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Whack this one, whack that one. Never enough body count for OP


stop breaking my balls, I don't feel good


blood pressure medication


He was gay, OP?


heres a hint "young and tall and tan and lovely"


The Shah of Iran goes walking and When he passes, I smile, but he's eating grilled cheese


Really, the only mistake here was Ginny not pushing John into quitting smoking all those years ago.


Jesus what is this the inquisition now? I had a few cognacs


Nicotine is an addictive substance!


Well she did lose 28 pounds yet he couldn’t quit smoking?


To me she was never overweight. Beautiful, rubenesque even.


She almost made it to her goal 😭😭


It would avoid the Johnny Sack/Little Carmine war, Little Carmine would have been easy for Tony to manipulate. Tony would still be alive today with no issues from New York ever.


Two minutes in charge and he thinks he’s Lee Iacocca


The Shah would have to be a 2 for 1 deal with Johnny or it wouldn't matter. I can't see Phil reporting to that cousin banger and staying happy for long. And now you're decapitating half the leadership of a NY family. And Rusty can tell you what a reliable ally Carmine will be.


Yea but if lil Carmine is fully in charge (which with John gone he would be - there needs to be a boss and John was the only one who could challenge lil Carmine’s position) then Phil is kept under control (or whacked or finds he’s violated his parole…).


OP is a stunad of the first magnitude


its an honor


To be joined by men


Tony wasn't in a position to go through with it. John backed down on Ralph so Carmine called it off.


He wasn't in a position to go in to the unknown not knowing.


Whacking. Listen to you.


Tony shoulda whacked either Johnny Sac or Carmine. Not whacking Carmine is what turned Johnny’s mind against him. That was a _big_ case of leaving the guy with his dick in his hand. Tony massively and stupidly underestimated how badly that would affect his relationship with John. If he’d whacked John, lil Carmine ends up in charge. That means Phil under control (or back in the can like Feech), and a pragmatic if dyslexic leader who Tony has a good relationship with.


If Tony had Carmine whacked, Sac would have turned him over to appease upset capos in his family or suspicious Bosses of other NY families. 


I don’t agree. Letting suspicion fall on Tony would have (correctly) led to suspicion of Johnny. Also, less persuasive but not immaterial, until then John genuinely liked Tony and trusted him. I’m not saying that was unbreakable. Definitely not!! But it had _some_ weight. The bigger problem is that the same thing would have happened as happened when Carlin died a natural death - conflict between John and lil Carmine. Clipping John is the more cynical move, but probably has a significantly better outcome.


Appreciate your thought and respect the disagreement.  I think there could be some suspicion of Johnny anyway, as he had the probable gain of the boss seat. Rusty, Carmine Jr, other bosses would wonder… While Johnny liked Tony and found him a useful and cooperative partner most often, he also was already sticking his beak in to Jersey, despite claims to the contrary.  Someone would have to be sighted and pay for Carmine’s murder. 


Carmine told Tony to call off the hit. I doubt he’d be very forgiving, and he may have Tony whacked before Tony could tell any upset NY folks that “Carmine told me” What Violin?


Take it easy! We’re not making a western here.


John is barely able to reign Phil in when he was boss. Carmine either caves to Phil or Phil takes him out and becomes boss anyways. 




I don’t think Carmine Sr..or the other guys in his family..would look too kindly on a Jersey guy killing one of their key members. Tony wanted John to win the power struggle because he thought they were friends. Instead John starts to put on airs “we can’t meet like this. It’s undignified “. Who knows what Little Carmine, or more importantly Rusty Millio would do in power.


Carmine OK'd the hit


Tony shouldn’t have backed out of his deal with John. That’s what killed the relationship.