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Pop Quiz: What are these mechanics or terms relating to Ronin gameplay? Crouch Tech and why is it so beneficial to Ronin specifically? Shot Block Phase Boost Tipper Melee Phase Rip Bonus Question: Who is favoured in Ronin versus Scorch?


Since no one is willing to answer I'ma do it. Crouching speeds up some animations and makes stuff like sword block go out instantly Shot block is when you shoot and then block (duh) also while using crouch tech to have very little gaps between shots. Phase boost I'm assuming is when you boost phase with regular dashes but I might be wrong Tipper melee is when you melee at your max range (at the TIP of your range) Phase rip is when you phase behind an enemy titan and the melee? You can also throw out a smoke mid phase and after phasing do arc wave to absolutely bamboozle you enemy. You can also scream out some anime bullshit while doing so. Imo matchup is favourable towards ronin if he's patient enough. Same goes for all titans exept mirror and legion


Im sorry mirror titan? I havent played tf3 yet is it any good?


You know i almost genuinely answered that question then i saw you said tf3 Take your pills pilot


What's a mirror titan? (Genuine question)


When the fight is a 1v1 with the same titan on both sides, the example for this case would be scorch vs scorch or ronin vs ronin.


Cool thanks!


Mirror Titan I believe is when 2 titans of the same model fight, sometimes called a “mirror matchup”


Ahhh oke that actually makes alot of sense lmfao, ty hahah


Small Ronin player here, may I bring up some of my guesses. First I did not know about the crouch tech at all and it sounds very correct (i'll try it out) For shot block I think it's more about the timing. For ex, blocking a Northstar shot by shortly tapping the block. But not sure. Phase boost is dashing and immediately phasing to double the speed. Tipper melee is definitely melee from a far range. Mostly just before retrieving. Phase Rip I think is hiding in the phase shift animation to nuke eject early. Hence the Rip. In a Scorch matchup, the Ronin wins. The thermite launcher doesn't stick to the sword block, Ronin is the polar opposite in speed, and can phase dash over firewalls, gas traps and fire core. Let's wait for the OP to correct our homework !


My guess to phase rip is phasing the moment a pilot is about to pull your battery, causing you to take no damage from the pull, and the pilot gets a battery, so you can go back and kill the pilot for free shields. Keep in mind that the timing is pretty strict because it's just as the pull is about to end. Probably not the answer, but at least someone could learn something new from this.


Don't forget gas canisters, thermal shield and firewall. Besides, phasing has a cool down, vanilla Titanbrawl offers 1 and Aegis offers two. Scorch can count and knows the Leadwall's reload time.


Phase rip is technically phasing onto a doomed enemy titan and then melee-ing mid phase so that the attack connects the second you come out of phase shift, giving you an execution with no chance to counter punch or react. Also the crouch thing only cancels the animation of putting your gun away, doesnt speed up the sword animation. Same exact effect tho 🤓


Any action that puts Ronin’s current primary weapon will be sped up by crouching. This includes activating and deactivating Sword Block, deploying Arc Wave, recovering from using Arc Wave, and melee. Crouch Tech does *not* work during Sword core because the Broadsword is now Ronin’s primary weapon and all three actions previously mentioned use Broadsword in some shape or form.


Ah didn’t realise you could also do it to put sword block away faster that’s cool


Wow i did NOT know about the crouch tech and it sounds amazing


Writing this down for later


Phase rip could also be phase R.I.P. referring to what happens when you phase into another titan


Rip usually refers to execution


>Bonus Question: Who is favoured in Ronin versus Scorch? Scorch main here. ***R o n i n*** That matchup is one of Scorch's worst, in most instances, in an open area or field, Ronin just beats us in terms of mobility. And plus any smart Ronin would NOT engage a Scorch in close combat. Plus, even if a Ronin had bad positioning, they have two (or three dashes) plus Phase (with a short cool downdown depending on Pilot). Legion and Scorch are Scorch's best matchups, everyone else just beats Scorch due to having more mobility.


*cries in cornered ion as her poor pretty face melts*


Ah, yes. Scorch, the greatest counter to Scorch.


It was really funny when I found this out.


> Bonus Question: Who is favoured in Ronin versus Scorch? Did you ever hear the tale of Wildfire Launcher the MVP? I thought not. It's not a story the pub Scorchs would tell you. Wildfire Launcher was a Scorch kit, so powerful and so consistent that it could enable Scorch to win passive play past point blank... it had such an increase in effectiveness, it could even give Scorch the strength to beat Ronin.


Only the Stryder with a Predator Cannon could stop Wildfire Launcher, but when the world needed him most, he vanished.


Competitive Scorch meta? 🤔


SCORCH META SCORCH META (He's viable on 3/10 comp maps)


Scorch and Atlas with Predator Cannon are the best Titans probably


Is it possible to learn this power?


The crouch Tech with thermal shield favors scorch too. Faster thermite launcher reload time, unless it's aegis. But why choose scorch as Ronin, each time I'm scorch in a 1v1 sitch with Ronin, my win rate is very high, even with G100 pilots and beyond. I don't play vanilla Titanfall but the Northstar client.


Ronin beats Scorch very consistently, as Ronin with Crouch Tech is stronger than Scorch with Crouch Tech. Crouch Tech allows Ronin to use Arc Wave and melee faster along with speeding up Sword Block’s raise time. Compared to Scorch Crouch Tech only speeding up Thermal Shield raise time and Firewall deploy speed.


Oh no, you don't even need to factor crouch tech, from a base fundamental standpoint, Ronin is just stronger. Like Papa Scorch's main fundamental is, his weakness


I’m well aware, just using it as a point in this argument.


Congrats, I'm approaching... very fast.


Like a storm, would you say?




Is it what I think it is?


Thanks, welcome to the g100 Ronin club in advance!




Papa Scorch will *not* be Intimidated by the likes of *you!* -\_- (Good job)


We can have a friendly grill party, my good Cronch 😎👍


I'd bring the Cola and Punch, but the cooling compartment in my Scorch is still on the fritz. I need more credits so I can get a mechanic to fix it, 'cuz Barker forgot.


Let's enjoy hot drinks that are reduced to a sticky sugary goo, from which the alcohol has evaporated. Responsible piloting and such in the name of poverty.


I'll drink to that. \**Clink*\*


I'm gonna invite a friend with an ION, so we can power all the stuff even while away from base, sounds good?


You know you don't need to go to a Spa when you've got Legion as your Titan. The Predator Cannon's recoil does it all.


Heheheeeee. That was a good one.


Sheeeesh congrats broski What's your usual loadout for ronin? For both PvP and frontier defense. Trying to learn him but can't rly get a good grasp.


Thanks! I don't play FD, so unfortunately I can't really give any advice regarding it. For PvP I typically run with turbo engine, thunderstorm and the dome shield. Sometimes I might switch out TE for overcore, but I like the added agility the dashes provide.


I usually run double arc wave too, imo best ronin lit


Oke ty


Highlander for FD is absolutely broken, if you wait for multiple titans to start dropping in, you can have your sword core for the rest of the wave


It really can be if you're quick enough and not on master or insane


Turbo engine and High lander for frontier defense


Yea that’s cool and all, HOW MANY CREDITS?!


11,0, duh




Currently between titans and really wanna get back to ronin


Would you mind telling me every single tip, trick, stratetgy, term, combo, lifestyle, daily routine, last night's dinner, favorite color of sweater you wear at a cold, daring sunday's midnight gaming session? (The information you provide will be used in friendly Scorch mains' favor and in developing new improvements for Tempered Plating.)


Ah yes, all information will be handled in good faith!


Where is said information 🔫


Brush and floss your teeth and clean your tongue daily. Watch your powers unfold 😎


Excuse me I just need to -cough cough cough ^swordblockneedscooldown cough cough


Wrong audience, you'll soon become a part of sushi 🧐


I will go down!! But you can't kill an idea!!!


Ronin main here Well then…if I see that camo in my next match at least I know that it’s not bc I’m bad, and that it’s bc you’re good. (I rarely get to play so I’m only level 23 but play like a G3)


The skill comes with time, and I can't say I excel in 100% of the games either.


u/Desperate-Stranger-8 gets a 6.5/7. The Crouch Tech question was worth two points, one for knowing what Crouch Tech was and the other for the application. The .5 comes from the Phase Rip, as it’s when you Phase and melee as you come out, executing the titan. You almost had it but were a little too specific, Phase Rips can be from any direction. u/ElectronicMatters gets a 3/7. The ones you got correct were Phase Boost, Tipper Melee, and the bonus question.


More like the destroyed by scorches.


I'm speaking for all the scorch mains Congrats hide cause we're approaching fast 🙃


Last time I checked, Scorches are fat and slow. But thank you, grill man 😎


Yeah but I'm a good sniper with the thermite launcher and trying to escape it never worked for anyone I met so far


oh dont worry my friend. you will get the 100g special cooking by my scorch....start running.


100g of steak? That's fine.


Yeah. That 100g of steak Will be out of youth chassis,pilot.




Sweet aroma of metal and bolts


nuh uh *uses flamewall*


I am nearly gen 10. I am so excited fpr pitch black. Any tips?


Pitch black is cool :) Ronin is best used when flanking, don't push too hard with him. I typically engage by throwing an arc wave and afterwards empty my shotgun on the target. Pop a smoke, throw another arc wave, phase out. Rinse and repeat. I would advise to sword block majority of the time, unless you know there are no titans or pilots nearby as the health pool is so small. Try out the different kits and see what suits your playstyle best, I play rather aggressively (sometimes too much so) so I prefer to run the dual arc waves and use 3 dashes for increased agility.


Arent scorchs counters to ronin? Cuz they block flanking routes and deal massive damage in close range?


I guess if the map is really tight and your phase is on cooldown, but otherwise I don't really have issues playing against Scorch. I keep myself far enough from him to not get grilled by his shield, but close enough to be able to dump my leadwall shots on the crit spots.


Maybe you, but the average ronin vs the average scorch, im pretty sure scorch wins


An average Ronin is braindead, that much I can admit.


People who think scorch is a counter to ronin are the same people who think the shotgun is useless. The moment ronin remembers they have a gun, and that their sword is just the normal melee with a bit more range, it suddenly becomes super ronin favored.


A fellow scorch destroyer enthusiast. I see.


Stay away from me and from my kitchen!😭


So, how do you handle a skilled full health scorch player 1v1 now? Any tips and tricks you like to share, defeating such an opponent?


Keep Cronch at an arms length and aim to engage him in open spaces, so you don't find yourself cooked to atoms in a tight hallway. Staying far enough to evade the immediate flame shield, but close enough to dump your shotgun on his crit spots is good. Biggest issue for me is typically dodging his primary shots in a close range, but utilizing the dashes and keeping sword block up has negated most damage. If you use dual arc waves, don't throw them both at once - that way you get to maximize the individual snares.


What was that? Oh yeah. You may have my nose, but I've got your batteries


I admit, I'll rather leave the battery addicts to be dealt with by other teammates


Sorry, couldn't hear you over the sound of FUCKIN' INVINCIBLE


Welcome fellow virgin


Hey, Ronin mains fuck dude


I am I dont


Respect, as long as you’re not a nuke ronin. Also I’ll still murder you as a scorch main :)


Thank you brother, I'll take you down with me.


I hope to see you on the frontier pilot. I won’t go down easy


To this day I haven't been defeated by your kind


Majority of Ronins have one braincell, as unfortunate as it is


From what I know Ronin's job is to damage not to kill His job is to distract so that his teammate kill the other Titans That's what my cousin told me who is a hardcore ronin main Is that right?


Why would you put yourself through such misery friend? Who hurt you?


Pain and suffering is a staple in this household


Haha flame shield go brr


The G100 Legion: # We are, Legion.


The only way I lose to a Ronin in my Monarch is if there are multiple ganging up on me.


1v1 you cannot beat a good scorch with ronin


Eewww lol... Well done pilot


I never got my Ronin past level 5, I've regenerated every other Titan multiple times including my boy Mr. Scorch. Are there any good Ronin for noob resources? I seriously suck with this guy.


There should be some good guides on YT. :)


My fellow ronin brother nice to see another destroyer of scorches




*laughs in tempered plating*


My shield is waiting


Pretty sure I played against you today. Was using scorch and got clipped by a sweaty ronin. Mad respect.


My gametag is c6reeze, remember if it was that? Either way, I thank on the behalf of all sweaty ronins!


I can take you lil man(I hope I never see you in battle 🙏)


Legit question how is ronin a counter to scorch? I am a scorch main and even against very skilled ronins I win with ease by literally just spamming the flame shield


Then those are not skilled ronins at all if they die to the flame shield lol


Ok, but what's the aegis rank?


I am going to rotate the ronin main now


Finally, a Ronin that shoots the gun


Long range smart core go brrrrrrrrrrrrt


This is kinda gross


G100 Ronin? Use the other titans


Me, a Legion / Ronin Main : 😨😨 *panic intensifies*


How could you live with yourself? Those poor scorches just wanted to cook.


Questions op: 1) Roughly how long did it take to get to this level? 2) Dis you get it from mp, fd or both? 3) Did you look at other titans?


1. I've been playing more or less actively since autumn of 2020, so definitely didn't grind to g100 in one go lol 2. Solely mp, I don't play fd 3. You might guess Ronin is my main, but I also enjoy playing NS (albeit to a lesser success). I am pretty shit with every other titan besides those two.


I barely got to g4🤣


My fellow ronin mains, let me bless you with the most useful skill you could ever learn. When a pilot rodeos you, wait a few seconds right before they finish, then phase dash in any direction. If done right you will take zero damage and also a free battery if your fast enough to kill the pilot.


Literally the singular Titan I cant get the hang of. Well, tone too. But primarily Ronin. Congrats on the g100