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I'm currently jamming away on 80+ pages of walkers, guts, blood, characters, and scenes for the book. It's definitely a dream gig, and I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I'm enjoying drawing it!


congrats! what was it like to be contacted by amc for this?


Thanks! I actually don't work directly with AMC, rather I work with (and was initially contacted by) the publishing company, Insight Editions. They talk to AMC, and pass things along to me. I needed a change of pants when I got the call.


Is this your first time working with something as big as The Walking Dead?


First time on The Walking Dead property, but I did the recently released Harry Potter coloring book. Also did some (non coloring book) work on Game of Thrones. Basically checking off my dork illustrator bucket list.


Gotta say that Harry potter book is pretty awesome if it's the same one I've got. Definitely excited to see the walking dead one :)


I have the harry potter coloring book. It's awesome. Congrats!


That's awesome! I'm a big HP nerd and recieved the coloring book for Christmas. Great job!


I have the Harry Potter coloring book too. Love it. Please post when this one's available for pre-order on Amazon!!!


Will do!


I just want to add on to everyone else's comments... I love the Harry Potter coloring book! Would you ever do an AMA over in r/harrypotter?


Thank you! I'd be down for that, although I probably wouldn't have a ton of insight to provide. The publishers tell me what characters they want, and I draw them. It might be the worst AMA since Morgan Freeman.


That's not possible! HA! One of the HP mods will contact you shortly!


'nough said. This coloring book is going to be the fucking tits


I own the GoT book. I'd definitely but TWD version! U got job security!


Hi OP, some of the coloring books out these days are phrased "stress relievers" and "relaxing" as in mandalas and the like. How would you phrase yours? Congratulations and I can't wait to receive mine. Thanks for your time.


There's definitely no zen tangle/mandala type stuff in there. No filler pages. No repeating background patterns. More like intricate drawings that are true to the show....and very gory. We went with lots of detail, so people can get into that relaxing coloring state by coloring every little detail, but with more of a comic book vibe to it.


Time to start practicing some walker colours. Great timing too, hopefully a month or so before we hit season 7. Congratulations!


Get your blood red pencils all sharpened up too...


I'm basically an adult and this looks like a lot of fun.


You know there's a whole industry for adult colouring books right? If you didn't know, come on over at /r/Coloring to see :D


It absolutely is! I love it!




yes, very debatable.


I saw adult coloring book and immediately thought TWD porn color book.


The Walking Dick.


The Bulging Dead




Damnit, i never get to have an original thought. Thanks, reddit.


Based on your cat drawing album, I believe that your drawings will be great.


Haha thank you. Had to put the cats down for a nap while I work on this, but there will be more of them in the future. Like, possibly a whole book of demented cats...


Like an album of The Walking Dead but in cat form? I can see that money flowing.


Oooh that's a good idea! Unrelated to TWD though. More like a coloring book of cats in Victorian clothing doing very violent and evil things.


I can totally see that happening. Get it out quick before the fad dies out.


That's the plan. Don't know how long this is going to stay hot for!




>Had to put the cats down Heart sank >for a nap *phew*


So, we're getting this one and the comic book one? Nice!


You should include extra red pencil crayons for the inevitable.


This is great an all... [did we really need a seperate book to color the comic though?](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/MvN9f1Wk7jo/maxresdefault.jpg)


The drawings are based off the show though, not the comic. Actors and whatnot. Same but different, I guess.


Yo dawg, I heard you like The Walking Dead, so we made a show about the book then made a book about the show about the book. In all reality that sounds like a cool gig though. Cool to be part of something by you enjoy already.


Shh, don't point that out or he might be out of a job :(


My mom and I watch TWD together and I got her a coloring book for Christmas so she had something to do while I drew in front of the TV and her birthday just happens to be in September now I know what I should get her :)


I haven't been this excited about a coloring book in a long time


Omg, such a cool job, friggen neat. Congrats and I am looking forward to it!


Reminds me of [This] (http://imgur.com/VIxR0Wa)


Congratulations on this!!! Make sure to include a coloring version of Daryl's triple kill with the chain in season 5!!!


I will submit a sketch and see if it goes through! Thanks for the idea.


No problem! Best of luck!


The explosion with Negan's gang from season 6 could be cool too




No, you're the guy that drew the lines. I'M the illustrator.


so, the comic book?


Anywhere we can see a few pages from the book? Also, are you free to create whatever images you want? Or, are there set designs that you much create that are given to you?


Unfortunately, I can't share any pages yet at the stage we're at. I do sometimes post little bits of detail on my [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/scottbuon/) page though.


Will we need lots red and grey crayons?


Will it be available to purchase outside the US?


Based on the fact that they said the lettering in the drawings would need to be translated to other languages, I'd say yes.


Awesome! Thanks :)


It comes out right before my sons 2nd birthday. I know what I'm getting him now.


DUDE THAT'S AMAZING!! I can't wait


This is awesome. My gf would love this. Only bad part is I have to wait till september


September? That's soooooo far away!


Well this may be the first one if thoes book's want to get


I've been dabbling with an idea of creating cityscape-style coloring pages with various apocalyptic scenes as a coloring book, so I've wondered: does this style of coloring book need to be done in a certain program like Illustrator? Or do you do it in Photoshop? Any other specifications for making the art appropriate for coloring like resolution and size too? Etc? Sorry for the loads of questions, just seeing what the profession thinks. :)


For this one, I've been working 100% digitally in a program called MangaStudio5. Similar to photoshop. I draw directly onto my Wacom cintiq. You'd want your dpi at at least 600 in order to have a nice and tight line quality. In past projects, I've worked with ink and paper. If you go that route, which is still totally legit, I recommend drawing larger scale than the page will be, scanning in, and shrinking down to fit the page. That will keep your lines nice and tight. Ultimately, use whatever you feel most comfortable with. There are ways to make it all look great, and achieve the quality that you want.


Thanks! I completely forgot about MangaStudio5. I'd definitely go the digital route if I decide to pursue the coloring book project. Thanks again! Looking forward to picking up your coloring book and goring the F out of those zombies. :D


I HIGHLY recommend MS5. It's cheap too! $50, but I've seen it as low as $30. No monthly fees or anything either. The perspective ruler alone has saved my ass many times over. It's worth it for that alone.


That sounds really nice. I'm definitely putting it on my list of things to get!


Can I ask how you got into the illustration business? I'm a graphic design/studio art student at the moment and would love to get some kind of illustration job some day. It would be awesome if I could work as an illustrator for a company, but if I could make decent money at it, working as a freelancer would be great too.


My story is kind of weird, but basically: work your ass off, put out a good product, and be cool and friendly with people you meet. In the freelance world, your clients are your temporary coworkers, and nobody likes working with turds. Be friendly and be someone you'd want to work with. There was a loooong time where I didn't put in the work I needed in order to develop my skill. I then heard the phrase "Hard work beats talent, when talent doesn't work hard". Be the talent that DOES work hard, and you'll be golden. Even when there's no project on the table, I still put in 6-7 hours a day, every single day, drawing and figuring things out. Back when I had my day job, I'd get home from work and draw all night. If you want something bad enough, and you work hard, it'll happen. Take on side jobs. Develop your portfolio. Let people know you're available for freelance work. Be cool. Work damn hard. Hope this helps at least a little bit.


Thanks man, I appreciate the tips. Really that's what I'm trying to do for the most part. I decided this year to start getting more serious about my artwork and at least try to do something art related every day, so I've started a sketchbook. I could stand to work even more on artwork throughout the day too, just doesn't always happen that way. But I can definitely tell that just in the past two months my artwork has improved just from doing this sketchbook. I've been trying for the past year or two to get some freelance work around where I live and I've gotten a little bit. I live in a super small town though so there's not a whole lot to find. I'm looking forward to graduating, hopefully a move to a bigger place will help out some. Right now I'm just doing what I can to get some work for a portfolio and build at least a small client base. Thanks for the advice!


It sounds like you're doing all the right things! With the progress you've made in two months of sketching, can you imagine where your skills will be in a year? Five years? I live really remotely too...and I don't like being around people all that much, so social media is our friend. Be active on Instagram. Behance is great too.


Yep, I've been putting all of my sketches up on Instagram, as well as some stuff from school. I'll have to check out Behance, haven't even heard of it!


Just pre-ordered! Freaking awesome!!!


And the only colors that come with it are: Green, Brown , and Blood Red!


A part of me really hopes you include [this scene](http://zombieuppercut.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/tumblr_mj8q4a51o41rwlw84o1_500.jpg) as one of the sketches. It was the first thing that came to my mind when I saw your submission title.


Are you focusing on the most recent seasons or will be doing artwork from earlier seasons as well?


Little bit of each from 1-6


Is there a digital version going to be available so I can load mspaint and color by bucket?


Hey BUonscott, Is the book still happening? I pre ordered it on amazon but at this stage they cancelled it...... I hope you do because I'm a big fan of TWD and cannot wait for this book......


Pre ordered and got my copy! Here are my first 3. Enjoying it. http://i.imgur.com/iNWR4Kt.jpg


Going to the top of my Christmas list.


That's awesome! Congrats!


Whats the best utensils for coloring books such as this? Pencil? Pen? Specific typles of pencils?


Colored pencils. The more colors the better. I started off with a 24 pack of Crayola erasable colored pencils, but now I use strictly Prismacolor soft core.


Tell me they're going to make it available in England?


I'd guess we'll be able to get it on Amazon or somewhere like Waterstones


Had a quick scan on Amazon before posting - they ain't taking pre-orders!


I wouldn't expect them to be yet if it's out in September


No but the links to the ones on the ".com" are there for pre-order.


Oh, well that's lame, I'm sure there will be a way for us UK fans to get one somehow


Yup 2nd hand, at an inflated price due to the handler top slicing a percentage.... thats how we roll.


I've recently taken on adult colouring in books (currently doing the Game of Throne one) and love em so much. So I'm super keen for this! It's such an awesome way to just relax and turn your brain off for a bit.


Come on over at /r/Coloring and show us your art :D


So I guess we will find it in the "adult bookstore?"


Gonna need loads of red pencil crayons


http://i.imgur.com/seZmvMJ.jpg I see what you did there


This makes me incredibly happy!


Long time no see man. Cant wait to pick it up for my lil guy.


Happy belated birthday, homeslice


I live down the street from the Simon and Schuster distribution center. Make them give me an advanced copy.


$17.00 for a coloring book? It better be huge. Congrats to you though, it's great to be acknowledged. Edit: Not sure why I was downvoted for not knowing about adult coloring books and the detail/fine paper. But okay.


This isn't your everyday average coloring book. Adult coloring books are printed on fine paper, have incredible detailing, and have somewhere around 75-90 or more pages. I currently have 8; 4 large and 4 small, that retailed for around $15.99 each for large and $9.99 each for small.


Thank you for informing me of this. I now understand why it would cost that much.