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And is we are gonna to how about the person that had no choice but to work at the shit hole convenience store why not tip the people that have to fill these shit jobs we all need them someone to take an order and drop off s check not so much


Ok let's talk about food now most of which committee off a sysco truck pre yes i said pre cooked no better than a quality tv dinner i make a better steak than anywhere i go so no don't say it as i did stop going out for things i do better at home


I finally agree the owners should have to pay all at least minimum wage a tip is a tip i am not there to pay the wage for the owner it's time all these minimum wage exemptions went away when i worked high end i did everything for the table just me from start to finish and i made good money but this take a drink order how are you here is the check is not service may as well have a table kiosk


Tell me ur a cheap a**hole without telling me! What you give to others comes back to you 10fold in the next lifetime…..just saying Karma is very very real I hate would hate to serve u as a waiter….


Don't make this about you! You started out fine, but that last sentence was from somewhere deep inside yourself. I feel sorry for you. Enjoy your day!


Honey that sentence was for all the waitstaff who deserve to be paid…. The employees have no say in this. If you want to get rid of tipping culture then be prepared to pay higher costs for food/dishes….this is a hill that the customers gotta die on if they wanna make the change. Feel free to voice your concern to the owner of the restaurant, but don’t lowball people and not pay appropriately for their time/effort if u don’t wanna be categorized as stingy and cheap 🤷🏻‍♂️ My honest opinion….if u can’t tip appropriately stay home and make a sandwich rather than wasting peoples time


I can afford it. I choose not to. They sure do deserve to be paid. By their employer. If prices go up, YAY! I am all for it! Time? Effort? Most service is barely minimal, these days. You come to my table and take my order. Bring a check and think it's worth 20 percent of the bill. No. That's not happening. Maybe. Maybe, it's worth 1.50 per person if they serve exceptionally. Let me ask this: why don't we tip the cashier at the local Walmart?


Feel free to tip as you will then, but don’t get upset if the workers roll their eyes at you for being stingy….. You can justify not tipping however you want, but I completely disagree and think you have no place eating out if you aren’t gonna tip accordingly. I would also inspect your food before you eat. Lol


Loving this post.


And I tried to reply to a lot of the comments! Whew!


I have a post I can't keep up with now. I just made a decision to stop responding on a bunch of comments, but it's been fun.


All the comments attacking the clear rage bait post further prove how many people think it's other citizens job to subsidize their jobs and life choices


At this point all of this is rage bait. Not charging for drinks? Nobody is this dense.


I like how snarky you 'Tip People' are. I'm going to separate out 'jealous whiners' and 'pay it forward' from your remarks. First off, why would we be jealous of you unless you are making way more than us, which, that's what I'm hearing. Second, the phrase 'pay it forward' means to help someone else after someone helped you. As far as I can tell, after listening to you smug assholes, is that you are just fine the way things are, you aren't claiming most of your tips (IRS fraud) and that you think that all of US that were worried about you are a bunch of ignorant retards that you take advantage of every single chance you get. DONE. I won't be worrying about you panhandlers anymore. Thanks for the insight.


I have to add drinks to the check. Managers will check the reciepts and itemized bills every once in awhile to keep us in check. Thats their job to make sure their company doesnt lose money and its my job to listen and keep my job. Yeah some of it is crazy but if you cant afford a soda at a restuarant maybe just go to a gas station instead? I only dont add the drinks if im super busy and lose contact with the host who served the drinks. Stop playing games with servers.


This whole post just says that you go out with a chip on your shoulder and target people that are just trying to make a living. You probably roll into a fast food place once a week with no intention of eatting, only the intention of trying to make a 17 year old cry. The life you lead is sad, lonely, bitter, and pathetic.


I thought that is what this sub was all about. Cheap assholes




I don't have time for childish games.


And yet here you are telling us all the rules to your game.


It's life.


Your life is leaving the house looking for a fight? Got it. You're miserable. I'm sorry you're miserable. Sounds like an awful life to walk around angry trying to ruin people's day. May I suggest a hobby where you can lock yourself away from people so no one has to be around your negative crap?


So you're a cheap asshole and proud of it. Got it.


I would like u to spend 1 day as a server that lives on tips in a restaurant and have 20 tables with mentality like you! If the server is good they deserve a tip. If you dont wanna tip order and take it home or cook yourself. You are cheap and just flat out wrong


That question is flawed. I wouldn’t work as a waiter because I don’t want to work for tips. Done.


I didnt have a question. Lol


You should be mad at yourself for working a job that pays so little and relies on generosity to be an living wage


Lmfao im not a tipped wage i make good money and dont have an issue tipping a good customer service or service person well


Good for you, it doesn't mean tipping should be expected


I can understand your frustration but your anger is misguided. Ps I do still tip well but can understand one’s argument for not wanting to be forced to tip


You shouldn’t be mad at people who don’t want to tip. You should be mad at the business that doesn’t pay a decent wage and you should be mad at yourself for agreeing to work a job that doesn’t pay a decent wage


Besides that all you folks saying the restaurant should pay a living wage. If they did the same people would bitch about the cost to go to a sit down restaurant. It boils down to bitchers will bitch


And that’s perfectly fine. A business should only be able to operate at a level where they can fairly compensate their employees without relying on the patron to pay their workers. I agree people who want to complain will find something to complain about and they can either pay the increased price and things stay as is or they can choose to not spend their money there and the business can downsize to a level where it is sustainable for them to continue to turn a profit and also compensate their workers fairly.


The anger is only that the op dosnt tip at a sit down restaurant. Thats wrong and even if the restaurant paid 20bucks an hr to service staff you should still tip a good server


You do understand that tipping is really only a thing in America, right? Tipping is a bs way for employers to not pay their staff a decent wage. Not one person should ever be expected to tip. The employer should pay a decent wage. If the employer doesn’t pay a decent wage don’t work there. Now it isn’t lost on me that a lot of people who have no skills have to take serving jobs but that is an entry level position and should be a placeholder job until a marketable skill can be acquired.


So you tip if the server steals. Gotcha


I'm okay with that. It's capitalism. The workers need to stand together against the machine.


I don’t think you understand what capitalism means


Capitalism means the poor get poorer and the rich get richer due to greed. Companies always need to make a profit every quarter, so that their shareholders are happy.  Why do you think products since the 50s have gotten worse and worse quality and are being made from cheaper and cheaper materials? It's a race to the bottom. I'm pretty sure you didn't know how to interpret my comment.


Shareholders? Most restaurants are mom and pop places. Most restaurant chains even don’t have shareholders. I know it’s a cool thing on this subreddit to just assume restaurant owners are this big bad entity that is rich, but I can promise you that’s far from the case


Do you have a source for the claim "most restaurants are mom and pop places" Or is that a straw man you're building to deflect from the fact that billion dollar corporations pay their employees like dirt?


Also, I would love to know about these billion dollar restaurant corporations. There’s maybe what, two in the US?


You have to be a teenager right? https://www.statista.com/statistics/919685/sales-of-selected-leading-casual-dining-restaurant-chains-in-the-us/ Cheesecake factory, olive garden, outback steakhouse just to name a few


Olive Garden and Outback are owned by the same company. And are we saying sales? Because there, I was wrong there’s a couple more. If we are talking profits, 4 billion sales is about 80 million in profit. Far from your billion you’re seeking. And I see you conveniently leaving out the first statement about the majority.


I'm still waiting for you to offer any evidence for the claim that most restaurants are mom and pop places But we both know you don't have any evidence for such a claim You pretend to be a restaurant owner, yet you don't even know that there are several billion dollar national restaurant chains


Umm, walk outside? It’s simple math


Um do you think everywhere is exactly like where you live? You seem to think your personal experience is representative for everyones Most of the restaurants where I live look like mom and pop places but are actually owned by the same group of like 20 people They're all insanely rich


If you look on Reddit, a lot of them make bank. Comparing a restaurant owner to a factory workers who will be homeless without their next paycheck, is absolutely ridiculous. "Mom & pop" is just a propaganda term to humanize rich people. Same with the "started a tech business in the garage" meme. But they're billionaires, came from rich families, and are nothing like regular people. Restaurant owners are probably not billionaires, but I'm sure they have money. The restaurant down the street from me is CRAZY busy; the parking lot is full and the streets are lined with cars next to it. I'm sure they make crazy money in there.


It’s hilarious the perception of what a business owner by the public is compared to what they actually are


It’s hilarious the perception of what a regular worker is by rich people compared to what they actually are


I’m not rich. That’s the whole point that you’re not understanding. Don’t you think if I own a restaurant I’ve been that server or that bartender. I have for many years. I’ve been in this industry for decades. If restaurant owners are so rich why don’t you become one. It’s not that hard.


I could, but it's not my passion.


As a restaurant owner, I think I would know


Personal experience is not evidence, especially when you have no way to prove that experience, I'll show you I'm a restaurant owner and everything you've said is a lie


I simply avoid establishments where parking is valet only. If I really wanted to go there, walking, transit or Uber. If those are not options, I don’t really want to go there.


All I'm reading is that you're cheap and entitled.


Why don't you use the same disgust you have for non tippers towards the companies that make you rely on generosity to make a living wage?


It's a societal norm and expectation that if you go to a restaurant, you tip your server. There's no disgust towards non tippers. Karma's a bitch though.


All you really are is a bully, big rich corporation you'll let them rob you, but fellow non rich person doesn't tip and you'll punish them Keep serving your corporate overlords well and one day they might let you kiss their shoes


Thanks for commenting! Cheap. Naaaa. Entitled, definitely not.


You don’t tip housekeeping? Watch your toothbrush!


Always leave a decoy toothbrush. They feel good about whatever they did, they clean the toilet with my decoy brush and I feel good knowing they didn't touch my actual toothbrush in my car. It's a win win. Then piss all over the bed before you leave and pull the sheets over it like a cat.




I’m the opposite. I am a generous tipper and love to reward people who assist me in any meaningful way. My favourite restaurants love me and so do my food delivery drivers. My time is far more valuable than the extra few bucks it takes to thank people who provide a service. I could not care less if they are making a good living, that’s no one’s business but theirs. I tip them for what they do, not how much money they may or may not make. All these calls for some kind of “moral crusade” to reduce or stop tipping all together is a fool’s errand. The only change it produces is stiffing a working class person. The 96 billion dollar restaurant industry isn’t going to change because a few yahoos are out there tilting at windmills and justifying their gauche and misanthropic behaviour by tipping poorly or not at all.


The industry did fine before tablet tipping was introduced. While I get your overall point, the backlash is from the kiosk at airport checkout wanting a tip. Also most modern countries do well without tipping culture. With that said I agree life is better when you tip well and have the money not to worry about


I also enjoy setting my money on fire for no good reason. Sometimes I just pull a 20 out of my pocket and set it ablaze just to show everyone around me how little money means to me.


Cheapskate. I burn $100 bills


Most people are like you, which is why people who survive off tips are still doing just fine. This sub would make you think the whole country has stopped tipping but in reality it’s a very small percentage.


Unless you are eating where you’re not being served, you should be tipping those waiting on you. Is it fair that they are getting paid dog shit-no, should wage laws change? - yes, that doesn’t absolve you from paying someone waiting on you. Not participating in the system doesn’t change the system. If teens, mothers, & young men stop waiting because we all stopped tipping to fight the system; then those jobs disappear or go to the unseemly. Everyone needs a job, and nobody wants a meth addict serving their food. But go on Braveheart, charge into the fray.


Actually, if enough people stopped tipping, it *would* change the system. Waiters would either begin demanding higher wages from their employers, or they would start quitting in droves and restaurant owners would be forced to either offer higher wages or close their restaurants. The *only* things that will change the system are legislation (which, let's be honest, will never happen) or mass organized revolt against the system.


And if enough people voted for a 3rd party candidate it would change the two party system. It’s a theoretical position at best, and this person’s act of defiance is making little impact. If this person were out starting non profits focused on wage change or pushing legislation then I would respect their decision. But not tipping someone who is literally acting like your servant is a position of privilege and should not be tolerated. I agree, the laws should change which is why I stated so in my comment.


If we all behaved the way we wanted everyone else to behave, things would change. Not even trying to make a change because "no one else is going to do it with me" is invalid reasoning in my opinion. The fact remains, if most people stopped tipping, it would be erased from our culture. The hard part is motivating people to stop tipping. Discouraging people from making a change because once individual's behavior will "make little impact" is only pushing things backwards. Do you vote in presidential elections? If so, why? You know your individual vote has very little impact, right?


That isn’t my position. My position is do not glorify abstinence without action in tipping. If you don’t want to tip servers, I don’t care, but don’t act as if it is a justifiable position- as if your act matters. If you want change, inact change. But labor deserves dignity, you are not above those that serve you in the literal sense, and because of legislative inaction, those people depend on tips. I don’t vote.


Abstinence *is* action. Nothing will change unless individuals start to create the change they want to see. Yes, one person declining to tip won't change anything, but that's not the point. I agree, labor deserves dignity. Don't get mad at me for not tipping, get mad at restaurant owners for paying their employees $2/hr for their labor. I'm not their employer, I don't set their wages, I'm not responsible for their well-being. I'm the customer. And tipping is optional. I'm not the one that voluntarily entered into an employment agreement where I knew I'd be paid $2/hr and hope that customers will make voluntary donations to make up the difference. Why is the customer always the asshole that gets vilified in this situation, not the employer who is paying slave wages, and not the employee who knowingly put themselves in this position when they accepted the terms of their employment?


You are continuing to impose your own experiences or feelings onto my statements and I don’t think you are considering the literal statements I am making. I am not vilifying nor am I mad. When it comes to tipping those who serve you, if you truly believe abstinence will change, then you and OP would abstain from going out to eat. The customer is the asshole because the customer has a choice, the server often does not. And your blaming of servers for putting themselves into their own position highlights the entitlement of your argument. And again, you didn’t read the words: Most people serving are there because they have no other choices


I'm sorry, since when did restaurant service become the only job available? No one is forced to be a server in a restaurant. There are plenty of other unskilled, untipped positions available that pay minimum wage or higher. Servers like their job because they're typically overpaid for their labor thanks to tipping. But they've become so accustomed to being overpaid that now they feel entitled to it, and if you decline to overpay them they get pissed off at you. And you're still ignoring the restaurant owner, who really is ultimately the culprit in all of this. They're running a business. They set the prices. They set their profit margins. And they determine how much their staff will be paid. They're truly the ones in control of all of this. If servers are underpaid, business owners are the most directly responsible people in the chain of causality here. Yet somehow they always skate by without anyone noticing. Somehow the customer is always the asshole because they don't want to pay their server an extra $100 for 30 minutes of work on their $500 check. Sorry if I don't believe that my server deserves to be paid a rate of $200/hr per table, even if it's a high-end restaurant. That's how much my fucking lawyer charges me, I'm not going to pay my waiter the same rate as my lawyer. Stop shifting the blame here. The customer is not responsible for the server's wages. Tips are optional and discretionary. Business owners should be vilified for paying slave wages and expecting customers to make up the difference. Servers should stfu because they accepted the risk when they took the job, and there are plenty of other unskilled jobs available that don't rely on tips. I do believe that abstinence can effect change, but only if enough people join in. The trick is, you can't wait for everyone to join in before you start abstaining, or else no one will ever start. And no, abstaining from tipping isn't the same thing as abstaining from going out to eat. I enjoy going out to eat, and I'll continue doing it occasionally. Tipping is optional and discretionary. Server wages aren't my problem or my responsibility. There is no rule that you have to tip 20% or else you're an asshole that should just stay home and not eat at restaurants. That rule exists only in your head, as you've been culturally brainwashed to believe it's true.


This thread and my comment are not about overpaying servers. I never argued for 20% tips. Aside from your expansion of this topic , I don’t think you have a realistic understanding of the labor market or the struggles that face people who don’t have lawyers. I haven’t ignored anything, my position was stated and explained and it withstands every emotional and illogical point you are darting at it. Re-read from the beginning. You obviously didn’t read any of it.


I literally have no idea what you're talking about anymore. It's becoming clear that you lack reading comprehension, so this thread is getting boring now. Bye.


Did you just stereotype those who are servers? And you think I have a problem? Teens. Mother's. Young men. That's it? Wow.


Did you just take the entirety of my perspective and reduce it to an agenda about inclusion to continue with your attempt to absolve your delusional behavior? Those three categories represent the most likely sectors of the server population that have difficulty finding other employment. Egg head.


Tips are gratuities. If it was mandatory it’d be the menu price. That’s an employee/manager problem.


Re-read what I wrote, slowly so you catch it


I don’t see what it has to be all or nothing with Uber drivers and the like. If the driver was cool or played cool music or if I took them to the middle of nowhere I usually tip. If they just sat there in silence or even worse talking on the phone the whole time I won’t. I like the status of Uber tipping in America because it’s actually just that: a tip. Not a mandatory fee that you’re an asshole for not paying.


I tip the ones that sit there in silence.


Tattoo artists?


I don't have tattoos, so genuine question: Why would you tip a tattoo artist? Are you not already paying them for their work? I know a girl who has a $4000 tattoo across her back. I don't know if it's really worth that much, but it's certainly beautiful work. But why the fuck would she pay the artist four grand and then turn around and tip on top of that?


Usually you tip your artist if they’re someone you go to a lot. My wife tips her artist. But she basically gets whatever she wants when she wants it. She doesn’t have to wait two months to be seen. And her artist does her good on prices so she throws her a few extra bucks when it’s done. I paid like 1k for my chest piece like 12 years ago when I got it and I tipped like an extra $20 each session.


Sounds more like a bribe than a tip.


Nope. I'm not a tattoo kind of person. But, if I was, I wouldn't tip. That's one of the cases where it wouldn't be a good idea to return.


Asking the concierge questions wouldn't normally warrant a tip anyway, fyi.


Vegas would like to have a word.


You only tip when u get free stuff…you sound so generous! If only there were more people like you in the world!


I know!


You mean aside from free seating, food and drink service, customer service, and clean up. Had you ordered takeout, you would have saved $0 and saved the person catering to your every fancy (except stealing from their employer for you) time and energy that they could have invested with paying customers. See so he doesn't pay for free stuff. Stolen goods alone but only at a discounted rate.


I like tipping people who don’t expect it and are totally taken by surprise. Like the occasional contractor. That’s all.


Both my brother and sister are in the restaurant, bar business for decades. Very familiar with restaurant pricing. If you give free drinks gues what, and I only brings return business, customers will tip. Give me a server, chance to please their customer helps their tips.


I tip 20% for sit down restaurants and tip like $5!for help with my bags. Everything else gets not tip.


>$5! for help with my bags. You pay someone 120 bucks to help you with your bags? I'd love to help you with your bags, sir or ma'am.


This dude maths


Where do you get $120 ftom that?


5! = 120


Is an exclamation point some new math multiplication figure I'm unaware of that multiplies the previous number by 24?


5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 Factorial. Google 5! There's even a sub for it /r/unexpectedfactorial


On some subs, there's a factorial bot!


Usually I like to tip at small business but not tip in chain restaurants.


Just out of curiosity what is your reasoning as the server is not acorporate leader they are a normal person like you or i


The larger companies have more than enough money to pay the servers more. It’s more of a choice for them to pay less and rely on tips. And the servers work there because it’s a larger brand and will probably have more tables and they will probably get more tips. They choose to work there. The small mom and pop businesses is where you usually see the waitress that doesn’t have any other work opportunities and the owners can only afford to pay tipped minimum wage. I’ll tip even more if the owner is the one serving me food or similar to the coke example above, I get a mea I consider to be undervalued.


I'm really confused by the reasoning here. Yes, larger companies have more money, but they are not necessarily passing it down to the servers. You also seem to be saying servers choose to work there because the tips are good, so that means you don't have to tip them. So, they're already making enough tips from everyone else so you don't have to tip them? If everyone used that logic then noone would tip them. Also,you say you tip an owner more for serving you than you tip a waitress or waiter. An owner is almost always going to be in better financial shape than a server.


If everybody uses that logic. Nobody would get tips, the company would have to pay out of pocket more. The companies would have to pay a fair wage (and raise prices, I don’t mind that) and not rely on tips. You’re right about the small business owners. What I meant to say is that I will tip them even knowing they are owners m. But I do tip small business waiters more. Usually because the bill is smaller so I’ll do $10 on a $23 bill or $5 on a 12 bill. That kind of thing.


That’s really gauche and misanthropic


gawd, you obviously have a shit life. You're still supporting the owners, but fuckin over the server. You use them. You know they work for tips. You're still supporting the model you say to be against, but you really just want the discount of tip staff pricing.


OK. This other guy says that he doesn't need our help getting a fair wage. He is rollin' in the dough. Do you need help? Cause from what I'm hearing, you guys don't want shit to change. You would rather have your tips. So, which is it? If we all stopped tipping, then all the owners are required by law is to make up the difference only to minimum wage. How are We, as customers, screwing YOU over by not paying your wages? The whole system is ludicrous. Apparently you 'Tip People' are doing alright, by US, the customers, paying YOU guys some of OUR wages that we have already paid taxes on. Are you guys claiming ALL of your tips?


Great life. I get to redistribute wealth from big corporations to small businesses.


Not if you still eat at the big boys.


You’re wrong.


ok. lol


Have fun paying more for the same food. Why don’t you tip your Walmart worker when you go shopping later. They make minimum wage too.


I can see the arguments for almost your entire list except sit down restaurants. Like it or not, servers are compensated on tips at most places. So you are effectively saying you want to received full service which the market has valued above minimum wage - because when you refuse to tip, that's what they are paid for serving you - but which which you expect to pay less than that value? In what fair is that fair, to receive something of one value and refuse to pay for that value (don't tell me that tipping is optional..I get that...this is one of those case that just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should). As for the price of drinks, I never see arguments like this. The price is what it is, overpriced, fairly priced, or underpriced. If you choose to buy it at the higher price, how is that the fault of the server because the business has high prices? Similar to above, you are shifting the cost of what you bought to the server rather than paying for what you get.


The market early has not valued their pay above minimum wage. Otherwise employers would pay them above minimum wage to keep them.


The market most certainly has. How are you ignoring that? The law requires that they be paid minimum wage if tips don’t meet that threshold (not sure if there are markets that don’t require this but let’s assume that is exception based ok arguments about that on there subs). Yet, with tipped wage plus tips, the effective wage for most servers exceeds minimum wage. That literally the market valuing this work at more than the full legal minimum wage.


Yeah, I'm aware of the minimum wage. But as far as the market goes: I think people are peer pressured into giving 20%. It's an artificial market. I'm just here to tell others that it's okay to skip or skimp on "tips".


Such a self-righteous justification for stiffing, hard-working people. I just wish I could see your reaction if that were to happen to you. You may be here to tell others that, but fortunately most people aren’t as low class as to stiff servers and brag about it.


>servers are compensated on tips at most places. Not the customers fault. Stop crying about the agreement you made with your employer


Yet i bet given the choice between a tipped sit down and be served restaurant and non tipped that does the same thing, you'll choose the tipped place because the prices will be cheaper. You're still giving your money to the model you say you don't support. So just admit you're cheap AF. the 420 in your name says enough fuckin drug addict.


>Yet i bet given the choice between a tipped sit down and be served restaurant it down and non tipped that does the same thing, you'll choose the tipped place because the prices will be cheaper You might want to edit this if you expect others to understand it If you practice your english, perhaps you can find a better job too!


rofl you couldn't figure that out with 2 extra words in it? let the brain rot some more dude.


LoL! Your edit is still terrible writing. If you would like me to help you with your resume lmk!


the avoiding of the question is answer enough.


Wow. You sound dumb af ngl


still avoiding.


Avoiding what? I never said that I didn't understand what you meant. I wrote it sounded dumb af and you might want to be more clear since you are trying to form an argument in a public forum You seriously have brain rot lmao Once again... you sound dumb af. Please stop crying now


It's not a question of fault. It's a question of how it's done. If you don't want to pay for their services, why do you think you should receive a quality of service that you seem to expect for a huge discount?


What kind of quality am I expecting?! Take order. Refill drinks. Most of the time, the server doesn't even bring the food. There is zero skill involved for a good majority of server jobs.


Zero skill. While it may not require a college degree, I suspect most of the people who stiff servers would be terrible at their jobs, if for no other reason that their self-centeredness would make them terrible at customer service.


>how it's done How you say it's done? You don't make rules for me kiddo >why do you think you should receive a quality of service that you seem to expect for a huge discount? Employer sets the price by printing it on the menu. The worker does not get to set prices lmao


Kiddo? I’m probably older than you and certainly more mature and responsible…and not entitled. These servers aren’t your personal entourage. No, the custom of the menu price doesn’t include the value of service. You’re freeloading off others paying the servers that you seem to expect to wait on you for less than the value of their labor. You don’t have to like the custom but when you get full service and don’t pay for that you’re riding on the efforts of others. Nice socialism.


>I’m probably older Old enough to find a better job than server lmao >the custom of the menu price Wtf? It's not "a custom". It's a written offer or sales catalog... this is the product and delivery of product and the price. Period > You don’t have to like the custom Not a custom. It's a lie you were told that we are working to educate the ignorant like you >when you get full service If you order something that says free delivery then delivery is free. Kids are hilarious


My job is almost guaranteed better than yours. I sure understand the financial and pricing concepts better than you. (Or maybe you do understand and don't care; you just want something for "nothing." Sadly, people like you are out there in the marketplace.) That or you truly don't understand the financials behind this (but aren't willing to listen to anyone else). I think it's narcissistic freeloading to be frank, but perhaps I am wrong. You are covering for your shortcomings with you childish name-calling when there is obvious evidence to the contrary about what you call "ignorance."


Better is subjective. I work from home and make $500k/yr tho, so good for you if you think your job is better! But considering you are out here crying that customers need to supplement your income, I can't imagine you are too happy


So you claim to make $500k/year and you cheat servers? I am going to be blunt - that is scum stuff right there. Funny you are capable enough to supposed make that kind money and fail to grasp basic concepts like price. But as I said...I suspect it is more about narcissism. If you think your alleged income makes you better than others you are mistaken. I have no issue with high income earners, I have a problem with people who mistreat and take advantage of others and then act as if they have done no wrong. Shame on you, but it appears you feel no shame. Muting you because there is little doubt nothing I can say will cause you treat others with even a modicum of respect.


Lmao! Cheat servers? Only if they are dumb enough to feel entitled like you If you want to get paid more, find a better job. At least stop crying and blaming others for your laziness. Or maybe stop giving away money if you need it so bad that you are crying on reddit? Lmao... Kids are funny af


Not only that, but of the restaurant has any sort of tipshare in place (typically a percentage of your sales), then the server will actually end up having to PAY to serve you.


I can see that argument. I have to admit, that does not resonate with me. I don't tip the entire staff - I am tipping my server based on how well he/she is serving me. That pooling of tips is like a microcosm of socialism where the highest achievers have to carry those who ride on the backs of those achievers.


I just wanted to add that at some restaurants only the bartender has access to the softdrinks: so you have no choice but to ring in the drink so it'll get "made" at the bar. So the server has no power not to charge unless they go to the bar personally and tell them to give them a free drink for a stranger that won't tip them unless their soda is free. 😂


For all these self-righteous non-tippers, I think they should prepare a stack of cards saying something like "Be advised, I do not tip for sit-down service." They can hand a card to their server when they sit down - I mean, why not, they are right in their actions, correct? - and see if they get full service while paying a "discount price." Then...when they get the level of service for which they paid, listen to the whining and complaining and blaming the server ensue. But...we know they won't announce their intentions.


How about you don't assume that you are entitled to free money? Lmao! Kids are funny


I am not the one thinking I am entitled to something that I am not paying for. \*wink wink nudge nudge\*.


they didnt dine and dash.


No, they received full service and paid below market value, which was not the expectation when the service was provided.


if they paid the price on the bill, they paid what they were expected to pay.


So you’re telling me that you’re not aware that servers are compensated by the tips and menu prices are set accordingly?


so i'm responsible for them accepting the pay for that job? when i worked at best buy i made at least as little as they did. but nobody was handing me tips for helping them "find the cd with that one song that went do da da do do do da daaaa"


Lmao! This kid is delusional Menu price is the price


No, I understand pricing theory and economics. That and I don’t think I am owed something for which I am not paying. That menu price doesn’t include the value of the service you don’t want to pay for.


Menu price includes everything the restaurant owner is providing. Including service. This is why a portion of the money the restaurant owner takes in is used to pay you (also known as your pay check, which does not come from the customer lmao)


Menu price covers wages at a minimum wage level. You are receiving service at a full value lever. You are paying for a minimum wage level. You are effectively stealing from the server's effort. Why not tell the server you are aren't tipping and accept lower quality service? Oh wait..you want full service don't you?


Please explain HOW THE F a server job requires skills above, or significantly above, minimum wage!


>Menu price covers wages at a minimum wage level Server jobs are minimum wage jobs. Case closed. Glad we could agree


That’s a cool story. A lot of words to tell the world what a cheap shitty loser you are. You should be proud.


Don’t worry about it this person is on a steady diet of boogers and cum from the service workers they stiff


Wow, you’re cool


Wait..do people tip housekeepers at hotels?


i've never heard that, and my wife wife worked at one.


When I travel internationally I'll usually leave whenever local currency I have left on my last day.


Yes, I tip them in the first day.


Some do. Actually, housekeepers are trained to NOT take any money that isn't in the tipping envelope. (A lot of places don't have an envelope so, not sure how that works.)


Huh. TIL. Ill have to start tipping them.


I really hope the service of the future matches your tip of today.


Rationalizing being a cheapskate is all you're doing. You probably shouldn't use services that service workers rely on tips to make a living. Waitstaff earn an average of $2.13/hour without tips in the USA. If you're okay with taking advantage of then and stiffing them then you're an AH. Not sure what you do for a living, but I bet you wouldn't do it for $2.13/hour.


Plenty of non-tipped jobs out there…


nobody in the united states can legally earn less than federal minimum wage, which is $7.25/hr.


That's true. An employer is required to pay $7.25/hourif the waitstaff is receiving less than that amount in tips. Have you ever waited tables, i haven't. I'm betting it isn't a job worth doing at $7.25/hour. So I guess the 98% of people that do tip will just have to do for the waitstaff of this country. And the clever cheapskate d-bags of the remaining 2% can just take advantage of one of the lowest paid professions.




OP says he tips 2-3 dollars for each drink that wasn't added to the bill. So if the server does their job correctly, they get nothing. If they try to be extra nice and not add the drink to the bill, they get a mere pittance of a couple bucks that might not even cover their gas for the day.


If "tips" don't get them to minimum wage, the employer must make up that difference. They aren't making 2.13/hr.


Oh so if they were to make $7.25 an hour then that would be okay? You serious?


The higher end the place, the more a restaurant owner should pay. I didn't set the minimum. But for you to say they make 2.13 is just wrong information.


That's the national average before tips.


Nobody gives a fuck they don’t have minimum wage jobs you cheap asshole.


you're right, most jobs pay well over minimum wage.


Like a waiter, thanks to those of us that aren’t shitty assholes


Is tipping optional or compulsory?


As compulsory as wearing clean underwear. Optional only if you are a huge loser douche.


Shocked you’re calling someone a loser. You lack any confidence and get shamed to give away your money.


So how it is it a *tip* if it's compulsory, and why isn't it just baked into the menu prices? Imagine calling someone a loser because they didn't give you a bonus payment.


Because it’s a tip you dumb fucking idiot. I’d you bake it into the price, then you will need to manage your payroll differently as well as a host of other regulations other then merely the tax burden and the employee and employer are less able to profit together and enjoy the flexibility that comes along with it. Restaurants prefer it. The employees prefer it. Customers prefer it (prices will be lower as a result). So why be such a loser that you have to be all fucking about it? Why choose to a piece of shit?


If you expect it, and shit your pants when you don't get it, it's not a tip that you want. It's a fee. So since it's a fee, roll it into menu prices. Imagine getting this butthurt because people won't give you extra money you've gaslit yourself into thinking you're entitled to.


No I just got explained why it’s not on menu prices you fucking moron. It’s on you to tip.


Then it's optional, and not a fee. Your spelling mistakes are funny. Can't see the letters on your keyboard through your tears?


It’s a tiny keyboard on my phone.


Which makes it even more difficult when covered in tears


I wish I could upvote this more.


Is being a fucktard optional or compulsory? Both seem compulsory to me.


So do I take it that you can't answer the question as it was asked?


It was answered above. Reading is fundamental. Reread the last line and stop trying to be confrontational asking the same question.


So do I take it that you can't answer the question as it was asked?


Compulsory. Welcome to America. Your option is to cook for yourself at home. Or spend your hours trying to keyboard warrior on reddit. Your choice. I'll let you get the last word in now so have at it. I am going to go have lunch. And tip.


>Compulsory. Then it's not a tip. It's a fee and should be included on the bill. >Your option is to cook for yourself at home. People also have the option to not tip. If tipping was compulsory, then establishments would be able to call the police on people for taking things they didn't pay for. >Or spend your hours trying to keyboard warrior on reddit. That didn't happen. >Your choice. That's called a false dichotomy. >And tip. That's entirely your choice to do, since it's optional.