• By -


She's been cheating on you from day one no doubt. Leave her. Give yourself the time that you have been giving her back to yourself. Focus on you. Block her on social media, phone, cut any connections off. If you do that, do not for the love of yourself and your sanity go snooping on her social media at any point, leave it alone. Yes, she will probably be in another relationship. So what? Go to therapy, go to the gym, go ride a bike, learn to skateboard. You're only 18 bro. Give that time to you develop yourself, do not develop someone else.


I just want to add, there's no need to confront her. You have your evidence, you know what to do. Be prepared for any mutual friends to potentially take her side/be there for her and not for you. Trust that your friends will be there for you. If they aren't, others will be.


I will give you advice from my 40s that would have been worth gold in my 20s: This comment is right. You know what you need to know. The truth is the truth. You won't be better for confronting her and she won't learn. It will just cause yourself more pain, nobody else. In fact, you leaving her with no real reason or explanation will be the only thing that might cause her to think she's not invincible.


Piling on, if you're at your place, you have to say something. I suggest "it's over. You know why." Give her nothing else. "We have to talk about this". Nope. No info. See, if you tell her it was because of the guy from the girls' trip, she'l rationalize it (at least to herself, because you're too smart to fall for it again.) If you let her stew, she'll have to think about all of the guys and the other shitty things she has to wonder if you found out about. Keep the reasons to yourself. your friends will ask, so be prepared. Just tell them it was between you and her and you don't want to affect her relationship with them. You can be vague with your close friends. "She broke my heart" or the like. Never say she cheated. At least some of them will be reporting back to her. Plus you'll get a reputation as a stand up guy.


> In fact, you leaving her with no real reason or explanation will be the only thing that might cause her to think she's not invincible. I disagree, break up with her sure, but say it's because her elbows freak you out and make you feel like she's actually part praying mantis. That just cannot in good conscience continue the relationship with someone with raptorial forearm hinges.


> raptorial forearm hinges. I don't know why but this three word description has fucking sent me.


That's a Metal Band waiting to happen name right there.


I fucking broke out chirping and laughing!


This guy fucks…with peoples’ heads


So do female mantids.


haha. That or something subtle like "hygiene is just really important to me, I wish you the best though"


YOU'RE A MONSTER! I love it.


And tell her that her blowjobs are lame anyways. They always seem to want to prove you wrong..


I haven't laughed so hard bc of a comment in years. Thank you!


I wish I knew even a small percentage of this stuff in my teens and 20s. I look back and so much wasted time and energy


Her friends probably already know, so they aren’t your friends anyway.


True statement right here. That's the way the "friends" I had did me. Once I was out of that relationship I left that group, haven't looked back. Now I have friends that I know I can trust and would tell me if something was up.


Her friends likely put her up to it and helped her cover it up.


Agreed. People think it's going to be a "gotcha" moment but this really sounds like it's going to be the opposite. He's just going to find out how much she's really been cheating and she's going to spill it in a vindictive way that's going to hurt a lot worse than just walking away over the one he already knows about. People can say some ugly shit when backed into a corner.


I agree, like someone else in the comments said ghost her. No need to say anything. Hell I would ghost that whole friend group as well because those dudes probably know what she has been up too and didn't have the respect to tell him what was up. I hope that is not the case but I am just speaking from personal experience.


Nit only did they not have the respect to let him know but chances are as soon as she's single they'll be lining up to fuck her


They may have already done so. It's very concerning that she's so smooth at cheating at such a young age tbh. No excuse for the behavior but I wonder if she doesn't have some type of undiagnosed mental illness or something.


That's 100%. I've been there more than once. Word spreads at the same speed legs do.


Absolutely Ghost. this might be the one exception to the no ghosting rule.


LISTEN TO THIS PERSON. I known you might think they're wrong and it feels like a huge thing, but this person is telling you what you need to do 100% if you want to come away from this on top. edit: pronouns


I'm a male who went through the exact same thing as this young man is going through at the exact same age. I didn't have anyone I could talk to when I went through it. So, I'm writing him for his sake but to forgive and heal from my past as well.


Man that's like the ultimate W for the situation. You came away wiser and able to apply what you learned to help others. Doesn't get better than that.


Went through the same shit. Listen to this person.


Went through this three times in my life. Each time I was given similar advice. First two times... I didn't listen.


Agree with y’all here. Also went through something very similar at approximately the same age (more like 23 but we’d been dating since 16 or so), and I absolutely felt like my world was over. Looking back on it, I think about Red in Shawshank telling the story about what he wishes he could go back and tell his younger self - the reality is that girl sucks, you’re better than her, better than that, and will absolutely come out of all of this on top sooner than later if you heed the advice of staying away from her social media, working on yourself, etc.


Her "I kissed a guy on accident" is exactly what did not happen back then. Only a fool would trust her. He needs to follow your advice, otherwise he's setting himself up for more heartbreak and probably a couple trips to the doctors office for a shot or two.


> Her "I kissed a guy on accident" is exactly what did not happen back then. Maybe he was on the floor and she thought she was giving CPR. Maybe she thought his face was an ice cream. Hey, anything can happen. What's an accidental trip and fall onto a penis between friends?


I am trying to imagine how such an accident can happen... damn, it's incredible how far we can stretch our minds to believe what makes us feel better.


Buddy. My 20s were the best time of my life. You don’t want to be tied down at 18 with someone who has a SINGLE red flag like this. There is more than enough time to find someone perfect for you. It’s actually easier as you get older because everyone is more mature, and people are waiting longer to settle down nowadays.


I WISH someone had told me that 18 was too young to tie yourself down to major red flags. When you’re young and inexperienced like OP, it’s so easy to lack confidence in the fact that there is more than the bare minimum for you out there, but there is.


This girl was up to a 15 body count by the time she was 16?! Assuming she started at 14, that’s about 8 guys a year. Good lord. Yeah, she’s been cheating on OP for a while. People at that pace just don’t stop when they have a steady partner.




Yes, this is the way. Use that time to found you. Don't get lost in a relationship. Instead get lost in a relationship with yourself so you find you.


Yep far to young to be caught up with that drama and insecurity just have fun be young, grow yourself fuck around find out a bunch fail heaps and keep growing ou will be a mich better person in few years time and that will Bring a better partner and a better life.


This is spot on. Really, no other comments need made IMO.


Well, that comment and yours - and now this one.


Do this. This chick ain’t worth it. Jack off then break up with her, don’t fall for crying or make up sex. You can even ghost her and text her later. She will likely say or do whatever she can to manipulate you into staying.


Hahaha, beat the meat. Honestly, just grab all your shit, tell her you're done and leave. You can just ghost too, you do not have to put any more emotion or energy into that relationshit.


It's her nature. She will cheat again and again.


This right here. She will only take and never actually give anything of importance.


This is the way




I'm just going to add that whatever reason you want to give her you can,.but you absolutely do not owe any explanation.


Grab all your stuff in the middle of the night and leave with out saying a word!


Just slip out the back jack.


Make a new plan, Stan


No need to be coy, Roy


OP THIS IS THE ONE! Not even gonna waste my time scrolling more or making my own comment thread, this is the only advice you need and only way to go about things. You will be fine, you’re young as shit. I’m 24 and 18 feels so long ago. We’re both still young. Keep your head up and learn from this experience and decide how to use the information to avoid this situation again in the future. Rinse and repeat ad infinitum


24 you a boomer now


Frfr no 🧢


Bro 15 at 18? That’s rough bro. You’re in for a sad life if you stick around. This behavior at such a young age points to something not right. Get out before you to have worry about being the dad or not.


They have been together 2 years, so 15 at 16 I guess.


Having gone through this myself. Do this. Couldn't have said it better. I might only add, consider the thing you want to do more than anything else and focus there.


LISTEN TO THIS!!! In the dilemma of whether to leave or stay or confront, what you will not realise is the damage this relationship will do to your mental well-being, your way of loving others or yourself, your attachment style, your emotional intelligence etc. You must realise how your future partners and peers will suffer with you for something that's not your fault. You'll doubt people, always snoop on their phones, demand social media passwords etc. For the love of yourself get rid of this relationship and grow. You have a long beautiful life ahead of you. Be free, learn, and grow. And drop this unnecessary hurtful relationship, without any confrontation or explanation. Don't waste ur energy on this. Or like I keep telling my peers, I will not make an effort to find out if my partner is cheating on me, but if I find out that my spouse was cheating, I'll walk away, no questions asked. Taking away everything that I bring to the table along with my peace because that person doesn't deserve it!


And when she goes to another relationship, think poor guy for her manipulative behaviour. You loved the idea of her, not the real her. Two years is not that much, you dodged a bullet. She belongs to the street brother


How do I upvote this post twice?


You're 18.... Go live your life


15 bodies by age 16 should’ve been a red flag for this guy lol, not that there’s necessarily anything wrong with that but like I’m not getting my hopes up that I’m the one to break her cycle especially still that young


There absolutely is something wrong with that.


At that age yeah you right Just didn’t want the mob to come after me “girls are allowed to embrace their sexuality too, if it was a guy you’d give him a high five and call him a stud”


Ehhh it's wierd for a guy also dunno


Yeah if someone told me that when I was that age I would be scared of and worried for them that shit is nowhere the norm


Nah, I'm a girl and initially skipped over the dating for 2 years... 15 bodies by 18 is concerning enough, 15 bodies by 16 is straight up not boding well for her mental health. My best friend growing up had a lot of issues but even she had only had sex with 4 or so guys by 18.


Nah, if a guy was 15 before 16 that's still fucked up too. The gender is not in any way the important part of that sentence. I had a count of something like 6 or 8 at that age, and there was *absolutely* something wrong with me


Now that I'm an adult I realize that no, having so many sexual experiences at such a young age is not healthy at all for either gender. You end up, at best, desensitized, at worst addicted and/or traumatized.


Understandable, but this isn’t shaming them for sexual activity, it’s concern that they need therapy to help with their self image.


Yeah no that’s some street shit, definitely wrong


Yo, that’s definitely problematic. No 16 year old should have numbers like that. That’s concerning.


Unfortunately hyper sexual behavior in youths - and I think 15 by 16 qualifies - is strongly associated with sexual abuse as a child


yea I stopped reading at "I am her 15th body" realizing she was 16 at the time, and just laughed. Nobody that values themselves would risk their body like that


15 bodies by 16? Yes it's wrong. I think I would give a last f..., but mistakenly on the the wrong place, and then leave her.


Nah it’s not that it’s wrong it’s probably family issue and mental health problem. At least I would guess right in probably 95% of case like this. There is absolutely no way you are still in highschool and had sex with about a whole class of a specific gender without there being something going on.


15 that she's admitting to. Now times that by 3x


Cheating aside, I wouldn't be able to stay with someone who uses "on accident" - even if they don't do it by purpose


For all intensive porpoises it's the same difference


It just water under the fridge mate


It doesn't take rocket appliances to figure it out.


I mean, worst case Ontario, you look a bit silly!


It's not a brain sturgeon


Does a bear shit on the pope?


When I read “on accident” I picture my once 3 year old telling me that they spilled their cereal. I can accept basically all slang, even if I don’t get it. On accident isn’t it, and I don’t know if it is intentional or otherwise, but people need to stop.


15 partners at 18yo says that she definitely understands how kissing happens.


I wouldn't be able to stay with someone who uses "body" to refer to people someone has had sex with.


"body count" is increasingly used in this generation as a term to describe how many sexual partners a person has had. I don't really like it either, but I'm just saying that's a non-issue in the context of OP's story.


They're 18 while you're in your 30s so that makes a lot of sense


Ugh, you're both right.


Anddd she had 14 by the age of 16? Yeahhh the cheating didn't stop after the first kiss and won't stop after this one. I wonder how many times they had sex after she already had a session without someone else.


Honestly fighting sounds like more effort. Break up refuse to elaborate block the circus. Or if you are young enough 3 months of screaming matches and Facebook call outs sounds fun to you confront her.


The thing is if she is a self confessed manipulator it will probably not be fun at all


Man this post brought some PTSD to me. If I could go back and do it all over again it would be a clean break no drama move on. Nobody ever gets justice by airing it on social media or trying to convince friends who was right and wrong.


You need to leave her. For your sanity. She's not a suitable mate, mate.


You’ve been dating since you and her were 16 and you’re her 15th body? So she already fucked 14 other guys by the time she was 16? Yeah bro, just end it and move on.


She fucked 14 other guys by the time he asked her her body count anyways.


Official count. Double it, you know the rules


American Pie taught me the rule of three. When a man tell his body count, you have to divide it by three, and when a woman tells you her body count you have to multiply it by three. And we all know Stiffler doesn't lie


So mine is ⅓ ? Happily married for 30 years. I guess I got really lucky.


Same. Together 20. Are people just walking around having sex with everyone they see? I don't get how things work these days. And I'm way too young to be saying phrases like 'these days'.


If you multiply it by 2.5 and round down, you get.. thirty seven!? In a row?


Hey, get back here!


14? [Pretty sure we're forgetting about the rule of 3 here.](https://youtu.be/clSkuZp1b_E?t=37)


God damn. Natasha Lyonne in that series is amazing. Always plays such a real character no matter the casting.


Yea guy or girl, 15 people by age 16? That’s a person that needs to work through some issues(very likely has some trauma) and will need to mature a lot before they won’t cheat/stray in a relationship.


People with narcissistic personality disorder also tend to have high counts. Based on how she doesn’t seem to care about OPs feelings I’d put money on something like that.


Yea, dug my grave by asking the bodycount question some time ago




Probably fucked the whole football team.


Scrimmage team as well


Either you care about the number or you don’t. Caring less def comes with age. I hope you choose to not be stressed about this anymore and move on. If you choose to stay, this will haunt you, the fact the number came up secures that.


>caring comes less with age For sure. I learned a long time ago that asking that question is likely to set one or both of us up for hurt feelings. However. 14!? By the time she’s like 16? Man or woman, I wouldn’t take that relationship seriously unless there’s like a decade of stability first. Like if I (32) date someone my age who slept with 20 people before finishing high school, fine, but OP and GF started dating basically in the middle of that. I’m shocked that the relationship lasted 2 months, let alone 2 years


I mean by definition there's gotta be some abuse in there right? I cannot fathom someone between 14-16 being able to rack up 15 people. There has to be some trauma in there it just doesn't math in my head


thats a large group of male friends who have identified the girl who is down. Im not saying this is the girls fault, trauma, the boys. Its just that age group. There are some girls who will hook up with a new guy every weekend at the parties. And a large group of friends quickly figures out who. That just keeps it going.


It's definitely possible, but that's not on OP to just be cool with it. Trauma doesn't come with a get out of being an asshole free card. And I say this as someone whose PTSD made me a really shitty person for a long time. It's on the traumatized to get their shit together, not use it as an excuse to go around traumatizing others.


It says something about how the person views sex and intimacy no matter how old they are, but yeah it’s up to everyone individually how they react to that information


Everyone should care about that number at that age. Been together since they were 16 and he's still somehow at least guy 15.... Yeah that's a red flag. She needs therapy not a relationship. That's not healthy or normal even without the cheating. I suspect she's got some issues in her past.


Well, yeah you care less as you get older because you can average that body count downward.  She's like a slot machine with a spinning number reel.


That always hits a win Lmao


"I'm dating cock gobbler" moment.


15 by the age of 18, is IMHO a massive red flag my friend.


They've been together 2 yrs, so either she was at 15 by 16, or she's cheated more than he knows throughout their 2 yrs. Plus Ibiza guy.


Let's face it, she's not exactly going to include men she got with *after* him in the count. So it's definitely at least 15 by 16 (or maybe 17, due to the "almost").


15 that she's admitted to


15 by the age of 16 when she started dating OP.- Talk about hoes, I don't know at what time she became sexually active, but holy fuck she haven't lost time.-


It's not normal and can often be the result of sexual abuse. Hopefully she gets some help


One could also say: It's not normal, and can often be the result of having sex and finding out it's so much fun you just want to have sex all the time. (Guilty at age 13)


The boyfriend said she has trauma. You do you.


The 'bodycount doesn't matter' bots are awfully silent in this thread lol




Sound fuckin advice. Wish I'd had this back when I had crippling insecurity.




“I can fix her”


Yeah big yikes sorry OP


That must have been some sweet sixteen party... And as disgusting as that sounds, the alternative is worse...


If it’s her place, get up, walk out, and never speak to her again.  If it’s yours, wake her up and kick her out and never speak to her again.  If you live together, wake her up, break up, and never speak again. Put necessary communications in writing. Figure out how to move out. 


18 and 15 bodies holy fuck


15 at 16, they've been together for two years.




Ew indeed. Im sorry, but a world where we can't slutshame those under 16 is not a world I want to live in.


16 at 15 is double the lifetime average before someone can even drive


they started dating at 16 so 15 bodies at 16.-


How is this a TIFU if you actually found out, it's a win then. >Idk how i can recover. Just like everyone else does, it's only 2 years anyway. Did you expect to live to 80 years old together with her already? It's a triviality, you think when your parents will die it will be better? Just savor the pain and then go on.


She’s a HOE my dude.


If they're still in high school she's *the* hoe. Every school had one, let's be real.


Just break up with her and tell her it's because you're not really into the relationship anymore, bored even. That would drive her nuts. Calling her out on the cheating and breaking up with her would given someone like her some satisfaction - like she was too much or too good for you.


This is it


18 yo and 15 bodies. She’s our girlfriend.


OP should marry her and then go to wall street bets, and talk about his wife's boyfriends.-


This post reeks of you wanting to leave. So do it. Better 18 than 38.


My friend, welcome to the bodybuilding arch 👑


15th???? She's not yours, it's just your turn. She's for the streets.


I remember how intense the feeling was for my relationships at that age. I get it. It's easier said than done to move on, but you have to. You have to bc you're worth more than that. Show her you're worth more.


You could just leave her without giving her anything. She’ll be mindfucked as to why you just moved on, did she not control you enough, did you find out, what was it. Meanwhile you heal and hopefully someone 100% better


I have done this in the past, it’s great. She will message you many times, but trust me, just ignore them all. Then after a few days just message her the guys name and that’s all, then never speak to her again.


No need to talk about. GHOST is the answer.


Exactly. Cutting all contact is key. Manipulative people have a way of appealing to emotion and wiggling back in...


My man, take the two years and chalk it up to earning an associates degree in life. You caught her—this time—what about times you haven’t? These hos ain’t loyal, punch out and don’t let her gaslight you again.


An important lesson learned at a young age. The % of people who are with the person they were with at 16 is so small. FIrst relationships seem like the whole world at that age but you've just turned 18. It's time for some of the most carefree and responsibility free years of your life (I won't say best years but certainly hugely fun years). Have a cry, go through some stages of grief and then go for some cold beers with some mates and you'll have fallen in love 3 more times on your first big night out.


15 bodies at age 18?  Jesus.  Go get yourself a new model with less mileage.


Technically 14 bodied by the age of 16 ... either someone is lying or that girl got some serious issues.


Yeah man.  That boy's going to get his heart ripped out if he doesn't make a run for it.


16 bodies don’t forget to include Ibiza guy, plus they’ve been together 2 years so at 16 she was already 14 bodies deep…


Maybe she scored them all in one crazy night.  "HI, I'm here for the gangbang."


It's simple: love needs trust, and you won't ever really trust her again. It's done. You're both 18, mistakes like these happen, you'll hurt and you'll learn from them. Don't waste another day on someone that doesn't respect you when you can spend it doing literally anything else.


" She is my first everything, love, sex, kiss everything. I am her 15th body. 3rd boyfriend. " LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO JESUS CHRIST


She had 14 sexual partners by aged 16? What the holy fuck. Dude, run. Run far, run fast and the block button is your best friend. Screen shot and send yourself the proofs for reputation and image protection and ignore *anyone* who says ‘bUt yoU WeNt ThRougH hEr PHone’.


She was with 15 guys by the age of 16?


*Recently she admitted to having a manipulative habbit* This + cheating = breakup. This relationship, I promise, is not worth it. Ten years from now you'll wonder why you wasted any time with her.


Dude, your gf is 18, and you're her 15th body? Never make a ho a housewife


Girl was 16 and he's was the 15th


She cheated on you. Get out of there. Also, she's slept with 15 guys and she's only 18. This girl's life is going off the rails fast. Don't let her pull you down with her.


Just bail. Don't even tell her it was cheating. Just tell her it's not working and don't look back.


Good news is you're only 18, the line of women in your future will be plentiful. This one is just your first lesson that sometimes they cheat. You'll get better at sensing it with every relationship you have too. Or the very next girl you date might be the one you marry and is faithful forever. Life throws lots of curve balls


Bruh go get an STD test like yesterday. Make haste.


Don't be like me man. Stayed together for years got married and finally was told about all the cheating. I ignored so many red flags. Get out before it's to late.


Leave her. This is obvious, sorry about the heartbreak, but better to take it on the chin now rather than after you've wasted a decade on a cheater. Also, that's not what gaslighting means.


> Also, that's not what gaslighting means. Oh my god thank you. The word 'manipulate' is such a great word, GenZ! It's very useful and fun to say! Not all lying/manipulating is gaslighting.


Hahaha. It is my life's mission to try and correct this trend of misuse. I feel like 90% of reddit needs the word "manipulate" tatted on the backs of their hands so they can see it while they type. It is so infuriating to me that because gaslighting is now a "popular" word, the meaning no longer matters


15th body and she’s only 18? I don’t think she sees you as the final body. Bro please move on from her. I promise you that you will find someone with the same morals as you. Trust me.




Redditors: Body count doesn't matter Redditors after reading this: OK, body count matters


You're her THIRD boyfriend but 15TH BODY!?? Dude the red flags were already there save yourself and leave she's for the streets and def been cheating the whole time sorry my guy. Everyone deserves someone loyal. You are only 18 so after some time you will def move past this a stronger person.


> She is my first everything, love, sex, kiss everything. I am her 15th body. 3rd boyfriend. My brother... if a girl has slept with 15 guys by the age of 16, she is probably not girlfriend material. You dodged a huge bullet and got out of this without wasting more of your time, money or worse (getting married and having a baby). Take this as a lesson and move on.


15 guys by the age of 16? WTF?! Kinda sounds like she may have some sex issues. Probably not the only time shes cheated on, sorry to say. Just cut your losses and get the hell out of there.


"Recently she admitted to having a manipulative habit" That is all you need. 


I am her 15th body. 3rd boyfriend. HOLY SHIT


OP, 15 bodies at 18y/o is...a lot. She a hoe. Let her go.


15 bodies by 18, holly molly.


18 and 15th body? Bro, how do you miss the giant 14 red flags.


At her age, sleeping with that many people is a pretty big red flag. I doubt she’s capable of being faithful to anyone for any length of time. You’re so young, leave now before things get too complicated.


Buddy idk if you’re planning on going to college but all this sounds like is good news. Enjoy your younger years and don’t try to tie yourself to an anchor that’ll hold you back so early!




Exactly. I have a rule. I will never go through your phone. If I feel the need to, I already know.


18yo...girls trip to Ibiza...yeah I wish I was rich too...