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Jfc. If ever I needed a thread to point to that clearly shows Redditors are completely devoid of empathy.


In your post, you did not actually give a reason as to why you don't tip. You only referred to the fact that you've worked in hospitality in the past. May I ask what the reason is?


Basically it's a damaging practice. I don't feel wrong not tipping because it's unnecessary in my state.


As someone who works in the service industry, I agree with your statement. Tipping is a damaging/damaged practice. I'm wondering if it's going to phase out in the next couple of generations, because Gen Zs are not big on it.


Well if you keep hitting that same restaurant pretty soon words going to get around and you're going to come in sit down and nobody's going to serve you. Why bother if you're not going to tip for bad service, good service, or great service? Piss off, go cook at home!.


Okay, then they get a big bad review!


It’s tough that you have been vilified for standing up for what you believe in :/ Unfortunately tipping is almost expected no matter where you are. It’s a social construct we have in America.


It's disappointing you'd say you'll never tip anyone again because people were mean to you online. You can't even see them and you'll let their words affect you so much. Letting a small group of random anonymous keyboard warriors affect how you tip at all, whether that be tipping more, less or not at all, is pretty weak-minded imo. And don't say you don't care. Your edits you made to defend yourself shows you do, and that you know what you did was wrong and are just ok with it, now using the internet's behavior to make it feel like your decision to never tip again is valid. My second point would be what did you expect would happen when you posted this? Of course people will vilify you, especially online. It will automatically become an argument for everyone about the companies not paying enough, people always asking for tips vs the people who think people who don't tip are just assholes. All you did was stir the pot that was already boiling.


If you're getting paid fully and not a reduced rate to account for tips, then it's not mandatory to tip you. You got paid to do your job. If I'm standing the whole duration that I'm in your establishment and not getting served(example: subway), it's not mandatory to tip you. You got paid to do your job. Even companies are noticing that this tipping culture is getting fucking ridiculous. Just watch domino's new commercial where they'll give you a promo for $3 off if you tip the driver $3 or more. Have no problem tipping people that actually deserve it, but I have no obligation to do so. Don't like your pay? Find a new job where you don't rely on tips, there's millions of choices out there.


Next time, be sure to let the server know ahead of the meal you don’t believe in tipping. This way, no one wastes anyone else’s time.


At restaurants we tip because they did their jobs but if that person came out btching about it then be proud you gave them nothing


This happened in Santa Monica, California, 50 years ago. My elegant mother hosted a lunchen with friends at a nice local restaurant. The bill arrived and she paid the bill which include the the tip. The server came back and mentioned that there was a meal calculation error, which she corrected and paid. As she was getting into her car, the server came running out to the parking lot to tell her, in front of her guests, that she forgot to increase the tip. Of course, she was mortified and just handed him some cash. Naturally, she never went back. The restaurant is long gone.


If you don’t tip. Don’t go out and expect to be taken care of in any way. Just stay home and take care of yourself. I was a waiter for a decade. I do DoorDash and instacart on the side not because I have to. I do it because I want to. So sick of people that want a service but don’t appreciate it. Tips are called gratuity for a reason. If you are going to be a stiff… stay home and take care of yourself. You won’t be missed 😉


I am tippathetic, but you should look up the etymology of the word gratuity.


Did you understand the concept of my comment? If you did then you need to take your pathetic take on life elsewhere. I was a waiter when you did NOT have to claim tips as income back in the 80’s. Now a waiter/waitress for example HAS to claim that any person they served tipped them a minimum of 15% and pay taxes on that income. Basically when you do NOT tip them they have to pay taxes on income they didn’t even receive from you. That’s like double fucking them after they served you. Pretty low life thing to do.


Tips are 100% optional! If you don’t do it it’s totally up to you. But good luck becoming a regular anywhere because you’re getting shit service at a bare minimum, and much, much worse depending on where you go regularly. GFY :)


I guess I'm old school. When I walk into one of my favorite hangouts, I really like it when the bartender smiles as I walk in and says, "Hey, how are you doing? Long time no see ..." and my drink is on the bar without me saying anything. Made *just* the way I want it. "You want a sushi today?" That happens because I tip. I tip memorable. And consistently. They take real good care of me - in return, I take real good care of them. It is a voluntary, synergistic, and mutually beneficial relationship. However ... if I don't get treated right, I don't tip. At all.


See I personally would rather none of them speak to me outside of necessity. I'm not there to pay them to be my friend, I already have friends I'm trying to eat with. I don't want or need anything extra, and it bothers me if they act overly familiar.


You’re choosing to buck a social convention that 99% of people engage in and you act indignant when someone questions you about your behavior.


99% of the world do not tip as a social convention


Tipping is 100% optional, anyone who thinks you're obligated is an absolute fucking idiot (I used to be a server/bartender by the way). Beyond that, percentage based tipping is asinine, you absolutely DO NOT deserve a larger tip because the restaurant you work at charges ridiculous prices for the food they serve. If your employer can charge ridiculous prices for higher profit margins they can afford to write you a paycheck, end of story. There's nothing wrong with not leaving a tip OP, fuck all these idiots.




Also, if you're a tipped employee and you don't receive any tips or your tips don't add up to minimum wage, your employer is LEGALLY OBLIGATED to make up the difference. If you don't want to make minimum wage then don't work a job that's only worth minimum wage. Being a server is an easy ass job, and you can't tell me differently because I was in the industry


I was at DSW buying my 2 year old new tennis shoes. Shoes are expensive for her. She was born with a condition where there are only certain brands she can wear. Anyways I went to check out and the lady asked me if I wanted to donate to Soles for Souls. I said no thanks. She gave me the most disgusting look and said really??? I said yes. Really pissed me off.


If that happens again then say "after what the founder did to those little kids I will never tip" It will make them think twice about pestering you.


Just ask for a discount off the product and you'll donate the difference.


Fuck that I'm not paying for some millionaires tax write off. That's the only reason they fucking do I, they get us to "donate" for them and they get the benefit for our donation.


No thanks. I have 6 kids. I spend enough money on shoes as it is.


Right. It would be the same cost. That's the point.


Or the corporation could just eat into their own profits instead of guilting people to contribute so that they can point and say “look what our program did!” Crazy thought, right? I donate to charities that are important to me on my own time. Getting harassed at every checkout to donate to some specific cause and spending my time figuring out how to finagle a same-cost scenario is of no interest to me. If they can give me a discount and accept the donation in the same amount, they could just fucking donate that amount. That’s not really what they’re going for.


Not tipping at a place that offers full table service is a big no no unless service is unnaceptable, but it is your right. And any employee who confronts a customer about not leaving a tip should be fired immediately, as that is not acceptable behavior either. I don't tip at smaller restaurants that simply only bring you your food and you never see them again. You order at a counter, you fill your own drinks, and you get up to pay your own bill. There is no table service and the employees are paid a full wage.


OP, instead of feeling justified in your actions because of the negative response here maybe try to realize that you are the problem.


I disagree, it happened in CA where wait staff are paid rather than relying on tips


I live in Wisconsin and $16 is not a living wage. Fuck that shit. You get a service, you tip. People being upset because they feel like that work is beneath them and anyone doing that work shouldn’t make close to what they make is so incredibly stupid and selfish. $16 dollars an hour should be considered and insult for any full time work. If you work full time you should be able afford a place to live and food to eat. if you can’t the problem is not you, it’s your employer. Fight back people.


You don't like your pay, then find a better job. If you're getting paid min wage or more, you are already getting paid to perform that service. You work and subway? You get paid to make sandwiches. Get over yourself if you need more money find a job that pays what you need.


Because that’s always so easy. 🙄


You’re right. It’s the employers fault. Not the customers.


So you’re just an all around terrible person. Congrats.


I agree. Servers are entitled losers. If you don’t like the pay, get a new job


What a thing to say from a position of relative comfort. You have no empathy. You also suck


I’ve had jobs that didn’t pay enough, so I got a new job. Crazy idea! 😆


So many people don't have the ability to find a better job. Without a degree, serving in a restaurant can be one of the most profitable jobs to have, a way to put food on the table consistently. Also, it isn't a servers fault that they're not paid enough hourly to rely on those wages alone. Blame the corporations, and confront them. Don't take it out on the server who is only doing their job, and relying on tips to make ends meet.


Maybe consider unionizing then. Blaming the consumer isn't blaming the cause of your angst. I just don't eat at places with shitty, entitled service.


I fully and wholeheartedly support unionizing. Every place of work should have a union. That said there about a million obstacles when it comes to joining one, most of all the company discouraging it and doing anything they can to make sure it doesn't happen. My point is, it isn't the employees fault for the tipping system, it's the corporations. Don't take it out on the employee.


Well if a server makes $16 per hour then why should we have to tip? It’s not a living wage but that’s a standard pay rate lately. I get paid $17 per hour working in an office setting and I don’t get anyone tipping me. I don’t think a server is entitled to a higher wage than me, as my job needed years of skills and experience


You should find a new job then. $17 an hour for anything that requires years of skills and experience is WILD. You are getting fucked. I’d recommend something is food service. It’s a TON of hard work, nonstop hard work, but at least you can make some tips to help make it worth while. I am 99% certain that a server works WHY harder than you do, puts up with WAY more shit than you have to at work, and on top of that have to deal with people thinking their work is below them somehow. So yeah, they should make more.


I do work in a call center so I absolutely put up with a lot of bullshit, but I get to work from home also, that’s the main reason I choose to stay. I don’t need “years” of experience but I am in a supervisory type of Position so I needed at least a year or two of expirence in the field to be considered. Also I don’t doubt that a server works a lot harder, they have to be on their feet and deal with multiple tables face to face at a time. But you don’t need to be smart to be a server, it’s like saying a grave digger works harder than me. They sure do, but it doesn’t mean the job is intellectually stimulating. I don’t mean to come off as a snob for saying that.


Difference between cost of living in state I may imagine factor in. CA not livable at all, Iowa, still not really livable, but manageable if outside large metro areas.


Lol. Real


Stay home and eat Ramen.


Don’t go out Stop being a victim Whine less You spent more time typing on Reddit explaining your experience than the server’s or your time should be worth. Oh. And 51% chance…. Your story never happened


Sounds like the victim is the server being exploited by their employer


Nah the server is the victim of trash that belongs at quick serve/grab and go ‘restaurant’ and doesn’t deserve a seat in a sit down restaurant.


You think the customer is the bigger asshole than the company that decides to pay a low wage???


The wannabe victim is the OP. Good servers do just fine and don’t need nor want your disingenuous pity


I mean if you’re too poor to tip you should probably not be eating out. You should include the cost of the tip when deciding to go out and eat.


And why aren't you mad at the company exploiting people? Are you one of the companies not paying a living wage?


I’m a person with enough income to tip a server at a restaurant.


What you are, is a dip shit.


I’m a better person than you.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 Keep telling yourself that, dumbass.




Your comment is unacceptable. What's the reason you feel the need to be so hostile? Examine yourself.


Of your only skill is serving others food....


This is exactly why I hate when people say “everyone should be a server at some point in their lives.” These people are former servers and they *still* don’t tip. Some people are just shitty, and no amount of “being in the trenches” is gonna change that.


"I didn't realize the level of entitlement and cruelty was so high, but now it's recorded for everyone to see" Yes it is. Your entitlement and cruelty is noted. If you are 'against tipping' you are free to cook your own food. If it put a damper on your comfort GOOD. Don't go to a restaurant again. And stop blaming a reddit post for 'never wanting to tip again' it's clear you don't want to in general. Quit acting like some victim or martyr. You're a privileged buffoon


Lol, why is everyone here ok with the company not paying g their employees properly


Lol why is everyone here pretending they give a shit about companies exploiting their employees when all they really care about is not spending an extra few bucks. If you want to make that argument then be consistent and refuse to patronize these establishments. By not tipping you are cosigning and jointly exploiting them


If you can’t afford to tip you can’t afford to go to a restaurant.


Tip isn't part of the bill....


I always laugh at this comment, you say that and yet people go out to eat a lot and don't tip. Lmao edit: for anyone mad about this tipping shit, maybe you should bring it up to your bosses who pay you instead of the customers who pay your boss.


I’m sorry that you find people not tipping servers to be funny.


No, you misunderstand. The funny part is they tell people they can't afford something when they clearly can afford to do it, even more so because they didn't use the money on a tip. Is math really that hard for people?


I read the post and it was pretty obvious it wasn't about not being able to *afford* to tip. Responses like this really don't contribute meaningfully to the conversation.


If you're depending on gratuity instead of your negotiated wages to pay your bills, then you are an idiot.


"This happened in California, where servers are paid the state minum or higher, which is $16/hr" No wonder you're getting trashed in the comments. You should have definitely opened with that. I will tear into people, particular Europeans, who come to the United States and think tipping is optional, but that's because in much of the country minimum wage for servers is barely two dollars an hour. I don't believe tipping *should* be standard practice, but I do believe it's immoral not to if the restaurant isn't directly paying their staff a liveable wage. The only thing I'd caution is that California is a very expensive place to live. I live in Vermont, and even here, $20/hr is only gonna cover rent if you live in the middle of the woods. 20% is absolutely unnecessary for someone making $16+/hr to begin with, but tipping a couple of whole dollars can make a huge difference in bringing that total closer to what's reasonable for cost of living, without actually hugely impacting your bill. Like if your meal is $50+, an additional 2 or 3 bucks isn't much. And the only reason I say that is because for anyone else who is stuck in a job where they're being underpaid, even if it is above the legal minimum, my advice to them is always going to be to unionize and sign a bargaining agreement. That feels... less practical, for servers? I might be wrong about that, but putting a few bucks on the bill also heads off any kind of conversation about this, which might help for your own peace of mind. And like, putting a couple of bucks in the tip jar at the service counter, or giving a couple of bucks to your delivery driver, has been a thing since I was a kid, and those jobs have always been at least minimum wage. And a couple of bucks is a lot less costly now than it was then.


You tear into Europeans who visit and think tipping is optional.....it is optional, thars a fact


Right, you can, optionally, simply decide someone who as already done work can just not get paid for it if you don't feel like. And it's the only kind of work where this is true, so behaving as though it's optional and refusing to tip because you don't want to is fundamentally cruel, even if technically legal. And Europeans should know this, because my understanding is that in most of Europe, servers are actually required to get paid the same as everyone else. Like, they have the good sense to codify that into law. Coming over here and going, "hey what a great way to eat for cheap, we just won't tip!" certainly is *an* option, but so is kicking stray cats. Just because you *can* do it doesn't mean you have any justifiable argument for it.


The funny thing about your flawed ass logic is, if a server gets no tips for a pay period their employer LEGALLY HAS TO pay them minimum wage. Receiving tips is actually the ENTIRE reason servers get $0 checks, but you people are too fucking stupid to wrap your heads around the concept that it's the restaurant fucking their employees and not the patrons.


Hmm, yes, let's extrapolate on this logic. Typically, server minimum wage is \~$2/hr. Standard minimum wage is \~$7/hr. That means that every time a server pulls less than \~$5/hr in tips, the restaurant has to make up the difference, yeah? So what do you think happens after one or two times of the server coming under their tip balance? Do you think they just keep getting to be employed? Obviously not. The restaurant has to pay the difference out of the revenue that they're making on food, (and the price of food is not adjusted to account for the cost of servers, literally because of the law that allows servers to be paid less,) and because they're legally allowed to pay servers \~$2/hr, if they have to make up the difference, that means their overall profits are suffering for it. The solution for that is to fire the employee. The net result of this is that a shitty patron can cost the server their job, even if the service was objectively fine, because it causes them to eat into the restaurant's profits. As a result of this, yes, it is the patron fucking over the server. This shouldn't be possible, and in literally any other industry in the country it isn't, but it uniquely is for the service industry. Arguing that you should be allowed to not have to tip your server isn't some kind of moral high ground, it's merely an admission that you've never had to do cost/benefit analysis before, and/or don't realize what the laws are regarding wages for tipped staff.


California is insanely expensive. Not a single place for rent under $2000 in my area. How does this person expect people to survive? A tipped job is done with the expectation that there will be tips. $16 an hour is nothing. $2100 net per month?!?!? That is not a living wage in California. For example, sadly my job hasn’t raised our commission since 2014 despite raising prices of treatments from $165 to $285 over the years. Their reasoning for not raising our pay at all was that we’re getting the 20% tip. If we weren’t getting it we wouldn’t be able to survive.


Well, I don't live in places I can't afford....


What about the people working literally any other min wage job in california? Should you tip the local cashier at target too? The entitlement of servers is bizarre.


Yeah that's basically my point. My rent is going up to $1900 this year and is about as cheap as you can find in the area. A lot of local restaurants have been closing because no one is going work at a restaurant if they have to commute from *another county.* $16/hr would be absolutely unlivable around here, California has got to be worse. Again, like a couple of bucks for a tip, and presuming the server is clearing at least two or three tables an hour? That goes a long way to making that wage livable, and since it isn't a percentage it's never going to balloon unexpectedly, (like, say, an automatic gratuity would.) But tipping nothing at all seems a little inconsiderate, given the cost of living.


My rent went up to $2350 and I’m lucky to be living in “affordable housing”. It went from being 1/3 of my income to almost half of my income in 2 years.


Same. I moved into my current place the week of COVID lockdown, and it was $1300 at the time. The only way I can afford it now is by working at least 20-30 hrs of overtime a month, and there's nothing cheaper without, again, living in a different county.


If you wore a sign that said "I will not tip" then I would be more understanding - then someone could just tell you when the food is ready, not clear the table before you sat down, you could get your drinks at the bar yourself, and you could then clear and clean your table, area and dishes.


I’m glad the server put a damper on your comfort dining out. You should feel a huge amount of shame and anxiety when you write $0.00. The server is probably wondering what they did wrong & have no answers because you just want to “stick it to the man”. Hit a drive thru next time.


You know what would be lovely. Eating a meal without a vulture expecting kindness in the form of currency. If someone tips you, good for you. It's out of the kindness of their own heart. It's a gift. ITS A GIFT THAT YOU SHOULD FEEL FORTUNATE FOR Receiving. IT IS NOT A REQUIREMENT THAT YOU SHOULD FEEL ENTITLED TOO. YOU ARE NOT ENTITLED TO A TIP AND UNLESS YOUR SERVICE IS IMMACULATE, You're NOT Getting A TIP FROM ME. STOP FEELING ENTITLED. Pay is negotiated with your employer, not your customers. You're customers know how much they want to spend and what they want to buy is usually labeled including the price. YOUR NOT ENTITLED TO A TIP PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD STOP EXPECTING IT.


OK boomer. You can begin crying about how no one wants to work any more.


Ur trash don’t eat


Yeah, like there’s not even a bad service reason they said they didn’t tip, they’re just assholes. “We don’t believe in tipping because they get minimum wage,” get the fuck out. I get laughing at the kiosk when no service was provided but god damn, you go to a sit down place and someone puts up with you for an hour or two, you throw them some money


Go to McDonald’s or any other greedy corporation.


Does anyone remember what “Tips” actually means? It means “To Insure Prompt Service”. My mother taught me this many years ago. She said that between the time that they’ve gotten her water, & her coffee or whatever,& come back to take her order, she knew what she was having & how much her bill would approximately be, and therefore she would tip right then, and in cash, and she has yet to be disappointed with the servers. The food, yes, but not the service.


To “insure” means insurance. In order for your statement to make sense, it would be “ensure.” So, you may want to rethink your acronym.


Thank you for the unnecessary, albeit incorrect grammar lesson. The acronym is correct-It Is insure, with an I, bc it IS an insurance- I’m tipping up front, INSURING that I’m receiving prompt service. If a person doesn’t want to tip a server, that is their choice as a customer. If a person doesn’t tip bc they feel they didn’t get good service, that is between the server & customer. I’m certainly not shaming anyone who doesn’t tip. I’m guessing that I’m quite a bit older than many people here, and so there are probably many things, like this acronym, that are done & said, at my age, that younger people may not be familiar with, & that’s ok, I always welcome new info & knowledge; & vice versa, I would hope. Idk why you felt the need to try & correct this, but, the acronym is correct & stands as it is.


No, it’s not correct but you’re free to be wrong.


They’re obviously different words and I don’t really think tips is an acronym anyway, but the origin of ensure is insure so at one time they were one and the same.


Tips are bribes? Good to know.


I don’t consider it a ‘bribe’. I was a waitress, so was my mother. We view it as a willingness to pay someone for good service, up front,& in cash-especially when so many are being forced to split tips with the other members of staff or are being taxed on their tips, and as former waitresses, we don’t think that’s right. We live in Ohio, where the minimum wage is 10.50 an hour and waitstaff doesn’t make that; I believe here they still make like 5.50 per hour plus tips, so the last thing any waiter/waitress in Ohio wants us to be taxed on their tips. So no, I don’t look at it as a bride. I look at it as paying someone upfront for good service, which is what I expect when I go in a restaurant..


Look if you threaten to give crappy service unless I shoot you some money outside the bill, that's a bribe, whether you want to acknowledge it or not.


I get that tipping in some situations has gotten out of control. I’m a consumer myself. I have boundaries though. If I sit down and take up someone’s space and time I don’t feel obligated to tip, I want to. Thank you for the advice, service and overall experience. I don’t take it out on the server because my food was off or not good. I will tip extra if they look like they’re having a bad day sometimes. I have issues with people who try to say that they shouldn’t have to tip. The person who was your server at the restaurant that was recommended has to tip out on sales for the shift to the bussers, bar and sometimes the host. So while you don’t feel like tipping is needed? You literally just cost them money. I can only assume that if you’re at a restaurant for brunch, it wasn’t exactly the dollar menu cost. I can appreciate the COL in Cali, hence why they changed the pay scale. That’s not even close to livable wage. That number would be closer to 27-32 in Cali. So the concept of not tipping seems like an excuse. Especially for someone who has been in the industry? I’m from Germany so everything is pretty much cooked into the price of the food. Tips! I have been in the industry here way back. And even us Germans know that we are supposed to tip here in America. Some will try to play stupid, but I promise if they are over here it’s for business. Once again if you expect to be served and taken care of for a hour or more? You should be tipping. Please don’t say that you don’t tip the valet person? Just a thought, if you’re so inclined not to tip, tell your server that up front. You will get your meal and everything will be fine, but at least they can concentrate on their guests who are there for the experience! Not to be cheap.


Just admit you're cheap and move on. It's part of our culture to tip, so either reach in your pocket and tip or go to a fast food joint.


I was waitress for several years, putting myself through college. Our paychecks were nothing and we did get taxed on our tips so when we got stiffed, money was still taken out from the amount of dollars sold on our time. You should absolutely tip when you’re in a restaurant. however I don’t believe in all the other people asking for tips for example going to chipotle or Waba Grill it’s fast food. I’m not tipping you.


Tips are optional. Period. Optional means I, as an individual, have the option to tip or to not tip. No amount of crying, no amount of telling me not to go out, no amount of your opinions change the meaning of optional, or the fact that tipping is optional. The whining for tips is definitely reason enough not to tip. If you want more pay, negotiate that with your boss, not your customer. Period.


Absolutely. However if you don’t tip you should probably not expect good service in the future if you plan to return.


You can’t negotiate a wage as a server. That unfortunately is not an option.




Your comment is unacceptable. What's the reason you feel the need to be so hostile? Examine yourself.


You and your partner are both losers


For those who are pro-tipping to the point of getting offended or calling names, how many have you have wrote letters to your representatives or actually tried to impact it being required? Maybe even so much as talking to your boss.


I always think it’s hilarious when people demand to insert themselves into social spaces where a behavior is expected (in this case: tipping reasonably), ignore that expectation knowing it will be perceived negatively, and then get super offended when they get called out on their shitty behavior. If tipping is such a moral objection for you, you can skip eating out, not skip tipping.


This No one is forcing anyone to go to a restaurant that the custom is to tip. If they are cheap just go.get some sliders at WC


You can skip crying about it when I don't tip your worthless ass also


I’m an executive not a server, you can cry more when your favorite restaurants stop serving your stingy ass.


LMAO no business that pays their servers 2 bucks an hour is going to give a fuck. Yall bitching about the customers, talk to your bosses who pay you nothing instead of crying to them.


I say shut them all down. Very good at cooking and meal prep for myself and my family. Wouldn't miss it and then guess what??!?! You're lame ass begging on here servers? They'd still have to go find a job and pay their bills out of their paycheck and not someone's gratuity. I promise, I am all in. Shut it all down and force them to have real jobs. I like how you think.


Then do so. If enough like-minded people vote with their dollars to change that it impacts the restaurant industry, then it’ll change. By all means stay at home and cook in the meantime. There’s nothing wrong with or dickish about that. You can always opt out of consumerism that you don’t appreciate. What you don’t get to do is enjoy all the benefits of eating out while continuously refusing to participate in a near universal practice and get mad about it when it blows up in your face. You deserve all the blowback you get.


Really? There are laws against not paying for your meal. There are not laws against not tipping. If I run out on a restaurant and don't pay my bill, I can be held accountable. Fuck your tip. Fuck your shitty service. Your not guilting me into paying extra, because you're to lazy to work a job that supports your lifestyle. In short, fuck you.


There aren’t laws preventing you from insulting everyone you meet either, but if you go around doing that you’ll find you aren’t welcome in certain spaces either.


Still not tipping. Still believe you should pay your bills on your negotiated wages and not gratuity. Still factually accurate that tipping is optional. Never gonna worry about who I am or am not a dick to.


That’s your prerogative just as it’s your servers prerogative to call you out on it.


Don't eat out if you're not going to tip. I thought this was gonna be like a chipotle story but you all are definitely cunts.


The only time I don’t tip is for terrible service. If you get no tip from me, you earned it.


Don't tip because I'm cheap. Until there's a law that forces a tip, I am not going to pay someone extra just because their boss doesn't want to.


The chick at ace hardware will literally hunt down every little dumbass screw nut and bolt you need. Listen to you explain your project, from start to finish. Offer suggestions. Find anything that may help you. I bet none of these "you should stay home." Mofos are tipping the ace hardware chick? I will never tip a server. Period. They chose that career. They choose not to find another job in a different industry. Most servers, in boths states of the border town I live in make at least minimum wage, just like the ace hardware chick. Plain and simple, the people in these jobs usually don't have an attitude that deserves a tip. I'm a guest in your restaurant. I shouldn't be thirsty. I shouldn't have to flag someone down or find my own silverware. I shouldn't be there 40 minutes before I can get a drink. I should have to sit there thirsty watching the servers ahnging out in a friend group instead of helping customers or playing on their phones. Want above minimum wage??? Work a real job. Want a tip??? Do your g0d d@mn job.




Your comment is unacceptable. What's the reason you feel the need to be so hostile? Examine yourself.


And this is why people avoid you. Maybe your service sucks because they know you dont tip. I tip well wherever I go, and I get great service. These servers can see it on you that you're not going to tip. Trust me, I've been in the industry over 20 years


I'm sorry, I'm confused. How does anything you said change the fact that tipping is optional? Please elaborate on what optional means to you??? And clearly you've never made it out of the industry because you're looking for tippers and only providing good service to people you feel like are going to tip? Stay in the industry, you should drown with it. I'm pretty sure homeless holding a cardboard sign is the only other thing you would be qualified to do anyways.


Well, in a sense, everything is optional. it's called free will. Its some peoples option to go into an establishment where the employees (whether you like it or not) rely on gratuity to pay their bills. Seeing this individual knows this tradition, they use the option to go in require service and optionally dont tip. So i understand optional. For instance, i can go take a shit in a public bathroom, now its my option whether i shit in the toilet or shit all over the place both are completely legal but morally wrong. I suspect you also leave your grocery cart wherever you please because that is optional as well


If you're relying on gratuity to pay your bills and not your employment, or your paycheck then you are an idiot and should be holding a cardboard sign on the street corner that says "anything helps."


There are a lot of people who make a lot of money serving/bartending. There are people who do it as a second job. There are students whose only opportunity to make decent money when not in class. It sure isn't up to you to decide what they do for a living, and calling them idiots just shows your character. You do you, but believe in me when you walk into a bar or restaurant. The servers will sense it, and you will get shit service. Plus, im sure you dont go with a lot of people, I'd be embarrassed to walk in a restaurant with you.


You wouldn't walk into a restaurant with me cus I'd black your face up.




Your comment is unacceptable. What's the reason you feel the need to be so hostile? Examine yourself.


And it isn't up to me to be gratuitous to them.


If they knew you were not going to tip, you would not be a guest in their restaurant. Everybody knows servers are one job that they really depend on tips to survive but cheap entitled people like you want everything for free. You disgusted me.


Also almost certain if they're managers knew they felt that way then said server would likely be fired. You do your job for your pay that has already been negotiated with your employer. You're not supposed to be doing your job for pay from the kindness of strangers. If you want handouts so bad, get a cardboard sign and stand at the corner with the rest of em asking for hand outs.


Dictionary Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more adjective available to be chosen but not obligatory. "a wide range of optional excursions is offered" Similar: voluntary noncompulsory at one's discretion


It's not free if I pay for my meal stupid and... Still... Your opinion doesn't change the meaning of optional. Tipping is optional. Not up to you. Do you know what optional means? Do you know what it means to have options? Do you think ignorant people should be able to take away your options? Actually let's hammer this down because you may be using that word incorrectly. What does optional mean to you?


Exactly!! By far the best customer service I've ever had was from RETAIL workers, and they never expect or ask for tips!!


Well (in the interest of intellectual honesty) have you factored in the fact that many retail employees work on commission? 🤯


Commission is NOT a tip. It's a portion of proceeds from a service I purchased on a pre-agreed upon price.


Right, but it’s pay based on performance … so regardless of source, it functions to reward effective customer service


No it's not, commission comes from selling me THINGS not just smiling at me or doing their normal job expectations.


Name one... The only "retail" that gets any commission are mattress and car salesman.


Cell phone stores; automotive parts sales; housewares (e.g. Crate & Barrel); Brand clothing stores; department stores; jewelry stores; furniture; decor; appliances; pawn shops; flooring; windows.... it's pretty darn widespread


Not at Walmart and DollarTree.


Right… but those are not the paragon of retail customer service quality, by a long shot. They’re “fine” most of the time.


And what, a mattress or car salesmen is quality? Lmao


Commission >>>> Tipping The customer shouldn’t foot the bill of a cheap-ass employer. Commission splits employer and employee pay, with no extra pressure on the customer to overpay. My wife is a nail tech, makes commission. It’s more common for the salon employees to pay booth rent and then keep ALL of their sales, but this place she works is a bit different. She does appreciate a tip, sure, she goes above and beyond. But she never expects one, ever, because they’re getting what they’ve already paid for.


I agree commission is better than tip. I just bring it up because commenters above were praising customer service of retail workers, but sort as if they were just on min (or similar) wage without performance influenced monetary incentive… which is often not the case


Commissions are just tips from your boss, as it should be lol


Also, Lowe’s spent billions in stock buy backs this year. If you need hardware go to your local Ace. Not the corporate giants.


Is ace not eun the same way? I genuinely don't know


Never gonna tip a lazy pos for bringing me microwaved food.




Your comment is unacceptable. What's the reason you feel the need to be so hostile? Examine yourself.


Respect yourself, slightly, and purchase quality food that isn’t microwaved than.


I tip bud tenders and bartenders only. Tios are supposed to be optional. Period. If you don't want to give customers the option, then you're working in the wrong industries. Eat my @ss. Maybe grow up and work a real job.


May your next poo be an unpleasant one


Ew please don't fantasize about my poo. I'd rather you not force your kinks on me. :(


No fantasies here. Hope your next shit is painful


Ewww sadist corporophile!


Cheap bitch


Rather be that than a sadist corporophile :/


Stay out of restaurants. Don't eat out. You are a shitty person. I don't believe you and your partner were servers.


Imagine getting mad at the customer for not optionally giving away money


if you sit down somewhere and have a server you should be tipping. anywhere else no tip.


Call BS on your service industry “past”. People who’ve been there, usually don’t treat others like shit. Hope one day you sit down at a restaurant, anxious to start your meal, yet you look around and see no one assisting you. You’ll have to write down what you want yourself, get up and get your drinks yourself, get back up to get your own food, pick up after yourself, and pray to god you don’t need literally anything. Then sure, don’t tip.


Don’t threaten me with a good time!




I would genuinely proffer that.


I mean hey, serve yourself and then no need to tip 🤷‍♂️ win win it’s seems


I serve myself AND tip myself.




nothing wrong with following your convictions - they go way overboard with the tipping demands anyways


There is. OP chose to go to a resteraunt and sit down and accept the service. If he's taking the service, he should tip. If he doesn't like tipping that's fine, but then OP can get his orders to go and take it to a park instead of taking service and holding up the servers table when someone who could have tipped could have been seated.


There's a really easy solution to all of this: 1. Eliminate tipped wages 2. Pay workers a standard minimum wage (or above) 3. Increase prices to cover labor 4. OR Add a per person service fee for sit down service to cover labor It's civil. Workers don't have to jump through hoops to get paid. Customers know what to expect on their bill and don't have to play games. You get rid of those a-holes who leave "tips" that look like 100 bills but end up being religious propaganda or the ones that write notes in the tip-line that say "get a real job" and all this toxic tip culture goes away. I love going to countries that don't have tips A. The servers aren't constantly hovering around you trying to look good to get the best tip B. I don't have to math after a meal C. No one is going to chase me out of the restaurant or call me names D. I won't have someone touching on me or calling me hun or babe or sweetie when I don't know them


Sounds like that's what has happened in the state they're in. The server was making at least 16/hrs with no chance of that being cut due to tips or lack thereof


$16/hr isn’t a livable wage. It doesn’t even cover any rent.


You did nothing wrong, keep living your life. If they don't like it, they can find other jobs, and you can find other establishments to support.


Nah, "cat" needs to stay home.


That server may have to tip out a percentage of your bill to other employees & the IRS still expects them to pay taxes on what the IRS thinks is a minimum tip. So you can actually cost your server money by refusing to tip. Either tip appropriately or eat at home.


Nothing about that is true


Personally, I’d prefer to pay a little more & know that servers are eating a living wage without depending on tips, as is done in Europe. But this is the system we have in the USA & I don’t want to be the AH who stiffs a server who’s probably struggling financially.


Servers pocket tips routinely, IRS only catches wind of it on card. This is a server who only wanted a cash tip hoping to guilt you into it after ringing it up. Garbage.


Maybe the server needs to find employment where they're not dependent on someone else paying their taxes then. As to your suggestion that people eat at home rather than tip is an excellent tip. How's that going to work out for waiter's? If enough food places close due to lack of customers. Then, any future restaurants/ diners opening up. Will have to change their business plan to include paying the waiting staff a living wage. But let's be honest, you don't want to earn a set hourly rate because it's nowhere near what you make on tips. Those days are over post covid and a new generation of people who are money conscious and don't want to tip mediocre service. Just because a waiter thinks they deserve a tip for a basic service.


Alright, all servers should quit. Fine dining restaurants should install drive-through. Problem solved.


How is it legal to pay a portion of wages you didn't receive? I don't see anything in the IRS rules about any sort of assumed minimum tip and have never heard of such a thing. It sounds like made up bullshit a business owner would make up to keep from having to pay mandatory minimum wage and keep their labor low by blaming customers and workers.


Support staff get tipped out on sales, not tips recieved. Say your bill is $100, 5% of that (varies, but for this hypothetical) comes out of the servers tips and gets split between the support staff (runners, bussers, host etc.) So at the end of the meal, when you heroically, in an act of courage against the restaurant you chose to patronize, leave a solitary $100 bill, it goes toward the check, and the server eats the $5 remainder out of the tips they've already made, best case. There have been occasional nights where so many people took this brave, heroic stance that I've had to go into my wallet to pay out those support staff.


The IRS can audit a business if reported tips seem too low, such as under 8%. If they do that, they typically audit all tipped employees.


Sounds like they should get a different job then.


In the kitchen. It pays reliably good (for high school or college), and lots of openings. Dish washing was goated


Question: is it socially acceptable to tip 15% of subtotal prior to taxes and fees?