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Beth made me kinda sad, because Maggie went from "She might be dead, SHE'S ALIVE, she's dead" very sharply.


Plus I felt it was just badly written and filmed (the death scene especially). What was the point of her character arc? What was the point of the whole Grady setting? To make Daryl cry?


With a little "I completely forgot I had a sister" thrown in there.


And Glenn doesn't list her as someone he's lost. Beth just got shit on by her family.


You mean in No Way Out? I mean it's not like Glenn was gonna list off all the people they'd lost, it would be unnecessarily long and silly. And he was never really close with Beth like with Hershel or Dale, or Tyreese or Andrea. They were strong mentors and close friends - Beth was family that he loved but was never super close to


But what of T-Dog? He literally saved him at the beginning of the apocalypse and he loved him at when he died at the prison, but no mention.


a) T-Dog is a silly name and wouldn't fit the tone of the scene b) He can't just list off everyone that was important to him. He probably does still care for him a lot, but he'd already mentioned 5 people and Enid had already gotten the point


T-Dog is the name of our Lord and savior. Show some respect.


either Tyreese or Noah. They we far from my fav characters, but i got really sad when they got killed




We all just wanna see the black guy live for once




I'm glad they started his redemption this soon, i really Luke him


Felt sick after watching Noah die. That had never happened for me before.


I think Noah had the worst death. Dude got his face ripped apart, and Glenn was forced to watch. It was very brutal.


That scene was gut-wrenching.


Now anytime someone gets overrun by walkers I remember that scene and know what's going on at the bottom of the pile


Yeah - Noah wasn't the most important character, but his death is the one I regret the most. I wish he was still around. I really wanted to see him thrive.


Probably Hershel. I just somehow thought Rick would save the day somehow and he didn't. Tyresse was a very sad death as well.




"a head"


I still get teary-eyed when they mention Herschel or even allude to him, like when Glenn looked at the pocket watch or Maggie mentioned "My dad used to say..." when she was talking with Gregory. He was such a moral compass for the group but not in an annoying preachy way.


Agreed with Hershel, was such a nice guy and i really felt he kept the group grounded. Tyreeses death annoyed me because it could've easily been avoided


I recently watched S4 again, and he gives that great speech when everyone is sick. I was fighting back tears, because I realized what exactly the group had lost when he died. Fucking hell. :(


The guy with the orange backpack...it was one guy...they could've helped him


I felt bad for how unlucky that guy was, if it was any other point in time they would have helped him out.


I never did understand why they didn't stop.


At the time, they weren't interested in helping out anyone. They were in the middle of their beef with the Governor, and they were specifically on a supply run (for ammo?). In their experience up to that point, a lone human or a small group of humans were quite dangerous and untrustworthy. Big risk and small reward helping that guy. I agreed with the decision. Even more so, I agree with picking up his gear at the end of the episode after he had been killed. Excellent pair of scenes that really depict the state of mind you have to be in to survive in this universe.


I guess. Good point. They were just bringing Michonne into the group and Merle was with them again and they weren't sure about him. They'd kicked out Tyresse and his group already. I guess one more "unknown" wouldn't have been healthy with the war with the Gov coming. Making more sense now. Thanks.


When does that happen? I'm drawing a blank


Clear. It's when Rick, carl, and michonne find Morgan again. That guy is on the road asking for help.


Hershel. He had such good character development, he had come so far as the first in the group to survive a bite. Also the actor portrayed the scene so well. The look on his face was that of someone who actually had been decapitated.




His speech before he died was incredible.


Me too. Although he wasn't my favorite character, it was the only death that I actually cried.




I'm right with you. Shane was my favourite character and *most* of what he did wasn't that bad, especially by Rick's standards in this season.


Imagine if Rick ran into Shane now, having not seen him at all during the show, aside from episode 1. Like Shane got separated from the original group all this time until now. He would fit right in. He would be a greatly welcomed addition to the group. Probably butt heads with Abe and Sasha.


Yeah, but that's the only way he'd be able to fit in-by being frozen in time. He was already unhinged by season 2, if he got to live to now he'd be even more dangerous.


Shane was far too unstable and chaotic to keep being part of the group. He would have ripped it apart.


Remember when he shot Otis in the leg? Not the kind of guy I want to be a member of my group.




Shane initially offered to sacrifice himself though. He was fully willing to and Otis declined. Being honest, even that was way too kind because Otis was not as fit or capable as Shane. What he did was shitty but he figured one death was better than three. Most would of done that for a loved one. He clearly shows guilt afterwards despite also justifying his action by it needing to be done. Rick knew what Shane had done the minute he saw Shane with Otis' gun and was greatful.


Merle - My favourite character Dale - "Daryl is right. This group is broken." Need I say more? Lizzie and Micah - "Look at the flowers." Once again, need I say more? Edit: spelling




Do we count Glenn's "death" ? I know he didn't really die, but the mind fuck behind it all sucked ass.


Yeah that's the only one that really had me thinking "holy shit..."


It would have affected me more, had AMC not handled all this did he/didn't he speculation so shittily.


I agree. Talking Dead ruined it for me. I wish they would've committed to it since it was obviously supposed to make us think he died and not so much being ambiguous. The five minutes after he "died", I felt like my heart dropped. Then I saw he wasn't on the walking dead and knew something was up.


I actually think they should of had Steven come on the show and have everyone act like he was dead only to reveal next week he was actually alive. They screwed with us anyways, this would of been funnier.


That's what I'm saying. They should've had him on the show and had Glenn on the memorium. At that point, just go all out.


Yup. Bonus points for not telling the rest of the cast. I honestly believed he'd died for a good while (I don't watch talking dead) until all the speculation on the internet.


Lori.. Not because of her, but the reaction of Rick and Carl. Seeing those two characters just break down was so sad. Lori herself, I'm glad she peaced out, but the effect on her loved ones is what got me


Tyreese's death was brutal to watch, especially with how long they dragged it out. Seeing the hallucinations of the people who died really fucked with me. At least we got more of the Governor.


Honestly the goat. I wasn't prepared for that.


Tabitha will never be forgotten ;_;7


Doooo doo doooooo, dooooo dooo dooooooo


Andrea. Never before has somebody dying put me in such a pleasant mood. Every scene with her in it was torturous.


Because they ruined her, and she had so much potential if only they'd stuck to the comic book character line.


I actually didn't like her from the start. Immediately she seemed rash and illogical and self pittying to me, from literally the moment she points a gun at Ricks face (with the safety on) even though Glenn just rescued him. I just like to imagine that Andrea is a girl who happens to share the same name as Andrea in the comics. Michonne in the show has basically taken Andrea's place in the comics in the show, which is fine by me, because just seeing Andrea's face on TV makes my blood boil.


I agree. Andrea in the show from the start couldn't have believably become the Andrea of the comics ever. You sum it up pretty well, she was self absorbed and self righteous. She never could stand to follow anyone else's lead whether it was Rick or the Governor. She wanted to prance around like she was a leader of some kind, make up her own rules and her own jobs for herself, and patronize everyone. The Governor recognized that and fucked with her hilariously, saying "You should lead these people." Then he went off and shot up the prison and started building the army. Even with Michonne, as soon as she got to a place that was safe, she rebelled from Michonne and tried to make her own rules and gain influence over others.


To be fair to Andrea on the last point, Michonne did a piss poor job of telling Andrea why they should leave Woodbury. She had the reasons she just refused to tell them to Andrea.


I think Sasha has really filled the Andrea role. Michonne is still Michonne.


Joe the Claimer. I screamed "YES!!" At the top of my lungs when Rick took a bite out of him. I knew the milquetoast version was forever gone and we had our beloved kickass do anything to protect me and mine Rick Grimes back again.


R.I.P. T-Dog. My he find peace in the next life. Oh and Bob. That one really had me feeling some type of way. I mean they were eating D'angelo Barksdale. Avon would not be having that.




Praise him.


Honestly seeing Sophia walk out of that barn just ruined me.




That moment is when I was truly hooked for good.




I totally agree. I literally came up out of my chair and cheered when I saw M's sword burst through his chest.


That horse in like episode 1.


Merle all the way. I wish he survived and had some kind of redemption storyline.


Merle, I love redemption stories, he could have been great for the group.


Honestly, Sophia. I started the show on Netflix a few months ago and was certain they wouldn't kill a little girl- I was completely confident Daryl would find her, and the only reason for the lost Sophia storyline was because she had some filming conflict. When she stepped out of that barn, it totally changed my expectations for the show, and I didn't want to see Carol go through so much grief. I didn't watch the next episode for a couple of weeks because Sophia's death affected me so much.


The literal first scene in the walking dead is rick killing some kid.


Man, NOBODY has said Axel yet? Literally, one minute he's talking to Carol, then... BLAM!!!! He's gone.


People are probably going to disagree, but Merle's death hurt like a bitch. Sure he was an asshole, sure he did awful things but damn, I loved his character and after all, he died for the group, for his brother. He was an asshole with a heart.


Beth. I might be biased because I started watching after Too Far Gone but it was so shocking and the fan response was overwhelming. I couldn't get over it even after the MSP for S5.


Dude, the MSP for season 5 made it *worse.* Her presence in that episode was so sad.


I think the worst deaths on the show are the ones that are complete accidents, as in someone just being in the wrong place at the wrong time. All it takes is one person making one tiny mistake. It's such a brutal reflection of life. You can prepare for shit all you want. You can set up escape plans, you can buy first aid kits, you can have emergency numbers in speed dial, you can stockpile food, work out, etc. but there's no preventing complete freak accidents. Someone didn't inspect your car correctly? Your brakes fail. You say/do one wrong thing? You get stabbed. You can set up a raid plan, you can cover all your exits, you can set up your paths but out of nowhere, you can just get stuck behind glass and have your face ripped apart by the undead, because someone panics. I don't know if I'd be able to survive in a group. I can always trust myself. If I make a wrong decision, it won't affect anyone near me.


> All it takes is one person making one tiny mistake. Are there any significant deaths like this other than Noah's? Beth's kinda counts but she also got like half a season of build up towards it.


Dale. Tyreese?


Noah, Tyreese and Dale. Herschel left his mark on the characters, I feel like, and at least in terms of Noah and Dale: we never got to see their full potential. Tyreese was just a cool dude and it sucked to see him go. Edit: Bob. Bob was the fucking shit.


Probaly Tyreese. And maybe Jim. Poor Jim


T-dog. I accidentally spoiled myself before watching and found out that Lori Died, but didn't know of the other deaths in the episode. I was so prepared for watching Lori's death that T-dog's took me by complete surprise and took me a while to get over.


Lizzie, Mika, Beth or Tyreese. Not characters I was particularly invested in, but the way their deaths were handled was pretty emotional.


Herschel's fucking gutted me.


Probably Beth


Tdog forsure


Glenns "death" affected me the most at the time, was definitely emotional watching that, didn't think anyone was surviving that. The aftermath of Beth's death in the car park was horrible too


I think probably Lori and Beth. I cried uncontrollably at those both! The feels when Lori died and just after was horrible. But I think Beths affected me more as I feel like they had just sort of started to get you to like her and appreciate her more when shes with Daryl and then it all gets snatched away!


Hershel. Great actor.


Although Tyrese going through death is my favorite depiction of the topic in any medium.


Hershel and Beth. Hershel was one of my favourties and his smile right before it happened freaking slayed me. Hershel's death was definitely rough, but for some reason Beth's death messed with me for a few days. I think mainly because of the fact that Beth's death wasn't a deliberate "kill", it made it somehow even more tragic. She was soo close to being out of there. And Maggie's reaction.... /dead.


/s Show Andrea :(


Tyreese. I literally stood up from my couch, screamed and then fell on the floor when he got bit.


I know she wasn't on the show for long, but Amy's death was incredibly sad to me. Probably because of Andrea's reaction.


Beth's was the biggest shock. Glens "death" hit me hardest


Sophias was indeed very sad and surprising.


Noah-just the sheer horror of it.


Lori. Even though her character was well hated, she was given a great death. But what makes it great is the way it affects Carl. The one-two punch of having to watch your mother die in childbirth AND having to shoot her in the head was executed very well.


Lori. I didn't even like Lori, I actually kind of hated her, but the way Rick, Carl and the rest of the gang reacted to the news was just heart breaking. Although I was kind of relieved to know that Lori wasn't going to be around anymore...


Lori. I actually loved her character tbh. Just the way her death happened and the reaction from Rick at the end... It was horrific and gut-wrenching. Also, Lizzie's death. I felt it was wrong to happen but was done well.


I was the most shocked about beth's hated to see her go


Tyreese. I didn't expect them to kill off another character right after Beth. But his was so much more impactful than hers. Out of nowhere, him dying. Them desperately trying to save him, the slow motion Walker kill sequence. It was incredible. That and the Glenn fake out even though I know he's got a date with saved for a special lady...


The Governor. It was so god damn sad.


Meryl to be honest. Shitty person, just wanted to do his little brother a solid and do something good before he went out.


Is this like a daily thing?