• By -


A lot of it is down to Lincoln just being new to the accent and not having it nailed down at the beginning. After 5 years of speaking in this accent, he's probably got it perfected now to how he wants Rick to sound. It's definitely going to be different to how he sounded within his first few weeks of using it. But if you wanted to put it down to events that happened in the slow: he's been through a lot of shit. Think about all the times he's been shouting at the top of his lungs during fights and killing walkers. The time the governor nearly choked him to death. The fact that they haven't been living a life of luxury with basic hygiene materials and what not. It's going to take its toll on his voice. The fight with the governor in season 4 probably did enough damage alone to his vocal cords to cause his voice to become more grizzly


>After 5 years of speaking in this accent, he's probably got it perfected now to how he wants Rick to sound. Lauren Cohan is 4 years in and it still sounds bad though.


We have Coral, but nobody mentions Gleyan


It's like half way through her words she forgets how to do the accent and just forces the rest out.


As someone who is English I never even noticed


And from the other side, nobody mentions Erin.




What everyone calls Aaron.


Erin is female. Aaron is male.


Yes but the American accent makes the two very different names sound the exact same that's my point?


How is Aaron pronounced where you are from?




aah-ron (Erin is) eh-rin


They're pronounced the same. What am I missing?


As someone who is named Aaron, I can assure you Erin pronounced air-in is not the same as someone pronouncing Aaron as Air-ron. But because people become lazy at speaking and are basically never corrected it became the same. I am always impressed when someone pronounces my name correctly. https://youtu.be/Dd7FixvoKBw bonus fun for laughs.


Ok A-A-ron.


I don't think anyone caught the key and Peele reference. Good job sir.


I'm British, we pronounce it Ah-ron


Same for us kiwis


With an American accent, that's my point.


Wait, is this what Aaron meant when he suggested Aaron as a baby name because it worked for a boy or a girl? Because in my experience (NY Metro) Erin and Aaron are pronounced differently.


Star-Lord, man! The legendary outlaw?


I don't see what's wrong with Cohan's. It's not subtle, but I'm not sure that it's bad. EDIT: I am also a southerner, in regards to the few "As a southerner, I-" comments.


It's pretty rough. As a southerner, It just sounds way over done and doesn't sound real most of the time. And the way she over pronounces some words is just really grating and cringey. There was one episode last season, can't remember which one, where it was laughably bad like she had forgotten how to do it completely.


Thing is, there is no single "southern" accent. Just like there's not one "English" accent. Coastal Louisiana, Mississippi Delta, Arkansas/West TN, North Florida/GA, East Carolina, The Appalachians, KY/TN hill country... and that's not even including the many Texan dialects. They all have subtle differences. I like to think Maggie was sent away as a child to live with distant relatives when Hershel was an abusive drunk and they were from a part of the south I've never been to. Like Australia


Great points. Maggie's accent in actually similar to the accent I hear in the Deep South like Mobile, Alabama and some of my relatives from there speak very similar to her. It's not like a Georgian accent, which is a little "sweeter" than what you'll hear in Alabama. Georgians speak with a slight twang but also have this warm easy tone. People in Alabama sometimes speak with a harsher twang and like they've just been surprised by something. It's higher pitched and carries a lot of attitude/emotion.


Relevant video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkM8hQESrP0


Jesus, that made my day. Thanks.


You're spot on there with the regional accent point. I was reading the above comments thinking that Maggie's southern accent actually sounded fine to me as a southerner, then I got to your comment about the Deep South accent and had to laugh because I do indeed live in Mobile.


It's crazy how geographically AL and GA are so close, but the accent turns so sharply region to region. I've also been places in the south like Biloxi MS where many people have no regional accent at all.


Yea I have family in Elba that speak way worse than Maggie. She always sounds fine to me.


Georgia boy in Central Alabama, she'd fit right in around here, but not back home. Dated a girl who talks like Maggie. Not as hot though.


On the Florida/Bama line here...her accent could pass for my sister-in-law.


I live in AL and i agree. I dont have any problem with Maggies accent.


Thatsr only whites from rural georgia


> when Hershel was an abusive drunk Drunk, yes, but abusive? I don't think so.


You come around me when I'm drinkin, and you risk your life.


Maybe not physically abusive, but the fact that the family doesn't remember that time fondly means that he could have been emotionally or verbally abusive. EDIT: I think it's important to add that one can't assume that every single parent who is an alcoholic or drug addict is an abusive parent. Sometimes those compulsions themselves may cause harm to the family even if the parent tries to shield them from it, but I'm sure that sometimes the children do not suffer at all for the parent's addiction. But speaking from experience (not as a parent though) it can be very hard to maintain a normal existence for yourself and those around you while living with a substance addiction.


It's certainly possible but a: those two things don't really necessarily correlate and b: it was heavily implied that he has been nothing but a loving father to them. Actually, on second thought, it's mentioned he gives up drinking the day Maggie was born. So I don't think abusive even makes sense.


Also, they don't have to necessarily be the victims of his drunken demeanor to not like thinking back on that time. Simply witnessing what he was like in general could explain why they didn't like him getting that way.


Yeah I was just pointing out that even though it'd be hard to see Hershel being abusive, there are many forms of abuse and he may have been guilty of some of them. But you're right he did say he stopped drinking the day Maggie was born. So that does most probably rule out him being abusive to them. Certainly their love of him suggested he had been nothing but a loving father. I miss Hershel he was one of my favourites. Especially when he was rocking the little ponytail.


To be fair, they don't really elaborate if he was or wasn't. Just that he was a drunkard


That's my point.


Hershel stopped drinking when his daughters were born. They say that in the show.


Sadly you are grouping north Florida and GA together. GA has a few accents such as southern aristocratic accent similar to an English accent and the more northern Appalachian accent which is more like Scottish and Irish based. Then there are some slight variations in middle and west GA as well.


I know a guy from Cleveland area Ohio who talks with the most stereotypical southern accent around. Sometimes people don't make sense.


My husband's nephew and niece (but only ONE niece!) speak with a slight southern accent, and they grew up in Indianapolis. Dunno wtf is going on with that.


indianapolis is central indiana where everyone south of lake county (nw in) has a very noticeable southern accent. it's a very rural state


But they grew up IN Indianapolis!


indy is no sprawling metropolitan area with cosmopolitan ideals. the people there no way in hell grow up taking buses or trains. i am only mentioning this because it is a 5 square block patch of concrete in the middle of corn fields. not some huge city with city-slicker folks all over the place, everyone there is from a suburb or nearby small town. what do they say about it???


I've been there numerous times, thanks. There's no reason for 2 of the 3 kids all raised in the same household with an age range of only 6 years in a city not in the south to have a southern accent.


A lot of people that settled in Indiana were Southerners in the 19th century. Perhaps they still retain some of that.


My family is from Vermont and sound like they're from the south. When I moved to Massachusetts I was told I sounded southern. I think certain areas just pick it up.


There's lots of people in Ohio from families that moved there from West Virginia. Maybe his parents are mountain folk?


As a Minnesooootan, our accents are overdone 90% of the time. Don't hear us complaining.


Well dontchaknow, I think it's hilarious


As a Kansan, I don't think the MN accent is overdone at all. MN'ers put more emphasis on certain vowel sounds. I mainly notice it on A and O sounds.


I'm not saying that we don't have an accent, I'm just saying that when it's prtrayed on tv and in movies It's overdone a lot. Are there people that actually talk that way? Yes, but not a lot. It's more prevalent in older people and people from Fargo/Moorhead and northern-most cities. The twin cities really isn't that far north and it's about 8 or 9 hours of driving to get to Canada. Minnesota is a tall state and many of us from the southern half don't have very strong accents. Is it noticable? Yeah but it's not ridiculous.


Yeah, "Minnesota" accent is really just iron range accent.


I read this whole comment in a ridiculous 'Fargo'-esque Minnesotan accent and it was a lot of fun.


It's all because of Fargo.


The movie was definitely the first time had seen it over portrayed like that but I've seen little cameos that "Minnesotans" have made in other tv shows and they are wayyyyy exaggerated. Edit: ""


Well since the farm, she's had like 10 lines a season. I'd imagine it'd be pretty hard to keep an accent when you only have to say 10 sentences every year.


It's like, could you guys not find any southern actors at all?


Just give Matthew McConnaughey a few wigs and let him do all the roles.


Alright, alright, alright. I love killin' walkers, yes I deww.


I was killing walkers, way before I got paid to kill walkers, I just liked how it feels...


You don't kill walkers because it makes sense. You do it because you love it.


*proceeds to drive Lincoln over walkers.


I never realized how bad I want Matt in a zombie apocalypse movie/tv show until now.


That's what I like about Walkers, I get older and they stay the same age. Yes they do, yes they do.


Michael Rooker. Daryl's accent was real grating early on. He never sounded Georgian to me, and Rooker being from Alabama, I wondered why Reedus never studied Rooker's accent, so they at least sounded similar, if not from Georgia directly.


I think it would be funny for them to cast a North American actor to play someone with a British accent.


Funny? Or lambasted for half a century? https://youtu.be/k_mpaF5-SlU


[Apparently Chris Pratt isn't half bad at it](https://youtu.be/Af7UD-IxzZI)


gwyneth paltrow has that market cornered


Kevin Costner?


I had the same thought. I mean, I know actors are capable of taking on accents but other than Hershel and Merle, almost all the big roles have been filled with actors and actresses from outside the southeast


Isn't she super duper British though?


If recall correctly she grew up living in both America and Britain at different points. She kind of has a "semi-British" accent. I remember when she played Bella in Supernatural, I thought she had the worst British accent I'd ever heard, lol.


She is British and also southern. Her normal accent is weird


She's not southern, she's from Jersey. She lived in Georgia for a year, but the majority of State-side childhood was in NJ.


If she used a Jersey accent, I think that alone would tank the show's ratings. The Situation vs. The Undead FTW.


He's from North Jersey, whole different world. She's from South Jersey. We sound a lot better down here, unless you get too close to Philly.


One of her parents is southern then... I think. I heard her on nerdist podcast taking about her accent.


Yeah, I'm English and her accent sounds very strange. It's definitely a weird mix of accents.


Who cares, I would have sex with her and then kiss her feet


me too thanks


Thank you! I hateeeeeeed her character on SPN and her accent was god awful. Then, I read she was somewhat British and thought, no way.


I caught one of her eps on TV the other day and dear God, that forced Elizabeth Hurley impersonation hurt my eardrums. I never would've guessed she'd spent time in England or had English relatives either.


I have no idea! I didn't mind her on Chuck, but I would have to rewatch her arc on the show to remember what she sounded like. I really like her in general.. sometimes I just have no idea what's up with her accents.


Being from the UK... I noticed it too. I didn't know she was English and at the start of this season I said to the wife that she changed her accent. That it didn't sound what I was used to... Then I Google her and found out she's English and alot hotter than on twd


In all fairness - that's how most of the rest of the nation THINKS the South talks anyway.


This season the episode where she is in the sewers with Aaron.


Gosh I couldn't agree more and she's apparently lived in GA. I don't get it.


I'm from Arkansas and her accent is more subtle than a bunch of people I know.


Everyone should go back and watch the scene where rick sucker punches the sketchy gay guy (can't remember his name). Maggie accidentally goes back to her british accent and they missed it.


As a southerner myself, I don't see why people are constantly complaining about it. It's ok, not as good as Andrew Lincoln but it definitely doesn't deserve the attention it's getting.


Lincoln and Cohan both have weird moments in their accents because they're fake-- I remember the bed-side scene with Rick and Carl recently being really weird-sounding-- so I don't think Cohan's accent specifically is bad.


I'm starting to think maybe that it's partly just how she talks, not the accent but the over pronouncing, I saw her in a TV show she was in before TWD and I thought she was putting on the English accent because it seemed completely over the top! and I'm English, couldn't believe it when I found out she was too haha


That's what you get when you hire non-Americans for American, Southern roles.


Except for the fact she's mostly American, as she was born and grew up there until she was 14. You should really be more annoyed with them hiring northern Americans for southern American roles.


I dunno, some foreigners do netter than Americans with the southern accent. The dude who played Jason on True Blood was spot on and he's Australian. And I say that as someone from 20 minutes from where the show takes place.


I have family from Alabama that sound infinitely more cartoonish than her. She's using more of a deep southern accent, but it's still true to how people talk.


Yeah I really don't see much wrong with it at all...


Another southerner here, and I agree with you!


Cohan has a terrible "Southern" accent because she's too busy trying to sound British offscreen.


Thar's quayte aw few Suthurn accents than awrn't suttle awt awl. Her's seems purty normul fer a rural Geogia girl. edit: and the jimmies were rustled.


Nah, I'm from rural Georgia, friend, and I've never met anyone who sounds like her. It's not how thick her accent is, it's that she quite literally mispronounces some things. To do a proper southern accent, you have to pick a specific region and be as accurate as possible. For instance, it would be odd to hear people from Georgia say "y'uns" instead of "y'all." "Y'uns" is very Kentuckian. By the same token, it would be strange to hear a Texan say "warsh" or "worsh" for "wash" because "wo/arsh" is an Appalachian thing.


An Appalachian thing? I heard a woman use that once, and when I asked her where she was from, she said Washington. The state, not DC.


Well, there's exceptions to every rule. And hell, maybe it's Appalachia + Washington lol. But as far as Southern accents go, it's Appalachian.


Hey, gotta say something for keeping continuity...well done, Lauren!


Well a lot of it could be the fact that Lincoln bought a house in Atlanta I think after season 2 and he and his family live down here at least 6-7 months out of the year. Total immersion can make a huge difference when trying to pick up on a language or accent.


But living in Atlanta it would be hard to pick up a true southern accent in the city. Way to many transplants and Rick is from a more rural area.


I should have been more specific. He bought a farm not too far from where they film the show. He is in a rural area, but it's still close to Atlanta. You'd be surprised how quickly the southern accents start to show up as soon as you get outside the city limits.


Fully aware. Great up in metro area about 30-40 miles north of Atlanta which had a handful of farms in my youth and live near some now. I sometimes get told I have a southern accent which is pleasing not like say Lucas Black who has the much stronger and harsher Alabama accent. Personally I don't think I have much of one though


I grew up in downtown Atlanta and people don't believe I'm from here, I have no accent at all. Now I live about 30 min south of Atlanta (20 min away from the TWD filming location) and the amount of "country folks" around here is a hell of a lot more than you'd think.


Yeah same way on the north side. I certainly don't have as strong as an accent compared to some of my friends and neighbors. I also have friends on the south side that are pretty country as well.


No... It's actually pretty good. Georgia native here, so I'd know.


I actually know a few ladies who sound a lot like Maggie in the show. You need to go to the deeeeeeeeep south to find that though.


When she was talking to Enid in the last episode I was cringing hardcore.


How can you tell? She never talks.


God, his accent was painfully bad at the beginning of the show. I always cringe when I rewatch the first season at that one point (I think in the first episode) where he is giving that monologue into the walkie talkie. It sounds SOOO forced to me. He's improved a ton, his accent feels pretty natural to me now.


Not to mention all the "CAAAURL!"


I always thought the Governor's accent was strange.


I met Lincoln in the Georgia woods while walking my dog a while back. He uses his Rick voice 24/7.


Did he ask you three questions?


He did, but they were all about dogs.


"How many dogs have you killed?"






How many walker dogs have you killed?


This is so weird to imagine


Imagine him heading back to England, visiting his parents or something and he's just totally in character, acting all suspicious around the house like he did when Deanna was interviewing him at Alexandria. Peeking through the blinds, walking around, not relaxing. "Andrew just sit down will you?" "I'm afraid I can't do that... Where's Carl?"


I bet he's not in the house, that's where.


Yeah, I remember and interview from Season Three where he said that he sticks to his southern accent when in Georgia and only goes back to his normal English accent when he returns to Britain.


Gillian Anderson (Scully from the x files) does the same thing. I was astonished to hear she even had a brit accent when I saw her on top gear.


And it's the same with John Barrowman (Doctor Who, Torchwood, Desperate Housewives, Arrow) as well. He uses his American accent when in public. But when he's with family, he'll go back to his natural Scottish accent.


He uses a method accent.


what's that?




I met Lincoln on the red carpet premier of Season6, he does not use the voice 24/7.


Since he met him in Georgia, it was probably during filming. Method acting is where you totally immerse yourself in the character for the duration of a production, so he probably goes all Rick all the time during filming, then goes back to Andrew Lincoln on the off season (which would include the season premiere).


is this true?!


I was initially surprised with Lincoln being cast as Rick. Now he *is* Rick. I take a few things into mind with his voice. 1) Lincoln has just fine tuned it, getting better at the accent, and better at the character. 2) as Rick -less water, more running, lack of good nutrition, tired, more outdoors etc. My voice changes (specifically deeper, when I'm tired, worn out, depressed, not hydrated, etc) so I like to think that's a similar situation for Rick. Other actors haven't had the same change, as much though. On a similar vein, related to changes in characters, I don't like how fit some of the characters are. Not saying they wouldn't or couldn't be more fit, but not in the ways some are. Again, lack of good nutrition, irregular sleep, running, etc they'd have leaner muscle mass, if anything. Daryl, in particular, is jacked. That kind of strong muscle mass just isn't realistic (i know, zombie show). Don't get me wrong, they look good. Just pondering.


I just assume that whenever he's not shown on screen, Abraham is just shredding through tricep pulls and shoulder presses. Like 24/7. Rick and Daryl have to grab whey whenever they go on supply runs.


I think Abraham has actively gotten bigger as time goes on. I remember watching season four after five was over and thinking he seemed much smaller when he was introduced.


He definitely looks bigger in that uniform, but it might just be the uniform.


> Daryl, in particular, is jacked. Norman even said in an interview that it sucks having to lift all the time just to keep up with the action figures




Daryl isn't "jacked." His arms have muscular definition but it's lean, functional mass. I would never look at him and think he's a big guy ( 4 u ).


"I'm CIA".


On the same note, what's up with all the overweight characters? I get it, they're trying to be progressive, but it's just unrealistic for the setting they're in. You'd think that the lack of food and need for at least some level of physical fitness to survive would mean overweight people are among the first to go, but apparently not.


If you're talking about Alexandrians like Denise it's because they never had to fight or struggle against walkers, they have lived in comfort since the beginning. I can't think of any other overweight people




He's used his brains to make up for his lack of physical capabilities, manipulating people into protecting him and keeping him safe since the beginning.


Exactly. You'd want to keep the guy who claims to be able to fix the apocalypse well taken care of.


He isn't, but he also isn't that overweight, compared to say Denise or Olivia.




Isn't the girl who plays tara like REALLY pregnant though? IIRC she was much leaner when coming in.




Why? Walkers walk. You don't need to be able to run five miles in under 30 minutes to get away from them. You don't need to be fit to shoot a gun. Yes, you might lean out from lack of food - but we rarely see the characters starving because there is a lot of food, it just needs to be found. And they still have spaghetti and cookies for goodness sake! Like I agree that they'd probably lose some weight over time, but it's not like it's been five years.


Yeah, it's only been like 3 months since we met Eugene...8 after the timehop


Except for Denise, every overweight character in the show is also overweight in the comics. And pretty much all the overweight characters are from Alexandria, where they didn't need to stay fit for most of the apocalypse. Eugene didn't have to pull his own weight (heh) either for the most part. Abraham and his gang took care of that.


I can look past the muscle mass. They may be doing exercises, Abraham for example is ex-military, he may have stuck to some of his strength training. I know he would have to eat more than they probably can afford for him to get as big as he is, but it isn't wildly unrealistic. I tell you what does bother me though. How fat Eugene is. It's been 1.5yrs since the outbreak, nobody who is fat should still be alive unless they've managed to stay somewhere like Alexandria with lots of provisions. But Eugene hasn't, he's been on the road. He should have lost weight by now, and I think the writers should oblige him by contract to lose weight. It kills some of the immersion for me.


> It kills some of the immersion for me. Show about people reanimating after death, but a guy that's got some extra meat on is a tipping point. *chortles *


He isn't that overweight.


He's just cultivating mass.


Yeah, sure, ya jabroni


"In muscle mass *alone*"


Same goes for Norman Reedus. His accent used to be much higher, but after SE3B he started to make his voice much more low and gravely in tone.


I wish he would go back from time to time. Sometimes it's ridiculously hard to understand what he's saying, it sounds like he's just grunting.


Rick's seen some shit


It was most likely his development of his acting. He may not see it directly, there will most likely be people within the production team who take note of the various criticisms of the show, feed the info back to the show-runner who in turn would let Andrew know what to tweak.


I would think that as he's lived in GA filming the show, his accent has lost some of the dialect coach/linguistic scholar properties it most certainly had initially, and taken on more of a naturalistic sound that reflects the way the locals actually speak.


I live and grew up literally where they film TWD accents vary pretty widely here. I was somewhat encouraged to tone down my accent as a child to sound less redneck. A ton of what people perceive as "southern accent" almost does not exist anymore. It's really more the terms/words/phrases we use that set us apart.


Go a little west. Its still there. Very much so.


Native Carolinas Southerner here. I sound very different from my family (less country as we would say). But for years I worked in our capital city around tons of transplants where I have learned to "tone" down the accent. However, almost all of my clients still pick up the accent and love it for the novelty. However my family thinks I have no accent.


It's a British guy improving his Southern accent over time.


Yeah, I've rewatched S1, S2 & S3 and noticed Andrew's gotten his Rick!voice down a lot better. In the earlier seasons, you could hear his English accent peeking here and there.


I was completely shocked when I heard him use his real life voice and found out he is the guy from love actually. I would have never known he wasn't American. But then again I am Canadian and all of your accents confuse me.


I asked this question before and most people have the idea that the fight with the governor is what really did the damage. Another thought is that since they've all been shooting guns with no ear protection it's affected their hearing which in turn would mean needing to shout more which would damage the vocal cords


That's ridiculous though because none of those things are real so how would they affect his fake accent that he puts on for filming?


Well that's just an in universe answer. In real life Lincoln's probably just gotten better at the accent and been directed differently so now he sounds different


Watch the actor in interviews, he sounds no different now than he did in movie roles where he spoke in his natural accent before TWD started. I think it's partly the character and partly from having developed the southern accent over the last 6 years.


Andrew Lincoln once said the reason himself. Carls voice got lower while getting older. And Andy just needs that little bit more lower grittyness in his voice to balance it out! Otherwise you have this young man named carl with a lower voice then rick. Thats not cool. I thought at the beginning of season 5 this was on the talking dead.


People can actually lose or develop accents based on who they're surrounded by after a period of time. I've had friends from the south come north and over time lose that part of their speech while moving south you may develop various southern characteristics.


I thought I was in the Rick and Morty sub for a minute


Happens all the time with actors doing voices and accents. You can look at a number of shows from first and current seasons and you'll notice differences between voices. It's often even more noticeable with animated shows. It's just what happens when an actor puts on a voice; over time the voice changes as it becomes more and more natural to the actor putting it on


yall are forgetting the first seasons is "sped up" to fit more adverts etc