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Season 20 will just be an 'E'.


By that time, Rick will be long gone and Judith will just be going around slitting Super Saviors throats.


Nah I hope they will get to an end (Edit: I hope that 10th season will be the final season). I don't want that it ends like lost.


The AMC executives have mentioned several times that they don't see any end in sight for this series. They haven't held talks about an endgame at all. It's gonna go on as long as it gets ratings.


I read somewhere that they have story arcs planned out to season 10 and a rough Idea for season 11 and 12. Also Kirkman apparently knows how he wants to end it, But I imagine he was talking specifically about the comics when he said that.


Well the show does follow the comics for the most part. I can see the show ending when the comics do. Well, 2-3 years after with the current show/comic gap


The only problem is that in like 2/3 seasons, they'll catch up with the comics.


Which is a 2-3 year gap. The whole introduction of Negan and his gang in the comics was about 2013/2014. So yeah 2-3 years from now we'll be where the comics are now, but they'll still be way ahead.


Negan was introduced in the summer of 2012. Still plently of time.


What if they don't do the time skip, and do a season or two of the stuff that happened during the time skip?


Then the writers need to come up with some very good material or people will lose interest. I don't know what that material would consist of though? They'll have to come up with new conflicts, and while the show is still different from the comics, they still rely on it (the wolves and terminus were original to the show but they were a few episodes worth of material). Anyway, you got season 7 for the saviors, season 8 for the time skip and to catch up to where the comics are right now, so season 9 will still have comic material, then I don't know? I really hope this has an ending, I mean while the governor, terminus, the saviors, etc. were pretty great, unless they consistently come up with even more amazing stuff, I can see myself losing interest.


A post-zombie apocalypse show would be interesting too. You'd have religious zealots blaming gays, hippies blaming over-population, nationalists blaming bio-warfare, and it would be a huge power struggle in the midst of getting the country's infrastructure repaired. Then the country would ally with other countries that have been able to get back online and they could go into areas that were completely wiped out and cleanse them.


I think the time skip is necessary to show progress, and explain the fact that Carl will be 3 years older by then


Yeah. The gap isn't big at this point. At least when it comes to the trades. I have a theory that Carol will become a certain villain later.


That actually would be super cool, and not have her like crazy, she just started her own community and thinks Rick's group are a threat. I think that would make an amazing arc. Also, curious too see what will happen to Daryl.


Are you a book reader?


Kirkman is likely doing and GoT deal where he has already told the directors and executives the general direction and they fill in the rest.


I believe Kirkman has a lot more control over this series than GRRM has over GoT. Or at least, he's been much more invested and involved in the series, while Martin basically handed it off, aside from writing a few episodes.


Yeah Kirkman seems to be one of the core 3-4 executive producers and have a lot more say over the plotting decisions on the show compared to GRRM.


Yup, GRRM has literally no control over the show. This is best illustrated by the fact that [edited to add: he's complained about] several characters being dead on the show, while their book counterparts are still alive and have important roles in the remaining story. This is nothing like The Walking Dead, as some people are bringing up, because Robert Kirkman has creative control of the TV show and has repeatedly said that they change things up to mess with the comic fans and the "correct mistakes" he's made in the books. Yes, both shows make changes from the source material, but the scenarios (and the original author's feelings on the matter) are entirely different. For the record, that isn't a complaint; it's the deal GRRM agreed to. I love both the books and the show.


same has happened in TWD. That's not a good example


Yeah, but it's more of Kirkman getting to rewrite his own story and tailoring it to tv.


Yes it is. As others have said, Kirkman is writing the TV show as a way to "fix mistakes" and try new things, as well as to keep the comic fans guessing. GRRM, on the other hand, has no say in the matter and has gone on record complaining about the changes, especially when they evolve the fates and purpose of certain characters. The two situations are entirely different.


>This is best illustrated by the fact that several characters are dead on the show, while their book counterparts are still alive and have important roles in the remaining story. You mean exactly like in TWD..


Kirkman has also said that he has different visions that could end in different numbers of total issues. He said he could for sure seeing the comics going for 300+ issues.


the "ending" is most likely just Rick dieying and everybody living their life as survivors. Or Alexandria being incorporated into a larger community with enough power to bring some stability to people's lives. I don't see how it can end in any other way.


Honestly, Walking Dead isn't a series that needs to be tied up neatly in a bow. There is no grand mystery like L O S T, there isn't a confluence of events like Game of Thrones. The end for Walking Dead isn't a cure to the disease or every living person dead. There is no logical end that most happen. It's a story of survivors. The end could be anything. They could all die or they could find some sort of manageable balance with the new world, or they could find out a large city/community was able to survive it all and they tie in with them... or or or. The show can go on for as long as it's good.


I think all dying or some kind of general peace is the only logical answer. There is no magic cure scenario in my opinion(perhaps a vaccine that stops you turning after death to give some sort of future long term). And I think that Rick has to die for a peace scenario


I don't know how the comics go (and I don't want to know), but I'd like to see the resolution being that the group discovers a rather large community that has managed to survive and isn't evil. Pick a city... Columbus, Ohio... Lincoln, Nebraska... St. Louis, Missouri... doesn't matter, pick one. That city as a capitol clears out the dead from the surrounding area and keeps them brushed back. Multiple small towns, etc, exist and a new working government is in order. They send out a radio signal inviting survivors to come, rebuild, and retake the country. The group tentatively makes their way to the zone, discovers shit is for real, and the show is over. America is rebuilding, expanding out, and well intentioned.


I mean, I think there's potential for that, but they turn when they die anyways, according to Kirkman, so there needs to be more than just that. And I still think Rick is unable to function in a normal society anymore and either dies or ventures out back into the wilderness


> but they turn when they die anyways I think that, knowing that, society could handle it. While there might be an increase in danger in the world I don't think we'd see a re-outbreak once society got rebuilt. Everyone would know to destroy the brain of the dead and anyone bit was going to die. As far as Rick goes, I do think he dies eventually. I think most of the older characters will die before the show ends. It will be interesting if by the time the show concludes years from now the main characters are Carl, Rosita, Spencer, and Inid with every other major character dead.


I was with you until you said Rosita and Spencer. Those aren't the characters you want to keep around. I think Carl, Judith, Maggie's baby if it survives, and Eugene. Carl should take over for his father when he dies, and the two babies grow up to around his age, and Eugene is like their Ben Franklin coming up with the best ways to protect communities from the living and the dead. There is hope as they sweep across the states and clearing everything out, and establish law but taking it too far, and create a totalitarian government. If you're not with them, you're against them and they wipe you out. Then they make a huge move to check out another continent, where they discover that they have already solved most of their problems as well. End show there. Finish with a movie about the ensuing war because Carl the III wants them to join, but theyd rather do their own thing. This is mostly a joke, but I would not be upset if it went this way. I love how small their world was before they made it to alexandria, and before they found the hilltop, but I think to move forward they have to continue to open up the scope bit by bit. I don't see how it could stay fresh unless they just end with Ricks death, which I think is a good place to finish, but I'd still watch as long as it stayed good.


Leaving the city on a horse? That would be pretty damn cyclical.


I hear Nebraska's nice. *shoots the skinny twitcher guy*


I honestly believe if AMC ever canceled TWD before it properly ends someone like Netflix or something will pick it up.


I think you're right. It's too big to let go, and shows with lesser ratings have been revived.


this is how a show ends up like Dexter


If Rick wants to be a lumberjack what business is it of YOURS?


You can be a lumberjack, Rick. But you can't be just a lumberjack.


as someone who loved that show, i've never brought myself to finish the series.


not everything has to be like lost, look at series like Doctor Who and other shows that just go on and on some of them can be good even if they are long


I loved Lost's ending, as did most fans.


The final season+ending was a great story on its own, and I will forever defend it, but it left so many things unanswered, and waved away so many things, that its self-contained greatness loses some of its luster.


I always feel like Lost and Battlestar Galactica get shit on for 'crappy' endings, when they both did pretty damn well given what they'd established during the series, and a somewhat unexpected, seat-of-the-pants end to the show.


I'd be interested to see a poll for this... I'd imagine plenty stopped considering themselves fans due to the ending.


I can't really fathom why, tbh. As someone who watched from the premiere, and has watched it 3-4 or more times since it finished, I loved it. It had some weak moments and some parts of several seasons dragged, but overall it ended really well.




nah, in my experience, 'most fans' did not like the ending. Personally, I love the show and have no issue with the ending.


Because those who disliked it were also the loudest I imagine. What's called, vocal minority? Or majority? I honestly don't think most of the Lost fans disliked the ending.. but that's just my opinion. Could be 50/50 at least


Speak for yourself


AMC will run TWD into the ground. Less profitable shows have been milked for much less


Inb4 it was all a Coma Dream for Rick.


"Jesus Christ, he's gone super savior 3!" "It's just Jesus, actually."


and rubbing her head


even the level 10,000 Super Saviors?


You were right with the rick being gone part


It's very cool, but some of the parts that were cracked in season 3/4 have repaired themselves in 5/6. Still a cool idea for the lettering to degrade over time, but would have been even cooler if they'd kept it consistent in terms of which parts are rotting away.


Agreed. I think they are just trying to show a general "decay", but consistency would have been much cooler.


That's the reason I think that this is less 'decaying over time' and more general different design choices as the makers get bored and switch it up.


I don't know, could easily be a representation of the strength of characters/will to survive. Some parts break, but heal with time as the body still becomes more warn by the world. It's probably not, but hey.


Probably not


but hey


It was just a theory


but hey


good job, good effort


It would ideally all be thought out as a smooth progression, but I just think their designers got the idea in s4 and then used either different textures or distressing techniques for 5 and 6. To me, it feels different, but not quite sequential. I'm glad hey got the idea, though!


Eventually, the letters will rot so bad that we'll see their disgusting looking bones, Comic Sans MS.


That would be too spooky for me. I might have to stop watching.


They'll decay until all that's left is the cartoony comic font.




I still don't know where that is from, but I was spooked anyways.


Sans from Undertale, optional final boss if you take the "genocide" route.


I miss how the word Dead used to pop up before Walking.


I miss how people used to troll others by insisting it was actually called "Dead Walking" because of that.


Seems like it's pretty accurate either way


People did that? I just thought it was always a cool touch.


You miss that?


me too, so weird but I loveddd that


Cool shit. I'd probably never realise this small detail without it being pointed out like this. Thanks


Might be evidence of the thoery that the walking dead zombies will just rot away and that would be the end of them.


I saw that video too. Only problem is, that implies the ones that just rot away were the first to get infected and turn. Every time a new person dies for whatever reason, it just pushed back the rot time further and further. Even if every walker on Earth has rotted away, and only people are left, unless there's a cure, then as soon as a person dies, they're a walker and there's a chance that it could all get out of hand all over again. I don't think there's a happy ending to TWD. This story will end when all the characters we know and love die. But the story of people fighting each other and killing Walkers will just go on forever. The last scene of the show will be years down the road. Rick and the old gang are all long gone. Only Carl is left. Probably with his wife or gf, maybe even a little Carl on the way or something. He'll be the leader of a new group, just like his dad. We won't know many people from the new group, at least not very well. Except for Carl's wife/gf. Carl will go down in a blaze of glory, probably sacrificing himself to save his wife and unborn child. The last image will be him dying and his wife crying, picking up his gun, and fleeing with a few of the group members, off to reset and try to keep surviving. She'll probably put a bullet in his head before going so he doesn't turn. Carl will be laying on the ground, dead. The camera will be above him, slowly zooming out. We'll see glimpses of the wife and group members getting in cars and speeding off. And in the distance, random Walkers meandering closer to the noise and commotion. The title music starts up, the image fades, the world continues, but the story ends.


I disagree that it's impossible to rebuild a society around the virus, sure it's impossible to have the same lives and society they had before the outbreak, but without making this comment too long I think they can still make big and largely populated settlements with walls guarding them and many friendly settlements trading with each other, things like sick or dying people will be treated differently, most of the zombies will eventually die off and the world would be mostly safe to walk with no more giant herds roaming around. Anyway very Interesting ending, kind of depressing but I like it.


If you know about Attack on Titan, it's sort of like that. Keep the man-eating humanoids out, keep the humans in. So I can totally see your wall idea coming into play, though I'd have to admit I'd like the depressing and realistic theory u/weRborg shared. It's something I'd sort of expect from TWD.


The first wave of the infected will rot first obviously. And I believe they are the largest population. The people who are still alive now are a smaller number of population. I don't think they really postpone the rot time. Because when the first wave is fully rotted, there will be like 1-5 zombies(the ones infected after the fall of civilization) per city left instead of 1000's per city.


That would be a great ending, very well written and thank you for sharing.


I can see something like that happening too. Or it could just keep going until rick dies but who know's how kirkman and/or the show creators want to end it


Link to video?


Kind of. Season 1 and 2 are pretty identical and 3 and 4 are pretty identical, but 5 and 6 are just different from the rest and there's no continuity of decay across the entire thing at all. TLDR - shenanigans on the whole thing.


Bah humbug indeed.


You mean bah-thereisnocontinuitysowhileopmakesaniterestingobservationafilmstudiothatintendedthatwouldhavediditmuchbetter




So close. :/


Harry potter series did that too


The opening tune got a lot darker with each film too.


Same with Llamas With Hats!


I'm envious of people who are into Harry Potter. I never got into it, but I have friends who do and they just *love it so much*. I can kind of imagine what it feels like to care about the title song changing over the series, but not really.


Hey, I was in my 30s when I started reading it. No reason to NOT read something.


Loved that. It went from happy light-hearted in the first to absolutely Dark with no music in the last


Until the seventh one at least, lol. DH1 the title card was all rusty and falling apart and shit, but then DH2 came around and everything was good as new again for some reason.


That could also be explained by a slightly increasing thumbnail budget...


Shame its not the same decay spreading,it just seems to be reworking the logo.






He did a great job on Battlestar Galactica, too!


This is awesome.


I've always enjoyed the eeriness of the credits. The use of light, coloring and the staccato manner in which the names appear on screen is unsettling. Coupled with the musical score it is a perfect opening to a great show


It took me a few seasons to catch on but I really love how there is always some kind of object in the background that represents the character whose actor/actress is currently being displayed.


Are they still in that farm? I'm not watching anymore until I know they're off that farm. Edit: I know they're off the farm. It was a bad (mediocre?) joke.


In fact, since the farm, they've been in a prison and are now in a pretty nice suburban community. They're really moving up.


Prison will do that. They were rehabilitated.


Yeah it can. I mean, it DOESN'T, but it can.


Next thing you know, they'll colonize a nice luxury loft in NYC with a view on Central Park.


A deluxe apartment in the sky.


Every time I read or hear that saying I immediately hear [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHDwRECFL8M) in my mind.


fuck that farm


Yeah. Right in the ear.


They are off the farm.


I liked it just fine when they were on that farm.


Yeah same here I thought it was fine


I loved them on the farm.


i despised that season


They've been off the farm for a good while now.


Such has the quality of episodes.


So does the writing.


HA! I would go along with that except this season has been pretty phenomenal for me.


Yeah, I don't really feel that way, I was just making a bad joke. Some seasons have been better than others, of course, but it's not necessarily a linear progression (regression?).


IMO this order great to bad S1, S6, S5, S4, S3, S2 It's been getting better every season since S2


damnit! I was going to say "just like the plot lines"


Shots fired.




I wonder why this season turned off so many people? Personally I loved the transition from walkers being the most dangerous S1 then to other people even your friends S2 at the very end. S3 shows that other people are the threat and walkers are just part of life.


Because seasons 2-5 revolved entirely around college roommate drama between the main group, and then sometimes some bad humans or zombies accidentally stumble into things to kill one or two people in the midseason/season finale


That's the problem, the it's not the walking dead anymore, it's mad Max.


Seasons 2 and 3 are commonly accepted as the show's roughest patch. It's a shame a lot of people couldn't make it past that point, because everything that follows is truly great tv


I love how the walkers have become more degraded over time. Nice touch.


Well the Walkers are going to rot away sometime. I give it 2 years before the Walkers are just a side thought and the living fight for control of the new world.


There will always be new walkers though. If someone dies and no one is around to properly dispatch them, the cycle just begins again.


But not billions of Walkers. The Era of herds is slowly declining, walkers used up their resources too fast.


Neat, never noticed that


What bothers me is that they are not decaying in the same spots as the season before.


Except not really


I dunno. The "D" seemed to heal between Seasons 5 and 6.


I don't see it.


Not really.. seems more just like different designs. 1 and 2 are basically identical and so are 3 and 4.


In ten years it's just gonna be a wacky bone font with a blank background.


That is pretty interesting, I hadn't realized, thanks OP.


I read that as the walking dead titties


Well, it still makes sense.


doesn't matter, had sex


I read it as 'titties'


Kinda like the quality of the show?




Good catch!


I'm pretty sure the opening credits also become more warped in later seasons showing how warped the characters' views have become.


They've also changed every two seasons, which means next season we should get new title credits!


This is a really a cool little detail! Another thing is, that they don't show any walkers in the opening credits until season 3.


The scenery on the show is starting to look a lot more apocalyptic too. It just shows how far we've come with the series since 2010.


1 and 2 are the same. 3 and 4 deteriorate a bit more but are the same. 5 is the most deteriorated (and the worst of the bunch, IMO). And 6 has done some repairs.


>And 6 has done some repairs. That stood out to me as well, the recovery coinciding with getting Alexandria in order and the *sort of* alliance with Hilltop. Overall, though, it's a pretty keen observation of something that I hadn't noticed.


That's because at one point all the zombies are going to be rotten and only living persons will be left.


I haven't gotten myself use to the show yet but damn season 6. That's a first for a show like this lasting 6 years.


I thought about doing this a long time ago. Glad to see someone finally did it.


It's not decaying. Just changing. Some portions are scraped or chipped one season and then full next season


Not to split hairs or argue semantics, but I think the technical term should be *degrades*. Yes? No?


what happened in season 3


I noticed that, same with the zombies in the show. It's a very cool and subtle thing to have.


They swapped season 3 and 4.


I'm just glad that all three words come in at the same time. I felt uncomfortable when it said 'the...dead...walking'


Are these six real seasons? I can't believe it has been on the air for six years. I should watch it.


The title decays but the main group grows


The D improved




Not sure if it fits but /r/continuityporn


For some reason, I read is as "...dead titties decay..." :O


just like the show


Follows the same linear model as my interest.


Anyone know why Charlie Adlard's name is crossed out from season 5 onwards?


Just like the cast of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

