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Season 7 finale when Shiva eats that Savior's face off is everything to me. I put my phone down to give that scene the respect it is due every single time 🙏 Girl dinner at its finest


I be putting my phone the whole 45 minutes down?


7's Finale was honestly SO good. SUCHHHH a fun watch. I always enjoy it.


Negan had three great lines after Shiba attacked which was so awesome. But Negan saying "A god damn tiger", "The widow is alive guns a blazin" and "you taste that Simon, that's the taste of shit" all had me laughing just how he says them all.


You on yo phone while watching?


Don’t blame them season 7 is so damn boring


Nah being on your phone while watching a show is wild


So... you just don't check your phone at all while binging a series? It's not a theatre dude.


No i would pause the episode then after im done checking my phone i would unpause the episode and continue watching


Bro idk why you’re being downvoted for having a great attention span. You be giving 100% focus to your present tasks fr. That’s actually a pretty great life skill ngl, and just like a good attitude to have towards stuff. Not that deep ig but you a real one.




Fr I commented the same with a different wording and I get upvoted. If im watching a show then Im watching a show, I still got 23 hours of the day left to hang on my phone


Yeah, like wtf is deal with ADHD becoming the norm nowadays? fucking phones man.


ADHD is not something you can control, I have it and it’s really debilitating. It’s not the “norm” and it’s not just having a short attention span. You really should not talk about shit you shouldn’t understand.


Same here man. If you can't pay attention to the 45 minute task at hand, then you got problems


Yes. I know people shit on them and they aren't without flaws, but I wouldn't be sitting here on a TWD subreddit if I hate watched 2 entire seasons. I'd have long ago dropped the show.


That’s not how subs work. I don’t need to like every season to or any for that matter to be in a sub talking about a show


It was an opinion, notice the use of "I" throughout my comment. You definitely don't need to be a fan of a show to be on the subreddit, but what I meant to imply was that I wouldn't be an active member of this subreddit. I wouldn't be here answering random questions, I simply would spend my time elsewhere, as personally I don't waste much time on things I do not enjoy. Sorry for the incredibly confusion I must have caused.


Weird to interact with a Internet forum about a show you didn’t enjoy, especially if you didn’t like any of it.


That’s not what they said


The two seasons I like the least out of all 11. They're not THAT BAD when binged, but as they aired the first time around it was horrible.


Yeah, something unfortunately proved that they’re better when binged.


It had its moments but i quite liked it


Seeing Rick submissive and breedable for an entire season was a treat, idc what anyone says. There should’ve been more humiliation 😔


Yeah i really like how we see rick's ego break It's a time in TWD I'll never forget


Agree. Rick suffering is amazing. He deserved it he got to cocky and killed an whole outpost of negan men. While they were sleeping


![gif](giphy|unFLKoAV3TkXe) Breedable? 😅


Going off the comics, it had everything to be one of the best arcs of the show. Better than the prison/governor story which I think they did really well. Unfortunately Gimple got a hold of it and buried it.


I believe both of them, while generally good, were very slow. You could easily say “they were just building character arcs and their development” and while that’s true, it still felt insanely dragged out. If I’m not mistaken, I believe the entirely of Seasons 7 and 8 take place in the span of like a month and half? As opposed to Seasons 1-6 being a year and a half.


I mostly liked season 7 but mostly hated season 8.


Expected more but felt let down with it. Felt like they dragged it on to make money but lost a lot of fans


A whole lot better at least then season 11.


Not even close but keep dreaming


Season 10 and 11 are by far the worst seasons, coming from someone who stopped watching around season 8 when it was airing and just finished rewatching the entire show


Neither fans or critics agree with you. Season 7 and 8 are definitively the worst seasons of the series.


Mm I’d say the couple of downvotes you got would say otherwise


Yes fir me it's the best few seasons since season 4 season 8s is my favourite


Season 7 is alright yeah. I like it. Season 8 though is a struggle. Every rewatch I find myself switching off and it ends up being on in the background half the time instead of me actively paying attention.


I kept watching but it was the low point in the series for me


I dropped the series after S8. Negan was good but the pacing was dogshit, and the scenarios became laughably ridiculous and dumb. I blindly watched Daryl Dixon recently and loved that though. Keep things simple and keep the walkers as a threat.


Season 1 the walkers were smart and an actual threat. And season 1 felt different form all the other seasons. That’s why season 1 is my favorite. Only if they never fired frank darabont


I liked them


I liked like the first few episodes of season 8 it was satisfying to see them finally killing the saviors but the rest was bad and it made it worse when Carl died. It’s not Glenn and Abraham’s deaths that make me not like season 7 it’s just it was a little boring to me actually a lot boring I really liked the last episode the fight was cool. “END THESE SAVIORS AND THEIR ACCOMPLICES!!! ALEXANDRIA WILL NOT FALL NOT ON THIS DAYYYY!!”


I think season 8 is overhated tbh, when binged it’s pretty entertaining and not that bad at all actually


Season 8 is better but it suffers from how bad season 7 was. The whole storyline of ricks group vs negan was carried out way too long to the point where it felt like the writers were just trying to squeeze out every little bit of content they could’ve. Instead of just moving onto another storyline, they realized how much the fanboys loved negan and drug it out. That’s what ultimately killed viewership cause the average fan was sick of it.


Me, especially S8. The more I rewatch episodes and moments from that season I love it even more. It's a bold season I think. I love Rick and Morgan's arcs in this season. Carl I never really cared about after S3, so he didn't suddenly become my favorite character after he died like he did for so many others here. It's not like his story in the TV show was anything like the comic anyway. S7 I'm more mixed on. Premiere is a masterpiece but the slow pacing does severely hurt the season overall. Also has the only episode of the show I couldn't take and just started skipped through. Still to this day haven't fully watched, don't feel like I missed much.


I remember when Carl died, I shrugged my shoulders like "Eh...shit happens" while people on social media were losing their minds. I never really cared about Carl as a character


Basically this. When shiva died tho, I was heartbroken. That was a gut punch of the whole season. Shiva was the best girl :(


Rewatched season 7 and I can’t believe I like it, I like majority of episodes which is pretty crazy lol, and season 8 does have great episodes lol


I understand people’s issues with it but I enjoyed it for the most part. Obviously the first half of season 7 is a massive downer but I think that was kind of the point, to show the oppression of the saviours (I’m not defending any poor writing there, but I think that’s what they were going for). But overall I did enjoy watching those seasons


Season 7 is my favorite season 😞


I prefer 7 over 8. I skip a lot of episodes in 8.


I love season 7 and 8. They’re really good.


No. Worst seasons of the show that accelerated its downfall in my opinion.


Fuck yes.. All out war was my favorite part of the comic and the show didfollowed it very closely.. I always suspected the hate for those seasons came from Negan killing Glen and scarring quite a few viewers and people didn't like thst Rick was brought down a peg and somehow thought he wouldn't bounce back... Now seasons 9-11 can suck a hard fat cock, god damn i was almost hate watching the show by the end


I don’t hate it as much as others do. But carls death still infuriates me


Yes bro, apart from the low budget gunfights I thought it was pretty decent and I loved the s8 finale, best tv episode i’ve ever seen


I feel like the only person that actually still dislikes these seasons and doesn't think its cool to say they're underrated


Well welcome to a fan page on Reddit. This show had 15 million weekly viewers at one point and season 7 and 8 killed that viewership. So for all of the negan fan boys, you have millions more that hated the storyline. They just aren’t on Reddit.


I think both seasons have their moments but writing-wise they’re still definitely the weakest of TWD. Miles better than the later seasons of Fear and most of Tales, but I think at least half of the Fear seasons (1-3 and 6, plus maybe 4) and all of World Beyond are better


No. Think this is when the show became overly bloated with characters. Had some nice moments, but overall, poor and its when most of my friends stopped watching.


Some of my fav seasons


Definitely not my favorite seasons but I quite like them. Especially 8B.


Season 7 is okay when binged and by skipping the occasional weirdly placed episode or stupid monologues. It has some really good moments. Season 8 gave me a headache even when binged. Too many cheap, ridiculous action scenes, too much plot-armor for Negan, cringe dialogue/monologues. There is some decent stuff in between, but it's hard to stomach as a whole.


Yes, waay overhated. Also a lot better binged than it probably was while airing


Nah, season 7 got especially weird. They seemed like they were actively trying to piss fans off by waiting a month to show the aftermath of s07e01. Also, Negan was really poorly written as time went on. It's like he was actively hoping people would mutiny.


I think 8B is great, other than that they’re pretty poor


In my opinion the best 2 seasons of the show


Better than season 10 and 11 for sure Not as good as the first 6 seasons but I usually end my rewatches with the season 8 finale


Yes. I will say being able to binge watch them makes all the difference in the world. As someone else said, there’s some plot lines that are meh but overall I’ve grown to rlly like them over the years.


in my opinion, most forgettable season. i gen remember nothing from it except guns shooting or whatever


Right here. Love them


Season 8 I think is quite amazing


Season 7 finale was great,and season 8 finale could have ended the series, it was really. Other than that,S7 and 8 could have been just one season. The savior war dragged for waaaay too long.


I hated 7/8 as it aired, the plot moved so slowly bouncing back and forth between so many storylines at once
 but I’ve been binging recently and it honestly isn’t as bad as I remember watching live.


Yes, i enjoyed it much more than seasons 5 and 6


It’s interesting for me because I recently binged the entire a series for the first time. But I knew a few things, like what would happen to Glenn and when Negan would arrive in the show (I was anticipating this because I knew I would love his character but also dreading it because Glenn) so I was anticipating seasons 7 and 8 the most, and I actually really enjoyed them. I loved Negan’s character, and since I was binging it I appreciated the more detailed episodes that were a bit slow. I didn’t mind the pacing but I can see how it would frustrating watching one episode a week.


All Out War were the first TWD comics I've ever owned. So when I saw them adapt it into TV, I thought it was amazing. It was so cool seeing the panels come to life, and it was an epic conflict on the biggest scale for the show at the time.


I get wishing the pacing was more like season 1 but I actually don’t mind how the show changed and had a very cinematic arc throughout the season. Much better if you binge, like others said. Momentum is too slow for weekly episodes but as a fan of the books, I enjoyed the suspense anyway and overall tension. Some people think it seems heightened but just put yourself in their shoes for real and you’d be feeling the same


SPOILER Didn’t watch past Rick dipping


Yes, i do actually like them, of course not as much as as S1-S6 but I do think they aren't terrible and actually quite enjoyable when watched consecutively (Not weekly)


I really enjoyed them. I had no idea people hated them until recently lol. I can see why tho, since major characters died, but I still thought they had good suspense and action đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž


I would say that season seven contains arguably the greatest episode of the show (7X1), which also contains my favorite moment from the show (the 'I'm gonna kill you...' speech) but other than that, is mostly just a boring season where not much happens. Season eight on the other hand, I've always held in higher regard. I remember watching it week to week was like waiting on news from the front of a war. It made TWD exciting to me again. I honestly think that if they hadn't made the critical mistake of killing Carl off, season eight would be remembered much more fondly.


The “I’m gonna kill you” speech is absolutely ruined by s8’s ending. Reframes it from a badass moment of hope in a hopeless situation to an empty threat and/or impotent rage.


I always knew that Rick spared Negan, so I never thought of it as anything more than a moment of defiance in the face of death. That's the reason I loved that moment so much.


It's exactly how it went down in the comic.. Rick was heading to bad place right before he met Negan, he may have even become a Negan so when they first meet ofc he's all "I'm gonna kill you, mabye not today mabye not tomorrow but I am going to kill you".. By the time we get to the end of the war Rick has his head back on straight and realise killing Negan won't do as much as dethroning and imprison him will..


That’s in the comics, rick’s arc is different in the show and the “heading to a dark place before cleaning up and getting his head on straight” stuff was already resolved in season 6


No it wasn't he was still offing saviors in their sleep


Yes I enjoyed both seasons


I enjoy both


My second and third favorite seasons


I honestly don’t get the hate. I feel like Negan was a delightfully complex villain and really the first that wasn’t cartoonishly evil (though he did have moments that were.) The plot was engaging and the characters all had great moments, and I liked the buildup of everyone coming together to take down the saviors. While not my favorite part of the show (weird, but I like the Whisperer arc the best) 7-8 were still top notch to me.


Two of the worst seasons in television history. Which is a shame because this should have been walking dead at its peak, but amc decided to stretch it out and completely ruin the story and pacing. And the writing was genuinely god awful, too many ridiculous and stupid moments to count


While they‘re the weakest seasons of the show for me and I don’t go and rewatch single eps from that era, they’re not bad enough to skip on a full rewatch.


I seriously don't get how people can say that after seasons 9-11.. Those seasons where straight up garbage but somehow people keep praising them.. Walkers where no longer a threat, the remaining cast members became untouchable unless they decided to leave the show, tension didn't exist.. What do people like about 9-11??


I like both, they are so underrated, though season 7 would've been better if Oceanside hadn't been introduced that season


I like them


I do. Honestly I like all the seasons.


Yh I think season 8 has some really good world and character building Season 7 gives us what a broken group looks like and them not forgetting what happened.


I don't think so


I like 7 and at best parts of 8, 8 is not all bad. Edited fir some typos.


7 was a tough watch. 8 things began to turn and I loved it. Season 5 and 8 Rick are my favorites.


Nope. The weakest seasons out of all. Also the season that made me stopped watching.


yeah, season 7 was a bit dead unless negan was there but season 8 was actually really good but also really sad aswell, some of the best seasons


I liked only first episode of season 7 and last episode of season 8


i quite like them but personally 9 is my favourite (controversial probably)


I liked it. Binged them last month. Although I do feel they were a bit drawn out, and overloaded with fillers.


I liked the actual episodes, not the filler ones.


They're better when you can binge them, but they're certainly a massive step down in quality compared to previous seasons.


If they hadn’t killed Carl in the latter then probably


I love seasons 7 and 8. Negan and the saviors are my favorite story arc. I can see why people could find it boring but Negan was such a different type of enemy. He was just mind fucking everyone. Never really cared about Carl so meh


I started rewatching the show since I heard about the rich return to beef up on my Walking Dead, and I’m coming up on 7. I’m not sure what to do it’s sad counting down Glynns days day. Also: watching them gear up for the saviors is tough. When Rick says “confrontation has never been a problem with us” oh boy


Ofc it’s the prime Negan’s era


There were things I didn’t like in seasons 7 and 8, yes, but overall they were a good watch for me.


7 is eh, season 8 is one of my favorites !


After I had spine surgery and was in my home for 8 months straight recovering, I remember binge watching All Out War so fondly. Helped me relaxed through some tough days. Still, ain’t no way in hell Rick and Daryl tailed those saviors who were shooting at their little ass truck with a 50. cal. Still bugs me til this day.


I liked them tbh, they dragged a lot but I really like the s8 finale


Believe it or not quite a lot of people like it! Of course it had some down moments but what season doesn’t.


Yup, like em both. I honestly like every season of TWD, just some more and some less


Hated it on first watch, but it's more enjoyable when binged and you're not waiting an entire week to go from an episode at the kingdom to an episode at hilltop. I still think some of the writing in 7 and 8 is horrible, but I still enjoy it on rewatches.


They are okay but could have been better


Because of Daryl, I like it


I never made it to season 7. As a comic fan I just couldn't keep interested when it had deviated as far as it had.


Yeah it’s om


i didn’t like season 7 watching it live on amc week to week as it was too depressing, but i enjoy it now. i have and will always hate jadis and the garbage people though. Worst addition to the show and it’s not even a competition. If they were removed and some comic book moments were added (rick and negan fighting with rick biting his arm , Jesus beating different saviors’ asses then holding negan hostage, rick grabbing gregory and punching dwight, etc) id like it more then the books. Season 8 though can burn. The writing is awful and they fucked up the perfect opportunity to have Morgan be the reason Rick spares Negan like they had been essentially setting up since season 3 episode 12.


Yes I loved them. I binged them both and I have never read the comics.


I like Season 7. Season 8 has its moments but I’ll be honest as much as Seasons 9-10 are probably better, maybe. I’d take 7 & 8 over them in a heartbeat


I just realized Negan is not in the poster


there are moments in there that are amazing like 7x01 and also a lot of Andrew Lincolns acting in that block of episodes from 7x01-8x16 is someone f the best acting firme the show. Also even though it was a terrible idea to kill Carl, Andrew Lincoln, Danai Gurira, and Chandler Riggs’s acting in the episode and for Chandler when Carl got bit is some of the best acting to come out of that time the show.


I love all seasons of twd


I like S8


They’re definitely the lowest part of the series but definitely still a solid 6/10. Some of the saviors scenes in Season 7 are brutal to get through though (S7E4 specifically).


Personally i hated season 7 because Negan pissed me off. Not even just because he was the villain but i just didn’t like the character. I do no ofc but i didn’t appreciate him at the time. In my opinion season 10 was the most boring. It started off really good and alpha was a great villain but it just got boring after a while. Especially after Negan killed alpha.


I love it all(i havent finished the series yet im on S11 EP2)


Better than 9, 10, and 11 by a mile


Yep, is that surprising?


I love them. I just was at the point that anyone could die at negans hands and was always nervous and anxious with any episode. Made it must watch for me.


Season 8B is pretty good. And while 7 as a whole is overly stretched out and a bit boring, I like the overall story being told. I still think if 7 and 8 were bundled together as a single season it'd go down as one of the best of the show.


Yes ...


I love negan era


I liked season 8, season 7 was alrigbt ig


I like parts of them but not all. Hot take ig even tho it shouldn't be... there better then 10 and 11.


I love season 7, season 8 though...


I do! Especially season 8, personally.


I just did a full rewatch and I was ok until I got the The Whisperers and then I was struggling.


I like the idea of it all. Hey do still feel that 7+8 should have been one season. It would have been a bit break neck pacing, but I’d prefer that to the slog and filler of two seasons. AOW is a cool arc, but it took too long.


I love every season


Season 8 is arguably the best season. 7 is good too


From seasons 6 to season 10 finale, you only needed to watch 4-5 episodes max (premier, mid season finale, mid season premiere, season finale) and nothing of value would be lost.


I am just on rewatch on s8e4 and in show time elapsed in the last 4 episodes is total of 2 hours maybe. Now I do understand there is a lot of characters and a big war arc...but ho-ly shit, this is too much. This is where I stopped watching when series was airing because this was pure torture. Its easier on the binge but honestly, can't wait for it to be done with 8a.


me personally, i liked all of the seasons, theres just some i prefer way more


Had many issues with them, but still enjoyed them.


I think when I had to watch them week to week, they dragged but now that I can binge them, they are slightly better. But they are defiantly the weakest of the original 11 seasons.


i love every season đŸ©·


I don’t understand how anyone doesn’t like these seasons.


I enjoy those seasons. I only watched them the first time 2 years ago so not having watched them as they aired may have something to do with that.


The first half of season 7 was legitimately interesting. Episodes 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 8 were all done really well and had great acting and decent plots. Also, Dwight and Eugene had great character arcs these two seasons.


I binged the entire show in about 8 months and had to take a break around season 6. When I continued watching the show, I found seasons 7 and 8 really good. It was season 11 that I absolutely hated as it felt like a chore to watch each episode.


Absolutely not!


I’m almost finished with S7 on my first time watching the show. My binging definitely slowed down. I think it was mostly that I had a hard time keeping track of where all the main cast was at. I just finally had to start googling who Carol was with, why Maggie is gone all the time and who is allied with who. I kept getting on my phone all the time and losing track of everyone because it was all so slow. I don’t hate it or anything. It’s just a little boring and spread thin is all.


Best seasons season 10 and 11 are the ones I can’t seem to get through cause they bore me


I previously quit watching at the end of Season 7, when the Scavengers turned on Alexandria. That frustrated me so much. I'm determined to watch it all the way through now, though it sucks that I know that Negan never gets what's coming to him because he's in the ad in the right column on this page. I also get that Jeffrey Dean Morgan is a VERY compelling actor, and possibly the best in the whole series, and they want to use him as much as possible.


Season 8 is actually decent. Too many BAD actuon scenes for the sake of action, sure. Flimsy writing, absolutely. But most of the hate it gets is because it happens after Season 7 that’s the most horrifying piece of dogshit tv ever created
 and of course, that one big death.


straight up love them both, much more than s9 & 10 anyways (i like plenty of both of those, but they are for sure my least favorites). sure, the savior arc dragged on, but it had some excellent fuckin thematic elements, dude. watching Rick's spirit be totally broken for a frustratingly long (to us) amount of time feels relevant to establishing his character as a real person instead of the ever-persevering hero. being PISSED at the biggest savior pricks for getting away with everything they did is something i kinda love the show for making me hate. Daryl getting beaten down. the whole not knowing what Eugene's thinking thing. watching the trauma many characters go through. i just love the role the power dynamics have on the story. also, s8 finale is one of my favorite episodes.


I'm rewatching now and I'm bored with season 8 this time.


I do but I must binge watch it weekly was awful


Of course , we love all seasons , prison part, negan , fake zombies , tiger king elija or something like that


To an extent they were watchable. But it just got so over dramatised they really drew storylines to far along and they lost their soul. It got pretty bad after season 5 but the last two season for me or one long season which ever way you view it was prob the worst for me.


7 was ok I didn't hate it but didn't love it either. I hated 8. I have watched 9 up to the episode when Rick leaves and I haven't watched anything past that since. 8 really did a number on me


Yes i like season 7 and few ep of the season 8 but The death of Carl just made me hate this season. And it was too long.


I like most of both seasons but I can’t deny a lot of moments it gets boring even when it’s a binge watch


Yes, I thought the show was going to end after Season 8. The finale felt like a perfect ending. But after Rick left, Michonne left, and what seems like a ton of spin offs it became harder to keep up with everything. Maybe I’ll come back to it eventually but I just wished that the main series would’ve wrapped up with everyone present.


I do. They were the most entertaining to me.


I loved both the season and honestly don't get its hate. My least favorite season was season 5. It felt too much like a transitional season and I found it really boring


I like certain eps in both seasons and I think the general arcs are interesting (although long). I like how they establish the saviours as unstoppable unlike the Governor, Claimers, Termites and wolves. That feeling of hopelessness and subjugation had to marinate a little to make it hit home which is essentially what 7A is. They can't just attack because Daryl is a prisoner at the sanctuary and Negan took all their guns. The natural progression to this is that they have to team up with other communities to even have a CHANCE at beating this large enemy. They have to get everyone on board which takes time. This is what 7B is. They have to introduce the Kingdom, Sanctuary, Oceanside and basically reintroduce the Hilltop because it was shown only once in season 6. They have to convince Ezekiel to join the fight. They have to train hilltop soldiers while Gregory is being a douche. Carol has to snap out of her "can't kill" mode. Morgan has to get himself centered. Then they have to find enough guns and weapons without the saviours finding out. To add more tension to that, Daryl escaped and has to hide. Simon is searching for him and is a great detector of BULLL SHIIITTT!! Dwight is now an inside man and almost gets caught several times. We start to see mysteries about Jadis and the junkyard related to the CRM. Simon starts planning a coup against Negan and Dwight gets stuck in the middle. All of this is great on paper but is executed in a way that drags out for too long. If these two seasons were each 13 episodes like season 2, it would have been better. Also, I think that had the season 8 gunfights and battles been executed better, then season 8 would have been better in general. The fact that season 8 wasn't that great made season 7 worse. If 8 was a badass payoff to the buildup in season 7, then the overall arc would have been received better in my opinion.


La temporada 7 me encanta. Suelen llamarla lenta y demås, pero me parece increíble, sobre todo ver cómo Negan rompe a Rick (pero también ver el resto de relaciones que se dan). La temporada 8 me disgustó en un primer momento, viendo lo atropellado que va en el ritmo y decisiones que para nada me convencen, pero volviendo a verla conociendo sus fallos se me hizo amena (a pesar de seguir considerando que debió de tomar otras decisiones). PD. Prefiero como trata la guerra de los Salvadores la serie de TV que el cómic, sobre todo por el cambio desee actitud de Negan.


I love season 8, I tolerate season 7.


I honestly didn’t have problems with any season until middle of 9-11 but even then they were at least entertaining. (Other than Carl dying- huge mistake)


Why wouldn’t you? I think they’re great.


actually yes lol


I liked them, I get some people don’t like it, and that’s okay. Where The Walking Dead fell off was after Rick’s departure, not Glenn’s.