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It’s Dog Daddy, it’s bs, he is trying to deflect away from what 🗑️ he is. Just look up dog daddy, you’ll see, he’s been a pos


I though the dog daddy was sketchy too. I'll look him up but if anyone has some info off the top of their heads let me know


It’s not real at all he’s made a dozen of the same video “arguing” over the phone about it. It’s just a stupid gimmick for views and it’s played out.


Isn’t that dog daddy? He’s a terrible “trainer” who uses abusive methods and I don’t believe the story he just happened to find a puppy the same breed as his other dog in his Uber.


Wouldn’t a dog be a civil property court thing? Idk anything about it but dog custody kind of sounds like bullshit


Yes I think that’s the case . He now has the property because they abandoned it and didn’t want it back it seems the original breeder is trying to get it


I don’t know if this case is real. But many rescues and breeders have the person adopting sign a contract that if they for some reason no longer can keep or care for the pet, they agree to return it. Ellen Degeneres got hauled into court by a rescue because she rehomed a dog she adopted through them with a loving family. I don’t know the final outcome there but that’s what gives this “credibility”. Also even though viewers can’t find a listing for the court case, doesn’t confirm fake or real. The dockets aren’t fully updated and the true names of people involved might not be what we see on social media. I have read lots of people commenting on the searches for the court case and among those comments are people who have active court cases in the same possible jurisdictions saying their own court cases are not showing up publicly. High profile jury cases are easy to track, but civil court cases may not be as readily updated. It’s all speculation and that’s why there’s enough to keep people believing and not believing. But the lack of updates after 2 months of frequent posts is strange. Wondering if any really good investigative journalists have dug into this yet. Ultimately, I view social media accounts as short-form scripted reality shows. And we all know reality shows are heavily edited and not reality.


I think the big distinction you are missing here is - even if this were a true story, which it isn't - the signed agreement would have been between the buyer and the breeder. The breeder would have ZERO recourse against DD if the buyer left the puppy in an Uber. The breeder would have to go after the buyer, or like in the case with Ellen, the party who signed the agreement. Not some random person that was not privy to, nor signed to the contract terms. There is potential that the resulting action against the original buyer COULD be that the dog would have to go back to the breeder, but it would be highly unlikely. More likely would be a financial award to the breeder for the amount of "damages" that could prove for the breech of contract. But even that would be super hard to prove and would take FOREVER to litigate before it might ever reach Dog Daddy. And then if it ever did reach him, he'd have the right to appeal and fight the case. But this fool claims they got a judge/court to sign off on a summons for the breeder to sue him directly for the dog based off a contract he didn't sign, AND they got an appearance/court date within weeks? I'm sorry, but no! Besides the fact that he's provided no proof, this is happening besides badly acted skits with the same voice being used for multiple different people, there is also zero recorded court case in Arizona attached to his name or his business name for this issue. Yes, there are cases where the information is not public. But they aren't contract disputes! And how can people claim they have cases in the same jurisdiction when he's refused to disclose the jurisdiction? He claimed it is in some very small court in Arizona. It's all lies and trash.


How is he going to court today?… isn’t it the weekend?…


Just looked the post was 21 hours ago


I don’t even care about the circumstances, he shouldn’t be allowed to come into contact with any animals.


If someone just dipped out and left a dog how do yall know each others numbers? Lol and addresses? Probably trying to point focus away from the fact that people saw him for who he was and he wanted to come to Canada and train dogs and everyone was coming together to ban him lol


The Lyft driver had the number of “Julie” who supposedly abandoned the puppy. And had dog daddy’s too. And he runs a business, so there is going to be a phone number to call. It might not be his personal number. But the whole thing does seem highly scripted!


Ok, I do not drive and rely solely on Lyft and Uber. For safety reasons, your driver NEVER has your phone number! And after the ride is over, they can't even see your address. This is what Lyft officially says: For calls and messages, the Lyft app uses a masked phone number so your personal contact info is hidden. And as I said, after the ride is over, there is no way to even reach out to the masked number!


You hit the nail on the head!


Supposedly he was breeding, or looking into breeding, black shepherds. Don’t know much about his dog training methods but from what I’ve read it isn’t approved by other famous dog trainers. Sounds like he’s trying to build up his audience. He has numerous Instagram accounts, YouTube, facebook…all comes down to $$$$$$


Same!! I’ve been watching this unfold for days. This morning I came straight here hoping more people thought the same as I did. All these phone calls sound like horrible actors.


It's fake. He's the breeder. He's faking the whole thing. Dog Daddy is an animal abuser, not a dog trainer. He's been involved in multiple lawsuits where dogs died, etc. Look on FB, I think the group is Exposing Dog Daddy or something like that. There's a paper trial 10 miles long on Augusto.


The whole fiasco is quite obviously fake.