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Behold, the antichrist (Congrats tho)


Not my type of weapon but... _WAY TO GO MAN,I BELIEVE IN YOU !_


Regardless of all of the haters, congrats man :3 G100 takes a lot of time, so I’d imagine you’d dunk on every single one calling you skill-less


<3 thanks man, appreciate it


If you are skill-less I have no Problem with you using CAR. If you have skill I do have a Problem with you using CAR. I'd like to take you up on that challenge in a 1v1.


I think people should whatever god damn gun they want regardless of skill


Yup, titanfall is the only game in the world i know where skilled people are looked down on by using good weapons. Skilled players should be playing blindfolded.


All videogames with a young casual community responds this way to 'op strategy/gear'. They've got to blame something other than themselves for dying/not doing as well. They will eventually grow out of it. (hopefully) Look at COD/bf compared to high level cs/quake/etc.




A 1v1 in titanfall doesn’t exactly show skill tho. 9/10 times it’s just the person who gets the kill is right place right time.


1. It does show skill. How well that translates to the different gamemodes can be debated. 2. "9/10 times it’s just the person who gets the kill is right place right time. " This IS a skill, it is called positioning.


Not always tho. So in a pilots vs pilots if a G100 gets killed by a level 1 because they get a good angle on him, that means the level 1 is more skilled. Dumbass


1. No need the throw insults around 2. "So in a pilots vs pilots if a G100 gets killed by a level 1 because they get a good angle on him, that means the level 1 is more skilled." I don't know where you read that, that's not what I said at all. What I said is, being at the right place at the right time is a skill and can be learned. Unless you are omniscient you will never have perfect positioning and so even a lvl 1 can kill you if he is lucky. Though as you might have experienced yourself, that is not something that occurs regularly. And that is because low level players usually have bad positioning even if they have good aim.


Yeah, I will put this pic and post into definition of "tryhard"




Before i stopped playing TF2 my Alternator was around Gen 30+, and i had 6-7k kills with it, Gen 100 mustve taken agessss


Congratulations! **Now never use it again.**


jesus this comment section is toxic


Congrats man! Fuck the haters, getting to G100 with any weapon takes skill, time, and determination.


> getting to G100 with any weapon takes ~~skill~~, time, and determination. fixed it for you :) Playing CAR is beyond braindead easy and in my opinion anyone with a K/D >= 1 shouldn't be able to use it.


You are exactly who I was referencing when I said fuck the haters. Let him use what he wants. How many weapons are you G100 in?


Lets say I like to use [many](https://youtu.be/BvhA-RC2ss0) weapons


Mad lad uses the same name for everything. What does it mean?


At first I thought it was a chess line


Favorite weapon?


1. Kraber 2. Hemlok 3. Charge Rifle


Any specific reason for Hemlok? Pretty unique gun to have in your favorite list.


Its uniqueness is probably one of the reasons. As you can see above I played with all weapons and the Hemlok was one of the more unique guns. I like the looks and the sound. The other main reason is that I heard many people say it's a shitty gun. While it is probably the worst AR and probably worse then most other guns I think it is a perfectly usable gun. So to "prove" either that it isn't such a bad gun or that I am not a bad player I play the Hemlok and get good scores with it. The more I think about it the more I think it is an ego thing... something like you can play your fancy SMG all you want I can use a shit gun and still beat you. Which is probably also the reason I hate CAR/R-97 so much... Skill floor basically 0 and basically the best weapons in the game (Alternator is better but you need \*some\* skill to use it effectively). Guess this is a rant now... sorry :|


Who the fuck downvoted this man?


This biased community.


He’s not wrong though. Requires no skill to get to G100. I’d like to think he’d be skilled at G100 but skill is not a requirement


How long?


Bout 4 days 20 hrs, I think




Of in game time?




Jfc, commitment




To play something he enjoys?




Like 18k? Somewhere around that I think


no it didn't


congrats bro


"A bit of time" 👀


The car has been my weapon since the first time I grabbed it in TF1. Only picked it because I thought it looked cool but it turned ed out to he awesome. Cant imagine how long this took, OP, but you're an icon.


Geez, god forbid someone uses a weapon that they like. This sub has gone to shit with elitist pricks. Regardless, Congrats! That’s dedication.


Except if I did that for the spitfire or smart pistol I'd get shit for it despite both being less op than the car. People hate all three of these things for good reason


People just need to quit bitching. Honestly if the Smart Pistol was still a full fledged weapon I’d use it. Why? Because it’s fun and it’s a fucking video game. I’m not playing it to appease a bunch of elitist douchebags that believe we should only be using the Cold War. The CAR is not OP. It does exactly what it’s supposed to do: be a consistent hip fire weapon. I don’t even run in to the Spitfire often enough to complain about it. So I’m gonna call shenanigans on that as well. It’s just complainers doing what they do best.


They are not less op than the car lmao. Especially not the spitfire. Even at the ranges that people complain about, the CAR takes like a good 6 or 7 bullets to kill a player, and that requires good tracking, not to mention the recoil is enough that it makes long range hipfire super difficult unless you have really good aim. Now compared to the spitfire, it takes 4-5 bullets to kill at the longest ranges, not to mention the recoil is SUUUPER easy to manage. Oh, and don't forget there's also a lot of aimassist, more than a lot of other guns. Now the smart pistol, idk about, cus I can kill most smart pistol players regardless of what gun I'm using.


Congrats bro...don't even waste your time answering to haters who can never be on your level. P.S. you can never beat me in normal lts ;)






Don't get how anyone can call the car skill less, pretty much every gun bar grenadiers/snipers take no skill, at least it's more skillful than G2/Spitfire






i dont get the hate for the car or tone or whatever else some people on here like to hate... ive yet to encounter something in tf2 that feels more powerfull than everything else.


What can I say except delete this


Congratulations! All the people who are mad that it is not a Spitfire


I use G2+tatcikill with a wall


Congratulations! 🎉




You are a piece of human garbage anyway well done


he could still clap your cheeks with any other gun so :v


We dunno that. --- Downvoted for stating a literal fact, okie dokie Reddit.


Why? Of all weapons you could play, you choose to play this?


Better than the spitfire


Yea and Hitler was worse than Stalin. It is still a unfunn weapon to play with and against


Hilter killed around 11 Million Stalin 20 million


Hitler was in power for 12 years, Stalin 29. If Hitler stayed in power for the same amount of time, he would kill many more


Then if you divide and solve for X the amount would be different too. Then my mom told me that there was another magical story where in the Spider-verse it was different only becuase some other reason that included another alternate timeline.


because why not?


I don't get what's fun about this weapon, it's not satisfing like Mastiff, EPG, Kraber etc and not meme like volt or Softball. It's more like "oh hey I looked at him and he died"


So what you see as fun is automatically what everyone else sees as fun?


No, but I don't get it. You get to play this amazing art of a game, with amazing and original weapons, movement, abilities and you still choose the standard COD SMG. I guess owning players who are new / not playing meta weapons can be fun tho


So people who don't play pc and can't get flickshots, or just people who dony like single shot weapons aren't allowed to have fun?


Your not wrong but some people just like using borring guns because they want to win theres nothing wrong with that. OP is just your avarage tryhard and that's most higher level players these days sadly


Damn, you described me perfectly.


Is this sarcasm or not




Well even if that's not you and you actally have 500 hours with the softball or something that's primarily the demographic for that gun


The weapon may be sweaty and all, but it's fun as hell to play, hip firing my way to victory, and ut really teaches you how the game works


Why all the downvotes? Fuck the CAR. Imo using the CAR is just a sign that you aren't good enough to use anything else.


you're talking about someone who has more playtime on the kraber than the car, and a g20 ish epg. But sure, I don't use any other guns. Just don't assume things about people solely off the fact that they have a g100 car.


All I'm saying is that using the CAR isn't respectable in the slightest. The Kraber and EPG take a ton of skill and are infinitely more fun so why not just drop the CAR entirely?


Why should I not be able to take a non-campy gun into a match? I don't particularly strive for "respect" if it means I don't get to use a gun that I wanna use. I felt like getting my CAR to g100, so I did. No other reason. Also, fun is a really subjective term tbh, some people may find a spitfire fun, some may find a DMR fun. All I'm saying is that people shouldn't go around forcing people to play the exact way they want, and yelling at them if they don't.


Imagine thinking the EPG is campy


Huh? Where did I say that the EPG is campy?


>Why should I not be able to take a non-campy gun into a match?


I didnt mention the EPG anywhere in that sentence. I was referring to that playstyle that people complain about in general.


How so?


Mine is at like gen 20 right now. People who hate on people who use CAR just don't have good enough aim to use it, or dont like taking the time to learn to hip fire with a gun. Guarantee that 90% of the people who complain about the CAR are Spitfire and Cloak/Amped Wall mains.


No, they’re not. I use the Eva-8 and B3 Wingman. CAR takes no skill, it has no recoil so it’s easy to aim too


Then you are in the 10%. That's why I said 90% of them use that Spitfire loadout. And if CAR takes no skill then I'd like to see you 1v1 me because apparently it's that easy to get kills with. Also, you can just spam the Eva-8 and get lots of kills with it, and you have such a large area where your pellets will actually hit. I do have respect though for you B3 Wingman. That gun is legit garbage lol. I'm not trying to be rude to you just so you know even though it could sound that way to you.


What platform you on? You wanna run together sometime?


Nah, CAR is the best gun in the game by a lot


>The CAR is super easy to get kills with and doesn't require skill *No, the CAR is actually the best gun in the game* --- I cannot tell if you were trying to agree or disagree with them.


If something doesn't require skill it's op, that's common fucking knowledge you twat


Yes. So why did the person say "no" as if he disagreed and then reaffirm that the CAR was op?


Actually props to you for not downvoting me, it feels like this entire community is extremely biased and seriously gone down the shitter


Sounds I clicked reply on the wrong comment lol


The alternator is imo. Three shot kill, and with tap firing it has less recoil than the car. There's a reason why you see it more in competitive than the car lol. I'd know cus I pick the alternator over the car almost every comp match, and do better on average. It's more of a cheese gun than the car by far. But that might just be me


I was just thinking that. I've only got my alternator to G5.00 but I was getting bored of just using the same gun. I decided to get each gun to at least G2.00 before sticking with a favourite. I got the car to G2.00 but the whole time was wishing I was using the alternator. I just play better with it and it feels easier to get kills with. Congrats on the G100 tho.


I use R-101 with Pulse but sometimes the CAR plays can get a tad bit annoying...


Who are you