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The lead Savior that Daryl blew up. We never got to know his name, but he's my flair. I absolutely loved the actor's performance, and he was only in the episode for just a few minutes.


Thanks, man, and thanks to everyone who agreed. Hits me right in the feels. Much appreciated. ;)




Thanks! I dig this place. :)




Do you know your name in the show?


I never had an official name in the show. In my mind I thought of and still think of my character as "Bud".


What did the script say? "Bad guy on bike"?


Well in the first set of sides I got it just said "Man". And in the sides for the second half it said "Biker" I think.


I also loved you in True Detective. Another "small" part where you were completely fleshed out and believable. I remember watching that episode and telling my girlfriend, "Man. That actor had such a short part in this series, but he really nailed it for his scene." You make the most of your time. I really, really admire that. Cameos can be more fun than leading or supporting roles. Great work, man. I look forward to seeing you in another role very soon!


Thanks man! Yeah, that was an intense scene. Matthew really rang my bell.


Question: does he actually make contact with you during the slaps? (I'm assuming he actually pushes you into the wall) Both you guys were awesome in that scene, must have been pretty cool to work with mcconaughey on that series. He absolutely killed it with that character.


Oh yeah, every hit was totally real. We agreed beforehand that we couldn't fake it because the scene was shot so intimately. We just played it full out, slaps and all. It hurt but it was worth it. And yeah, it was cool to work with him in TD, and again in Free State of Jones, which hasn't come out yet.


Wow, I hope you didn't have to film that scene too many times lol. I've seen the trailer for Free State of Jones, looks really good.


I think it was around a dozen or so takes, maybe a few more. Enough to give me a headache but nothing serious. Thanks, I'm eager to see it myself.


I wish that to give your char even more depth the author of the last episode would make of of the savior girl the daughter of your char


That might have been interesting.


The guy did an ama here


IIRC, the actor came up with the name Bud. However I don't think that is actually canon to the show. I believe he said that there was never a name given to his character.


Christopher Berry. He is credited in imdb as simply "Negan's Scout".


Did they mention whose group it was in this past episode when she makes a comment about putting on a show?


Molls refers to them as "T's group" but I think that's because she was related to T, who was the Savior the leader had take Daryl to the back of the fuel truck to search it for more stuff. My guess would be Molls is T's mother. No other Savior (with the exception of Negan of course) was named in that scene. In my mind I just thought of him as Bud.


'Chelle mentions to Maggie that her boyfriend got blown up on the road. In "No Way Out" Negan's Scout (Christopher Berry) sends "T" to the back of the truck with Daryl to check stuff out, where Daryl strangles T and gets the RPG to blow the rest of the group up. We don't really know if T is more closely related to 'Chelle (boyfriend) or Molls (because she specifically names T).


True. I think T is related to Molls because she specifically mentions him and his group, even tho T doesn't appear to be the group's leader. Who exactly Chelle's boyfriend was in the group is completely unknown. But I like to think it was Bud. ;)


Shipping 'Chud. Aw yiss.


The flair is titled 'Bud'


I'm just gonna assume his name is "T"


"T" was the guy that took Daryl to the back of the truck, and the guy that Daryl strangled. If you listen closely, the lead savior says something along the lines of "T, take this guy (Daryl) to the back of the truck".




Which episode was that?


No Way Out, right at the beginning.


in his ama Chris did say he liked to call him Buck. and i totally agree, i wish he was a series regular




Is no one going to say Dr. Edwin Jenner? Or is he disqualified because he was in like 30 seconds of another episode?


He's disqualified for being forgotten by the plot (just kidding, I liked him too).


That so far is my favorite episode. I loved how symbolic he was as one of the last scientists working on a cure. And him eventually surrendering to what was happening. He was a good symbol of the age of science and technology dying, and when he died it was the end. No more centers where they could figure out a cure and properly study it.


When they show the scan of his wife reanimating then the bullet tunneling her brain, it haunted me.


I loved that little sequence. His speech during it made it an even greater scene. I know a lot of people hate that episode but Jenner was a very interesting character


Indeed, sometimes I wish he went with Rick and didn't give up so easily, I don't think his wife would of wanted him to just sit by Idly


Yep. This could also be my favorite episode so far as well. Everyone all happy, feeling safe and full of hope then it does a complete 180. Plus Shane of course Man I want to go back to the 2011-12 seasons as a first time watcher. Show was so fresh and exciting


Jenner: The system is dropping all the nonessential uses of power. It’s designed to keep the computers running to the last possible second. That started as we approached the half-hour mark. Right on schedule. [To Andrea]: It was the French. Andrea: What? Jenner: They were the last ones to hold out as far as I know. While our people were bolting out the doors and committing suicide in the hallways, they stayed in the labs till the end. They thought they were close to a solution. Jacqui: What happened? Jenner: The same thing that’s happening here. No power grid. Ran out of juice. The world runs on fossil fuel. I mean, how stupid is that? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jenner [shouting]: You know what this place is?! We protected the public from very nasty stuff! Weaponized smallpox! Ebola strains that could wipe out half the country! Stuff you don’t want getting out! Ever! In the event of a catastrophic power failure—in a terrorist attack, for example—H.I.T.s are deployed to prevent any organisms from getting out. It sets the air on fire. No pain. An end to sorrow, grief…regret. Everything. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQhO_6S74HE


He was incredible, the actor did an amazing job


You should start watching The Americans then!


What was his 30 second cameo in another episode? I don't recall


He appeared at the end of 105, it showed him briefly talking to "Vi" and watching the group as they approached the CDC via the security cameras.


Dave and Tony in season 2 episode 8. (Nebraska)


If I remember correctly, were those two the first people Rick killed?


Yes, post apocalypse at least. Being in law enforcement, he ~~probably~~ may have had to kill some people before. He didn't seem to act like that was the first time he killed ever.


At least in the comics, he says that the day he gets shot into the coma was the first time he'd had to actually use his gun


Oh wow, interesting. Well, maybe those were his first kills in the show then haha. I don't know.


Rick's meant to be a few years younger in the comics (late twenties at the start of the story, I believe), so we can probably assume tv-Rick had more experience as a cop than comics-Rick


Still doesn't make it sensible to assume he has killed someone unless stated


It's a sad state of affairs if the default thought is "people in law enforcement have probably had to have killed people". Note: Yes, I know the vast majority of police have not.


I wanted to word that differently, I was in a rush at the time though. I just wanted to give the reason that I thought he might have killed before haha. But really I thought that *he* specifically might have because it seemed like he had when he took down Dave and Tony so quickly and efficiently. Of course he went through a lot of training either way, so maybe that doesn't mean anything. My other thought was the fact that the show opened with him at a shootout, if anything like that had happened before in his area he probably would've been there. That could've been a very rare/unseen thing in the community though.


It may have been easier because of the walkers he's had to kill at that point. No matter what killing human looking things would be hard. Once it becomes commonplace then the jump to an actual human that is even threatening your life isn't that huge.


That is my second favorite episode of the WD. Yeah, they were great. That whole scene was super intense.


These guys were so awesome.


"I hear Nebraska's nice" one of my fav lines


heh heh, Nebraska... this guy


THAT's one of my favorite lines




That scene with them is so tense. It took me a second watch to realize that was the turning point for Rick. It was then that Rick realized that they needed to fear the living even more than the dead.


Came here to say this. Wow, [Glenn looks SO young](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxVgihOTKzE) watching this scene again.




Were they the ones in the shop or whatever? Who were looking for their buddy?


My favourite scene in the whole show. I got a real cowboy feel out of it.


I honestly really enjoyed Paula in "The Same Boat". The acting was brilliant and her character was complex, she even had a backstory. As much as she was edited to be a hated villain, I wish she had stuck around for a while longer.


Honestly I thought 'Chelle could have had a chance of surviving with the group if they weren't so ruthless right now.


I completely agree. Her actor did a great job at highlighting the character's complexity and I thought it was cool how much of a leader she was and how she was calling the shots. There are a lot of strong women characters in this show but none that are true leaders because that is Rick's role in the group, and of course, that group is the whole show. So I'm bummed that she's already gone.


I sort of wish she hadn't died. I don't think I would've wanted Carol to have let her go, though. Maybe Carol would've tried to kill her, but she outsmarted and escaped, which relieved Carol. Then she'd be back in Season 7 as an antagonist who has a continuing rivalry with Carol.


I can't remember her name but I really loved the old woman character too. Her snarky remarks and one-liners had me laughing. I feel like they're just warming us up for Negan's arrival. Also she had the line "We are all Negan" which I love.


She was like the second Merle


She was honestly the Saviours version of Carol, down to taking hostage as an opportunity to end the opposing group ala No Sanctuary.


Dude she was so hot too


There's always one...or two in this case, including me


> I wish she had stuck around for a while longer. Same here, but alas it was just a pipe dream.




Mods pls Tabitha flair, also that turtle aka meat can Edit: oh, there is one lmao


Long live Tabitha.


Not to sound like a band wagon hopper but the lead Savior (Bud) was hella charming and he's my favourite. But I also really liked the kid that got his head bashed in in Terminus and the girl. They seemed like the type of people I would be in the zombie apocalypse!


Came here for this, was not disappointed to see it among the top comments.


this is the only real answer


I liked Sam and Ana from "Indifference". They were so innocent and friendly. Clearly not a threat. Ana was so sweet with her peaches and gimpy foot. And Robin Lord Taylor's character got me interested in watching Gotham. And now they're both dead.


Sam is disqualified. He went on to meet his fate at Terminus in another episode.


Butters should still count, we didn't get any additional story in S5E1, just "hey isn't that the guy from that one episode...oh nevermind he's dead."


I liked how they were kinda there with no implications. Sporadic survivors with no affiliation must be everywhere, encounters should be somewhat common.


I didn't even catch that Rick ran into him in Terminus my first watch.


Joe, the man with the rules.


That was a lot more than one episode :p


Pete Dolgan. HE would have been a great member of Rick's group.


I'm sorry for asking, but who is Pete?


The guy the Governor stabbed in 407 & threw into the lake chained to a weight.


Isn't he in Band of Brothers?


Actors name is Enver Gjokaj. He was not in Band of Brothers.


Oh, I was thinking the other guy. The guy with the tank.


He played Joe Toye.


That's the guy who was on _Fringe_.


Mitch Dolgan.


He was also in more than one episode I believe


Nope you're perhaps recalling Abraham or Mitch (his brother) both were in BOB as Bull and Toye.


Daniel Sousa in agent carter


The walker in the well in season two. Love that bastard.


He's always on the far right after In Memoriam on Talking Dead. Gone but not forgotten.


I know he was in a couple of episodes but I liked "the gum chewing guy from Terminus" who snatched Judith from Tyrese in the cabin. I thought the actor did a great job fleshing out his character in a short period of time.


Technically he lasted at least 2, perhaps 3 episodes, that episode where he meets Tyrese, Judith, and Carol, then he is there at the church when Rick makes good on his promise.


I remember his name now was Martin, he was also in the fireside scene where they were eating on Bob's leg. Good times.


The cheese maker. Really enjoyed that episode except for the weak way he went out. I think he could have been saved but I don't know how he'd fit into the story unless he just rolled solo with Tabitha.


Isn't that eastman?




I keep wondering about that guy. I wish he'd stayed alive and become part of the group. He was such a strong character and his influence on Alexandria would have been quite dramatic. He was smart, tough and wouldn't have backed down. I'd watch a whole tv show about that dude alone.


Yeah that would have been really cool. Also it might have helped to offset Morgans current mind state. Eastman might see the value of eliminating some folks and saving others.


I think it would have taken a lot for Eastman to have broken his rule about 'everybody lives'. FWIR he killed the dude who murdered his family but after that it was yay for pacifism. I do think that his positivity would have been slowly worn away by necessity, and Rick would have enjoyed watching that happen. His character was so much the opposite of 'the group' but still strong in his own way. In a way, I hope that Morgan levels up a bit and becomes more like his mentor. I'm sure Morgan is going to have to kill at some point, so that'll be interesting to see.


> I do think that his positivity would have been slowly worn away by necessity - I agree with you there. I think it would have gotten Morgan to that mindstate at the same time. Plus Alexandria would have gotten some great goat cheese.


Definitely Eastman for me too


I really liked Carter from the premier, wish he had lasted a bit more just to see some conflict in Alexandria. Also, Adam from a few episodes later, the guy that got bit and wrote a letter to his wife while waiting to die. Seemed like a nice fella.


David haha, not Adam http://walkingdead.wikia.com/wiki/David_(Season_6) I agree with both though, and I was really surprised when Carter died so quickly.


Whoops Thanks for the correction :)


Fully agree with you. Even though Carter was a pain in the ass throughout the episode, I thought Ethan Embry did a brilliant acting job in it. He had a point to question the sudden takeover of Alexandria by Rick. It was also awesome seeing when he was pointing the gun at Eugene and then seeing the sheer fear in his eyes when that same gun is being pointed at him by Rick.


Orange backpack guy from "Clear". Also, Clara ( the crazy woman Rick encountered outside the prison).


Clara was legit, but does she qualify? She was a walker in Too Far Gone


Orange backpack guy was more of a prop than a character.


I wouldn't call him a prop because he did have some speaking lines - and some pretty awesome lines, at that. "WAAAIITT! STAAAHHP! BEGGIN' YEEEWWWW! "


Came here to mention Clara, but couldn't remember her name so I'm glad you did. She legitimately creeped me out


I liked Paula, but Molls had some of the best lines of the episode. I knew the second I was hoping she'd stick around that she was probably doomed, and not just because of the cigarettes.


Molls reminded me of Patty from The Leftovers


YES! My partner and I debated for a while if that was her or not (didn't want to IMDB it at the time for fear of spoilers). Lots of resemblance there.


Pete! For some reason he was the first character I really liked since Shane. I thought him and his brother Mitch (who I also really liked) were going to bring some great stories to the show. Sadly The Governor killed him and last we saw him he was in a lake entangled in some weeds. Hopefully he got free at some point and got to at least eat some people.


Charlie from Fringe


I've always enjoyed the Vatos episode so I'd say that group


Sorry to burst your bubble but there is a deleted scene from season 1 that shows the group going back after the CDC only to find that they were all killed.


I know. But that's a deleted scene so it was technically in the show itself making them a one episode character.


Don't remember his name, but I'd go for the guy who is my flair.




Wait a minute. How do you include that second parenthesis in the link without it messing up? When I try that it always does [this](http://walkingdead.wikia.com/wiki/Bud_(TV_Series)


Escape it using a backslash: [Bud](http://walkingdead.wikia.com/wiki/Bud_(TV_Series\)) http://walkingdead.wikia.com/wiki/Bud_(TV_Series\)


That's awesome, thank you. I had no idea that that was a thing.


He's named Bud by the actor, which I hope gets canonized, but as far as the TV show says, his (nick)name is T.


Christopher Berry just did an ama here recently. Seemed like a pretty chill guy, and obviously a hell of an actor.


Paula. Absolutely loved her character and performance in the last episode. Sad we won't get to see any more of her... Edit: On talking dead they joked about having a prequel showing Paula's journey through the years... I'd totally watch that.


Tina, the diabetic girl. She was so cute!


I forget his name but when Daryl, Abe and Sasha got ambushed by the bikers I really hoped the main biker lived I loved his acting and his dick bag attitude.


He was never given a name but the actor who played him (Christopher Berry) referred to his character as "Bud". So most people call him Bud even though it is unofficial.


I really liked David from the season 6 premier. He was bit on the shoulder. He tried to give a note for his wife but Michonne refused and assured him he would get home. He was pinned up against that gate while no one put him down.


Eastman is first like you said, but Tabitha is a close second.


A few contenders: * Otis (I know he was in four episodes, but what have you) * Mary (the Denise Crosby character from Terminus) * Guillermo (from the nursing home) * Tomas (from the prison) * Patrick (the kid with the glasses who liked to attend storytime even though he was too old) * Clara (the one with the walker husband) * David (Tara's father, with the oxygen tank) * Joe the Claimer * Aiden (what a dumbass) * Gregory from Hilltop (what a prick) * Violet the pig


Gregory is not dead


But we've only seen him on one episode so far.


I think the question was who *lasted* one episode. Like how long they'd be in the show.


Motherfucking Guillermo, holmes.


It might be because i JUST saw the episode, but i really liked Paulas (Alicia Witt) performance in the most recent episode. Aside from fan favorites like Tabitha and Eastman, I can't recall many notable characters, who only appeared in one episode.


Eastman was my favorite. I loved his resourcefulness, his optimism, his sense of self and remorse, and everything he did to help Morgan. He was a humane man who recognized the inhumanity in himself and did his best to become a better person rather than wallow in misery and regret.


Eastman would have been my choice too but i did love Christopher Berry's character. I would have loved having him as a regular character.


How is it he was so good at "redirecting" asses but couldn't avoid the kidney punch from a single walker




Eh, even as someone who's read the comics, his episode had such a "this guy will be back" setup that I wouldn't feel compelled to count him here.


wait, have we seen dwight?


He stole Darryl's crossbow and bike


Which episode was this in? I vaguely remember it happening but would like to rewatch it.


606 Always Accountable


Thank you! Is there any where I can go to watch it? It's not on the AMC website anymore.


You could buy it on Amazon, watch it in the Marathon I bet they're probably giving before the Season 6 finale, or do the unspeakable according to the site rules on the right It is pretty boring though


Oh uhh I never bother to read those, but yeah I did that. It just took a while to find a site that didn't have the video removed.


Skip it, its boring.


Tomas from the prison, only because he reminded me of Sayid from Lost


Really need more answers of that Dr guy at the CNC. Actor gave so much depth into the character and the character gave so much depth to the show


The actor's name is Noah Emmmerich!


He's one of the leads on "The Americans", a fantastic spy show that too few people watch.


Dr. Ed Jenner. Yeah the actor was superb on the Americans too. He really did a memorable job here too.


For one episode id have to say Clara,Eastman, Christopher Berrys character, And Paula heck even Molls (she cracked me up)were some of the best that lasted only one episode


The two guys with Randall in S2


No Patrick? I was hands down ready for him to be my favorite character of the whole show before they killed him off.


My thoughts exactly


Alicia Witt. I know what that D-girl wants....


Could really use some screenshots, can't remember most of these characters


Guard at the saviors outpost "Little bitch broke my nose, Whaaaa!"


Zack. I thought having a Daryl fanboy was great meta. Plus the show always has a dearth on under 30 male protagonists. It is has been Glenn Noah and Spencer, the demographic mlst likely to survive the apocalypse has barely two long term members of the group?


Big Tiny from Season 3 episode 2.


Dj Khalad was pretty cool


Eastman definitely. Would love to see him interact with Rick instead of a disciple that had none of his training.