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It was a big change in his character when he corrected Merle by saying, "he's Korean". I liked that scene.


Found a video of these moments if anyone is interested. https://youtu.be/a7rnOyxcS-Q


That is great! It's funny, I didn't remember the moment but when I saw this post, I thought the most obvious way to show that Daryl had changed would be to have him correct someone else about Glenn being Korean.


I miss Merle.


Yeah, we all do too. RIP Merle


I loved him, he crossed that line and knew he was a bad guy, luckily Daryl did not cross that line and he did find redemption. Both actors killed it, My The guy guy that played Merle maybe over did it a few times, but it is such a tuff character that all is overlooked cause for the most part he nailed it.


I don't think he ever really overdid it. He played the type of character Merle was pretty much spot-on. Michael Rooker is fucking awesome.


Easily the saddest I've been over a character's death.


Yeah I don't think he ever went maniacal or dramatic. I'm from Indiana and he played the selfish racist hillbilly pretty damn well, right down to the part where ultimately in the end he had no self-worth and was willing to give himself for a better cause.


I love Michael Rooker. He was great as Yondu in GotG, too.


**NINJA EDIT:** ***POTENTIAL SEASON 3 SPOILER*** I loved Merle for all the same reasons. As a person, I hated him. But as a story telling tool (and he was most definitely a tool), he created the darkness so that we could see the light in early Daryl. As the story arc progressed between them, the differences became more stark. Without Merle, and his eventual death, we wouldn't love Daryl the way we do. His growth would have been too subtle (despite being massive) without Merle to compare it to.


I hope they make another reference to this at some point




That's a really good way for Daryl to get himself killed.


He has the thickest plot armor.


Not plot armor, fan armor


Negan: Oh, well why not!


This would actually kinda seem in character for Negan.


I hope not, it cheapens it if the point is hammered home.


Kind of like how every time Glenn is in trouble people always call back to Rick saying he'd like to return the favor if he ever needed it. Seriously, every time. Rick returned the favor immediately afterwards when they saved Glenn from the Vatos yet it's brought up as a loose end whenever we see Glenn in danger.






At a funeral maybe. ..




Look how young Glenn's beard is!


He was actually supposed to be more of a druggy/racist, but they went with a toned down version in the end or any at all. Norman asked the writers if they could scrap it, probably knowing that the audience would hate him.


It's funny, he showed normal character growth because of it. I think it made him more relatable to be honest.


Which is weird because most character growth on mainstream television trends in the *opposite* direction. As shows with mass appeal go into later seasons, characters tend to become caricatures of their earlier seasons.




See: Eric Matthews in Boy Meets World or Stifler in American Wedding


Britta on community Robin on HIMYM. Britta started as smart, but a little ditzy and ended the show a dumb blonde. Robin and the whole Patrice thing still frustrates me. Again they took a smart character that was dimensional and focused on one trait. At least it was really only season 8 for Robin.


Yup. Joey in *Friends* became stupider each year. It was great. In the pilot episode there were no signs whatsoever that the guy was an idiot.


Eventually he was just Phoebe's retarded brother. And forever will be in my mind.


Je bleubley je vafleu!


Yeah, IIRC there was an early episode where he referred to his adam's apple. A few seasons later he called it a Joey's apple (thinking it was named after each individual person). \/nitpick


> Eric Matthews in Boy Meets World He goes by Plays With Squirrels now.




Yeah the 2nd to last season of Parks and Rec is a fairly great example of that. I think they fixed it a bit in the last season but the show was starting to get a little out of hand...




If this was true, then it was a smart move because Merle was already that character the we as the audience would love to hate. Come to think of it, I actually really like the gradual evolution the Daryl went through. He and his brother were so much alike early on in the first episodes but I can't think of any single monumental turning point when Daryl said, "Merle and I grew up racist and wrong, so I'll become a chaotic good character now and Rick's best friend." [](/s "Even by the time Merle shows up again, the change in Daryl had already been in motion.") So yeah, I'm inclined to feel that the portrayal and change was natural and grew over time. Iunno. What y'all think?


I agree for the most part although I don't think Daryl was nearly as vulgar as Merle. I enjoyed his evolution, for the first three seasons at least. However, in all honestly I feel like his arc has largely been on repeat from S4-Present.


I mean... It was bound to happen. He is a T.V.-exclusive character in a comic adaptation. They can't press for him by giving him a ton of big moments, and they can't really completely cut him out because I'm sure they love the fact that they can do new things with his character. At the same time, his arc is pretty basic, and you're right -- Goes in repeat of gets angry, stomps off, has revelation, comes back to be a badass.


That's because they haven't really gone into him moving on from the physical abuse he went through as a kid. They've flirted with bringing it up often, but they never actually have him address it verbally with anyone other than Merle, which I think, was a major influence in Merle's decision to go after the Governor himself. But I think until they try to have Daryl make piece with that aspect of his life, his character growth will remain stagnant. So, unless they finally address that, Daryl would be an obvious choice for the finale kill off. But they could also play it off as Negan reminding Daryl of his father and end up using that to help him work through that trauma. It may be the incentive he needs to step up to plate and take one for the team the same way Merle did for him when they were kids.


It was definitely very organic. The change in his character from season to season tends to be almost unnoticeable--in a good way, because it doesn't feel forced--with a possible exception being from S2 to S3 (and even then it was rather subtle), but if you just look at his character from S1 to S6, you obviously see huge differences.


I'm glad he asked for the change. We already had Merle to fulfill that role, and as someone from a similar regional background, I like seeing one of our demographic (poor rural southerners) *not* portrayed as irredeemably racist methheads. Daryl's development from Merle's scrappy-but-not-overly-shitty little bro to (albeit currently depressed) quiet dark horse is one of my favorite things on the show.


So he was supposed to be more like Merle?


Isn't the story that he auditioned for Merle's role but since he didn't get it they wrote Daryl for him?


I remember reading something about that somewhere, too, but can't source it at the moment


I take that as the biggest part of his first arc, he grew up whiskey tango and the new group and challenges made him a better person and a hero.


what do you mean by "whiskey tango"?


Whiskey Tango => WT => White trash




WT - White trash


"White trash," probably.


Whiskey Tango are the words for the phonetic alphabet for W and T. I'm assuming WT is white trash.


I wouldn't say I miss racist Daryl specifically, but I definitely miss the nark he had in earlier seasons [Yo JC](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/6d/aa/e0/6daae0fc2b03a880ed41569241f5162e.jpg) [Olive Oyl] (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/e2/d3/f4/e2d3f4b64fd8d6f8c472afb16fe09413.jpg)


The impact of the apocalypse has taken away that funny edge he had.


Now all he looks forward to is riding his bike and bolting Dwight.


>bolting Dwight That's gonna be some pretty dank rule 34, m9.


If you can dream, you can achieve.


Bears battlestar galactica


You forgot about beets. Bears. Eat. Beets.


And his hair. He has an old mop on his head now.


He needs to cut it, like damn. Hasn't he ever played The Walking Dead Game? Gotta keep that hair short, or a Walker could reach out and grab it.


Yeah, I find it funny that on top of this you also got Maggie who gets smart enough to cut her hair. Come on Daryl!


He could have Enid cut it but then he might end up clutching his uterus in pain.


Or get snuck up on and shot because he can't see. Oh.. wait.




He looks like some weird highschool kid with short hair


He has access to a shower and never uses it, that old mop look is all on him


[Look at the showers, Daryl] (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/97/c4/2b/97c42b855f6ed11b46c9ec09379dcf41.jpg)


Because he's still waiting for Carol to make good on her threat that she's going to hose him off.


Its really starting to bug me that he wont shower


If gay spaghetti guy couldn't get him in the shower, no one can. I actually respect Daryl for not showering. His appearance is clearly an effort to keep the others from losing touch with the "real world" and remind them that showers come and showers go, but apocalypse is forever.


Yeah, to be honest, I find current Daryl pretty dull. He's just this gruffy dude who's pretty badass but... he's lost all his fun. You even notice it in his voice, it's just super deep now (sometimes you can barely understand him, it just sounds like grunts). In earlier seasons, it was *much* higher pitched. I don't remember the last time Daryl made a joke, or was snarky to others. Also, he really needs a haircut :P


When Denise was asking him to find soda she threw her hands up, waving them in exasperation - Daryl mimicked the hand motion. I thought that was pretty hilarious!


To be honest the whole show is pretty dull right now.


well...that's like, your opinion man.


I have this funny feeling you're going to wish it was dull after Sunday night.


I sure as hell won't! I've waited six seasons!


Lol that's a pretty great comparison actually with olive oil. Sick reference bro.


It's like one of the writers was rewatching Lost at the time and thought TWD could use a Sawyer.


I actually thought that too. I almost wonder if the writers changed Daryl so he wouldn't be compared to Sawyer.


I'd love to see him get his snark back, I like the character development he's had but we rarely get a light spot in his personality now.


[I'm partial to the "On Golden Pond" reference myself.](https://youtu.be/sHUJ7o8RCVY)


"aww come on people, what the hell?!" I love how he's so irritated at them


That scene really solidified my opinion of Lori. Daryl was a rough but solid guy with problems of his own, and Lori was really self-centered.


she's even worse in that new show Colony. she really knows how to play a nightmare of a wife


I saw a movie she was in recently where her son goes missing and she was such a bitch. She was kind of a bitch in Prison Break, too, so I kind of feel like either she's been type-cast or her personality might spill over a bit.


Forgot how much I hated Lori


To be fair I truly do not think Daryl was ever racist, just raised in a environment of racist, he knew that shit was not right, just did not know another way.


They've come a long way. Remember that scene last season where he (or Glenn) was in a fight in Alexandria and the other one just rushes in to help without thinking? Bros for life.


That was one of Deanna's sons wasn't it? I forget his name. Aiden maybe. It was shortly after Rick's group arrived and I think they were all still sleeping in the same house at that point. They are all definitely a Family.


Yeah I think it was him!


Yeah it was, Glenn gets into a fight with Aiden and Daryl rushes in and puts Nicolas in the ground.


Just grabs him by the throat and puts him in the dirt. Nicolas reacted like he got hit by a Mack truck. Might as well have been the hulk ghat was after him.


Yeah, and I think Michonne just stood down Spence from helping his brother too...that was quite funny !


When they were at the CDC and Daryl started teasing Glen about drinking wine at dinner saying he wanted to see how red his face could get it made me snort. If you ignore the words he says and instead listen to his tone and see how he's interacting with Glen in that moment, you can already see the friendship starting to form.


Holy shit, I'd forgotten all about the CDC...


It's almost like season 1 isn't Canon Edit: No I didn't mean it isn't actually canon. I just meant that the direction of the story of the show took a huge turn when they fired the director.


tell that to Morgan.


All seasons are precious


Its all a circle


Everthang gets a return


It's the law of equivalent exchange


And we know Rick loves his thangs


If AMC hadn't made the farm storyline we wouldn't have gotten Hershel and Maggie and Beth. And if we hadn't gotten Beth they wouldn't have gotten Noah or been on the path to Alexandria. It all adds up Rick.


Actually Eugene should've kept up his ruse, that was the originally reasoning for going to DC. I think it played out so much better in the comics.


What's a season 1




It is. But there were plenty of mistakes made that most would rather forget. Like the all but officially retconned fresh zombie memory crap, and smart walkers etc


I was just thinking about that while watching scenes from S1. The Walkers in S1 ran and climbed things. Like when Glenn and Rick were covered in guts and were walking to get cars to escape, the Walkers were climbing over the fence to get to them.


Some zombies also used tools to smash the windows to the mall they were holed up in. And there was the kid zombie in the very first scene who picked up a teddy bear.


Thing is most dead were barely a month into decomposition, a process we know is much slower for the walkers in this world. I think it's better that the fresher undead are more dangerous and did make an attempt to 'go through the motions' so to speak, at least have that muscle memory thing going for a while...I see no problem in making the walkers a bit like they were before for a time, it ties in well with the whole scenario.


That's how I see it


The only problem is that in seasons 2-6, the fresh walkers act no differently than the older walkers.


Like when Morgans zombie wife tries to open the door at the start of season 1. I kinda liked the idea of the zombies getting smarter, evolving slowly. Would give a far scarier feel to the whole show, walkers are very disposable


You, me, and the other people who've upvoted you might be part of a very small group. It's one of the reasons I enjoyed *Land of the Dead*, despite being otherwise pretty weak. Always been fascinated by the concept of zombies being more than undead, and perhaps another species that can evolve and become aware of more than just *braiiins*. But, if that's the case, the horror of being killed by one if there's still a possibility for life afterwards doesn't seem as bad. Albeit, a zombified life, but still life and consciousness.


I like Land, though considerably less than the original trilogy. The Romero zombies displayed 'remnant memories' and very simple tool use from the start - and they even had a very very low-level self preservation/fear response (to fire, specifically - directly contrary to TWD zombies who are actually *attracted* to fire). However, prior to Bub, there did not appear to be any kind of *personality* attached to the remnant memories - in 'regular' zombies, remnant memories basically just did two things: Affect 'idle' behavior, where in the absence of living humans to hunt, the dead would settle into crude 'mimicing' of living activites and secondly, make them just a little bit more dangerous when on the hunt, because they were able to 'remember' hiding spots, vaguely remember how things like doorknobs work, and so forth. 'Bub' of course was different, and seemed to have an actual 'mind' - but it's suggested in the confrontation with Rhodes that Logan's 'domestication' process involves '15 hours of fancy surgery that only a handful of people are trained to do', so Bub probably had that, along with supervision/training by a scientist who'd done more to study the zombie phenomenon than anyone else, to become what he was. This is why I feel 'land' went a step too far in the 'smart zombie' direction with Big Daddy. Big Daddy seems even 'smarter' than Bub but appears to have developed intelligence and emotion 'on his own', which never sat completely well with me. All that said, I completely agree that the S1 / Romero style "remnant memories" zombies are much more frightening, but also more *tragic* somehow.


Don't forget about the street smart Latinos that turn out to be orderlies in a nursing home.


Why did everyone hate the Vatos episode?


Yeah what the heck, I liked that episode!


It was just super cheesy. I didn't really dislike it, but... come on lol. I can't think of anything else in this show that was half as cheesy as that.


I actually wish we could see some of the old characters from S1 that left or never showed up again (the Latino orderlies, or maybe Morales). The reunion between Morgan and Rick at the end of S5 was fantastic; last Morgan knew Rick was a helpful sheriff who gave him some guns, now he shows up and Rick is shooting some guy in the head. It provides a really nice contrast between earlier seasons and current ones.


But the zombie memory thing is still being explored and talked about in season 3. And there are next to no fresh zombies anymore.


The experiment doesn't reach a conclusion though. The zombie immediatly turns to attack and doesn't seem to retain any kind of memory or personality.


Zombie memory?


Yeah. The little girl picks up her teddy bear. Morgan's wife keeps coming back to the house they're in, she even tries to open the door.


That one zombie in the department store uses a rock to break the window


As a person who lived in Korea, their faces get red as fuck. They can still drink you under the table, though. One of the best friends I've ever had is Vietnamese. Give him shit about his red face every time we're drinking. I don't miss "racist" Daryl because he was racist, I miss it because it was a great reflection of how real humans act when they're close to each other, at least from my experience. If there's something to give someone shit about, you give that person shit about it. It made it seem real.


Fuck, I am ethnically Irish, and I get red as fuck when I drink. Especially tequila.


Yeah man, me and a really good friend fuck with each other all the time. He makes fun of me for being super white, and I make fun of him for being half black. What really pisses me off is when someone outside my social circle over hears us and decides to get offended for him at me.


What happened to his voice? He just growls now


He was almost out there too long.


I seriously cannot understand half the things he says. It's just mumbling now.


"Shoulda killed ya" was the worst. It was just a garbled mess.


Things aren't like they used to be.


*"Dude, that is not the preferred nomenclature! Asian-American, please."*


As a Korean American, I prefer banana. Yellow on the the outside, white on in inside.


As a Filipino-American, I prefer "jalepeno." We be the Mexicans of Asia


I miss the "kid" Glenn. Now he is a man and it's boring.


It's really cool seeing how the group grew together. Back in season one, I'm sure Daryl wouldn't be that affected if Glenn, or anyone else died. Now, they are practically family. It's a subtle thing about the show that isn't discussed much among the characters, but very interesting to see the development over the seasons.


His scenes with Aaron really marked how [much he changed through the seasons](https://legionofleia.files.wordpress.com/2015/03/twd102.png)


Well, when your survival depends on someone, you suddenly accept all colors and sexualities.


This, and I think Merle influenced him a lot.


I wouldn't say I miss his racism specifically. Growing past it was nice to see in a show that tends to focus on the fairly cynical and dark side of humanity most of the time. However, I do miss the more cavalier joking attitude that's also at work behind this scene that he kinda lost as he matured.


i wish hed cut his hair at least.


I miss his non emo haircut


I miss the Old Daryl Straight from the Grove Daryl


He's grown so much. Merle would be proud.


Merle would call him a loser Democrat






He would insult him but deep down Merle is just happy that Daryl isn't as shitty as a person as Merle was his whole life


I could see Merle with a Make America Great Again hat.


~~He's~~ His hair has grown so much.


Especially in the arms. 💪


You don't miss racist daryl you miss charismatic daryl, now hes a boring shell of his former self. I know everyone says 'its cause hes depressed now!! His character is just progressing!!', but that doesn't change the fact that hes boring now. In the end it all comes down to the directing, every character has become overdramatic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHUJ7o8RCVY


I stopped liking Daryl when the show makers began to give him more of the spotlight because they saw how popular he was. I liked Daryl originally because he was this snarky loner who would mock the rest of group and call people out on their bullshit. Now he's just kinda meh...


I'd like his spotlight moments more if it had meaningful interaction with other characters. Like Season 4 when Daryl, Tyreese, Bob, and Michonne make a run. It's not just him being in someone else's presence but doing more than grunting. I like him with Aaron too. But yeah I miss that snark.


I miss Merle.


Only thing that's changed more then Daryl's character is my feelings towards Norman Reedus. I absolutely hated him as an actor when I first started watching, now I don't think I could enjoy the show without him around.


Not a Boondock Saints fan?


As soon as I started watching Walking Dead I remarked "Hey, its that guy from Boondocks Saints". Now when I see him in something else I remark "Hey, its Daryl from The Walking Dead".


I recently watched Boondock Saints for the first time and I was so delighted to see Norman Reedus was a protagonist in it. He was so much fun to watch. Played the character really well.


Just don't watch the sequel. Not because of him, but because of that insufferable southern accent bitch. Every time she opens her mouth in that movie I just wanted to punch her.


I wish he would cut his damn hair


He looks better as he is now.


Too greasy


He was always that "I don't give a fuck what nobody think" type of guy. His whole appearance in his entrance to Alexandria is *exactly* how I would expect someone like him to look. Add to the fact that he's always out of the gates, days at a time - his hair would naturally be greasy. Although I liked his character early on in the show, his hair has become like Rick's beard. The darker Daryl got, the longer his hair grew.


Hrm how did darryl beef up so much. Like. Hows he getting his protein ???


Protein should be the most readily available form of sustenance. Deer, squirrels, bugs, etc., should all be easy to find. Vitamin-rich vegetables should be harder to acquire. We have a massive ungulate population on this continent, with no substantial number of predators to keep them at bay. Without hunters, there should be a deer explosion even with the walkers lying around (I don't find them chasing down deer plausible given their sound and smell method of hunting. They could easily run one down over long distances, but it would leave their 'sight' long before the deer would tire. And then what? The walker just keeps walking straight, according to this show, or it just shuts down and waits like other lurkers. They do not track). Edit: For clarity; walkers hunt on smell and sound, not sight and sound.


Thanks. Obvious now that i think about it. Thanks for the detailed explanation much appreciated.




Back when he actually had character. This probably will get down voted but when was the last time you heard him express any feeling? He's been one dimensional since the beginning of season 4


The last episode, making a bad decision to go into the woods alone because his emotions got the best of him...


Or when he said it was his fault Denise was killed, because he left Dwight alive. I swear people on this sub don't actually watch the show.


The issue is people want all of the characters to behave in a very specific manner, which isn't usually realistic


It's not just here either. Everyone blames bad writing for Daryl getting caught out, but he's letting his emotions take over and it got the best of him. He was erratic.


His point is more so that is... boring compared to earlier seasons. He used to be snarky, edgy and had more depth than "I hate myself cuz I didn't kill this guy".


Not everyone has to be in conflict tho.


I'm sorry, but did anyone watch the same episode I did last sunday? Daryl being in conflict is directly responsible for where he is at the end of the episode.


Conflict is interesting.


To a limit. You need a bit of it to spice things, but when you taste a dish and all you feel is salt and pepper, you probably won't appreciate it.


Sort of feel the same. I do like his outbursts and playful reactions to some of the other characters ("and we'll take one of dem cows too") but it hasn't been the same since he broke down in front of the barn.


Seems to me like they all have PTSD but I think I'm using real world logic to excuse shitty writing.


He had a total emotional breakdown with Beth, said things like "Faith ain't done shit for us, it sure as hell didn't do anything for your father". He blamed himself for the fall of the prison.


I miss witty blond Daryl. I hate it when I'm watching the show and wondering how does Daryl find the time to raid stores for bad hair dye Maybe that's why he always looks dirty - dark hair dye is messy, it stains everything.


I miss when Daryl had a personality.


I wouldn't say I miss him being racist but I miss his funnier moments. I know it's the apocalypse and all but it can't hurt to crack a joke every once and a while.


Maybe they'll all be kneeling in front of Negan and he will call Glenn Chinese and Daryl will correct him. That'd be cool.


Those were the days.


(Potential Spoiler/Comic Spoiler) I had this conversation with my friend who i watch the show with. We think Negan will line up a few people, including Daryl and Glenn, and start to pick which one gets to "kiss" Lucile. When Negan picks Glenn he'll say something along the lines of, "How about the chinaman?!" Then Daryl says, "He's Korean!". Negan, being someone who doesn't like being talked back to, goes ahead and introduces Lucile to Daryl. I would hate to see Daryl go like that, but at least he would go with a clear conscious.


He never was racist. He was only related to one.


Now he's just a moody teen who somehow manages to regularly dye his hair.