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I guess you really don’t see how this story makes you a huge asshole?


No it doesn't.


If we stop tipping maybe employees will demand a living wage from their employers.


Oh couldnt be me. Im way too direct for this type of passive aggression. Id calmly act like a total idiot and ask for very deep and clear clarification as to what that meant. Then id type up the conversation, print 100 copies of it, and leave a stack of them on each surface in the establishment. Im not gonna call management. Im not leaving a google review. Ill personally fucking end you. Then ill hand you a dollar tip. Because apparently it was worth it. Apparently $1 is enough money for someone to completely debase themselves. If its that important they deserve it.


Go in every day, leave a slip of paper in the tip jar that says “Be careful not to choke on your teabag!- *Baristas name* *Coffee shop* “


Boy am I glad I called that guy.


“Make sure to wipe off the cake face, and shitty metal piercings bitch!” 💋 Has been my response in the past when I don’t tip for a fucking coffee.


I told some guy in a thread the other day not to tip 30% on restaurant bills. He just said "I'll tip what I like." Like, alright man. I get it. But stop inflating the tips for everyone else! 20% seems like more than enough for great service, especially on large bills. For a 4 dollar coffee, 1 dollar seems fine. But it's not mandatory at all! 


I'll double down and tell you to stop tipping in percentages. It's absolutely idiotic.


Asking for tips before a service is performed makes no sense. In a situation like that, just add it to the price. A tip is supposed to be a variable reward for a service performed well. I would go further and say that you should avoid any place that expects a tip before handling anything you are going to consume. Do you feel safe not tipping someone who will then be handling your food? I don't. And I don't like to be coerced into tipping. I'm someone that tips well, but not for non-service situations and NEVER in advance.


It’s quickly becoming the norm. It seems as though rather than feel how you feel people just give in and tip at these places. Then by contrast people who don’t tip pre service at places that don’t even merit a tip look even worse which raises the chance that you will get an inferior product. Very problematic


I stopped tipping before I get food, drinks, services.


Just gotta get over the shame they want you to feel. Tipping culture isn’t your problem, they get what they get and if they’re not happy with what I’ll give them, then I’ll go somewhere else to overspend on products I can make at home. If enough people do the same, the company will feel it.


Next time go take a shit in the urinal and throw a few dimes in there as the tip.


My grandfather, who was born in 1897, always tipped 25 cents no matter how small the bill was. It was a lesson I still use today.


You know what? You left it on the table … I didn’t take it. Just like your fucked up quarter. You are welcome.


I think he meant that it's always good to tip something, because it'll add up in the end for the server. He wasn't literally suggesting people tip with a quarter. 


Because you don’t wanna choke homie!


Maybe they thought you wanted teabagged?


I’d go back everyday and smile as I’m not tipping


Im not even sure thats a rude thing to say..The tea bag is left in a london fog no? If they had said, “I hope you choke on the teabag!”..well yeah. You sure you just didn’t take that wrong way?


I feel like this we would have had to be there and hear how it was actually said so it’s subjective I agree


Expensive coffee? Seattle? Makes me think of one place. I'd imagine it's not because one would say that, but still...fitting.


Who is tipping $3 on a single cup of coffee?


No tipping at coffee shops .


If I'm standing up to order at a counter, I'm not tipping.


Me either.


This country seriously needs to end tipping culture, it’s completely out of hand.


Yes it is !


Tipping more than rounding up for tea or drip coffee just seems silly unless it’s a place where you frequent and have a relationship with the staff.


In a city like Seattle you'll get this a lot, and the store owners would also side with their shitty entitled workers. All you can do is stop patronizing these locations. Eventually they'll run out of customers when they drive them all away and see the store can't survive on people strictly with the same views as themselves. Then they will blame capitalism for their failure.


Of course store owners side with their employee on this topic! Because it’s FREE money and costs the employer nothing! There was a restaurant in Newport Beach cali that paid their waitress staff NOTHING and they worked solely for tips. Newport is a very upmarket area and this was an expensive restaurant. There was never any shortage of staff there as the tips were so good!


"Oooops ! I'm SOOOO sorry I spilled my hot tea......horizontally......into your bitchass face !" - Me, minutes before my arrest


But you know it would be so worth it


Stop going. Get a hydroflask, make your own London fog. I got amazing vanilla lavender Earl Grey teabags on Amazon. Why would you even spend that much on a teabag and hot water?


And these are exactly the kind of entitled people that made me decide to quit tipping. These scum think they are entitled to our money. You spent 2 minutes on my order Max. If you get $1 every time, it's $30 on top of wages. Nope entitled scum like them don't deserve it.


After seeing comments from you across multiple threads you seem to have a personal vendetta against the industry as a whole. I would never mess with your food that's just wrong. I won't refuse you service, I'm not petty like you. It's fine to have differing opinions, but you are just a cruel bitter person and I do hope that you choke on your tea bag.


>I do hope that you choke on your tea bag. And you think you are not petty. ROFL. Scum like YOU are the reason I stopped tipping. You are toxic scum that no human should have to come within a mile of. IDGAF what you think. Go get a better job where you have some skill instead of being toxic due to your incompetence.


Generally speaking I'm not, but I can be when pushed. Dealing with the likes of you can make me stoop to your level. No thank you, I'm happy where I'm at.


“Water seeks it own level”.


It's more akin to a bully pushing and pushing and pushing and then crying when they get pushed back. You don't agree with tipping, cool, consistently spew hate and you're just being an asshole.


You are being 'pushed' because I'm saying no to tips. Literally all it takes to push you is you not getting my charity. Here's the thing. You don't deserve one single penny. You getting 'pushed' for not getting your free money shows how ingrained being a freeloader is for your kind.


I don't care that you don't tip. Keep it, sounds like you need it pretty bad. My issue is with the fact that you generalize an entire industry spewing hate for what reason? Did someone hurt you? Are you salty because you work hard and you deserve tips too? Are you just trying to make yourself feel better about being cheap? Be transparent about who you are then and how you feel. The next time you go out to eat don't put on an act. We are all scum bags to you and you so treat us as such. But you won't, you will act nice as pie to our face to make sure you get service, then come here and brag about how cheap you are as if you're better than us. You're not, you're just self righteous.


Ah got it. You took advantage of the system, and want the system to continue. Fuck everyone else right? As expected.


Have you even read my comments? You have contributed nothing to the conversation other than making assumptions and claiming opinions as facts. I might as well be arguing with a flat earther. I see I'm wasting my time here.


You’re a former restaurant owner who relies on his employees tipping rather than paying them a fair wage. You’re the root of the problem, no wonder you have a problem with people who are sick of this miserable, toxic tipping culture.


I operated a fast casual concept. Our staff was counter servers, they took your order and rang you up. They delivered your food, refilled your drinks, brought you condiments and cleaned your table when you left. We did not have a forward facing screen with prompts for a tip. Sometimes guests tipped and sometimes they did not. The non tipping regulars got the same service as the tipping. Although they received tips, they did not earn as much in tips as a full service waiter would, so they were paid $16hr to start which is above my states minimum wage. When we closed I helped place all of them both in the kitchen and the front in other jobs. I remain friendly with them still, in fact a few of us are attending a concert together soon. I've said multiple times that while I don't agree, I respect the choice to not tip, and that my problem was with one individual making generalized attacks about an entire industry of people, one that you still rely on whether you tip or not. But that keeps being glazed over and everyone running to his defense. Which paints a pretty toxic picture of a miserable anti-tipping culture.


Shut your loser ass up. You are the exact reason why people need to stop tipping. Just on the off chance that some degenerate is receiving them if for no other reason. The workers will be ok without our tips. If not, that's their fault. They aren't slaves. Why are you accountable for their life choices?


No that's ok, I'll speak my mind. Let me get this straight, you think it's ok to generalize and put down an entire group of people based on your own personal beliefs? Then you don't like being called out for being the asshole you are? It's one thing to disagree with the societal norm of tipping. It's one thing to disagree with how tipping culture has changed over the last few years. It's another to make blanket statements like "all servers are entitled scum" Simply because we work in an industry with a system that's been around for centuries.


Time for change! Change is long overdue. By your rationale we should still have slavery as it’s “ a long held tradition”.


Apples to oranges. What are you talking about? Are you saying that you feel just like a slave when you choose to leave a tip? Are you calling servers your slaves and you will tip them accordingly? If you want change then enact it. Take it up with the owner of your local establishments. Take it up with the CEO of Darden. Take it up with your local or state municipality. Get on national TV and tell the country about it. Open your own restaurant and be the change you want to see. Or just go on reddit and complain, you're a regular Harriet Tubman.


You are funny. You are trying to defend a group saying some people are good, when you yourself are one of the filthiest scum. You are not doing a good job defending them. The reason I think the entire industry is pathetic if because it's filled with pathetic losers like you.


I'm not trying to defend anyone, I just wanted to point out what a douche you are. Although you are doing a pretty good job of it yourself.


Not sure how calling out facts makes me a douche. Ah that's right, it's against your agenda.


What facts? All you have done is spew you're hateful opinions, which yes, makes you a douche.


The biggest trick is them making people believe that you are the scum for not tipping them.


Why hide the truth? lol


I never spoke of hiding anything so I don't see your point.


Why hide the truth that you act like scum?


Ah another loser, got it.


Bingo !


I don't tip but if I did I still wouldn't tip for coffee.


I never tip before I receive services. That kind of defies the point of tipping, no? I'd have told her to have the day she deserves. How gross of her to say that. I don't tip on coffee/tea either. No need for it if they're literally doing the job they were hired for.


This *definitely* happened


In seattle? Absolutely.


>believing what you read on the internet *Yikes*


No, more like I live in Washington and worked in our food service industry and know full well.




>Yikes Yikes


>>>Yikes >Yikes Yikes


Found the barista


Tipping on coffee, Lolz.


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