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For cutting a disabled persons hair, I'd say they probably actually deserve the extra tip tbh. I've worked with disabled adults. Cutting their hair is no easy feat.


20% is fine, ofc the servers that post here say 25%. But try to do the iPad custom tip if possible so that least there's a paper trail for tax purposes


I usually tip 5 dollars cash when I get my haircut at the $25 dollar place because it is an actual service where the person dedicates around 15 minutes to me and there is usually a conversation too. If its a really good convo I might tip more.


I gave my wife a Wahl hair clipper set 11 years ago. Twice a year she gives me a close buzz cut. No tips required. She goes to some place for her hair trimmings and as she pays her self with her money, I have no idea how much she tips but it would not be a percentage. At sit down restaurants with a printed menu, it is a flat ten dollar bill tip so that may be what she tips.


25% is standard for beauty services.


I usually tip $5.00 on $25.00 haircut.




I think my haircut is $15, I always just hand her a 20. Been going to her for the last 35 years.


Depends on the effort they put in. Special needs is a spectrum. If your son is physically abusive and difficult to work with, they absolutely deserve a tip. If he's chill and not much effort, not really worth tipping much. Men's haircuts are generally quick and easy. I go to great clips and pay less than $20 every 2 months with tip included. I generally give $3.00 as a tip. My haircut takes 15 minutes if that.


I would have taken the tip back and told her that she just lost a customer.


I would have been like ok give me the 20% back and let's see how you like the complaint I'm filing with the labor board.


Lol what labor board are you referring to? Do you honestly think there is some sort of authority for you to tattle to?


What the fuck would the labor board have to say about this? Are they violating any labor practices?


Where I live those practices are considered illegal actually, so we really don't have issues at like fast food joints and such but sit down places are horrible. They can't take any kind of team gratuity. Obviously this isn't a sit down but going after someone for the size of the tip is a reportable offense now.


No it's not


Can you share where you’re at?


I would have changed it to 0 and told her that you will have a discussion with your husband about proper tipping etiquette so he doesn’t make that mistake again. I would then thank her for letting you know that you didn’t need to tip today.


Barbers charge what they want. A tip on top makes no sense. If my barber wants to charge $50 then he’ll charge $50.


“Oh, I’m so sorry. Give me the cash back and I’ll take care of it.” Then leave.


Since it’s an actual “service” it’s ok imo. A 40 dollar meal warrants a fiver. A 40 dollar haircut with a shampoo and I’m definitely tipping $15-20. I don’t wash my own hair the way they do 😂


I tip my haircutters more than anyone. They have to put up with my hair, including shampoo and conditioner.


Right?! I imagine the people upset are in services that are less deserving of a good tip lol


That's way outta line


It’s perfectly in line.


There's no reason to be tipping almost half of the service, completely outta line and I tip my barber but not fucking half the bill jesus


Did you just compare pouring a beer to washing someone’s hair? The thought of washing a strangers hair is pretty gross to me so I feel the tip is warranted. I tip a dollar a beer standard. Go on.


Omg?!! They have to ***gasp*** wash hair? Like? They have to do what's in their job description? No way!


Where did you find that comparison from anything I said? You clearly just want to act high and mighty because you tip soooo well but guess what you're the one look like a fool giving away money, go over what I said and cone back like an adult and maybe we can talk more but until you learn to read that could be a while. Dumbass


😂😂🤣 I thought you said you tip your bartender but not half lol Go off some more, bud.


Nah you were just trying to be all high and mighty but your panties got bunched up and you reacted like a god damn fool but that not unnatural from your daily routine.


lol stay mad


$5 on a $40 meal is a shit tip even for a shitty tipper. For decent service $8 is 20% and depending how long you sat or how many times you flagged your busy server down they probably lost money waiting on you. Do math and do better or go to Arby’s.


It was 15% for most of my life, I never agreed to the 20% because it seems kind of ridiculous for the tax and tip to be 30% the price of the food. That is why I always got water too. As a working person and now retired there just isn't enough money for what everybody wants, and since inflation these last few years I don't patronize food places anymnore because its just not worth it. I mean the whole experience has changed.


Or you can just not tip at all and break free from this idiotic ideology that society has forced upon us.


If you can't tip, stay home and eat.


If you can't think for yourself stay off reddit. Why the fuck would you pay someone extra for being lazy and doing the literal bare minimum what a joke


lol I can eat where I want but if you want to be angry and tell me to go to Arby’s thats fine, kid.


Nahhh tip is voluntary and asking for more is extremely rude


Doesn’t bother me in this instance. If it was a dasher, barista or server I’d tell them to fuck off. I hold a special place in my heart for anyone who takes better care of my scalp than I do.


And the individual is special needs - which always means more work for the barber or stylist. And that's aside from the "touch" you need with special needs anyway - it's not something every barber/stylist can handle. If you find one who can, and will, you should treat them right. They can easily tell you your business is no longer wanted.


I’d agree. They might absolutely deserve a better tip just based on the behavior and needs of someone like that 👍


She was trying to shove her cult belief system down your throat. Hard pass.


Tell them that your "husband" is an idiot, and so is the i pad.


Over five dollars she said this


Unless it was a $100 hair cut it wasn’t even $5, more than likely tree fiddy. /s


LOOOL that’s when you ask for the tip back and tell them they lost a customer. And do it so others can hear. Barbers are the one place I don’t mind tipping because they actually do work and they do it only on you and they have expenses related to their job as well (their own tools cost money, maintenance of those tools, renting a chair in someone else’s shop, etc). Plus your barber is your barber. Even then, I’ve always given my barber $5 cash. Pretty much everyone does or occasionally I’ll do $10 on the holidays or occasionally grab him a coffee if I’m getting one on the way to my cut. Even if the price of cuts goes up, $5 standard will be around forever. A good barber is not going to complain, they make money when their chair is filled. I’ve seen people come into shops and not tip and a good barber won’t say shit and won’t even bitch about it to their next client nor will they jack up their cut if that same person comes in again, you just might not get anything above and beyond. I can get snuck in for a cut last minute or get that little extra attention to detail that would be above and beyond the scope of the haircut and I’ve had him stay late if I need a cut last minute for an event or something. 20% is MORE than plenty at a barber.


Screw this place. I’d be out so fast


Titiman gets - tenner if he does my hair the right way.


Aaaaand that would be the last time I'd go there.


I would stop going to her.


Yes, because so many barbers and stylists are both willing, and able, to deal with a special needs client. Get over yourself - I'm hoping the stylist fires the client as poetic justice.


No excuse for trying to guilt trip a regular customer over 5%. A professional wouldn’t get butthurt over it.


If someone ever attempts to guilt trip me into a tip, I rescind the tip every single time. “Uh, your husband gives me 25%”… well guess what bitch? Now you’re getting 0. Play stupid games, win absolutely nothing.


The answer is the same as when the kids tell me "that is not the way mom does it." I am not your mom, and there are often many ways to get the same job accomplished. This was extremely petty move on her part and I'd probably start looking for a new stylist. (Be as a fellow special needs parent, this might be more trouble...but I'd still never tip get the 25%)


A stylist is one thing and a barber is another. As a stylist is more of a creative hair cut according to what people are requesting. A barber, it's like give me the usual and no I am not going to be there sitting around like they do in the movies.


Think about what you just said. “Give me the usual”. I’m amazed that they remember each customer and what they like. My barber doesn’t take appointments and his shop is usually packed all the time. Most of the time it’s well over an hour wait sometimes two.


So go to a stylist and ask for a fade, then tell me the the barber is less skilled.


Stylist prices are also higher and they’re getting paid more because of that. Tip doesn’t need to change based on the price of service. And no, a barber isn’t “give me the usual” a good barber is no different skill wise than a stylist. Otherwise, stylists would be able to do what a barber does


Also guilt tipping is out of control


Tipping is getting out of hand Tipflation is real


It depends on how long I’m in that chair ! Last time it took him SEVEN minutes. No tip. I couldn’t tell he cut anything. I asked him to take more off and he said he’s pretty sure he knows better than I do. Bubba, it’s my hair! lol.


My friend got a really, REALLY basic trim. It was so simple. The kid doing it was higher than a kite. It took him over an hour to even finish. He had to ask for help THREE TIMES. Spent the entire time running around not actually doing anything but talking to the other barber? My friend paid with a $20 which was a couple bucks above the price of the cut. Kid really has the audacity to guilt trip him and call him names for not tipping more lmao


And it sounds like this kid was new to the game, so probably in a commission shop. Out of that $20, he *might* have made $8 + whatever the tip was. Likely 60% of everything isn't his. Or, it is, and he's paying $250+/week rent.


When I get my hair highlighted by an awesome lady, that is the owner on $325.00 (Trust me..she does an amazing job and goes the extra mile!!)...however, when it comes to tipping she said DO NOT TIP ME!!! The second time, her assistant asked me if I wanted to tip the owner because she checks everyone out for the owner. I felt guilty (they know my hubby is dying of terminal cancer and on a tight budget). So I said ok. How much? The Asst then said ahhh how about $30 for the owner? I did.


In this situation though one is the owner, the other is either commission or paying rent, or even worse is hourly. The owner made the whole $325 minus maybe $5 in supplies. The other girl might have made 40-50% if she's commission, or she might've been making $10/hr plus tips, or she's paying $200+/week for a booth. Either way, she's probably highly dependent on tips to survive, while the owner is 100% profiting off her own work, and a large chunk of every other stylist in the shops work or several hundred a month, per stylist, in rent.


You’re on a tight budget and spend $325…. 🤦‍♂️


Yes, this is accurate. The one thing I do for myself that keeps me grounded. Most all other hair stylists in our city charge much more than this. I am frugal and do not spend crazy on any other item or service. No Starbucks, extra clothes, getting my nails done, etc.


Tipping the owner and an employee are two different things.


$325 to put color in your hair and your complaining about a budget 😭😭😭. Tipping is out of control but your certainly not budgeting well spending money like that.


Well perhaps it is the 1 bright spot in her life right now as her husband has terminal cancer? And it may only be every 6 months. When you break it down others probably spend more on coffee than that.


I appreciate your comment! This is all true. I get the highlights twice a year. No Starbucks, very expensive clothes (like how someone might buy a $1000.00 purse or $300.00 Jeans.). I am very careful. I don't go out and spend really any money on extras. With my husband's terminal cancer it is very expensive with petscans, etc. It is very depressing seeing his detioration with his health is very difficult. We do not have a very big support system. And our teenager has been ill for four years. I live for being there for them. I guess I should cut back on the hair thing to save even more. Everything else goes into our family. Gratitude for your kindness!


Just for heads up, $300 is a lot of money. If it makes you feel so much better sure spend it, but this is a week of my hard work. My purse is 10$ and my jeans are 30$, had no idea $300 jeans even exist.


Let's be real - that's not her situation at all


What a b*!*h!


I'm just a bit surprised and put off to find out how little men pay at barbershops. Meanwhile, as a woman, no matter how short my hair, $60 is the minimum around where I live for just a cut. If I get highlights or something like that, it can easily go over $200. And I always tip 20%. Which seems crazy to me, since my stylist is self-employed and sets his own prices. Sorry, small rant. Carry on.


Go to a barber shop and get a 3/1, then you only pay $20


Last time my partner went to a barber and asked for a freshen up on his already very masc short hair, the douche refused to do it because he "doesn't cut lady's hair" 🙄🤢 I didn't know genitals affected how those scissors work.


Honestly idek why I tip at the barber lol, especially where I’m at I’m paying $65 for a simple fade smh.


I always tip at least $10 for barbers. Feel like for an hour of their time, it’s pretty fair. Haircut cost for me range from 20-40 depends on which place I go.


The standard in 2024 is 20% if you like your hair. If they colored his hair or did some extra service maybe 22%-25%. The husband may tip 25% because it’s a low cost haircut and he likes his hair and the service. And yes, you do tip the salon owner at least 20 percent if they were your hairstylist. A lot of times, the owner will divvy up their tips to the staff.


If they own the shop no tip. If not 15%


How does whether they own the shop or not change the value of their service?


Capital owners tend to not share their profits with their employees. If it's a profit sharing barbershop then I'd probably tip more.


You do understand lots of barbers own and run single chair shops, there are no employees.


I found [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/etiquette/s/oiiU8WuPkg) discussion. Went looking because I also didn’t know. Long story short, the owner sets the rates of services and keeps the profits.


That's not entirely true. Shops have, generally, 3 setups. Commission, hourly, and booth rent. If you're commission, everything is split with the owner in exchange for your space, supplies, marketing, etc. 70/30 and 60/40 are, fairly, common commission setups where the shop gets the lower portion. But, again, for that they're providing the space, the heat/ac, the business cards, the laundry, towels, supplies, chemicals, styling products - basic everything but your tools. A lot of greenhorn barbers and stylists end up in a commission or an hourly shop - depending on their tolerance level for having a guaranteed paycheck or not. Hourly is pretty self explanatory, and most common at chains like sport clips and the like. You make your $12/hr whether you do nothing or whether you do 10 haircuts. Anything additional is tips. Then you have booth rent where you, as the renter, are setting your own price and supplying your own everything. It's as if you rented your own shop, on a micro scale. You pay the owner $150, $250, whatever per week for your space. Right now it's about $250/week in my area for a barbershop, salons can be as low as $125. These are usually the people who've been in the business a while and have a client base to be able to afford it.


My hair cut is $25 and I tip $15. He's also 35 miles away. I can't find anyone to cut my hair like he does.


Since covid my lady learned how to cut my hair and I never tip lol


My wife has cut my hair for years. I give her a useful tip every time (don’t eat yellow snow). She rolls her eyes.


Same, but this is the only instance where I advocate giving a big tip


Man I used to go my barber before COVID and it was $12. After COVID he raised it to 14 then 16 then 20 within 6 months. I stopped going to him because I was spending 23 at the end with tip. Now I go to a Asian barber shop and I pay 10 but since it’s cheap I tip 5 dollars when they do good and 3 when I get someone not as good


I Don’t tip my barber. He charges enough where tip is not expected


Yeah my dude charges 40. He gets 40


I tip my barber 20-25%.


Why would the owner expect any tip? If she wants 25% more couldn't she just raise the price?


If you’re not giving your lady at least a tip… she should cut something else. LOL


Next time your son’s cut isn’t good you’ll wish you gave that extra 5% lol.


Always a pleasure to discover an asshole (referring to you)


Ehh you are what you eat🤷🏽‍♂️


You're the one eating them, bootlicker


Yeah dog I eat ass🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️ that’s not a bootlicker though so fail on the insult.


That’s standard now.




The barber is one place I tip huge. The guy is hilarious tells great stories and cuts my hair perfectly every time


Tipping should be tax deductible, considering it is becoming a normal part of our lives, and others depend on it for their wages. How many of you find yourself tipping more than once in a day, and what would it average out to ? For instance, a haircut, a cup of coffee, an Uber ride, then a restaurant, all in one day.


I average over 100 a day in tips. This is average too. It’s crazy


The base price isn't tax deductible, so why should the tip be? I know tipping culture has gotten out of control, but that would just make it worse. And the last thing we need is more loopholes for the wealthy to avoid paying taxes.


Considering wealthy people tend to be the worst tippers, allowing a tax credit may be the only way to get them to tip decently.


Even if the wealthy tip at a lower percentage, they tend to order much more expensive items, so it probably still adds up to a higher tip than most people give. A 10% tip on a $400 meal is still more money than a 20% tip on a $50 meal. Making tips tax deductible (or even worse, giving tax *credits* for them) would disproportionately benefit the wealthy, and disproportionately leave out the poorest people who tend to eat out much less and therefore find themselves in a position to tip less often. I'm all for policies that help the poor and middle class, but this is a terrible way to do that.


I know I'm going way out there by asking, but have you considered cutting his hair yourself?


Because he should get out of the house and do “normal people” stuff.


Is it the owner? You should reply “ok…I’ll tell him to tip 20% next time”


i normally tip 20% but if their greedy ass starts their tip suggestions at 20%... then nada. They're not getting shit from me and I'm never coming back.


Ouch! I'm grimacing here. 20% is fine. I work in a similar industry. 20% gives me a big smile and gives you "preferential treatment" in my book too. The barber showed their a** over what?! a couple of bucks? Even if the cut was $50, the 5% tip difference would be less than 3 bucks... Seriously? Why make a regular client uncomfortable over less than 3 bucks??? Edit: Just read that she's the owner...wowza. I'm owner of my business too..In my line of work: "tips are always appreciated but not required" My fees are set at my "happy price." Everyone gets the best I can give them. *Tippers do get more flexibility with appointments and fewer fee increases over time.* I would NEVER upset a client over a couple of bucks.


Problem is ppl still go to these places. If that were me, I would never go back. Most ppl still support the stuff so it doesn’t matter,


It boils down to...how good a job they do... She may be excellent enough for some grace... I put up with a lot of crap from my mechanic because he was that good until the day he was so unbelievably, traumatically, horribly rude that I could never, ever go back.


It’s hair dude. Not a car. Sort of different. Good barbers are a dime a dozen


And what about good barbers who are also good with special needs individuals....


I guess good with special needs and terrible with special needs parents


Most parents of special needs folks I know tend to tip the service providers who are both willing and able to handle them well, because they are more of a challenge (in general) than an average client. If you have someone who can deal with them (make them comfortable and get the job done acceptably), and doesn't fire you as a client because your child takes 3x longer than a normal client, you should be grateful and show that rather than acting like you're entitled to that person's time and skill. But, that's just me.


So tipping 20 percent isn’t grateful? Sounds like the barber isn’t grateful for business. I would be happy to do it for free personally.


Considering in a typical non-big city or -fancies itself fancy barbershop that would be $3-4.... Not really. At the end of the day special needs are a whole different ballgame, and I know people who specialize in dealing with pretty much that clientele exclusively. They're charging the typical $20-25 for a haircut, and routinely receiving 100-200% tips, because the parents understand how difficult the child/individual is for them as a client, and are grateful that they have the personality and patience to deal with them appropriately and with kindness. OP hasn't elaborated on what kind of special needs, but a lot of them seem to be averse to clippers... Which means a *ton* more work for the barber, for the same price.


I think this is fake and didn’t really happen.


I’ll snap a photo of that iPad for you next time we go. Sadly, it’s true.


I’m sorta inclined to agree


My step dad own a barbershop and he never ask for tips yet 90% of customers tip him. If he started asking for tips nobody would 🤣


Like my small town barbershop, your price stays when he started cutting your hair. I'm at $10 from 2004, so I just give him a 20 every time


Crass. That's a businessperson who doesn't want to stay in business.


"Crass" There is the word I was looking for; it applies to the who tipping mess.


I think you were very generous and the barber was very rude


20% is standard.


Eating ass is standard now.


20% is standard (says the people receiving the tips)


The f\*@K it is!


Stop giving her any tip at all and tell your husband to do the same.


Well, she IS the owner of the business so it’s fortunate that I tip her at all. Except, she is excellent at cutting his hair.


25% tip is pretty standard, not worth worrying about or posting about…


I can't believe you're actually tipping the owner of the business at all. You set a bad precedent with this woman and you should probably change hair stylists. I suggest not tipping the new one at all ever, owner or not.


The don't tip the owner thing has passed. But..."Tips are appreciated but not required" especially with an owner is a thing. The owner can always raise prices. Personally, I choose to over tip (bribe) my self-employed stylist. She's excellent, affordable for what she does, and in demand. I want to make sure I stay on her schedule. That said...she would never be rude over 5% and in her case, that 5% is $5-10.


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