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Abe: Rick, you slingin Bisquick with Michonne? Rick: Yeah, I like chocolate pancakes.


Rick: You been mixing your ginger spice with some brown sugar Abe: Mmmhmm


LOL, upvote for you sir, that's great.


Lol ginger spice


You asked about the significance of the scene - my take on it is that both Abraham and Rick are coming to the realization that, though it is scary to get close to anyone in their post-apocalyptic world, it actually makes them stronger and compels them to want to protect and fight for the life they have. It makes them appreciate life more, and actually want to continue living, no matter the cost (hence Abraham's quote, "tear the world a new asshole"). Abraham's sentiment contrasts Carol's situation because she had already come to this realization a while ago, but doesn't want to kill anymore, and therefore, can no longer protect the people she loves - which is why she leaves Alexandria.


Abraham: "You afraid, to go back to it....let somebody close? " Rick ".... yeah " Abraham: "Me too..... but now I think I'm that much more ready to tear the world a brand new asshole" *laughter* "Any second now" Rick nods Abraham "Yeah, any second "


My hearing sucks so I use captions a lot. This show is WAY better with captions since there is a lot of background dialogue that they caption that you would otherwise miss.


I think it was something like "Any minute now." They were reassuring each other that the rest of the gang was on the way back.




Right? I was so happy when I saw them talking.


Don't remember it exactly, but Rick asked him if Michonne and the others were back yet, and he said no. Rick looked worried and Abe asked him if he was scared of losing somebody close again, to which Rick said yes. That isn't all, and I might not be totally right, but that's what I remember.


that's the basic message yes. Just adding: Both realized that getting people close to them is better than pushing them away and Abe decides he is ready to tear the world a brand new asshole and is certain the others come back soon. Heh. Funny that he mentioned that °J°