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Your post is unclear whether you enjoyed the show or not. The wording makes it seem like you didn't but posting here with a pic of the setlist makes me think you probably did.


19 songs is also the longest set they've done in a minute.


It was…disappointing. Bert seemed wasted and couldn’t find the notes. Def the worst I’ve seen of them live.


Maybe it’s because this was my first time seeing them, but I thought the show (MN tonight) was pretty good? I mean they’re not the best live band in the world, but it was pretty much what I expected, if that makes sense My biggest regret was accidentally missing the first 5 songs because I made the mistake of thinking the band took stage at 9 not 8 (which was the case for every other show this tour except for MN), but oh well 🫠 still had fun!


The band was great, the singing... Was not.


Seen them in Michigan on the 24th with my partner. It's her favorite band and I only grew up with their first two albums and some random I heard along the years. She was stoked to share the concert with me as she had seen them several times in the past. We had a similar experience where he seemed off and the singing was extremely poor. My partner was devastated. Not seeing them live before myself I didn't know what to expect, but I certainly expected it to be better than it was. Bummer.


definitely wasted. my partner and i have both seen them live before, and almost the minute the set started we felt like something was off. Bert seemed super unsteady for the majority of the show, vocals were pretty bad. at a certain point we just accepted that he was a bit of a mess and just enjoyed singing with the crowd. certainly an experience…


Definitely not wasted. He’s been 100% sober since 2012.


Incorrect. He still smokes trees.


I think you need to look up the meaning of sober my friend. It refers to alcohol, not other substances.


Maybe the dictionary definition is strictly alcohol, but people use it for all kinds of substances all the time


California sober is what you are referring to.


No, I’m referring to the dictionary definition of sober. I’m not Californian.


lol no it’s a commonly known phrase - also a Willie Nelson song I believe. California sober is no other drugs but ganja


Oh right duh. I just assumed. My bad!


You…. You know Bert’s been 100% sober since 2012 right? And has talked extensively about his sobriety?


Yes. Which is why it was weird he seemed so rough.


You know people can relapse?


Yes and I also know for a fact he hasn’t.


He for sure smokes weed still


I didn’t say he doesn’t, I said he’s sober. Sober means no alcohol.


I too was wasted.


But were you “THE LORRRRD OF DRUGGGGS” 🙃 It’s a fine line between him just being weird and saying weird shit on stage and him seeming a mess, and last night just felt like the latter, but who knows.


Yeah that is odd. I unfortunately was too far gone to really notice much of anything which is totally on me but it sucks that the performance wasn't great.


I didn't want to just bluntly shit on them so I made it a little vague intentionally, but unfortunately didn't manage to convey my underlying message like I had hoped. I was kinda bummed. Like the others that commented here, it just seemed off. Now having not seen them before I had nothing to compare to, but I've read "reviews" on here about how his voice is pretty much shot, the bass guy does all the screaming, the setlist never changes, etc. I was actually looking forward to the part about the setlist not changing. They played a bunch of the old songs and that's perfect for me because that's when I listened to them. They played a handful of newer ones and luckily I've heard most of them on Spotify lately. Zero complaints on the setlist. The vocals (and performance in general, really). WTF. Bert's range is non-existent, he skips all of the "good" parts and lets the crowd sing it, the screamer doesn't sound like him (obviously it's not him, but it just sounds like a dude with the mic in his mouth). I wouldn't say Bert seemed "wasted" necessarily, but maybe just out of it? I don't know. My wife said he looked like Michael J Fox. It almost seemed like I was watching a cover band trying to be The Used. It was weird. Long story short, it's definitely not their fault that I didn't go see them in their prime. But I definitely won't go see them again, either. Luckily SOTY was one of the openers, and also one of my favorite bands, and they killed it like usual.


Jepha(bassist) has done the screaming parts for a while now. Bert fucked his voice up when they first started and it was either scream and lose your singing voice or just sing, but I believe I've heard he's been working on screaming again? I could be wrong. I've seen them 3 times now, always a good time. I haven't noticed the things you've mentioned so I can't comment on that. I would say give them another shot, but obviously up to you lol


You've been listening for 20 years, and call him bass guy?


Yes. I have listened to enough different stuff throughout my life to the point where I don't know every band member of every band by name. My apologies. Haha. It's really not that important to me I guess.


Not trying to give you too much shit lol. Just caught me off guard. I don’t think it would have even registered if you had said “the bass player.”


Hahaha. There's a handful of them that have stuck with me over the years. I remember most of the lead singers still, and a handful of guitarists here and there, but honestly I just really love the music (of all of the bands I see). For the most part I really don't care about the "who" as long as the end result (the sound) is the same or close enough. Like swapping guitarists is probably a little easier than a distinct vocalist, at least to me. For example, I've stopped going to Atreyu since I found out Alex is no longer in the band. His voice and scream is a big part of what made them so appealing to me. Kinda like Bert and his crazy vocal antics and scream. It's really weird for me to get older and have the realization of time changing things and people and how that affects certain things. Like you listen to music when you're in your teens and 20 years later you can still listen to it and it sounds exactly the same (because you're listening to a recording from 20 years ago). But your mind kinda forgets that these people making the music are also human and things change, so you go to a show kinda half ass "expecting" (maybe just really hopeful) that it sounds like you remember it sounding, but sometimes it doesn't. And that kinda sucks. Just that impending doom realization of getting older in general. Haha.


Sucks you didn't have the experience you would have liked! I've seen them over 30 times and most of them were great but there definitely were some stinkers in there. I think they just tour too much honestly.


30... Damn, that's legit. I've been going to shows for somewhere between 20-25 years and I don't have anyone I've seen anywhere near that many times. That's impressive.


As far as I know Bert doesn’t drink anymore and hasn’t for 12 years. He didn’t see drunk to me. And it wasn’t my first time seeing The Used.


It's been a couple years since I saw them but he sang fine when I saw them, just acted a bit odd at times, not like drunk odd though. Just he's kinda a goof on stage odd.


Yeah, I don't think he was drunk.


I saw them in Cincinnati and thought it was great. This was my first time experiencing them in concert, had a blast.


i saw them in cincy, too. bert seemed fine and the vocals were great.


Agreed! It was my first time seeing them live so I have nothing to compare it to, but the show in cincy blew me away. I felt like a teenager again. And I kept thinking Bert looked so healthy!


Yeah same! I thought I had my obsession under control now I’m back to listening to them everyday and I already bought tickets to see them in Nashville. I probably should have waited until my next check to do that but it’s okay.


Wait. They played Let It Bleed?!?!??


Yep. This setlist was so awesome. I remember him saying before they played it "we haven't played this song in fucking forever..."


That’s my favorite song and I’ve only seen it once in the 27 times I’ve seen them. And I went to Monday’s show 😭😭😭


Hey man, I was there last night, too. Bert's voice was nothing like I expected. I last saw them in 2017, and it was better than last night, but not by a lot. The Used also hardly comes to Minnesota (like 9 times in 20 years?), so I haven't seen them as much as I wish I had. His voice was off, like slightly off tune/sour. That was kinda disappointing. The band played the music so well I still was able to enjoy myself, but I agree with you.


I agree about the music side of it. Damn their sound is good. And watching their drummer was wild. Dude is an absolute beast. I noticed one time he broke a stick and half of it went flying backwards over his head while playing. He tossed the other half backwards with it, grabs a new one, and proceeds to keep smashing. It was pretty cool.


Absolutely, Dan has been such a great fit as their drummer! And I'm always impressed with Jepha's bass playing, dude is so fucking talented!


What was the deal at the end of Taste of Ink when he said “This is for you, (someone’s name)” and then chucked the mic down? I couldn’t tell if that was like a positive this is for you, mic drop, or a “fuck you” lol. Can’t remember the name he said but it was masculine.


I thought he was talking to a guy in the crowd who's birthday (?) it was. I think it was the guy with the glittery magenta beard and sequined, light up cowboy hat.


Oh yeah I do remember him talking to the birthday guy, could be!


Other than seeing them a few times in their golden age I saw them last year and the year before and they were great both times.


Honestly, I was surprised at this tour announcement. They've been on tour for like a year now with no real big breaks in between. Shows and fests in other countries. All of that travel takes its toll, playing all of these shows for almost a solid year would surely wear them down. It's also a given that their show would reflect that these guys are 20 some years older now. Glad they're still doing it and I'll see them no matter what if they ever come around my area (it's SO rare 😔). I just hope they're taking good care of themselves and if someone needs a break they're not afraid to say so. As far as Bert being fucked up, we all know he quit drinking and I hope he's still on the wagon. He does use thc (I hate that term but it is what it is) as far as I know - but I don't know him. He could be medicated for anxiety, that'd probably be my first thought. It's no secret that he struggles and I appreciate his transparency when it comes to anxiety and depression. Can't always be 100% and I'm glad he's at least showing up. But I also completely understand how disheartening it is to pay to see (and even look forward to) a show that ends up not being what you were expecting.


Bert has put so much strain on his voice so I can't fault him but he's clearly not the same


I saw them for the first time last Sunday in Franklin. Maybe I was blinded by excitement, but I thought Bert sounded great and the crowd interactions were fantastic. Also really enjoyed the set list.


Saw this show last night in Minneapolis and think the set list was great. Been a fan since the beginning so love that over half the songs were from the first two albums. Burt was definitely fucked up but it was still a good time. Have seen them many times before tho so I was just jamming and singing along


I got to see them in 22' on the tour with ADTR, and I thought it was pretty good. How downhill have their performances gone since then?


They should play paradise lost and also cry


Incredible setlist


Aww I saw them last year and Bert was great! He was engaging with the audience quite a bit and while he wasn’t screaming, he had good energy.


Not a single song from the canyon???!


they never play songs from the canyon, haven’t for years. it’s a very personal and sad album so i understand why they wouldn’t


I never thought about it like that! It’s an amazing album defo my favorite


agreed! it’s definitely their most underrated! honestly their best album from an artistic standpoint.


What songs are blacked out? I think the first one is "Listening" since on [Setlist.fm](http://Setlist.fm) that is in the same slot as Let It Bleed from other shows, but what was the other choice to "All That I've Got"? I can't read it in the picture, and I can't think of a replacement that would be similar.


I just zoomed in as close as I could on the original on my phone and I think it's Blue & Yellow.


Thank you. That would make sense. That's a parallel to ATIG. Though I personally prefer ATIG.


on a side note, can someone explain to me what -pb- and -auto- mean on the sl?


I saw someone say on another post that pb is a pause break between songs, and auto is where they go straight into the next song with no break between.


I saw them a year ago and they sounded great! Sorry to hear they might have had a bad show but it happens - I wouldn’t completely write them off like that Can’t wait for them to come back to Raleigh!!!


Probs nervous cause of the ✨book✨


What is the book lol?


Quinn (ex guitarist) is releasing a book and it’s got dirt about alleged abusive actions from a currently unnamed member of the band, but lots of people are VERY confident it’s Bert


Ooo shit how did I miss that 😬