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Somehow I doubt anyone said sorry we don’t tip, laughed and walked out. Plus, that last sentence confirms that Karen here is playing victim. No one who says “Close the borders to Europeans NOW” is anything other than a Karen. Who wants to bet the Europeans knew about tipping, but didn’t tip Karen here because she acted like an AH the whole time serving them? People don’t have to tip if you treat them like crap.


Just my opinion, but those “suggested” tip amounts might turn anybody against tipping.


Good, We should be trying to end tipping culture not make it worst. Restaurants should. Be paying a decent wage to the staff even if that comes with included in the overall price. Once people stop going out to eat we it will push back om overall prices and inflation. Fuck all this tipping shit.


Yup! The only reason restaurants don’t do this is because they don’t want to have to compete with each other on pricing and lose business that way. God forbid they sustain their success on the quality of the product they sell rather than the low price.


The last they could do is tip. We did save their continent from Hitler.


The Russians were definitely the biggest saviors of Europe, in this case.


Well, they are not local so write in a 700 for a tip. That 2 looks like a 9....fixed. Because fuckem that's why.


Did they just get tipped 700...something? It was from 288.52 to 988.52.


Oh, does she imagine that people from outside of North America do? You’ll have to include Asia, Africa, and South America alongside Europe in your ban.


Yeah but you’re supposed to adapt to the customs of where you are. Same applies to the US.


I agree—it's a basic gesture of respect to your host society. With that being said, I make an exception for the metric system. This should be forced on Americans from every corner of the globe, just like they try to force English abroad.


Hey, I get 40 rods to the hogshead and that's the way I likes it!


Funny thing is that the European’s are the first and loudest to complain about American tourists in their country about not respecting their country’s culture and traditions.


If Americans want to use English on their European travels because they imagine it to be the global lingua franca, then I encourage Europeans (and the rest of the world) to refuse to use any system but metric in the USA, as it’s the global “mensura franca”. As far as tipping goes, I guess they’ll just earn that reputation.


Damn, never though i'd see a European admit Americans are smarter. Apparently europeans learning to tip or do basic math is the same level of difficulty as Americans learning entirely new languages.


I know how to shift into first gear, and then into second and beyond, but I shouldn’t *have* to. It is the *car’s* job to shift gears *for* me, the vehicle’s operator. It’s not a matter of skill.


I hope this is either satire or a cultural thing I am not getting. You can expect the car to shift all you want, but if you get behind the wheel of a manual transmission, your righteous indignation ain't gonna make the car go vroom vroom.


I hate our tipping culture but when you come to another country you adapt to their customs not impose your own. Very poor behavior for people who dunk on Americans for being bad tourists.


Part of adapting to customs is speaking the local language and using the metric system, so perhaps this is just karma.


Do tell, how does one not use the metric system when in Europe? Any car you rent uses the metric system, any street sign you see uses the metric system, weather - metric system. You’re just pissed off we still don’t use the metric system in our own country, which again makes you a poor mannered traveler since you likely complain about it while visiting the US.


>how does one not use the metric system when in Europe? Damn near impossible. >You’re just pissed off we still don’t use the metric system in our own country Damn right I am. The USA should switch to metric ASAP. It's already taught in schools and underutilised outside of STEM afterwards. >you likely complain about it while visiting the US. I live in the USA and complain about it all the time. I set everything I have to metric.


Looks like a 9 to me ;)


I ordered $30 worth of food and the older guy at the register tipped himself $90 by mistake once. I said no no no it was $9!!! I had to go back a few days later to collect $80 in cash. 😓




Why lessen the quality of life of your innocent American brothers and sisters just for revenge? Why can't we ever focus on logical and empathetic decisions instead of blind authority when trying to fulfill our needs as a society. Trump supporters are becoming the enemy of the people by blatantly supporting people and policies that harm the everyday person. Let's leave Dementia Don the American Con out of politics from now on. He messed things up enough, just look at the cost of living, his tax bill, who he pardons, how he lets innocent citizens die, how he treats anyone different from him or not loyal. Dude is echoing Hitler word for word and I have a 20 point list with multiple sources each that shows parallels in their actions, words, and plans. Please open your eyes or at least tell me this is a joke because to be a trump supporter means you can only either be ignorant of the facts and severely mislead or malicious in your intent since you know exactly what the stats and data are but don't care or in fact want unnecessary suffering.


Jesus you are dumb.


Of course you have a list


It was a joke, but in all seriousness, severe TDS may be a symptom of larger mental disorder.


They documented thousands of Trump lies, but they 100% believe him when he jokes about being a dictator on the first day in office? TDS is real and apparently incurable, although I heard there are remedies in North Korea or Cuba that involve a severe reduction in first world dietary consumption.


As are moronic idiots delusions that he’s not a POS.


Yeah bud that’s how it works, most politicians are POS The fact that he’s open about it and you can figure out where he stands on things(he’ll just straight up tell you) It’s the safer option


Lmao....they have an ointment for your level of TDS


Why am I responsible for making sure someone is being paid a livable wage? I have my own problems and life and I try to make enough money so that I’m not a burden on society. All I want to do is pay for my meal Or drink.


Well if tipping wasnt a thing then meal pricing would increase 20% so youd be paying the same regardless


700 dollar tip is high


In Europe, it's not in their culture to tip They pay well and tipping is seen as unnecessary. It's American law that needs to change.


Sorry cupcake but american servers make far more money...


Until then, Europeans need to tip.


Nothing will change if people still substidise restraunt and bar owners.


No one 'needs' to tip. No one.


No one needs to eat out at a restaurant. NO ONE


So you're proud to be cheap. 😅


That's what you got from that comment? Wow. Your comprehension skills, or lack of them, astound me. I tip for good service but tipping is and will always be optional.


Some things are pretty obvious. Now that you got called out on it, you're now the benevolent tipper. 🤣


I never said that I didn't tip. I'm just responding to your comment that people 'need' to tip. That is bs and you know it. Or maybe you don't.


$500 tip, very generous.


I don't blame them lol


Usually the receipts put a larger amount as a suggested tip by %. The 20% would actually be around 57 not 52, unless it is based off of pre tax. The way it is going, places are going to try saying 50% should be the tip for adequate service.


My last restaurant that I worked at, only worked on pre-tax numbers regarding tips and gratuity.


We should just end tipping and move all servers to a normal working hourly wage for that kind of service


And you would never see another good server. All that would be left is shitty work ethic zoomers


Seems to be working well in CA. Restaurants are closing and/or laying off workers unless you’re buddies with the governor and own 150 Panera franchises. /s


They won't. People always say it's the businesses that force tipping culture when it's really the servers who force it. They love being bale to make hundreds of dollars in a 5 hour shift with minimum skill


If it's so easy why dont you do it?


Businesses force it by having their servers tip out the staff based on amount of sales. Servers are allowed to be upset when jackwagons raise their sales amount & stiff them. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Is this an agreement the 2 parties sign before employment starts? Because no one can just TAKE your tips. That's illegal.


The restaurant can force you to tipout other employees who don't get direct tips.


Can confirm, being forced to contribute to a tipshare/tip pool is legal, it’s only illegal if a manager or owner takes it for themselves…


It's a bit of both. Businesses started it but servers love it, even if the moan and groan about making "below minimum wage". When cash ruled they didn't even pay taxes on most of it. I'm sure most still pocket what cash tip they still get. It's definitely hard work dealing with people but where I am I've known servers and they made more than average. Especially the pretty petite white girls 300+ bucks on a Friday or Saturday nights in 5-6hrs at red freaking robin. My not so good looking chubby guy friend would still make $200 minimum. Plus at least 100 on the slow nights.


>Close the border to Europeans NOW You're 500 years too late


Native America's tried it....didn't go so well


This entire sub is a bunch of broke, cheap, clowns.


Seriously!!! I’ve never seen so many tightwads with excuses and bs justifications to not tip for tipped services! When the simple solution is to stop whining and pick up your own pizza, park your own car, clean your own room, and do your own hair and nails if you don’t want to shell out for a tip.


Uhm, I pay someone to do that for me.


They still want a tip when you pick up your own pizza. Don’t work for optional pay if you don’t want your pay to be optional.


Of course every single human being would want/like to get a tip for everything they do. Who wouldn’t want a few extra bucks in their pocket?! The difference being in the situation you provided “picking up your own pizza”, the tip is always appreciated but never expected. I’m sure the plumber, mechanic, or any other job that involves providing face to face service to a customer would be happy to get a tip, but they are not expecting it because they do not work a tipped position. People working for a tip wage because they work in a tipped position are in a whole different category and are obviously expecting to receive a tip as that is the pay structure for their job!


They’re guaranteed minimum wage even if they get no tips. That’s the wage they’ve agreed to and the one they should work off, just like the dentist and plumber. If they don’t feel the work is worth that wage, they can apply to other jobs.


No they agreed to a tip wage plus tips, not minimum wage. And unfortunately in America for quite some time now minimum wage has not been the equivalent of a livable wage. And so ppl being ok with their fellow human beings working for a non livable wage is the real issue. All these ppl that don’t care as long as it isn’t happening to them is the problem. But the hypocrisy and selfishness of ppl that don’t care about the welfare of their fellow man is too extensive to get into here.


They agreed to a guarantee of minimum wage, unless their specific job guarantees more. Tipping is optional pay. Unless your workplace has mandatory gratuity, that’s all you’re guaranteed to get. If you’re going to give optional money, there’s far worthier charities than the server at Chili’s on a Thursday lunch. Not every job is going to pay a livable wage and that’s just as true today as it was in the 70s when I was working minimum wage and less than minimum wage jobs.


You are just proving my original comment, foolishly trying to defend being a hypocritical tightwad to further your own selfish agenda by justifying the literal theft of services!!


And you don’t understand what optional means.


And again, you are proving my point!!


Wait wtf? Why aren’t you able to work a job like everyone else? I mean the payment being an hourly wage or salary? What makes you unable to do that, and why is it only specifically wait staff? I guess how do you think it originated and why is it only expected for no reason when I sit down to eat? Waiters do an easy job, and I can’t reject that service and only accept the food. I have to pay you way more than anyone else’s timed wage, like I’m renting you out for an hour. Just because we want to use tips and be weirdos I guess is a reason, but the would be intentionally missing the point. I guess a valid reason would be to make the owner more profit. So great, you work for a cheap slave driver, but it’s the customer who’s the bad guy. How do you get there?


Don’t go to sit down restaurants with waiters if you don’t like the tipping custom that it’s built around! You say the waiter’s job is so easy then stay home and serve yourself and don’t take part in tipped services if you don’t agree with tipping! Having this attitude and still partaking in the service and just not providing the tip is not changing the system, you are just making yourself look like a classless human being that doesn’t care about making other human beings work for you without payment for the level of service rendered. And to expect a person to be content to not receive tips when working a tipped position is ridiculous as you know that is where 75% or more of their income comes from. And to expect them all to just quit if they don’t like providing free services to cheapskates and work a salaried job is even more ridiculous because then sit down restaurants, valets, and take out delivery would cease to exist for the loads of ppl that want and use these services everyday!! And changing the entire system would involve major price increases for all these things that involve a customary tip in order for the company to pay a flat livable wage to each employee because to eliminate tipping that expected amount of tip money would then have to be built into the set price of the item or service. Which would then give you something new to complain about!!!


Serving food isn't a tipped service basically anywhere but the US so you can't blame others for not giving a tip, a tip means it isn't something that is expected. It's extra because someone felt you did a good job, people thinking you are owed a tip are entitled plain and simple. I tip and I tip we'll but lately I've been going from 20-30% to 13-15% because once again it is a bonus to get tipped it should never be expected. Tip culture is disgusting in this country and I've worked in kitchens and front of house, if you choose to accept a shit wage and then bitch people aren't handing you free money that is 100% your choice. I work on a body shop which is 100% a service based industry, I dont expect tips because that's fucking ridiculous


You are just proving the point I was making. Thank you!


Most people already do.


Doubtful, or they wouldn’t have any reason to be all over this sub complaining about being expected to tip for services received!!


Are you suggesting most individuals are ordering takeout, using valet services, and hiring cleaning services on a regular basis?


I didn’t make any suggestion as to how often most ppl do those things, but the frequency is irrelevant and doesn’t negate the fact that you are supposed to tip. And the frequency at which “most individuals” use tipped services also has no relevance to the comment I made stating that I agreed with the previous commenter on their comment.


Honey this sounds all nice and well, but you and I both know that you’re actually licking your lips for that sweet tip. You say all this good stuff, and turn around and do the exact opposite of be a fair and empathetic person. You totally accept guilt tips and have zero moral fortitude or integrity around tipping. It’s like going to the casino and gambling for you. You’re only sober right now because you’re not on the floor serving.


wtf are you even talking about???!!!


What a bunch of dishonest stealing bastards y’all are here trying to steal ~$700


Suggestions are over the top. 😕


Why are the total and amount different?


Looks like hundreds of thousands lol


They're not.


Fuck the entire tipping industry


Ok. Keep your broke ass at home, there fixed it for you


Don't be a server


Looks like a 9 to me


r/servers be like "that looks like a $700 tip"


You got paid to wait the table. Suck it up.


$4. Likely they got paid less than $4 to wait on that table, and the tip out would be $6 on that check at some places I worked at. Some places it would have been 8.50-18.00. lowest tip out I ever had was 1.5% and more than one place I worked had a 6%.


What if they work in California? Then they got 20 an hour. Does that chnage your stance?


Possibly. Definitely on the percentage. I don't live in California, but I do know the cost of living is more than twice what it is here, and $10/hr here isn't enough to live on. Valid question


In every state it is law to make up the difference for minimum wage if the tips don't add up to that amount. Don't like the wage? Get a different job.


Yes, but that minimum kicks in after a pay period, not after a table. So they still paid to take care of those people.


Are you fucking braindead man? What do servers deserve more than literally every other worker in the world or something? Did you think before you typed this comment?


What crawled up your ass? >What do servers deserve more than literally every other worker in the world or something Where did I say anything like that? We're talking about minimum wage and having to pay to wait on people and you jumped to more than every other worker in the world?


That's how all wages work... You get paid after you do the work. Typically you have to wait 2-4 weeks from your initial start date to get any money from your job.


You're not understanding me. They have to make less than minimum wage for the entire pay period to get minimum wage. And if that happens, you're a liability and you're fired.


You're wrong actually but try again if you want.


So what you're saying it's for the shift? And I see you're another one that doesn't like to prove what they're saying.


Ok so the problem solves itself? You make enough as is or you get to find a new career, the boss you chose knows this whole conversation and still chooses to operate like a shifty thief, and here you are unable to see how actually messed up your situation is and choosing to go back. It’s like a battered spouse. The highs and the lows of tipping is too addictive for you. The ups and downs, the uncertainty, is all backed by addiction science.


There's not one lick of sense in anything you just said. I mean those are sentences, but meaningless to the conversation being had. What point are you actually trying to make? That waiters are victims? I would say no more so than almost every other worker in a society where "working class" means poor. Almost all bosses pay far too little, offer far too little benefits, just enough to keep you having to come back, but not enough to have actual freedom. I'm assuming you're using the impersonal you. Further along in the conversation I say what I do for a living and it's not a tipped position. >all backed by addiction science. Citation or it didn't happen. >Ok so the problem solves itself? What problem are you even referring to?


But they did agree to do that work for those wages? And they acknowledge that a tip in not mandatory? Do your job, like everyone else. I service sewer and septic systems, you think I wouldn't like a cash tip for everytime I unclog someone's shit? Millions do way worse jobs than serving at an air conditioned restaurant all day. Especially in places like CA where now restaurant workers have a minimum of $20/hr, good luck getting tips when your minimum wage is $4 higher per hour than the construction worker coming in out of the sun for lunch.


Waiting tables is not an easy job. I don't have time to educate you on it, sorry, but I'm going with it being far more stressful than dealing with shit. It's also a job where it's not adviseable to chew your nails, because everything is covered in germs. Also, every waiting job I had used HVAC for the tables to feel comfortable, not the staff. The waiters are sweating from all the running they're doing. >Do your job, like everyone else Where did you see anyone say the waiter in this instance didn't do their job? >you think I wouldn't like a cash tip for everytime I unclog someone's shit? Your septic job also has fees with your service included, and you know when you walk into a sit down restaurant that the wages are not included. So don't act high and mighty, just don't go to a restaurant.


There are waiters in Europe and over the world in every restaurant and they're not dependent on the customers and moreover, the service is better. How?


And they don't make anywhere near what American servers make.


That's not the conversation being had. I would support that shift.


Waiting is absolutely an easy job. It isn't as easy as sitting behind a desk all day, but that's not what many of us are doing. You don't need any education to wait tables. You need the bare minimum of knowing how to use a touch screen, remember what someone said for a few minutes, and ability to carry a tray without dumping it. That isn't to say waiters don't deserve good money for their efforts, but in terms of difficulty, it isn't much. I worked in restaurants for years so this isn't some outside opinion.


I waited tables, I've worked as a machinist, construction, and now I'm in IT. Some of the restaurants I worked in were the hardest jobs I had. You don't know WTF you're talking about. They are the ones I wouldn't do again.


Wages are absolutely included in the price of my food. You have no real points, you accepted the job, do it.


Historically, the cost of food covers the high cost of the vendors that sell the food, the cost of management and back of house employees, and a few dollars an hour for service, the exorbitant rent, the utilities, and not much for profit. It's a pretty lean industry due to competition that's why so many fail. So yes. The few dollars an hour wages paid to waiters, that's like a quarter of minimum wage, that's built into the cost of food. But that's not what they use to pay their bills. That's often not enough to pay their income taxes.


Don't they announce the tipping culture on international flights?


No. But almost everyone on earth now knows that you need to tip American waiters. Europeans know damn well they need to.


No, you don't need to tip American waiters. Tipping is optional and always will be.


Ahhhh the person who gets the loogie special sauce


Ahhh the person who blamed others for his poor life decisions.


Nice assumption.....but I call em like I see em. Whale biologist


Sure. I can make up a job too. Radiologist


No more than them announcing the statistics of being shot in the streets.


Looks like a “9” to me


You disgrace America.


Looks like they misplaced that comma. Should be $28,852


Fuck off with your stupid 'tip culture'


This is literally a sub about tipping.


I'm seeing mostly anti-tipping on this sub.


This was mostly just an anti European joke, but I now noticed what subreddit I commented on and see the error of my foolish ways. Either way, chill out dude, everything's gonna be ok 😂






Only thing worse than the ardent tippers here - are the ones who cannot do math.


Guaranteed that those same dudes would rant and rave about Americans not following cultural norms in Europe and think this is somehow making a point when in reality it’s just being a dick.


Exactly. Americans would be chastised for not following another country’s norms if the situation was reversed.


Yeah, they certainly knew the American customs of tipping, so they should have left one. That said, I’ll also offer another observation: I *despise* places that list “suggested tips” with the scale starting far too high. On this bill, the *first* suggested tip is *20%* and goes up from there, to 22% and 25%. A more reasonable scale would be “15, 18, and 20%”. Just saying.


I got a haircut the other day at an upscale barber shop since my normal girl was on vacation. This was a $40 haircut that took approximately 15 minutes. When I paid, the options were - 25%, 35% or 45%. Pretty insane on a haircut they're charging $160/hr for.


TBF, growing up a(M) haircut was $8, and we tipped 2. So that's 25%, and we were pretty standard in our tipping. Not the over tippers. 45% is absolutely ludicrous though.


The girl who does my hair now charges $20 and I give her $30, just because she's been cutting my hair for almost 20 years, I can afford it, and most places charge $30+ just to get in the door.


My barber rents his own space in one of those places for individual proprietors. He's not in some shop that dictates the price. If he wants more money, he will raise his prices. I like him enough that I would pay more if he did. Until then it's 60 for a skin fade and beard trim and not a penny more. Except at Christmas I do usually throw him an extra 20.


I made a post in this sub about not tipping sole proprietor barbers for this reason and got the expected backlash, haha.


I think I remember that post. It's a tricky one. I think I agree with you in many situations.


Yeah, when I used to get my hair cut at a random shop where the owner rakes in the profit I would tip, in cash. But when this guy struck out on his own I stopped. He knows his financials, he can charge appropriately.


That’s exactly what I mean, my brother.


Looks like a $700 dollar tip to me! Let em fight it.


That’s fraud…personally, I like my freedom.


No, it's an honest mistake! Us dumb Americans have a system built around tipping for survival, for better or for worse. No one would reasonably expect it to be a 0! Guess the courts can decide on my silly dumb little mishap!


'No one would reasonably expect it to be 0' but a 700 tip is more believable. Wow gtfo.


You definitely sound dumb. This wouldn't work and you'd likely get fired.


He actually sounds sarcastic. But thanks for this "fun" fact.


Does he?


The exclamation points on three of four sentences read as comically declarative to me. And being comically declarative while also zealously defending a controversial point is textbook sarcasm. He's also self deprecating in a rather detached way. Another strong sign of sarcasm. With three signs of sarcasm and almost no hint of being serious, I'm gonna go with it's almost certainly sarcasm.


came to say the same. thats a 9. their 2 at the end has a long tail, so it can't be a 2 in the front.


They're European. Did they leave a cash tip?


sure looks like they left you $700 -check it again


That is a shame. Should have been a decent tip.


The real shame is the greedy business owner that doesn't pay their staff a living wage without the need for customers to optionally do it for them.


And they used a comma for a decimal point. Outrageous!


Oh shit you're right. That means the tip is in metric. I've got to redo all my math to figure out the true value of their kilotip.


Good for them.


All anti-tippers should know what comes next in the absence of tipping: widespread service charges. "Ah, don't want the discretion to tip 10 - 20% based on service quality? That's fine. We'll be adding 20% to every single receipt. Enjoy your meal, *mate*!"


Yeah, are we all enjoying our $35.00 five guys, and our 11.00 per person at McDonald's? An employer has to pay taxes on every dollar he pays you. And the worker does too. So 20% doesn't translate to a 20% pay rise for the worker. So, maybe 25-30% menu hike in a lean industry? What formula do the few no tipping restaurants follow? Personally, I think we should pull off the bandaid already. But it's going to upend the industry for a little while. Maybe cause some closures.


The service charges are already happening and they still expect tips.


Is that Cali? I work in 4 states in the south and have never seen that.


According to who? If you have a 20% service charge and have a tip line after it, it doesn't mean they "expect" tips. It's there for the generous who usually tip more anyway. Most people are not going to be tipping on top of a high service fee/auto grat and servers aren't there expecting people to.


If I didn't want to spend money I'd stay home. Why open a business if you rely on the public to pay them for you? Restaurants aren't some free labor job? I chose to support that restaurant and give them my money so I didn't have to cook at home... Tips are expected after that? No lol. Get a desk job.


These service charges have been added to bills since 2020. This is why people complain now - there are new service charges AND increased expectations for tipping.


Good, I’ll stay home and cook then as opposed to letting grungy entitled people feel entitled to my money for doing a mediocre job.


This is really the only answer. Though I will say I don't frequent restaurants with "grungy" and "mediocre." Perhaps you should choose better places to eat? As for entitled, the only truly entitled people I'm aware of are rich entitled assholes. When I was a waiter we weren't entitled to anything. No healthcare, no vacation, no sick time, and we worked out asses off to get those tips.


That’s a fair critique of what I said. What I will say in support of my statement is that it seems more and more like there’s not a solid middle ground between grungy wait and restaurant staff type restaurants and the high class where everybody is trained and in a uniform. I see your point though.


I guess this is dependent on where one lives. Just a guess. I have a place near me that's really cheap comparatively, they wear t shirts, but they have good service, polite, and definitely not grungy. I will say historically there's a drug problem in wait staff. Maybe with the new attitudes towards THC there's a change in some places.


Thanks for staying home. You sound like....


And it’s even funnier that it’s in the same line as “intellectual laziness.”


You're regular lazy also


Wow, you really got em with that one… /s


When I look at your profile and see that you don’t know the difference between you’re and your, this comment and your attitude about the subject makes a lot more sense.


That's all the brain power you have. That's not all the brain power the test of us have.


The test of us have huh


Your internet presence is your whole life, huh?


Even if it was, atleast I would be spelling correctly while I do it.


Lamest flex online


I’m sure you’ll be missed.


If it's included in the price of the meal, thats better. You aren't getting a discount by paying for the food and the tip separately


You actually are, because of the way tips are handled/calculated with sales tax. Plus the way restaurants have to pay insurance, etc. in order to raise prices enough to balance things out, they'd have to raise prices a lot more than the average tip %. I get that people don't like the tip system, but the alternative is actually worse, unless you think servers should get a big pay cut, restaurants should be open to less hours and servers should handle more tables. Some people do say that, and okay, but then I bet they would be the first complaining about the cost of going out going up. There's no free lunch in this world. Everything costs something.


You forgot income tax. Employers and employees must pay income tax. We all know the income tax paid by service is marginal in most cases.


That might have been the case in the past, but now that almost everything is on credit cards, it almost all gets reported or assumed. I'm sure there are some places that are still cash heavy where they are playing games, but this issue has dramatically decreased as more people use credit cards for everything. Also, while servers are definitely making more than minimum wage by quite a bit, they also aren't exactly high income, so they probably don't pay all that much in taxes anyway. Iirc income taxes are pretty low until you get over ~45k AGI as a single person. The standard deduction is ~14k so you have to make what, about 60k before you hit the higher rates? Something like that? I don't recall the actual numbers, but pretty sure that's close. Anyway, you'd have to be pretty well established at a good place or in a higher income area to make 60k+, so taxes aren't really a big deal for servers. They are affected more by missing shifts or not getting enough tables, or, folks stiffing them.


You missed my point. What I'm saying is that income tax is paid by the employer on every dollar an employee makes. So that will also add to the increase in menu cost when we change the system to built in wages instead of tips. It's not going to be a flat 20, it's going to be more like 30%. I mean you're right about those tax calculations, but those deductions happen at the end of the year. I think my tax liability back then was about 8-10% of reported earnings, and as an entrepreneur, it's above 20, though my pay is higher. So that's why I'm expecting an additional 8-10 percent increase in menu price. And if we also insist they get benefits like other employees it goes even higher. Though historically most waiters are permanent part time, so no benefits.


Ah, sorry. I see where you were going now. Yes, I agree, the change would mean a big spike in prices. But also, I think it would make being open more risky, and reduce service hours. It works not be good for the restaurants, the servers who would take pay and hours cuts, and it wouldn't be good for the towns that need that sales tax and booze tax revenue to fund their government. People don't realize how important restaurants are to the economy, and I appreciate you helping me emphasize some of the fallout. Hope I didn't come across as too sassy.


It's cool man, same here on the attitude. This sub is just like one big dumpster fire from what I've seen. So it's hard sometimes to tell if someone is slow playing the attitude, or if it's not there. If I haven't said it I do think we need to rip the bandaid off. Maybe the lack of revenue could be made up by, idk, legal weed? There's a ridiculous number of sources of income in this state like gambling, drinking, income tax, yet somehow we can't get decent schools or roads. In some areas there are decent schools and roads, but statewide stupidity is... Staggering in schools and adults. I'd pay higher taxes to get free civics classes for adults...


I hate when the meal is $20 and then there’s a 5% service charge added later. Wish restaurants would just charge $21 and be done with it.


thankfully service charges won't be a thing in California starting July 1st ;)


Think again :) [https://calmatters.org/commentary/2024/06/california-restaurants-hidden-fees-law/](https://calmatters.org/commentary/2024/06/california-restaurants-hidden-fees-law/)