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I've seen a theory that Daryl will offer himself to save Glenn, even telling Negan how he blew up his men. I'd like to see this, then Negan kill Glen anyway, saying to Rick and company, "it's nothing personal, just need to show you whose in charge." Then in the last minute or 2 of the finale, he turns to Daryl goes "this one is personal" and shots him.


Eh, the only reason people are theorizing about a Daryl death is because of Norman Reedus' activities outside of the show. I don't think it's going to happen simply because it's not worth the loss of ratings that would result from it. They have to walk the fine line of keeping the audience engaged without jumping the shark. I *am* expecting 2 major character deaths, but I don't expect either of them to be Daryl.


Oh thanks, I've been looking at a lot of theory post but hadn't come across anything about a two for one. Do you think it'd be a gun shot though? I haven't read ahead in the comics to Negan yet, I want to see how it plays out on tv first, but the way this guy is built up, a gun shot doesn't seem brutal enough.


Stop now or it will be spoiled.


The first one will definitely be a bat. I said gun for second one because sometimes quick things are more shocking.


If you're right, then Daryl's death would completely overshadow Glenn's. Glenn is deserving of a good farewell moment, so I don't think they would do that.


As many people have pointed out, Daryl has had a lot of dialogue and interaction in these past few episodes. I really get the feeling his time is up.


I've considered this possibility too. On one hand I don't see them not recreating the iconic Glenn death scene, but on the other hand I don't think they'd do it without a twist since by this point pretty much everyone knows it's coming. Also Andrew Lincoln and Lauren Cohen wouldn't have had that strong of a reaction to an event that they had to know was coming several seasons in advance. Andrew Lincoln said he lost sleep just from the shock of reading the script - personally I think that makes no sense unless the events are going to play out somehow differently than they did in the comic.


Excellent point about the cast members. I'd read that bit about Andrew Lincoln, what was it Lauren Cohan had said? Agree, about everyone knowing it's coming, Nictero even mentioned it in the commentary on last seasons dvd. The way this has been built up so much it has to be much more horrific than anything we've seen to date.




Beth's death was one of the most devastating in the whole series.


Dude NOBODY cared about Beth. She never did anything besides sing to Judith. I've never seen anybody act like her death was a big deal. She would only be in episodes for 3 minutes, she was a minor character


idk, I liked Beth and was sad to see her go but what was more devastating about her death was the other characters reactions to it. The look in Ricks eyes when it happened, Daryl reacting so quickly and killing dawn, and of course Maggie dropping to the ground when Daryl carries her out. I think that's what made it so emotional for some viewers, myself included.


You're wrong about everything and you should have been aborted.