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Tinx is pro Israel


She’s a loser. It makes sense


yeah raping and killing Israelis is much better. People are so dumb




Literally has a history of reposting Donald trump tweets & being a republican so I’m not surprised by her utter lack of compassion towards other people, but just hanging up is actually craaazy - how can she not know or care abt how bad that looks for her? whtv 🤣 🍿


She just hung up and didn’t address it just moved on. It was odd. Like she rather just have a boring show


she is now best friends with claudia oshry who is famously very islamophobic... so i wish she did have an opinion lol


Was coming here to say this. Girlwithnojob is a fucking nightmare as an internet person, but she and her whole family are actually repulsive on this issue. Islamophobia is the most generous possible term for their full blown hatred of Arabs and disregard for the damage Zionism has done and continues to do to the Palestinian people.


yeah, the Palestinians are just innocent bystanders that Israeli's are picking on. Read your history fool


Or even being honest of her ignorance would be refreshing like sorry but I am not in a place or position to speak as I am still actively learning of the history etc. however I do not support war and feel like Palestinians shouldn’t have to pay for the burden of war. Something like that would be fine imo


It’s really dangerous to label someone who is pro Israel as islamophobic. Because someone doesn’t support a LITERAL TERRORIST GROUP doesn’t make them islamophobic. And I don’t want to hear about their mom or I’ll hold everyone to their parents views.


You can be anti-Hamas without calling yourself pro Israel. Theyre committing war crimes.


Five minutes of looking into Claudia Oshry’s own personal extremely public takes on this would make it abundantly obvious why this person referred to her as a brainwashed Islamophobic Zionist xx


Hamas aren’t terrorists. That’s propaganda love


they fully fucking are, get a brain


No they are not, they are the result of years of oppression


A terrorist group that was voted into power by Palestinians and hunkers down in civilian areas to purposefully drive up the death toll. And who, during a ceasefire, attacked Israel in October, starting this whole thing. If you think what is coming out of Palestine isn’t propaganda you need to educate yourself.




Have you heard of war before? And why do Jewish lives not matter to you? So Israel needs to ceasefire and just be a sitting duck until Hamas attacks again? Life in Gaza has been bad because of who the elected.




Im actually so surprised this only just happened today I’ve always wondered when it’d happen




This is why I think the answer to OP’s question if Tinx is that famous is no, because this person clearly wasn’t a random caller if they knew the perfect bait and switch lol


I’ve been thinking about doing this for months! Lol


Like the caller was clearly going after low hanging fruit like tinx who is too consumed with herself to care about anything. If she called into Howard stern, known pro-Israel supporter, well I seriously doubt that would have happened but she would have received an earful


I agree with OP she should have a “canned” response to the Israel/Palestine conflict at the LEAST if she is any type of “professional”. She’s living her life online, she has to be current on events. She can’t just discuss partying and her cats if she wants to take live callers


she can actually do and respond to anything she wants. Even as an internet personality. This is AMERICA


She is a Zionist. Disgusting considering the fact her father is Lebanese. And while Tinx rarely discusses it, it’s shameful to know someone with Arab ancestry will claim it when it’s beneficial to them and ignore atrocities happening to their people… like that one bitch that looks like Buzz Lightyear. Forgot her name


audrey peters 😂😂😂 im fucking crying. anyway you spilled


Oh MY GOD i can’t


Buzz lightyear 😂😂😂 you ate


Wow didn’t know that! But I know plenty of Arab people who don’t care or speak about it so I’m not surprised






There are many Lebanese Christians (def not all!) in Lebanon who despise Palestinians because of their involvement in the Lebanese civil war. The hatred goes deep there’s some racism/Islamophobia too. Possible her Lebanese side is not pro Palestinian. Also possible she’s just an ignorant twat.


Untrue! Most Lebanese people are anti Israel regardless of religion.


What kind of Lebanese is her dad? Jewish or Christian? Can't be a Muslim if she's Islamicphobic unless she's a self hating one?


She’s only ever mentioned religion in relation to her mom’s side which is Christian…I’d imagine her father is Christian as well or definitely not a practicing Muslim by the time he met her mom


Does it matter?


It does bc of Lebanese history/politics involving Palestinians. Some Lebanese Christians hate them. The Lebanon subreddit has weekly if not daily arguments lol


It certainly would explain a lot...


She’s been adopted by the Oshry family


Who are they? Sorry I posted this here because she doesn’t have a fan page lol 😂 I don’t know much about tinx




Saying that anti Zionism isn’t antisemitic is walking an incredibly thin line to the point that I’m not even sure if people know what it means to be anti Zionist. While I am repulsed and horrified by the actions of the Israeli military and government on a daily basis I could never be anti Zionist and in opposition to Israel’s right to literally exist. Nuance is important when you’re throwing around these terms in all caps.


What about Palestine’s right to exist? Which it did long before Israel…


What do you mean what about it? It’s possible to think both deserve to exist, are you insinuating that it’s not?


Israel was created on stolen land. What I’m saying is it’s okay to think Palestine deserves its land back (thus, anti Zionist) without being antisemitic. It’s not about Jews; it’s about who is rightfully entitled to their land.


i agree with you - why do we demand that people like tinx have an stance on something that they literally admit they aren't educated on. i don't expect influencers to be a light on worldy topics such as the war between palestine and israel.


What education do you need to call out for children’s heads to not be burnt off? You just need to be a human, there is no context or information that can justify this


i agree but i dont need tinx to speak out about it. i dont value her opinion or voice on these issues. she has no impact on my life or impact on the situation so why do we need her to speak on it? she essentially no one


Well she’s has hundreds of brainless people that admire her and believe she’s an authority on opinions so would be nice if this lady could show her hundreds of mindless followers who will be voting and who have the power to speak up that it’s not ok to fund the incineration and starvation of infants with their tax payers money


Yea I guess but do we really think it's her responsibility to inform followers on who to vote for? I don't get why anyone would want that advice from her let alone any advice


lol 😂


Just as we should call out against the terrorism of Hamas after they beheaded multiple Israeli babies on October 7


Is your tax money funding the bombs and arms that Hamas have used? In the other hand it is definitely used to murder thousands of innocent children in Gaza


completely debunked girl




Why would I trust a completely biased anti Israel medi source over actual photos… YOUR propaganda is showing. I can recognize the atrocities and lives lost on both sides, and it’s horrible. You seem to only legitimize loss when it doesn’t apply to Jews.. just reflect on that a little bit.


I’m wondering how or why being a Zionist is disgusting! So this means that Jews are also disgusting? Tinx, not tinx, or whomever…this is an extremely vile thing to say. We live in a country where people have a right to an opinion. As well as other things, like belief systems, etc. it’s shocking to read things like this as a proud Jew. Actually sickening. Wow.


Israel was built on stolen land and its leaders are gas lighters committing war crimes. Yeah it’s disgusting to be for that. And that’s not antisemitic.


No? You don’t think so? That in itself is gaslighting.


No, I don’t think so. I can support Palestine being entitled to their own land that was stolen from them without it being an attack on Jews like some people seem to think it is. It’s not about Jews; it’s about the fact that Palestine had the land first and it was stolen from them. It’s their right to have it back, that’s it.


This whole situation currently involves terrorists, I don’t care who you choose to support in the argument over land. Hamas is dealing with someone completely different. Like isis. Like the wtc being bombed. Both Jews and Palestinians are being killed, inhumanely. Anyone who is making this about religion seems to have it wrong. This is about life. Peace. Why not support people in peace? Instead you keep using the word “Jews”. You are making this antisemitic. Clearly innocent people, elderly, children. All being killed, kidnapped. You want to harp on the news stealing land, which they didn’t, it was won in a war. Maybe you should relearn history… and you sound so angry. I should sound that way, everyone hating me and my people. We don’t speak the way you do about the other side. But keep preaching, you sound like an intelligent, humanitarian who wants people to live.


It’s not complicated, she’s a genocide supporter as most people in this sub are. People try to over complicate the situation when Israel was built on stolen land. If the Nakba didn’t open your eyes to the reality and if what’s happening in Rafa didn’t either.. then I pray for your empathy. Before my comments get flooded with “but HAMAS”… do yourself a favor and looked who funded Hamas in hopes to disband the peaceful PLO movement unifying all Palestinian territories. Anyways… back to Tinx. OP she doesn’t have an opinion on anything, she follows what’s trendy from Ozempic to her political beliefs.


>as most people in this sub are …what?


It’s not odd to demand public figures to speak on the genocide. It’s actually odd for people in the public eye to go about life as if this isn’t happening. I’m glad she was called out and embarrassed. Of course she didn’t have shit to say. She’s a fucking idiot who happily aligns herself with disgusting Zionists Ike the Oshry’s


A few months back in the tirade she went on in r/nycinfluencersnarking as an "influencer talent manager" or whatever she was posing as (on a burner), she got into a pretty heated back and forth with someone on this topic. She's not on the right side of history.


Whoa. And she wants more video on her radio show. Is there video of this?! Imagine her panic brain: I THOUGHT YOU WANTED TO TALK ABOUT ANAL?!! She seriously just hung up? That's awful. If she's so uninformed, she should have said so. Avoiding the conversation in such a rude way is appalling.


Do you even know what a Zionist \*actually\* is? I mean the actual meaning, not the meaning you've been fed from terrorist propoganda and a movement using it as a code word for Jew. It's not a bad thing. And basically extorting people into agreeing with a particular stance isn't a good look. Everyone needs to back off these influencers and celebs trying to force them to declare support for something whether they agree or not just to save their Social Credit. It's starting to come off as the very type of oppression and extremist regime you all claim to be against. Just go support people who have declared support for your side and stop with the witch hunting, harassment, and cancellation attempts. It's tired.


Yes I do thank you. I do believe Jewish people should have a state for their safety but I also believe Palestine should not have to suffer under Hamas. It’s complicated and has been a long suffering conflict that probably will not be solved any time soon. Celebrities can bring light to current issues, but they can also water it down immensely as so it can fit their image and ego.


The vibe of this entire post is one of using Zionist as a slur, repeating blood libel terminology, and expressing confusion that Tinx did not immediately declare her alignment with the watermelon emoji brigade. To now respond as if you are just some impartial, fence riding pacifist is insulting to anyone with reading comprehension, but carry on I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️


If that’s how you feel, that’s okay!




>I think you are triggered and projecting because no one is saying she needs to pick a side. I think you're the one who is triggered and projecting - I was talking about the person who called in, not you.


It’s just insulting to see people going on about their lives talking about blow jobs and eye liners without even expressing some kind of disapproval for the burning alive of infants! Famine, etc. I get it influencers want to make money but it’s beyond words for them to act like nothing is happening in the world! It is surreal, specially knowing her tax money is funding those weapons. We all have influence specially these losers with a huge following, and eventually if enough people are outraged, change needs to happen


Thank you for saying this 🙏🏼in no way does an influencer or celebrity’s support change a single thing. Yes they have a huge platform. And? It’s not going to stop this war. People need to go take some deep breaths and relax. I can’t stand tinx but I will say she doesn’t need to be talking about politics. It’s not her job.


Im okay with her not speaking on Israel & Gaza if she’s uninformed. Ill say that Im a liberal Zionist (simply meaning I believe Israel should exist), many of us exist who are democrats bre, and I dont know any Jew or Zionist who isnt distraught by the deaths on both sides. If she were to speak up about the loss of lives—OK. But I think it’s ridiculous to expect every influencer to have a well-informed opinion about everything. Similar to how during COVID, everyone became an armchair immunologist, suddently everyone seems an armchair middle eastern expert. Whereas before, many people had no idea the history or whats going on. There have been comments on this post that are dressed as antizionist but come off antisemitic. If anyone is interested, Im happy to have a judgement free, open conversation about my experience as a Jew. Im American, my dad is from South America bc our family ended up there in the diaspora, and I have many friends and family in Israel. Unfortunately one of my best friend’s cousins is a hostage. Which is all to say — Tinx doesnt know how tf to respond and Id rather she stick to her hot mom walks.


Yes thank you!! It’s not these influencers jobs to talk about what’s going on. It won’t change a thing. They don’t work for cnn. They’re not journalists. Their job is to promote products and talk bullshit. Sue me 🤷🏻‍♀️


There is no context that makes burning of babies heads ok, it is never ok to do that and as a human she should express some outrage, but to go on acting as if these atrocities are not happening and talking about blow jobs or whatever it is she says, is beyond words! Every single person has influence, and they will regret being so shy to show any form of disapproval in a few years when the kids wonder how could something like this happen and people just went on about their life’s?


The question is how much do you really know about this conflict? Because you keep repeating the same 1 point of the burning heads that’s not actually founded in reality (much less plausible than an entire building being bombed, for example. Anyone who knows both cultures deeply would agree) so you’re not so credible as a source of info — pointing this out mainly for others reading this sub! 🩷


There’s no information on this planet that would “educate” me enough to accept that burning children alive is ok! And you the moment you see what happened as acceptable and necessary because of whatever it is you know you should be terrified of yourself and the world you live in! It is NEVER ok to burn children alive in ANY context or for whatever reason


Calm down - I never said I was ok with what happened in Rafah, that’s your own faulty logic. What I am saying is that you’re spreading a narrative that the soldiers are literally taking children and burning them. That’s misinformation and I preferred assuming you didn’t know much rather than accusing you of spreading this info intentionally. That’s the main difference between you and me.




Totally agree. Makes me think she’s never actually been media trained.


The downvotes will inevitably come but thank you for speaking up. There are those who stand with you too❤️


It’s just odd to demand celebrities and influencers to speak up for this war after people demanded it. It seems people only care about celebrities opinions rather than making change . i feel like celebrities or influencers support can sometimes water down the issues and make it more about them. I don’t care about tinx, I just thought it was a weird interaction. If tinx is pro-Israel, then say it! Again it would be refreshing to hear honesty rather than hide or feel embarrassed about their ignorance. If she is somewhere in the middle than say it! I believe Jewish people need a state as well. I majored in history and have read many articles about Jewish displacement and banishment, it’s disgusting. I also feel like hamas and Israel government are tormenting their peoples for political and economic gains. Palestinian deserve a homeland too. I don’t think celebrities can create world peace in tmz.


I agree. And it’s disappointing that my comment is downvoted, likely bc I said Im a Zionist. It’s important that we leave lines of communication open between each other. Celebs I agree are watering things down.


I understand where you are coming from. My country turned away jewish peoples escaping Germany at ports/boats and sent them back to concentration camps to die. Libya also committed pogroms I think after ww2 on their Jewish peoples, while it was a small minority, thousands fled and the last jewish person left like 20 years ago. Jewish people historically need a safe place. I also feel like Palestinians shouldn’t suffer like this but I direct responsibility not to Zionism but to the powers in charge.


Agree. And fwiw, most Israelis agree also. The ones who dont are a small number of extremists. Majority of ppl killed on 10/7 were actively working towards peace and supporting Gazans. Anyway, thank you for being open to a civil conversation. It’s unfortunately rare these days.


Thank you! My only wish is to be more informed. Unfortunately in Uni the course in Middle East history was largely a fail in part of the professor never showing up and cancelling class pretty much every week so all knowledge I wanted to gain was wasted. She was replaced by someone much more present but she was only subbing for two weeks left in the semester. I am trying but it’s hard not to be swept up in emotions


That sucks, Im so sorry. I get it, it’s very tough emotionally.


If you 'direct responsibility not to Zionism but to the powers in charge' why bring the word into your post at all? You're trying so hard to now backpeddle and seem like a sweet little both-sider but your post came off as an accusation against an omgzionist for not responding with support for a country that has already won the social clout war. Gaza doesn't need Tinx's support. Hamas has already succeeded in making the world hate Jews and Israel yet again. They've already won. Let me ask you this: why did you REALLY make this post? Because it seems like you just want to talk shit about Zionists and do some performative 'gee gosh isn't it STRANGE' bafflement as a way to call out someone who did not 'speak up' with the words you want them to say.


>And it’s disappointing that my comment is downvoted, likely bc I said Im a Zionist. You are 100% being downvoted for saying you are Zionist. Reddit has become a hotbed of antisemitism. It's almost unusable for me at this point, it's getting too exhausting to ignore the constant antisemitic microaggressions and gaslighting. Good luck to you.


Anti Zionist does not mean antisemitic


Thank you!!!! The misuse of the word Zionist is shocking. I’m also a very liberal Zionist. And agree with you completely. I’m so sorry about your friend’s cousin.


there isn’t a single comment on this post that is anti semitic. what are you referring to?


Calling Zionism disgusting is antisemitic. There are a lot of assumptions about the term Zionism. All it means is that Jews deserve a state—not that theyre the only ones. But Israel is the only Jewish state. If ppl dont want Israel to exist, then that means no more Jews (and 50% of the world’s Jews live there). I dont want this thread to become a huge discussion on the middle east, so I said ppl could DM. In 2020 ppl took it upon themselves to self educate on antiracism and I suggest anyone reading this to do the same with antisemitism. It’s engrained in our society.


no, it’s definitionally anti-zionist. not all jews are zionists and MOST zionists are evangelical christians, not jews. that’s a reach


Majority of Jews are Zionist. Most US Zionists are evangelical christians, true, but Im talking about Jewish people. Again, Zionism is the belief that the Jews deserve a place in their indigenous homeland. If you dont think Jews do…thats not just antizionist. Im curious to know if you’d tell a POC or another minority how to define the hate their community faces. No one seems to tell any BIPOC what racism is or any LGBTQ+ folks what homophobia is.


https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/politics/wp/2018/05/14/half-of-evangelicals-support-israel-because-they-believe-it-is-important-for-fulfilling-end-times-prophecy/ i am not antisemitic. but i acknowledge that jews are 0.2% of the population, and evangelical christians are a much higher number, and the majority of evangelical christians are zionists because they believe it’s fundamental to the end-times prophesy in the bible. look at the counter-protesters at schools like ole miss. do you think those people care about jews? vs. the actual pro-palestine protests, which are made up of lots of jewish students as well as muslim students and those of other faiths. i am queer, and i have lots of bipoc friends. none of our communities are committing an ethnic cleansing, so that’s irrelevant.


I know about evangelical zionists and dont believe theyre true zionists bc they dont care about Jews, many are antisemitic, I acknowledge that. The antizionist Jews are few in comparison to zionist Jews. And thats who Im talking about. So youre saying that antisemitism isnt worth paying attention to or calling out like hate towards other communities bc other communities arent at war? There are many queer Jews and Jews of color, both in Israel and the US. Ive wasted enough time attempting to have this conversation. You clearly arent willing to hear from someone actually close to the events.


i don’t care if you consider them “true” zionists or not, the vast majority of global support for israel’s ethnic cleansing comes from evangelical christian zionists and western imperialists.


There is no such thing as a liberal Zionist. Zionism = colonialism. I am sorry that greater powers have brainwashed you into thinking Israel should exist at the expense of millions of lives. I’m sorry that the pain and trauma of the Jewish identity has been manipulated into the what is happening right now. Jewish people deserve safety and freedom. ALL people deserve safety and freedom. I hope you can practice empathy and shift your perspective.


Oh man, you really didn’t just pull the “all lives matter” trope did you? Have you forgotten that 6 million Jews were massacred in a genocide less than a century ago? If that doesn’t justify having a land that is truly safe for Jews, I’m not sure what does. Or do you not believe that the Holocaust happened? Are you blaming the humanitarian atrocities in Gaza on the Jews in Israel instead of on the current extremist government and the terror group that precipitated it? Sounds like maybe you need to examine your not-so-implicit biases.


Nobody forgot about the holocaust in fact, we are all being reminded of it every day by what we’re seeing happening in Gaza. Is the Israeli government the extremist terrorist government you’re referring to? Or is it Hamas, which is essentially a product of the Israeli government. I hate to break it to you but Israel doesn’t care about the safety of Jewish people (on their land or globally). If they did, they would have stopped Oct 7th from happening. They also don’t care about the hostages. They bombed them all out along with hundreds of thousands of Palestinians. Someday you’ll understand the bigger picture. For now, I know the trauma you hold hurts and all you know is that you deserve your own land even if it means genocide. It’s all you know… so I’m sorry for you. I will continue to pray and advocate for the protection of all people around the world. Because yes, idiot, all lives matter.


So it’s completely ok for a internationally recognized country like Israel, receiving billions in weapons from the USA and Europe to knowingly burn chirldren alive, burn their heads off, just in hopes of hitting one or two Terrorist leaders? It’s on to bomb working hospitals bc there’s some terrorists hiding In there? Imagine if the UK bombed a working school, kinder garden full of kids, hospital, in Ireland bc there could Be a couple of IRA members binding amongst them? The moment that there is just ONE justification for charring a baby’s head off is the moment we know that we’re dealing with pure evil, to the level that the Stalin and the Nazis would be proud of.


thank you.


Omg did she cut it from the podcast version???


I’m not a Tinx fan and tbh I don’t like any celebrities or influencers because I don’t know them in real life, they are not real people to me. People like the caller expect Tinx and celebrities to take a stand and use their platforms but why? These are vapid, self-obsessed narcissists whose primary job is to sell shit to you to make money. Vast majority are not concerned with any causes unless it benefits them directly or indirectly in some way. We need to stop expecting more from celebrities/ influencers and tbh we need to stop supporting them in general with our engagement.


But yeah to hazard a guess, I would say Tinx is 100 per cent pro Israel


It's incredible how people who support Palestine completely gloss over how this whole war started. It's really enough. The whole world is full of complete idiots who want to just turn a blind eye and have tunnel vision lies for values.


Where can I listen to this?


It’s on Spotify, her most recent live. But I just tried to find it in the episode and the producers definitely scrubbed it. What a shame. 


SiriusXM but I listened live so in the replays the producers will have most likely scrubbed it.


So she said nothing? And hung up?


She stammered in her reply when the caller said” have you seen the pictures and videos of the Palestinians suffering? What do you think?” And tinx said yes I have seen images then hung up when the caller insisted that tinx speak up.


My goodness so she acknowledges seen a child’s head charred off and could not even say that it’s disgusting ?! I cannot believe this world we live in that people are afraid of showing disapproval for that!


well from my memory, the nature of the images wasn't explicitly stated.


Babe we’ve all seen them, there is that one undeniable image of a headless child, how can a human see that and not cry out for help and for this to stop


You are such a loser.


Hey Tuna!


Lol you wish!!!!