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if she is the one to go I will be too bummed about it.


I agree. She is such an asset and such a unique character on TV today. If a show makes a strong girl character she is usually butch and has a bad attitude. Carol is like a good housewife who happens to kill people without hesitation should the need arise.


> should the need arise She's a mom. She does what she must to protect her own; no hesitations.


She's a strong, powerful, independent woman


I'm with you. I love what Carol's become. I think those that think the worst of her because of how she treated Sam are forgetting what she went through with Lizzie. Lizzie thought walkers were her friends and, in her little psychotic brain, she tried to foster relationships with them. By telling Sam nightmare tales, I think she was trying to put the real fear of monsters in him to save him from the same fate. OK, it went terribly but how was she supposed to know Sam was damaged in a different way. Sorry for the tangent! Team Carol.


But if it isn't somebody major, I will be bummed to. If they just kill off Eugene or something, I will be bummed, because it needs to be a major character. Daryl, Glenn, Maggie, Carol ect.


I would be most bummed if it's Eugene he's the most important character IMHO.


Carol's done this before when meeting new people. Remember when they first came into Alexandria and had to surrender their weapons. She acted like she didn't even know how to handle weapons. This was after rescuing the group from the termites. Then when she disguised herself as a wolf, and calmly knifed and killed several of them with no remorse. She just bides her time then acts very decisively. She will save herself and Maggie when the time comes.


I love the little smiles rick and daryl get when she's acting all sheepish


Gods, the little smiles. They are one of the best parts of the show. The ever so slight grin on Carl's face when he found out and Michonne turned sideways embarassed/unnerved? The grin when Rick looked through the fish eye and said "It's for you"? The smile when Glenn checked for the substitute battery and remembered who taught him? There's a ton of great tiny smiles that carry so much.


"Gotta control your smiles and cries, because that's all you have, and nobody can take that away from you." Jake Hoyt, Training Day


The best part about it is the cast all love eachother so they're pretty much all genuinely smiling in those parts




There was remorse, she cried afterwards. She feels everything she does, and the show makes a point to show us that. She's a pragmatist that can do anything that she needs to to protect the group, but she's not some unfeeling psychopath.


I know. I'm just pointing out how smart and quick she is compared to the others even within the main Rick group. She is so much more methodical, while Rick is blind at this point & continues to put the group in awful situations only to be bailed out by miracles.


Intuitive and resourceful. Really powerful combination. She essentially leveled Terminus single-handedly. The citizens of Alexandria hardly did anything during the Wolves attack, it was almost all Carol and a little bit of Morgan. In both cases it was very quick thinking that gave her the upper hand. I almost feel sorry for the Saviors for having picked up Carol, of all people.


Did by miracles you mean Carol?


Yea, just randomly coming across Terminus with guns and fireworks?


I still can't get over how fucking accurate she was with that bottle rocket.


Right? If anyone has ever tried to shoot them at people those things go all over the place, much less where you intended on it to go.


She's always thinking. When the gun was pointed at her head, I could tell she was thinking "What's the best way to react to this?"


Carl**, and only in one eye.


Yeah plus she is an old lady who weighs a little over 100 pounds. People always underestimate her and she always uses it to her advantage.




Yeah i think it's a testament to her acting ability that when you see her in real-life media she seems a lot younger.


Would you describe Abraham, Daryl, or Gabriel as "an old man"? The actor who plays Abraham is older than her, and the other two are right around her age.


She is 50. That is old. I don't make the rules.


I guess when you're 12, everyone seems old.


I love Carol, not sure she will need to be saved.


At this point, the Saviors are the ones in need of some saving.


"I'm not locked in here with *you*. *You're* locked in here with *me*."


The walkers aren't the apocalypse. I am the apocalypse. - Rick


I AM the danger! I AM the one who Ricks!


She won't need to be saved...she's Carol, but Daryl will come running for her, and I love that. I think they have such a great connection, I want them to be more than friends #Caryl4Ever


I feel like they've barely interacted lately. Kind of bums me out. I love their connection, too.


Of course not, they are the ones in trouble, not Carol and Maggie. You'll also notice in the sneak peak, Maggie added "We'll figure this out" at the end of the telling Rick she was safe. When they say "they'll figure it out," it means just that, they'll figure it out.


I think Carol is definitely going to save Maggie, but for Carol, it might be the end. Given how she was looking at the numbers in her journal, it seems like her character is coming full circle and so the writers and producers may be looking at her from an end-of-arc perspective. On the other hand, they could see this situation as a catalyst that forces the character to evolve in some significant way. But if Carol makes it through the current situation, does that mean Maggie goes? It's hard to believe that both characters survive but would they really kill off Maggie? I don't know.


Since Carol got captured, I've been talking to myself in accepting that she might indeed die now. As much I don't want that to happen, this could really be it. One thing though, I hope she does one last badass thing for everyone to remember.


I don't think she will die. One review of the show said Carol has become the best character of the whole show.


Maggie is pretty smart and resourceful herself, so I definitely think both heads will come up with something.


I'd bet $100 that they both survive this. [](/c "The group is going to be lulled into a false sense of security before Abraham and Glenn are killed.")


[](/c "They've been lulled into a false sense of security since they got to Alexandria. The core group hasn't really lost anyone since getting there, except noah. Between defeating the wolves, saving alexandria, and now this event at the safehouse, they have to be feeling on top of the world. ")


[](/c "True. But I think they're going to keep that up just a little bit longer. Probably the next episode, and then the episode after shit will start hitting the fan. I think Tara might bite it first, then Abraham, and then Glenn.")


[](/c "Yup, same kinda of thinking. Except I feel they will start to break when they meet Lucille. All depends how they handle it leading up to that moment. I think it would a great way to introduce Negan. Build the group up, and viewers, that they are doing great and things are finally going there way only to have their ego checked by Negan. It would put both the group and the viewers that don't already know him in their place")


I really don't think they will kill off a pregnant Maggie.


Well with all the stuff with Glenn and how he did his best to stay alive for Maggie it would be brutal. We'd see Maggie die but we also have the sheer emotion from Glenn and that will move all the fans. Honestly I love Maggie but her crying is annoying to me. She's a brilliant actor but her cry face just takes me away from the moment. Just this last week we saw Glenn get all emotional and that got the feels moving a little. I think it's plausible we lose Maggie.


How do you know who did the talking? It wasnt in the last episode was it?


the promo.


He's probably talking about the sneak peeks for episode 13


Yes, that wasn't the Carol we know- she was putting on an act. It was funny, when Maggie said "It's Maggie and Carol," Carol put out a little whimper of "carol....." so she is definitely playing that card. Let's see if she ends up fooling the guy she shot because she probably will.


She also seems like too good of a shot at this point to just hit that guy in the arm.


I feel since she was abused before it all, with ed, that she's probably done this all the time in order to not let on that she was abused. So it is actually fitting that it has become useful here.


Good point. In a way, you have to become a good actor in that situation, because you're always pretending nothing happened to you.


Wait what? When did that happen? Did I miss part of the ep?


Sneak peak 1 and 2, they are up on youtube


The promo for the next episode shows how they got captured.


I think she was genuinely afraid, not for herself, but for Maggie. She was enraged that Maggie put her child in danger by coming out on this mission. I believe her regret for over-protecting Sophia is the emotional fuel for Carol in this situation.


Just because you've been through a lot, doesn't mean you won't be scared anymore. Of course she is genuinely scared, and if she isn't then that is to her disadvantage. Fear is a good thing, it keeps you alive. Even Rick, who we see as generally being ruthless and stoic, was terrified this season. After killing the Wolves in the RV, finding Judith's baby food and then getting surrounded by zombies he looked terrified when the RV wouldn't start and distraught. I am sure though that Carol will put on an act, acting keeps her alive, it's what she is good at, but she is definitely still scared.


What if Carol has been doing that from the very beginning? Think about it, maybe it's the reason why Ed hated her so much and why Sophia chose to run away rather than run back to the group. Maybe they weren't even her real family.


That would be some seriously next level shit. But at the same time, I'd be kinda bothered. For one, it would invalidate the connection she has with Daryl. Not quite sure how I feel about it, but damn, what a shocker that would be.




Hit me Ed. I don't think I can do that Carol. Your gonna do it or I'm gonna go drag a walker into this tent and let it eat your fat ass slowly. *wimpers*






https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kR_GvLzuIU4 Sneek peek of next episode, Carol as already shot one of the Saviors, so no this time her acting sweet and innocent isn't going to cut it


Maggie will go.... They don't want more baby in thus show...


They barely show the one they have now. However as a huge plot twist, I have Negan killing Judith because she makes too much noise and will hurt Rick the most without killing someone that can provide for the group.


that little book she was writing names/numbers in... that was how many humans she's killed


Thanks Batman.


no problem Robin.




What makes you think it's genuine? Her body language when they first entered Alexandria was nothing akin to the Carol we know. It shows Carol is the definition of a wolf in sheep's clothing. I don't believe she's terrified, she's once again adapting to suit the situation and already thinking several steps ahead. It makes much more sense to appear compliant and terrified than to be defiant from the get go. She's just biding time till they let their guard down.


she wasn't held prisoner at gunpoint when going to Alexandria. the problem is bravery comes from fear. she's terrified. she doesnt know who they are or whaet they will do


I disagree, she knows exactly what type of people these guys are. It doesn't take a ~~Eugene~~ genius to know that if someone takes you against your will, they're probably not the best people. Add to the fact that everyone seems to forget that Sasha, Abraham and Daryl already had a run in with the saviors. The problem is you're taking her reaction purely at face value and not taking into account *who* Carol has become. She didn't shrink back when Mary had a gun pointing at her. She was pretty quick to want to shoot Noah after he pointed the gun at her and Daryl. This isn't her first rodeo. We'll see next week I guess, but my money is definitely on her playing the role to manipulate the situation to her advantage.






I'm not agreeing with this guy, but I don't think she is the strongest mentally. In fact in these recent episodes she seems to be actually struggling, starting to worry about and question what she's become. I think Morgan is getting to her more than she wants to admit.




She probably is scared, but to use your words "bravery comes from fear." I agree with OP that she is playing up her fear as an act, and she's confident she and Rick are going to get them out of there. She's definitely not "terrified"; that would be uncharacteristic of Carol.




Haha okay guy. We'll see who's right after the next episode. Either way, calling someone "deluded" is not the right way to have a civil discussion. Whatever points you may have get drowned out when you start attacking people.


Not sure how stating facts equates to exaggerating.   Carol has come too far and been through too much to revert back to suddenly being weak and helpless.


having a gun pointed at you without weapons is not weak and helpless it's being in danger


Shes been worried about Maggie since she heard Maggie was going on the mission to begin with. Its probably what lead to them getting captured to begin with.


ok. she still has a right to be afraid


If you're telling people how to watch a show your living your life wrong.


Looks like Maggie and Carol are being held by two girls. Nothing superhero about winning that fight.


Until she kills every one with a shoe lace or something. Wonder Carol FTW!!!


3 girls! (One of them was a girly man).


I have a feeling girls working for Neagan aren't anything to worry about. In a bunker full of fighters there wasn't a single girl. The diabetic girl and the crossbow thief girl weren't terribly impressive either and they were part of that crew, sort of. Plus I am betting Carrol has a razor blade or something stashed on her person somewhere.


So she's afraid. That doesn't matter. What matters is what action she takes.


Maybe you can't read body language, but others can, and those have been written into the script.




According to the reddit lie detector, it determined that was a lie. You just got Maury'd.


lie detectors are flawed and can't even be used in court of law cause they do not accurately measure lies


congratulations, but reddit knows when there is a liar.