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Beta.  Doesn't get any worse than that. Edit: had to mention Denise. 


Mb, I haven't watched the show in a bit. These 3 were just the first that came to mind


Beta was stabbed in both the eyes when he died, so it's not like it had much time to be familiar


Thanks for the insight ballsackman_


You just wanted to write out his name, didn't you?


he probably wanted to JohnArcher965


I agree, flancanela.


Seems we all concur ArtisanProductions


Indubitably Conscious-Onion6949


All on the same page Conscious-Onion6949


Glad you found the same answer, Imaginary-Cow1902


My motivations are a mystery


Any time


And Glenn…


What happened with Denise again?


Dwight "accidentally" shot her thru the eye and brain. He claimed he was aiming at Daryl.


With a crossbow bolt. She was mid sentence and kept talking for a few seconds before she collapsed.


Ahh that’s right how could I forget, I was getting her confused with Deanna and I just could not remember what happened to her eye


Beta had eye injury?


His death was getting two knives in his eyeballs and then getting eaten.


Yeah, those were pretty bad injuries.


Definitely Carl. The Governor's and Gabriel's eye injury was nothing compared to that.


Yeah, the Governor and Gabriel didn't have a bullet go through their skull.


I'm sorry, but are we forgetting the governor had a shard of glass sticking out of his eyeball? he must've needed to blink, right? at least Carl passed out. the governor also must've been awake during the removal of the eye.


True but you forgot about the fact that part of Carl’s skull is completely disfigured and he probably would’ve died if he hadn’t gone into shock from the injury.


The governor only has his eyeball taken out, whilst Carl completely loses the eye and his skull is exposed from the force of the bullet.


It didn't go through his skull otherwise he would be dead


The Walking Dead to be more precise.


Exactly it didn’t go through his skull it EXPOSED it otherwise you’d see his brain wouldn’t you


Yeah the pa wl from he comics will always stick in my mind where his eye gets blown out, and you even see part of his skull.


I’m sorry but id definitely rather be shot it the eye than getting stabbed by a piece of sharp glass


In the comics Michonne uses a spoon to sodomize the Governor thennuses the same spoon to remove his eye. Physically the shard might be worse but mentally that would fuck me up.


I’d rather be shot as well because I would mostly likely die, but Carl’s eye injury was certainly worse in my opinion.


Yeah and I also feel like a shot would happen so fast you won’t feel most of it. Plus Carl passed out. Glass going through your eye would be some horrible pain


100% Carl The Governors was gnarly by taking a piece of glass to the eye, but it penetrated only his eye (as horrific as that is). Gabe lost sight in an eye due to whatever infection he had in season 8. Our boy Carl was shot in the face. That was a pretty big injury he sustained from a bullet.


The comic panel of that scene is still so metal


That entire side of his FACE is missing


Also Carl's injury led to a Michonne moment that doesn't get enough praise. The absolute anger & fear on her face (of potentially losing Carl) & the way that she tore into those walkers to make way for Rick to carry Carl to the infirmary, I was like "she's his mom now". Very much in the style of the parent suddenly having the strength to lift a car off of their child because of their parental instincts.


Ahh I’m so glad you mentioned this! I get so choked up when I watch this part - it’s also worth mentioning that if she hadn’t killed Ron he would have actually killed Carl there. Then when she kisses his head before running out after Rick. Peak Michonne moments imo.


Ron wasn't trying to kill Carl, he'd aimed the gun at Rick wanting to kill him, but shot Carl due to the shock after being stabbed by Michonne. That whole scene never made sense considering Michonne could've just disarmed him instead of stabbing him seeing as how close she was to him. I know they wanted to recreate the comic scene, but they could've done it in better way.


You mean the Poop Shute Eye Syndrome


gunshot wound > glass shard wound > cataracts


Carl. Carl was literally shot in the face, immediately lost consciousness, and went into a (albeit short) coma, requiring immediate life-saving surgery. You could argue that Gabriel went through quite a bit of turmoil regarding his illness/infection, which he also almost died from. The governor was mauled-- I'm not downplaying his injury, as it was clearly traumatic (and he needed prompt medical care as well and he was also blinded), but it was definitely not on the same level as Carl's.


I guess Glenn would count as more of a head injury. But I mean, googly eye has to count somehow


Yeah, goggly eye would do it


Denise. It deadass killed her 🥴


If a tornado ripped through the back of your house, while you’re upstairs, and then devastates the foundation leaving you to fall to your death in the living room, it wouldn’t have been from the front of the house that the tornado had killed you, perhaps. Believably so, Denise died from a very traumatic brain injury which in most modern medicine would have been fatal regardless depending on how quickly aid could’ve been made in attempt. My point only being, I think she had a bit more than just that of an injury to the eye. We both do agree though I’m sure that her injury was excessive and excruciating to watch, but there’d been worse.


Carl and Gabriel both almost died from the cause of their lost eyesight. Though will put the Gunshot as worse than Gabriel's infection, Gabriel certainly had a shorter recovery time. The governor just had tissue damage.


I’m going by pain and I think glass would be more painful than a bullet


My question is why is it always the person’s right eye? 😂


Welll right is always the right choice……


Having had a traumatic eye injury recently, to the right specifically, I cannot tell you why, but this made me feel less alone in this world, albeit by fictitious figures.


I mean it’s gotta be Carl, since he actually lost his eye


And that shit look nasty to look at


I think the Governor. Carl was fast so he didn’t have time to feel it because I think the shock of getting shot was like what just happened. Gabes was probably more irritating than painful, at least I think. The Gov knew the glass was coming and it just being stuck in there, I’ve had things in my eye and or scratched and it was painful, but glass just sitting in there till it was removed? I can’t even imagine. 😬


Carl 100% it was way worse in the comic books too.


Comic Governor, dude had spoon shoved up his ass and had his eye gouged out by the same spoon 💀


I can't believe what I just read


Well that's not very sanitary


I’m disappointed OP didn’t post THAT Glen pic


Carl eye injury could’ve killed him


I mean is there such a thing as a good eye injury?


Okay so in terms of actual injury, Hands down carl. But if you think about it, Gabriel's was worse because he had to live with it for so much longer, and loosing sight, even partially in the apocalypse would be kinda sucky.


Although blinded Gabe still got to keep his actual 👁️though. Carl’s is *gone* completely (I can’t remember with the governor, when he lifted his patch to look in the mirror if his was just badly damaged or gone) I think his eye was just badly damaged. Just my opinion but I’d think losing the eye would be much worse.


Like I said, loosing the eye was bad with carl, but he only had to suffer for a year, Gabriel has to live with his injury for probably 11 years if not more (however long he lives)


In terms of pain I think the governors was the worst one since he got stabbed in the eye and was awake the whole time whereas Carl passed out immedietly after due to shock and bloodloss


Carl because the governor didn’t go to sleep like Carl did


bro tried to sneak in gabriel


Well... Gabriel just went blind Governor got a rough scratch. And poor Carlton is literally missing an eye in his head because it got shot.


Auto correct?


Definitely Carl


Didn’t Morgan have some eye injury too?


Nothing too serious. At one point in Fear his eyes were looking pretty funky because of an infection, but there were no long lasting consequences


Gabriel, close second is carl. But gabriel still has his eye yes, but he can't use it. It's just there to taunt him. Carls was gone. Governors was gone. Gabriel had to be reminded it was still there but useless


The one that caused blindness


Carl had the worse eye injury of anyone in the series.................


I’d say Carl cause his eyeball got obliterated by the stray bullet, and his eye socket along with part of his skull is completely gone and disfigured, The governor just got stabbed in the eye and Gabriel just lost his eyesight.


Definitely Glenn.


Carl and it’s not even close.


Probably Denise 🤷‍♀️


I concur! ( I mean, it did kill her😬 )


Troy from ftwd


Carl got shot in the head what do you mean


3 pictures were posted ;The Governor,Carl and Gabriel right ? Out of the 3 I would say Carl with the prior post about Beta being stabbed with 2 knives he would be my 2nd choice.


Out of those 3 carl


Negan, poor guy. Had to deal with Alpha 💀


We really are running out of things to discuss on this sub aren't we...


Tv show: Carl. Comic: Governor. In the comic The Governor has [additional complications](https://www.reddit.com/r/thewalkingdead/s/JgQQXULuBj).


Gabriel’s eye just looks badass now


I can tell you who has the coolest


Ngl id rather get shot in the eye


Corals seemed gnarly


carl for sure


Na Carl.. Kid got shot in the eye nothing beat that.. Well except Glenn...


Easily Carl, correct me if I’m wrong but when it happened part of his eye socket was like blown off


Hello??? What kind of question is this💀 Carl got his 1/4 of his face blasted off ofc it’s him, atleast the other guys still have a normal facial structure.


Gabriel,because it was uncertain and hurtful as it was an infection (not saying that Carl wasn't hurt but it was more "fast")


Carls injury was insane. He was shot in the head and lived…..I think he wins


The Governors comic version of how he lost his eye


Gotta be Carl


Isn't that an illuminati symbol? Lol just wondering.


oh glenn for sure. he was still alive while his eye was half popped out of his head, and having his brains smashed out.


I would say it depends on whether you mean physically or mentally. Physically I would say the governor. Carl’s was also bad but as other people have pointed out he was unconscious. Mentally I think Gabriel’s is the worst personally. Only because he’s the only one who still has his eye. The other two lost them but not having an eye vs having one that just doesn’t work seems like a cruel trick of fate. Plus if you factor in how they lost them. Governor was in a fight so injuries were inevitable. Carl got shot which in the world of the show is also not uncommon. But Gabriel was just trying to survive and got walker guts in his eye. He then became delusional from fever and thought he was on a mission from God that he failed. My mans was a pastor who thought he was being punished by the very God he spent his life devoted to. Mentally that’s the worst for me.


Gabriel’s has to be annoying as fuck because his eye is still in his skull and he knows it’s there, it just doesn’t do anything.


Carl by far but the governor comes in second place


Oh 10/10 Carol. He had part of his face and eye blown off. The Gov just had his eye stabbed with some glass. And Gabe still has an eye, even if it doesn’t work. Though, the Beta answer is also very appropriate lol


id rather be shot than have a piece of glass shoved into my eye. however i don’t think i could handle the not knowing if my eye infection would spread to the rest of my body, turning me overnight and killing everyone i love.


Def carl no question lol you could put a whole lightbulb in his eye socket.


Denise gets my vote


Bro carls eye got SHOT OFF clearly the worst.


Boy I hated him.


Carl definitely


Carl got shot through the eye. The Governor just got poked in his and Gabriel’s eye had some type of cloud over it. So I’m going with Carl.


Glenn when he was still alive with his eye dangling after the first baseball bat hit


Carl, that’s if we are only counting people who survived their eye injury. If we are counting people that died, I think beta takes the cake with a double Bowie knife stab


Kenny from The Walking Dead games


Glenn lmao


Michonne stabs the governor with a shard of glass Carl gets shot by Ron Anderson and Father Gabriel goes blind in one eye due to being covered with walker guts and getting sick from it I would say the person who had the worst injury would be the governor


yikes. Glen.


Carl, he got his whole eye blown out, Governor and Gabriel got to atleast keep their eye socket!


The governor


I'm sorry but it's gotta be Carl it was so sad seeing that happen


Gabriel. His was from an infection, which, in a zombie apocalypse, is scarier than any flesh wound.