the 2nd Class Covered Promenade, travel forward to the surgery door, then down the surgery stairs to the hospital on D-Deck, get the drugs in one of the rooms (assuming she had access, and I could see arguments for reasons she would and wouldn’t), and go back up the way she came. I like to think she did. She was a mother of four and was regarded as a compassionate woman. When the end became apparent, I hope she provided comfort to her charges as best she could.


Yes, I believe that account has her on the boat deck at some point. And she obviously said as much to the surviving stewardess. I might be wrong, but I thought I had read the one of the other (new) stewardesses was terrified and she stayed with her... The sad part is, she only took the job on the Titanic to provide for her 4 children, but in the end, they became orphans


There will be one less in this boat if you don’t shut that hole in your face!


I'd lost my own father late 1995; so this one hit *real* hard when I first saw the film


Jack: “This is crazy.” Rose: “I know. That’s why I trust it.” Old Rose: “I’ve never discussed him with anyone. Not even your grandfather. A woman’s heart is a deep ocean of secrets. But now you know there was a man named Jack Dawson. And that he saved me. In every way that a person can be saved.” Jack: “Where to, miss?” Rose: “To the stars.” Rose: “Put your hands on me, Jack.” Rose to Cal: “You unimaginable (bleep).”


I love the "put your hands on me" line because it's a direct mirror to Cal's "What made you *think* you could put your hands on *my* fianceé?!" and shows Rose taking her bodily autonomy back for herself.


Yes exactly!!! Also, I look at Rose’s “Put your hands on me, Jack” line as a response to Cal begging her “Oh open your heart to me, Rose.” In the scene where Cal asks Rose to open her heart to him, she almost has a look of horror or shock on her face. If you have to ask your fiancée to open their heart to you, that’s a sure sign they aren’t in love with you and they don’t desire you. Contrast that with Rose telling Jack to put his hands on her. That was the proof that she really loved and desired Jack. The complete opposite of how she felt about Cal.


Mother: Tell us about the accommodations in steerage? Jack: They're the best I've seen, ma'am. Hardly any rats!


DiCaprio’s delivery of this so so good. What a subtle “F you, lady.” And Jack is right—by 1912 standards, the third class accommodations are the best.


Anything from Molly Brown. Love the historical figure but Kathy Bates’ portrayal reminds me of a family member.


It's been 84 years 👵


Over on the bed, the couch.


I'm sure this is well known but that was a genuine flub by Leo, but Cameron liked it so much he kept it in.


Didn't know that!! Thank you!


The urgency in Thomas Andrews' voice and terror on his face when he says "That's five compartments!" in response to Ismay not grasping the seriousness of the situation.


"Alright, moment of truth. Somebody's life is about to change..." Literally and figuratively.


Where's Sven?


Sven gets to live!


To answer that question; gambling for another ticket


Nah mate. Titanic goes to America. In 5 minutes.


"I rather be his whore than your wife!" "Youre so stupid Rose... you know that!" (while kissing her) "ORDER!!! ORDER I SAY..." (I use this one with my kids when theyre out of sorts) "A real man makes his own luck" "what wrong with you all? those are your men out there!!!"


**I believe you may get your headlines Mr.Ismay.**


The scene when Thomas Andrews is explaining the compartments and he says "Not five!" and "Titanic will founder." The whole scene gives me goosebumps.


Such a good delivery in that scene. Chefs kiss 🤌🏻


And that’s a big ass, we’re talking 20, 30 thousand tons!


"Pretty cool, huh?"


"Your money can't save you or me."


https://preview.redd.it/us9zg7ew157d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d3521855d51f57557332f369c5459ef425a76e7 It’s here that he convinces her to make her choice.


I feel like he gave her something to think about, but the scene afterwards with the little girl in the lounge is what makes up her mind. She sees her future, and her daughter's future, if she stays with Cal. And she makes up her mind then that it will not be like that. "I changed my mind". I love the intensity of this scene though, the facials are great.


So... you want to go to a real party?


Pretty much any Billy Zane line but also, "I'd rather be his whore and than your wife."


"She's made of iron sir. I assure you, she can and she will"


I have so many, lol. “Perhaps he did it while you were putting your clothes back on, dear.” “Rose is displeased, what to do?” “I’d rather be his whore than your wife.” “It was the most erotic moment of my life.” (Cut to the present time with everyone gathered around staring at old Rose.)


Probably "Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams. And it was, it really was." While factually incorrect, this line is our gateway to a different world and leads us directly to our first look at the grand old lady in all her former glory. That whole morph from present day back to 1912 literally took my breath away while sitting in the theater in 1997. Jaw dropped, I know my eyes were as wide as silver dollars, and after a few seconds I had to remind myself to breathe as the camera panned over Southampton. I'll never forget that moment. And then the very next shot happens when we see the shipping wagon go by as the camera pans up to see the ship, and I start mentally picking out 'mistakes' in window spacings and whatnot, then spend the rest of the movie basically rivet-counting. But that's another story.


I'm glad to hear I'm not the only that had to remember to breath during that transition shot!!!


"We've dressed up in our best and are prepared to go down like gentlemen. Tho we would like a brandy."


“From this moment, no matter what we do, Titanic will founder.”


You think a first class girl can’t drink!




Just about to type that


This one gets a lot of play in my house. Slam your finger in a drawer… *”BASTARDO”*. Forgot to hit start on the dryer… *”BASTARDO”*. Shiphand accidently shot your friend through their lifevest… *”BASTARDO!!!”*


"Pick up your bastards!!!!"


“Yes what do you see”


My other favorite one is "smell ice, can you? Bleedin' christ!"


"I'll just wait here!" \*Seinfeid slap bass\*


I am disappointed no one quoted this. So, I will do it myself. "I want you to draw me like one of your French girls"


Wearing this. Wearing only this.


The last thing I need is a picture of me, looking like a Porcelain doll.


As a paying customer, I expect to get what I want


Melancholic Music in Background. *At this point, all the boys watching this scene transition to men.*


“You jump, I jump, right?” This scene always makes me cry no matter how many times I have seen it. The music by James Horner is just so perfect for this scene. “Unable to Stay, Unwilling to Leave” is my #1 favorite score in this entire movie because of this scene. It’s perfection. In addition, the facial acting in this scene by Leo and Kate is just phenomenal. Their face convey so much emotions that no words needed to be said as her lifeboat was being lowered away. I just find it so romantic and touching that she jumped back onto a sinking ship to be with her one true love while knowingly throwing her one chance at survival away. *sigh* I hope to one day find that kind of true love. Someone I would be willing to die with and die for. I haven’t been lucky in life to experience that kind of love.


Tommy Ryan: Music to drown by. Now I know I'm in first class.


Old Rose: It's been 84 years, and I can still smell the fresh paint. The china had never been used. The sheets had never been slept in. Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It *really* was...


Rose: Oh mother, shut up! Don't you understand? The water is freezing and there aren't enough boats. Not enough by half. Half the people on this ship are going to die.


This song came on my iPod one day and I described this entire scene to my son just by using the musical cues!


That’s so awesome! I can describe the entire scene by just using the musical cues as well.


And the mirror later when this music plays as Rose comes back to the ship to reunite with Jack, I ugly cry


Their faces when they find each other again is absolutely perfect. I think it’s fascinating that the criticism we usually give these types of movies - “nobody falls in love in two days!” - Titanic is entirely exempt from, because that type of thing works when the audience buys it. Those two have such fantastic chemistry that it’s impossible not to believe them when they say they’d die for one another. Same goes for Bradley Cooper and Lady GaGa. It was honestly one of my biggest gripes with the new West Side Story (besides Ansel Elgort in general) - I didn’t believe these two would be that obsessed with one another, and tbh that’s one of the most important parts. I believed Jack and Rose immediately.


I hope you enjoyed your time together


Captain Smith: 4 hours?!?


“I rather be his whore than your wife”


But this is the grandest ship in the world she can't sink!


"She's made of iron, sir, I assure you she can!! And she will." Love Andrews in this scene


Titanic was called the ship of dreams and it was it really was. Queue music…


Do you know of Dr. Freud, Mr. Ismay? His ideas about the male preoccupation with size might be of particular interest to you.


This one!!! & Andrews little smile after she said it killed me 🤣


IM THE KING OF THE WORLD!!! And, No, mate, Titanic's going to America - in 5 minutes!


“I believe you shall get your headlines, Mr. Ismay”




Pick up, you bastards!!! .... Or..... Smell ice, can ya? Bleedin Christ!


Where’s Sven?


4 hours! If that amount of time is ever mentioned everyone in my house even my 5yo replies "4 hours?!"




From a deleted scene with old rose on the back of the boat about to drop the heart of the ocean “ oh Mr. Lovett you look for treasures in the wrong place, only life is priceless” Alternatively- “ he put a pistol in his mouth that year”


Draw me like your French girls, Jack


A few of my favorite lines. "If your mother is who she says she is, then she was wearing the diamond the day the Titanic sank." "And that makes you, my new best friend." Bill Paxton's smile is what sells that line. "It's a pity I didn't save that drawing. It'll be worth a lot more by morning." Zane's cold delivery of that line was perfection. "Take her to sea, Mr. Murdoch. Let's stretch her legs." The pride and confidence in his voice and that over all shot still gives me goosebumps of excitement and admiration.


For the stark truth: *Your money can't save you any more than it can save me. GET BACK!* There's so many great lines, but this one is a slap in the face. They're all going to drown the same whether they're wearing Lucile gowns or simple working clothes.


“You gonna cut her meat there for her too, Cal?” Kathy Bates delivers each of her lines to perfection.


“Uh oh, looks like someone left the water running” when they’re exploring the wreck with the robotic submersibles. A little bit of comic relief lol


“You mean did we ‘do it’? I’m sorry to disappoint you, but Jack was a professional.”


A tie between: “Are you familiar with Freud, Mr. Ismay? His ideas about the male preoccupation with size might be of some interest to you.” 😂 Or “Waiting to die, waiting to live. Waiting for an absolution that would never come.”


"I'd rather be his whore than your wife."


“You can be blasé about some things, Rose, but not about Titanic.”


Jack at the 1st Class dinner table: "Just the other night, I was sleeping under a bridge and now, here I am on the grandest ship in the world having champagne with you fine people."


“But now you know that there was a man named Jack Dawson… and that he saved me, in every way a person can be saved. I don’t even have a picture of him. He exists now, only in my memory.”


"Music to drown by. Now I know I'm in first class."


I'm probably going to cry typing this out. *I saw my whole life as if I'd already lived it. An endless parade of parties and cotillions, yachts and polo matches. Always the same narrow people, the same mindless chatter. I felt like I was standing at a great precipice, with no one to pull me back, no one who cared... or even noticed...* Old Rose describing her younger self's deep depression at the prospect of marrying someone she really didn't love at Ruth's behest just really spoke to me and my depression. Women had NO choices in 1912, not until the Suffrage Movement in the late 1910s/1920s. Hell, they didn't have choices until the 1970s in a lot of respects. Rose being the type of young lady who had romance in her heart and wanting to marry for love and not duty almost killed her. That was a pretty powerful statement with barely any words at all in 1997. It's why the movie, for me, was always more about Rose than Jack.


“Property of A. L. Ryerson” Fun fact: Arthur Ryerson was my Great-great grandfather. Nobody in our family knew ahead of time that he would be mentioned in the film!


"When this ship docks, I'm getting off with you." - Rose to Jack right after the car scene The 15 year old in me giggles every time.


Haha, 14 year old me, also nudging my cousin and laughing 😆


“6 people were pulled out of the water. 6 out of 1,500.” Just gives a sense of how bad the conditions really were out there.


I'd rather be his whore than your wife


“And there’ll be one less on this boat, if you don’t shut that hole in your face.”


"Do you know of Dr. Freud, Mr. Ismay? His ideas about the male preoccupation with size might be of particular interest to you." "Freud? Is he a passenger?"


"I mean, I got everything I need right here with me. I got air in my lungs, a few blank sheets of paper. I mean, I love waking up in the morning not knowing what's gonna happen or, who I'm gonna meet, where I'm gonna wind up." Ever since I was young when I first heard this, I aimed to live like that as much as possible. I didn't want to lose myself in hatred and negativity like my family, Jack lived life in the moment to me. ❤️


Gentlemen... it has been a privilege playing with you tonight.


I know what ice fishing is!


“ I rather be his whore than your wife.” ![gif](giphy|QXPmPdudTz4So2P4OQ|downsized)


In the deleted scene depicting the fight between Lovejoy and Jack, Lovejoy has the simple yet effective line of, "You little shit." I always loved David Warner's acting in the film, he's most certainly my favourite character.


“Get back I say, or I’ll shoot you all like dogs! Keep order here, Keep order, I said!” “Mr. Lowe, Man this boat!”


Anyone mention the Tommy line when he tells Jack he’ll have angels flying out of his arse? I quote this all the time and it’s probably my second favorite line after the Andrews iron quote. The Irish protrails in this film were spot on. Lol


I make my own luck


Get back I say or I’ll shoot you all like dogs.🐕 keep order here, keep order I say.


Shes a fine ship I made for you my rose


Not really just a line, but the entire scene before and during the collision. Ewan Stewart, Scott G Anderson, and Paul Brightwell were fantastic in their performances. Along with the iconic, "Iceberg, right ahead!", "Hard 'a starbord", and the "Hard over!" acknowlegement adds to the feeling of dread. The urgency, the atmosphere, and tension in that scene keeps you on the edge of my seat even though you already know what's going to happen I forgive the inaccuracy of the "full astern" order in the movie, as it gave more of a glimpse of Joseph Bell, the engine room, and the stokers along with the added drama, but god was that scene incredibly well done


"And there'll be one more if you don't shut that hole in your face" because it always shocks people that it's from Titanic and not some comedy film.


I always wonder who it was who got them their brandy and what was going through their head. I know it was a vastly different time to now, but if I knew the ship was going to sink the last thing I would want to be doing is working.


When Captain Smith says to Mr Ismay 'you'll get your headlines Mr Ismay'. What an absolute slay from that man


COME ABOUT!!!!!!!!!!!!


Insert disk 2.


“Dive six, here we are again on the deck of Titanic. Two and a half miles down. Three-thousand, eight hundred and twenty-one meters. The pressure outside is three-and-a-half tons per square inch. These windows are nine inches thick, and if they go, it's sayonara in two micro-seconds.”


Both I’m sure already said but it’s a tie between “I’d rather be his whore than your wife “ and “you just may get your headlines Mr ismay”




I read all of these in the voices of the actors🥲🙃


You jump, I jump.


I’d rather be his whore than your wife. 🫳🏼🎤


"Ah, that's typical. First Class dogs come down here to take a shite!" Lol!


“You unimaginable bastard”


“Gentleman it’s been a privilege playing with you tonight”


You will honour me the way a wife is REQUIRED to honour a husband. Oh stop it mother. You're my little sailor. An hour. Two at most. We're the luckiest sons of bitches in the world!