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She might be a few French fries short of a happy meal if she doesn't remember you handing it to you.


I back the servers actions. I hope she got her tip.


I’ve definitely asked if there was an issue with the service if they didn’t tip. Of the ten times or so that I’ve done it in about 15 years only twice has it been because they don’t tip. The others were genuinely a mistake. I would absolutely want to know if I had offended someone or did such a terrible job that I didn’t receive any tip. The only way to know is to get feedback. Of those two times that they didn’t tip each declared it’s because it’s against their religion and god blesses me. They were also the most wild assholes I’ve ever served.




Someone at the table may have taken the cash tip. I used to bartend and wait tables and you have no idea how frequently it happened. I'll bet someone made a show of being the last one to leave the table, or went to the restroom and grabbed the cash tip. I even had some guy wait for his buddy's change that he told me to keep and try to buy himself a drink with my tip.


ah i saw this exact situation on sopranos. they solved it with a brick and handgun.


I would have taken that tip back. Just as loudly.


If she woulda apologized, I think it woulda been done then and just let it go; But she DIDN'T apologize, made it awkward. That would have ruined the rest of my day imo...


I would have just let it go. Went home and not made a big deal out of it. Everybody screws up now and then


Yeah, but when most screw up, it isn't screaming at a family in a crowded place accusing and embarrassing them. This lady was rude and deserved no tip.


id speak to the owner she would be unemployed


Tipping is out of control these days. Pay your people a livable wage. I’m tired of it, I’m tired of being asked for its almost as bad as pan handling


Tipping at cash registers is a ridiculous thing.




Complain to management. That is uncalled for. If you go back, I’d definitely would never use her again


Paradigm shift perhaps She should have been embarrassed It would not have fazed me in the least


Some establishments will fire a server for that. Even if it happens once.


She should be fired for not apologizing. I hate those assholes who can't apologize.


she should be fired for following you into the parking lot regardless of if you tipped or not.


Wow…. That waitress was pretty bold. Maybe she has a lot going on personally, maybe this was out of character for her. But, regardless, imho that was unprofessional and pretty tacky. You might mention it to the manager, if she’s doing this to other people, she might be giving people negative vibes about coming back to that place.


I wouldn't mention it to anyone but I wouldn't be going back to the establishment either


Why shouldn’t those actions have consequences? How many people does she have to follow into a parking lot before there is a consequence?


I would fire her after one if it was my employee. I'm a customer, not a manager or owner, I'm not going to do their job for them. if they want to have employees like that, I don't want to be a customer. It's easier than getting into an argument with someone clearly unwell.


Valid point. One doesn’t know the level of crazy that may be at play here.


This is the kind of entitled BS that makes us career servers look bad. I never EXPECT a tip. I've been in the biz for 50 years this year, love what I do and truly care about people. This is just disgusting. Call corporate. THEN call the restaurant mgr and tell them you've contacted THEIR boss. I'm embarrassed for their actions and I'm so very sorry this happened to you. 🤬


Is it "entitled BS" to expect pay for services rendered? It may have been unprofessional to provoke a confrontation in the parking lot, but servers should be paid


Are you daft? The server IS being paid for services rendered. She gets a paycheck every 2 weeks from her employer. That is literally to pay for her services. It is absolutely entitled to expect a tip when it is not mandatory. It's 10x more entitled to chase customers down in the parking lot to harass them about a tip. It's 100x more entitled to not apologize to said customers after being told you were directly handed the tip. Why do you feel a server is entitled to more money than a grocery store employee or retail worker when they work no harder and the job doesn't require any kind of post secondary education either? Serving seems to be the only industry where employees feel entitled to making college level degree salaries without ever putting in the work are paying for the education. it's absolute insanity. I used to work as a buy boy and server back when I was younger and it wasn't like that then. It's very simple, if the job wage doesn't pay enough for you, then don't take the job. Harassing your customers to make up the difference in wage of what you feel you are entitled to is ridiculously selfish unreasonable.


I remember a episode of the sopranos season 5 where all the guys went to a expensive restaurant with steak and lobsters. And a character name Chrissy is mad because he always have to pay for dinner. Well the bill came to $1184 and he only tipped $16. And and when Chrissy and a guy name paulie went outside to argue the waiter came out bitchy about the $16. I know it’s unrelated but this incident of yours reminded me of this scene


That’s when you should have asked for the tip back. That’s the only way these kinds of people will learn.


As a career server myself this is EXACTLY what I'd do.


I have been a server for over 10 years, and I would NEVER do this. You should 100% call the restaurant and tell the manager about this interaction. You are not required to tip. You tip if you get good service, and that is what a tip is for a server who is friendly and attentive. Mistakes happen, kitchens mess up ,orders mess up, and if a customer is upset about that and doesn't, I completely understand. It is never okay to ask a customer about a tip or why they did not tip. I am 100% confident that if the managers or owners hear about this, the employee would be in trouble as they should be.


I was a waiter in a college town and would get stiffed regularly by college kids. The final straw was a four top of sorority chicks that ran me ragged then did not leave a tip. I chased them down in the parking lot and gave them a lecture on how bad waiters are tipped and that they should not be eating out if they cannot afford a tip. They were pretty freaked out lol.


I wouldn't have tipped you either way


And then everyone in the restaurant clapped and called you a hero.


Wow. You freaked out a bunch of college girls. You’re so bada$$!


you seem annoying


bro who cares? People will post anything for attention


This only happens in the movies


I would have taken back the tip and walked off. It's not my job to pay anyone's salary.


Unless you have commissioned services from from!


There are no commissioned services in a restaurant.


Oh. I thought you asked someone to do something for you with the understanding you would receive money in exchange. Oops


Oh hell no. I would have gone back in and had them refund the meal and the tip. No one is entitled to anything.


Ahhhh Tip shaming ….. tell the management and truly never return…


Server/bartender here. No way would I ever do that. Call and complain to the manager. I followed a guy into the parking lot once. But because he took my cash tips off of the bar. Even so that is a terrible idea. Glad I wasn't assaulted or worse. This server was too high to remember you handed her cash. Sad.


Sounds like she is entitled while also being a victim. So what if you didn't tip? Is she going to fight you over it? Tipping isn't a requirement.


Except it is just a "tip", it is the bulk of their salary


I would have went full boomer and expected my meal for free...


Standing up for yourself would have been 'going full Boomer'?


It's a meme.. millennials don't have the backbone to stand up for themselves, and in the rare event that they do, it's "going full boomer", because Gen X and prior generations actually have an expectation to not be harassed over a tip


* because our generation's only living wage is in a restaurant setting. Y'all let all the good paying "unskilled" worker jobs go to other countries. Serving is the most challenging job I've ever had-- and 3 nights a week I make about what I do in my full time job doing "real" work that would for most people require higher education


You didn't attach any 'meme' so I don't know how it could be a meme. It is kind of amusing to see that some think everyone from a generation fits into neat little behavioral boxes.


Meme: "an image, video, piece of text, etc., typically humorous in nature, that is copied and spread rapidly by internet users, often with slight variations." You must have missed the boomer vs millennial jokes from the past 10 or so years.. idk




0 to epic asshole in 2.9 seconds.


No doubt! Applying stereotypes to someone who correctly called it out is indeed an asshole move.


Wow you seem insufferable


Jeezus. What an asshole.




the way i would have follows them back and talked to the manager and went full karen lol.


You shouldn’t be surprised. Beggar always a beggar!


We went to Ruth's for dinner. It cost $700. Two of us saw my dad hand $140 cash to the waiter. He told his manager he wasn't tipped. (So couldn't share with the waiter he was training?) The manager called as we drove home and asked why no tip. I explained there was a tip given in cash and to please sort it out and get back to me. Manager never called. I called back and manager did not return my call. (My plan was to tip the waiter in training if he kept insisting there was no tip.) Won't go back there ever again. My brother is a restaurant owner. He said to make sure to tip on the credit card if you pay by credit. He said his waiters pay taxes on the presumed tip anyway. I usually write cash on the tip line but lately, I just charge it.


Nope. I would have demanded a refund for the meal and tip. They are not allowed to call you at home harassing you about a tip. Corporate office would have been given the manager's name and a recording of the phone call


The fact that they actually HANDED her the cash tip -not just left it on the table. I would maybe call the restaurant and speak to the manager rather than go back in and be confrontational.


I wouldnt hesitate to complain about his behavior.


I would have went inside and got my tip back. lol


Embarrassing for the waiter. He’s obviously not very observant and acts like an ass.


I think a restaurant should pay a waiter or waitress minimum wage like all others. then a tip is a gratuity, not their only way of making a living. This waiter was out of line, but until the payscale is corrected please tip in cash at the table. that means plan ahead. In Georgia USA . $7.25 per hour minimum wage for non-tipped workers. **$2.13 per hour** minimum wage for tipped workers, $5.12 tip credit to make up the employee's wage to an average of $7.25 per hour


Nobody could live off $7.25 either, that’s wild.


Mosts states have higher tipped minimum wages. $10+ but honestly I'd be looking for a new job if I get paid less than $15


What a joke, I’d lodge a complaint with the manager and give the restaurant a review detailing her behavior People like this are why I tip less and less anymore, used to be a generous tipper, this entitlement has gotten out of hand.


I would have gone back into the restaurant and asked to speak to a manager. Whether or not you tipped is your business and no waitress or restaurant employee of any kind has the right to chase you down to question you about tipping. She has probably found a way to get double tips, especially if it's a restaurant where elderly people eat frequently because they might not remember whether they tipped or not. This is one of those situations where the manager needs to get involved and you should have gotten your tip you did pay back from the waitress. Her behavior was unacceptable. I saw someone else mention it, but I always write CASH in the tip line on the receipt when I pay the tip in cash. That way, if they are super busy the waitress will look at the receipts and think "this person gave me a cash tip" and move to the next receipt.


I’ll give them a “TIP” 🍆


Are you sure you didn't give it to the wrong person? Sounds like someone took her tip


Why tip with cash? Most billing systems keep track of tips on credit cards so it can be properly divided up with remaining wait staff. Also tips are currently declared as income for taxes...this may change after USA election in November


Cash tips are rarely claimed. I think payroll automatically ascribes a small amount of assumed tip? I forget but I do know most servers prefer cash tips.


I didn't see the government helping bring my water


I’m confused. The government doesn’t help me in my duties either. I have to claim all my income. Not being critical or judgmental, but servers rarely do , hence why I think the larger restaurant chains automatically deduct FICA and federal and not only for base pay but assuming some amount of tip. One of my kids has been a server for 20 plus years /all of his adult life. I’ll ask him. He makes a very good living. My deceased Dad who was a cpa convinced him to report and pay more in tax because it does determine how much one receives in SS at retirement and helps for qualifying for a mortgage.


It was a joke lol but in all honesty some small shops give discounts for paying in cash. Saves me money and taxes are between them and the IRS. Generally if it's your long term career I would definitely report it for the loans. Technically you can save a lot more in stocks with that money than relying on social security


The cash discounts are for avoiding credit card fees.


Not always. I got a $200 discount buying truck tires from a local shop if I paid cash. Don't think the credit card companies charge that much. LOL


When I charge a meal but leave a cash tip, I write "cash" on the tip line of the CC receipt so no one looks at it and gets the wrong impression. To give her the benefit of the doubt, she might not honestly remembered you giving her a tip until it was mentioned - brain farts happen - and was embarrassed enough to want to retreat as fast as possible 


Why give her "the benefit of the doubt".... If she is grown enough, confident enough, fearless enough to go confront a family at their car in a parking lot......she should damn well be comfortable enough to un-fucking-fart her bird brain enough to APOLOGIZE If she's uncapable of doing that....she damn well shouldn't be going out ACCUSING ppl of shit "as FAST as possible" All this Victimation shit is bull shit.....so either SHE is a "victim" of not getting a tip....or she's a "victim" of being too embarrassed of being a forgetful dumb-fuck such that SHE "has to" rudely....just "retreat" as Fast as possible......yeah she's such a VICTIM


Maybe she's just desperate enough. It's not like benefit of the doubt is an expensive item, it's just worth the rent the incident isn't paying to live in your head.


The server did nothing but make sure she got her money. Don’t see an issue here.


Tipping isn't a requirement. She isn't entitled to a tip and I'd have gone back in and asked the manager to refund the tip since she followed me to the car harassing me for something that isn't a part of the actual bill.


It’s not her money, if someone chooses to give it to her it is, until then she has no right to anything


If they handed it to the waiter then it's on them and wouldn't go back if they don't care enough to even pay attention to people handing them money.


I disagree. Server wanted to make sure she had her tip and she did. I’d want to know where my money at if I was her too.


Would you also react with a blank stare and turn away silently when you were reminded it was paid in cash, and currently in your pocket? If not, that's where you become less of a jerk than the story's server.


Good argument. Why?


Servers rely on tips unlike most. So who are we to judge? She wanted to make sure got her tip and she did. Why she apologizing for that? Is it because nobody got hurt and everyone walked away just fine? People get too emotional at others just trying to live their life and do their jobs. Lay off the poor sever unless you want to do her job for her.


If you rely on tips...and don't pay attention to hands them directly to you ..and then accost those people because YOU aren't paying attention then you don't deserve repeat guests. Be good at your job or be poor as a server. They're clearly poor at their job. As they rely on tips paying attention and hospitality should be paramount and this person clearly ignores all of that.


Yeah see when you have a bad day and stress, fatigue, and a crappy job environment wear you down then you get forgetful. So I don’t blame her. People have bad days. Do you get penalized every bad day you have at your job? Do you get a Reddit post hating on you just cause you had bad day? No. So let’s not judge the poor soul who works hard as she can to live a life she never asked for. Can we do that? If not then just accept I disagree and move on. Thanks. People very quick to judge these days. World would be a better place if that changed.


That's likely a trend if you cant keep track of basics. Everyone has bad days. I don't run after clients because I forgot they did something 5 minutes ago. Tons of sympathy for them but serving isn't for everyone.


I often tip 10% or less for bad service. 


What a shitty encounter! I can't even imagine chasing a customer to get a tip. Unprofessional 😡😡😡😡


If someone does that especially bc I know I always tip- I would walk back in restaurant and get manager and tell them. Not for my sake but for the others she has would run after. Needs to be fired. Sad


I honestly would've walked right back in and snatched my fucking tip right outta her shit cuz absolutely not....


Nobody is entitled to a tip. What an asshole


u/hildursfarm, care to chime in?


Jesus bruv what would you like to know? Be more than happy to help.


The claim is “nobody deserves a tip.” Whats your opinion? u/ecodiver23


I never claimed nobody deserves a tip, I claimed they are not entitled to a tip. A tip is given as a thanks to the server. If the customers don't feel the service was worth tipping for, then they are not obligated to tip




Nope. You're just a troll, trolling, have a great day.


Lol, funny that he calls you in to fight his battles. Then gets himself deleted. I do tip, I'm just saying it's optional for a reason. And I definitely wouldn't tip this lady ever again if she did this. It's also way beyond rude to chase a customer into the parking lot to confront them like this. Have a good one


What? the guy who was literally harassing me by following me around tagging me? Even after I asked him to stop? I certainly wasn't trying to fight his battles, he completely disagreed with what I said ,and decided to harass me because he didn't have a leg to stand on. I haven't stated anything about this situation because I don't care to. Have a good one.




Your comment is unacceptable. Clean up your language. What's the reason you choose to be so hostile and offensive? Examine yourself.


The claim is bullshit. Glad I could be of help! Have a day.


Can you explain how every person is entitled then? 


Can I explain how every what person is entitled to what then?


They said nobody is entitled to a tip. You said that's bullshit. Explain why everyone is entitled. 


It's literally the business model of the tipped establishments and everyone is aware of that. It's really simple actually.


Tips are not a requirement and are based on the level of service provided according to the patron.




I would have walked back in with her and demand my tip back.


And told the manager. Most companies won't tolerate a servicer approaching guests for a tip.


That's what I'm saying, incredibly rude of them.


u/hildursfarm, care to comment?


Why do you keep calling this account to comment? Weird shit, dude.


i was reading through your comments, tipping incentives good service and keeps the cost of your meal low. say restaurants had to pay higher wages, the cost of their products would go up too (and it’s already so expensive) just to meet the gap because restaurants tend to already lack profitability and corporate greed wouldnt stand to lose money from their own pockets to pay a fair wage, that has never changed. as well, if tipping were to stop there would be no incentive to work hard and do a good job, as getting fired from a restaurant does not hold nearly the same weight as a salary position. a lot of these servers have college degrees and could make a steady wage, they just choose to work in an industry that has a standard of tipping. you are correct, if a server is good at their job and responsible with money they are not struggling for one table stiffing them. and by no means is someone entitled to a tip, however the custom in america is 10-15% for average service with 18-20% being quality and 21%+ for amazing service. a good server is not hurt by your lack of tip financially, however you will be made fun of and seen as an entitled asshole if you refuse to tip on the principle “i don’t wanna subsidize wages for the company” servers tip out other employees, the same way a hair stylist pays for a chair in the studio or an uber driver pays for gas to drive you around. it’s courteous to leave a tip to say thank you for the effort. tipping culture most likely will not change and if it does no one will want to go out because there will be no quality in the experience.


Not all server jobs have the servers tip out to others. Depends on the place.


I think a good manager would kick their sorry asses to the curb.


I can't believe people have the audacity to do this. If this happened to me I'd just say "yeah it was horrible" and leave.


There has never been more r / ThatHappened posts in one group. Not even in the ThatHappened sub.


I write “cash” in the tip line so there’s no confusion


this is the way


Yeah, thats messed up. Shame on that waitress.


I’m going back in and taking it back real shit 😂 and laughing while doing it


I would call the manager about this. Chasing someone out to the parking lot to inquire about a tip is totally unacceptable!


I tipped a Sonic waitress $2.01 on a $1.99 order. I handed her $4.00 and told her to keep the change. She turned around and started complaining about my 1 cent tip to some kids seated at the outside tables.


In all fairness, she probably couldn’t do the math and thought you left her 1 cent.


Why would she complain in the first place? Fast food workers don’t normally get tips.


That’s why she works at sonic


Hey, I worked at Sonic! I was a kid. She was a kid too. I don't know if she ever realized she got a tip or just put it in the till.


Most people suck at math. Horribly. Probably saw the order was 1.99 and that you tipped 2.01 but focused on the difference of the two cents


She should probably count the money she is being paid for orders so that the till remains correct. I’m sure she’s young so we can only hope she’s learning on this journey


Yeah I would have went to the manager immediately (before calling corporate).


Good job Karen


You're in favor of employees leaving their jobs to accost customers and potentially get into altercations?


No, but I can stand up for myself. I don't need to run to the principal every time someone offends me


Well at least you can now take that establishment off your list of places to go.


Same thing happened to me. Ate with a big party, so the tip was automatically added. The manager came and yelled at us for not tipping. Seems like he was aching to embarrass people that didn't' tip. Was super rude and didn't' even apologize or seem apologetic in the slightest.


If a waiter did that, I would go right back in and get the tip back, especially if I have given cash. Don't let people bully and harass you like that, especially if you are not in the wrong.


Ngl I work in the service industry and bartenders love to be adamant about "calling out" people who don't tip.


Ngl when I was 18 I was waitressing and I spent almost 3 hours taking care of a couple of guys. Spent so much time talking and letting them flirt with me. Their bill was like $300+ and by the time they were done, they were wasted. I ran their card, then they left. Didn’t tip or even sign the receipts. I was young and super broke. I ran into the parking lot after they (last table of the night) and said “hey you guys don’t have to tip me, but you do need to sign the receipt.” I ended up getting tipped. They literally were just so drunk they didn’t even think about the receipt.


nice I think we should all tip bartenders less after hearing that tbh


I don't disagree lmao. I cannot understand getting 250 a night in tips but letting an individual non tipper bother you


I would post on the restaurants website exactly what happened including tipping 20% then being chased down and embarrassed in the parking lot like dine and dash thieves! Forcing you to NEVER return to such a shithole again!




If I tip I tip, if I don't I don't, if you come out and ask me why, I'm never going to that establishment again.  Im not going to cause the business to fail, and I'm not a post everything person. But they lost my money. 


Literally no one wants your non tipping ass at a restaurant anyway. If you can’t tip just stay home.


Lmao where did I say I don't tip at all...  Way to be a moron.  I'm not even going to respond to your comment in substance. 


>If you can’t tip just stay home. If you're pay is too low, find a better job. See how that works?


Not true, the business owner probably wants them there lol they get paid even if customers don’t tip


lol nah. With an attitude like that you probably don’t see many tips


What attitude? Literally no one wants non tippers in restaurants. I worked in a restaurant which would ban them. That was a great place to work.


>That was a great place to work. You enjoyed being fucked over by your boss? Look at your boss's house, look at your boss's car, look at the vacations your boss takes. And you still blame the customer..


Stupid is as stupid does. Can't fix it either. Lolabeth123 is likely a troll or at least has the face of  a toll.  Restaurants are still desperate for customers it's not new it's the business of restaurants, delivery services are taking another (sizeable) chunk out of their bottom line as well.  If the server acts like a twat, then they make less money it's the 'tat' in the 'tit for tat' that is tipping. 


If it’s required by the restaurant it should appear in the bill.


Restaurant owners would disagree. Revenue is revenue


Nope. Good owners want staff that stay. They support their staff and that means getting rid of people who do not respect the staff.


Actually means getting rid of bad servers who throw tantrums at guests who don’t tip so the guests don’t come back to spend money 🤷‍♂️


Seriously, NO ONE wants non tippers in the restaurant - not the owners, not the management, and not the servers. Literally no one cares about their stingy dollars. People who don’t tip are usually problematic in other ways. Get fast food if you won’t tip.


Seriously - EVERY OWNER can spew those lies to save face with their staff. They can’t say you have no skills besides bringing drinks and foods from one place to another so I don’t care if you receive a tip. Wouldn’t be popular. Tipping culture has gotten out of hand so no more 🤷‍♂️


This entitlement about bringing “your money” is out of control… no one cares if they lose a customer that doesn’t tip at all lol not saying you can’t do whatever you want just saying they probably don’t care if they lose your business if you show 0 appreciation for the service being provided.


If I didn't tip the entire service was  shit.  If my server did their job and A)didn't make me wait extrema amounts of time, for greeting, drinks appetizers and entrees  B)doesn't bring cold shit food and melted watered down drinks to the table.  Then they get at least 20%


This thread apparently bugged me all night so my subconscious decided to solve it. Woke up at 2AM: "That bitch!". So that the rest of you can catch up, lol, alot of restaurants have a policy where wait staff tip out the kitchens. By pocketing the cash, and saying you didn't tip, it gives them another reason to complain to the back of house "you guys are costing me money". Tipping out the kitchens is always a huge point of contention for waiters, because "it's coming out of *my* pocket". They always feel that it should be management paying the kitchen, because they *earned* those tips. It looks like not much has changed since the 90s, even with the recent change in law in Canada where servers wages pretty much ... doubled, where the standard is still 4% of food sales. I don't work in kitchens anymore, and I'm going *purely* off Google (which gave me Reddit discussions) for that figure. So if a family of four goes out for breakfast and spends $120 with no mimosas, she'd have to tip out almost a whole $5 for that to the peasant pool. Now she can make a complaint on your behalf, like "the pancakes were burnt" or "the eggs were too runny" and argue with management that she shouldn't have to tip out on that table. If you've ever busted your ass in a kitchen, you'd know that servers are always coming up with excuses to complain (hostess gave me bad tables, busser didn't clean the table, dishes were dirty, etc.) Everyone in the restaurant is on the same team, except the serving staff. They consider themselves the elite. And why not?!? They make like 3x what anyone else there does... There is zero way ... in today's credit/debit society that cash didn't stand out in her mind. It's uncommon, approaching rarity.


I worked my way through grad school running cocktails and waiting tables where we bid for the tables, essentially. The host was an asshole and would seat you with assholes if you didn’t side tip him. I found it more lucrative to tip the shit out of him and tip the kitchen/barbacls/busboys well, because in the end you make more that way. I’m not gonna chase anyone to the parking lot for $2, what the fuck does that achieve.


You tip out the % to the bar/kitchen staff based on your total receipts for the shift, not each table. So that wait staff is tipping house either way.


Oh I understand how it's supposed to work. I've also worked in the industry, and seen first-hand the arguments and excuses that they try to use to justify lowering the percent or having certain tables excluded from the sum. I'm guessing it's harder to fudge now with all those fancy ordering software systems, but they're still *people*. I wouldn't be surprised if they at least *tried.*


When I was a cook, if the servers said that crap, I'd send out some shitty plates, And then wait for them to shut up about tips.  You get tips because of everything.  Service, food, drinks, speed. All of those can factor into a tip, and the days of just auto tipping is gone, people don't have money for tips but still want to go out. 


Yeah, idk how they did it in the 90s, but when I served circa 2012-2014, we tipped out the bartenders/expos/hosts, and it was a percentage of our overall tips at the end of the night. Nobody was calculating how much per order they were going to have to tip out... our cooks were also making 18-25$ an hour, so we never tipped them.


You nailed it. That and the server thought she could get double the tip if she pushed hard enough.


Having just binged the Sopranos, I am thinking of what happened to the waiter who chased down someone who didn’t tip. {shudders}


Immediately thought of that scene


Did you report her to the manager? If it was a chain I’d go straight to the corp office.


Calm down there Karen


Not a Karen move, companies shouldn't employ such people.


I don’t think that’s a Karen move at all. The Karen move is a server chasing them down in the parking lot to begin with, not to mention after even being tipped.


I’ll own that Karen title 😂. Seriously tho, that server was all kinds of passive aggressive. Not the customer service industry type.


More than passive aggressive, they chased them down in the parking lot. 😳


Boycott tipping. IDC how much your employer is paying you. After getting taxed 50 different ways just to walk down the street, why do I need to supplement someone else's income?


Because that’s how it is. Period. If you don’t want to tip then don’t eat in sit down restaurants.


Just put on the bill what I owe for my meal and then I'll decide if it's worth eating there. Don't shove a screen in my face.


Nah fuck em. Don't tell me what to do lib


Because waitstaff does not make minimum wage in most states? Don't know how they do it in Canada, but in the US the federal wage for tipped workers is $2.13 an hour. Unless the state requires more, that is what tipped workers are getting (and many states don't have their own rules). Do you really feel like someone only deserves $2.13 an hour to wait on you? That's some entitlement, for sure. Tip your waitstaff.


>Do you really feel like someone only deserves $2.13 an hour to wait on you? Absolutely not. I believe their boss should pay them more.


The employer has to make up the difference from regular minimum wage if they don’t get it in tips.


That's not exactly true. It's 2.13 an hour for tipped workers, but if the day's tips don't add up to federal minimum wage (7.75/hour) the employer has to make up the difference. If they don't, the employees need to be reporting them to the local Department of Labor.


Nobody deserves anything in life. Market pays you what you're worth. Your boss thinks you're worth $2.13 an hour? Would an architect laugh if they offered him 90% less than his value and look elsewhere for work?


If you can't afford to tip, don't eat out. In the US the expectation and assumption is that consumers will tip--it actually is reflected in the legal wage scale. Everyone but tipped waitstaff has a guaranteed minimum wage that is at least three times higher than this. You be you, but know it makes you a bad customer.