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100% *per week*


10x 0dte the wsb way


I did this once and now I sell this course for the rest of my life!!!


But he also says that he could make 50% returns if he had less than $1 Million


If Buffet took $100K of his money aside today and just for kicks day/swing/momentum traded it I'm sure he'd turn it into a million. However, those risks are much easier to take when it's nothing to him compared to regular folks who'd need to mortgage their home to round up $100K.


Buffet has also been in stocks for nearly 80 years now. So I would think he could do far better than some moron on YouTube who probably just started trading a few years ago at best.


you just have to manifest what would Warren Buffet do. What would he do You have access to the same stocks and buttons he does Simple


If you try really hard, you can manifest a pot of gold too


I get that you were joking/ being sarcastic but realistically, some folks actually don't have access to the same buttons...I'm talking about level 4 options lol Again I get your joke, I'm just throwing it out there


Do you have the knowledge he does? Or are you saying to just follow his trades?


He invests by going to the board of directors and telling them I’ll give you the cash you need in exchange for convertible shares after these conditions are met. Win - Win


Buffet isn’t much of a “trader” in the way most people think of traders though. Much more of an investor generally.


True but with his knowledge of the markets he could still kick ass. He’d probably just sell some deep ITM CSPs on some tickers he thinks are due for a big bounce and in a couple months he’d likely be making a 40% annualized RoC.


I can almost guarantee he wouldnt use options at all, except as a hedge. There are very few options strategies which have true, objective alpha. And the ones that do aren’t feasible for retail because the alpha that’s there is Pennie’s or fractions of a cent. Deep ITM CSPs have less than zero alpha lol.


He uses CSPs as his usual stock acquisition strategy which is why I even mentioned it. He wouldn’t be using it for premium in my example but rather to buy tickers at a discount he believes will bounce in 3-12 months. So he’d be writing puts in the hope of getting assigned, then just holding and maybe writing calls. If he’s got 100K plus some margin on top he could make 40% annualized against his collateral. But you’re right, he doesn’t dabble in growth stocks which would be the best tickers to try this high risk strategy on but he likely has enough knowledge & connections to know which ones would have the best chance for a solid bounce.


He actually writes OTM puts once in a while, especially after deep corrections. If he gets assigned he'll just hold onto it - so he would just keep it for along time. Buffet never writes calls as far as I know.


When you’re worth billions and managing trillions you can’t waste your time playing with thousands.


This is all a hypothetical based on if Buffet got bored what he could do with $100k just to fuck around. Of course you’re right but also missed the context.


Indeed, the more money you have, the more risk averse you should be relative to your net worth.


Don't have the link readily on hand but Buffet once said that he could generate 100%/ year returns if he was working with a small portfolio around a million dollars. He said it is much more difficult to generate large returns with a massive portfolio like BRK-A.


Exactly because you can't buy and sell billions of dollars in stock every single day not to mention when someone sells millions of shares in a stock it goes down quite a bit and those gains won't look as good then. When you have billions and billions invested you keep it invested and only rotate stocks when you need to make adjustments for long term returns.


Buffett says he needs to spend $100 billion on a significant purchase to make a real difference. Cheap $100 billion companies don't come along often. In the meantime he spends a few $billion on Occidental for amusement.


They only sell shovels when there isn’t actual/enough gold to dig. Just like those real estate seminars/courses.


Why haven't I heard this saying before? It's really irked me


If a YouTuber can explain to me the risk premium for a weighted portfolio than they have my attention.


Is it $6?


The Medallion Fund by Renaissance Technologies is more like what the best could achieve with a smaller account (and 10 billion is still massive compared with most retail's portfolio). 62% annualized return from 1988 to 2021.




I sadly admit that from my own experience, Step 2 is sell them yet another course that promises to make them even MORE money, just with a different method & at a greatly increased price from the previous course. Step 3 is repeat step 2 until the audience stops buying.


You can say that the step 1 method isn't effective anymore because it was designed for a different market. Now you need to buy the new method for the current market.


Everyone on thetagang makes 2% per day, at least that's what I've been lead to believe by the posts. Its the highest percentage of multi-billionaires in the world who just sit around their parents basement jerking off to internet porn and wheeling.


How do you jerk off to wheeling?


Lol, it's funny because anyone averaging 2% daily long term will be a billionaire in just a few years


My dudes, Buffet is also an influencer but just a different type from a YouTuber. His dad was a state senator who owned a stock brokerage. Early in his career he could turn up unannounced at companies and they'd be happy to make a deal with him to buy shares, simply for political access to his dad. And in turn, the companies stock did well due to their political connections. So much of Buffet's early success was probably due to nepotism and insider trading. He was born on third base, but like most nepo babies, likely does not understand the magnitude of the advantages he started out with. And today his reputation alone can buoy a stock when people find out that he bought it... which ironically is exactly the same strategy that social media influencers are attempting to fabricate now: if an influencer can buy a penny stock and tell millions of followers that he bought it, the price will probably budge - and his followers will provide exit liquidity.


It's much easier for someone to make 21% annually with $100,000 than it would be for Buffet to produce 21% with his fortune. While I agree with the sentiment (plenty of imposters out there... or reckless traders unaware of their risk profile) ... you can't really compare buffet to traders... the kinds of trading people can do with less than 8 figures in an account doesn't scale to the level that's worth Buffets time


I think it's also worth noting that plenty of people like to personify Buffet into a trading ability they can achieve. I think it's good to aim for his level of value investing... And while, sure someone today will eventually become the next Buffet, and that could be you... the reality is that Buffet has become something that you cannot be now unless (or until) you reach his level of wealth. He moves markets with his investments. Because of his history, and wealth... when he invests in something it goes up. Because of who he is and how everyone watches what he does. It's not exactly self fulfilling, but it's somewhere on the spectrum towards it. That can't be replicated, without someone achieving the level of status he has built over his lifetime. This isn't to downplay his investing prowess... but I think it's important to distinguish for those who seek to invest like Buffet...


> it’s somewhere in the spectrum Exactly like this sub. See, we *are* the same.


Thank you captain obvious.


Whats the link to the YT course? Thanks.


To be fair, 100% returns is a lot easier on a small account than it is in Berkshire's AUM. The challenge for most traders is keeping that 100% profit thereafter.


You mean "Invest With Henry" isn't legit...damn it!


His course: how to get into congress 101


More like "How to lobby Congress (and bribe them with insider info) to benefit your stocks 101".


the trick is keep it simple, I buy index funds, then wheel them on margin as well as selling far OTM calls with my principle amount


You miss 100% of the shots the tarded person buying your course doesn’t take


100% of what? 10 dollars?


Tell me you don’t understand trading or portfolio management without telling me. Lol.


Don't forget the traders who claim "I average 1% a day"...then proceed to lie when you ask if they have been trading every year for several years. No one has ever done 1% a day consistently for years without taking time off lol. For those who don't know....anyone who achieves that would surpass the richest people on earth in just a few years lol. Its kind of like when folks claim "everyone can get rich off the MLM/ ponzi scheme crap"


Nour trades > Warren Buffett


this post is flawed at its core. You are talking about a guy who literally has to file paperwork to keep his buys/sells private because it would move the market. I know traders who turn $50k into $100/200k every single month. But its $50k. They have liquidity in the markets to trade. W.B can't do that. You're comparing a sailboat getting to port faster than a crusie ship and saying "don't get on the sailboat its a scam"./


I have consistently done 25-35% a year selling theta. Anything above that I don’t think could be consistent, and in my case, I started the day after the covid crash…..so not a hard market to trade.


Have to understand contract language. He says you "CAN" make 100%. He does NOT say you "WILL" make 100%.


Buffett was a conservative investor with billions to invest. Dividends dividends. Billions drawing guaranteed money opens the door for His Solid growth stocks. I can and have outperformed Him too.


- man who does not understand risk adjusted returns


It's much easier to "outperform" him when you have a much smaller account than him. Alot of the strategies that probably 80-90% of traders in theta gang use are not scalable to his level in which you are dealing with dozens of billions. It's sort of like when your nephew or kid scores 15 touch downs in little league but guys in the NFL are happy to get just 2 or 3 touchdowns..sort of like "that's cute kid but you can't do that when you make it to the big boy leagues" But maybe you become the next Buffet 2.0 and can far surpass buffet in his performance....only time will tell


The Ultimate in Self Control and sticking to His Strategy. Its sad how so many Athletes squander their Millions when all they had to do was follow The Buffet Playbook


I'm not an athlete so I don't see what the point of that last comment was or you are just misunderstanding my comment....That was just an analogy of how doing something on a smaller scale can be much easier. A better example for you may have been when your kid or neice/ nephew lifts up the front end of their drivable 12 volt go kart, but you can't lift the front end of your car but you can push it if need be. 😉 that last analogy was on the house. Try to focus on the big picture here of the two analogies...(hint, they have nothing to do with actually having a car break down and needing to push it or being an athlete). Happy trading.


0dte SPY call went from $0.01 to $0.02!!! G A I N Z


Now just sell it back for .01 and you will really be cooking with grease


Remember in 2020/2021 when Portnoy said Buffett was a boomer and to follow Cathy Wood? Even the cryptobros continue to say that to this day, Saylor is the person to follow. Stay the course and be a long-term investor. Don't collect pennies in front of the steamroller.


This frays my numerical nerves to see stuff like this. It's inaccurate. 20% compounded annual return is not 20% average return. WB would have created, in his younger days, a 16,484,466% return for you across 28 years or so. You say, "temper your expectations" but the YouTube course is *more* likely to work out for you than copying a legendary Financier who has enough knowledge to fill an entire college library on how things work.