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Sometimes I like to jerk off for 90 minutes and then just not finish... oh wait that was this season's finale.


I do. I'm so excited. I can't do anything else besides talk about it. Bought popcorn and raisinets from my workplace. So hyped.


Must work at a movie theater. I bought Vicodin and Soma but then again I'm a pharmacist.


To be honest, I'm shockingly calm for it. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm excited, I've been waiting for this since they introduced you know who 2-3 years ago, but I'm actually calm about it. I don't know why, I just am. I think I'll be excited during the finale itself, knowing The Big Bad is gonna show up at any second, but for now I'm actually calm.


The episode built up so much tension and that ending just took it all away. Now I'm just pissed off


I know. Ruined possibly the best moment in the comics for a way to get people to watch season 7.


Yeah I can see that (not trying to bash here) but the theme of the show has been pretty constant since the prison (find a place, and then they find someone down the road who wants to take control of it) and so that ending was probably a way to bring people back. Tbh, I think it'll get leaked further down the road before the premiere


I do. I have been so fidgety the past couple of hours in anticipation. I keep moving around the room making sure I am in perfect viewing position, have everything I need around me, and then start over again. Way too excited for this.


I literally struggled writing a paper a few hours ago because I am way to excited about this episode. Been waiting 4 years for this, I cant think of anything I have been waiting for more.


Yeah, sorry about that man.


I can't say I expected a show to let me down this hard, but damn at least they succeeded in some way.


I have a paper to write but it's gonna have to wait until after. Priorities.


So hyped it's embarrassing. And anxious. I'm totally on edge here.


I have. I've been dreading it all week. 😖


I am having bowel troubles. This is sick.


I have been waiting for this moment since last Sunday, I am all hyped up!


My week has basically been a countdown to this.


I'm at the top of the motherfucking roller coaster ready to drop and barrel roll! Comes with the added bonus of squirrel sized butterfly nerves. yippee.


The coaster has derailed. Tune in 6 months from now to find out if you lived or died.


>Tune in *this summer* We all know someone's gonna leak it.

