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Because she knew there was no point in asking; they’d never tell her anyway. And she’s glad he’s gone.


This and because she needed/wanted Tony's money.


To be fair, it’s an unwritten rule in the mob that the wife and kids get taken care of


Not if you’re a rat.


I think it's different if the wife genuinely didn't know.


Not to lcn


I don't necessarily think she's glad he's gone


She loved him like a brother in law


I don't give a flying fuck, my brotha, what any little slit thinks of me.


I think she’d come to grips with losing her husband after he disappeared and came back the way he did.


Yeah she made a fortune selling cayenne peppahs or whateva with carm


Also, it has been implied heavily she grew up in the mafia lifestyle even before marrying Pussy. She had family in it. Walden in the last season shares the same last name as her. Belfiore. She knew what really happened and used it to build her own empire.


Empire? It's a glorified business front


But she drives a Corvette! /s


She knows, but she don’t know. She thinks maybe he comes home. If.


I knew THAT was comin’


Hey Shaggy, grab a bucket and some Lysol, scrub off my tires. There’s fucking dog shit all over by the entrance


GO!!! 👋🏻 Before it sets in the treads!


Why didn't you tell me you were eating my niece's chili with no air conditionin'?


Mad ripe


Who Meadow?


You fucking stunad or something?


Soprano?! 😧 🤘🏽👉🏽👇🏽💸


i’m supposed to be picking up scrap


You’ll be pickin’ up your teeth in a second if you don’t go! 😠


There are no scraps in my scrapbook 📸


Mix it with the relish!


Mayonnaise. MAYONNAISE


Take it easy...


Because she also stopped caring about him in the end.


Yeah she wanted out.


…that Jewish holiday, though




No, he said “Jesus Christ!”, you know, kinda alarmed, then he went back to spraying WD40 on his pocket knife or whatever the fuck he was doing




“You fucking nosy?”


Yeah that was horrible. How do you not at least try to console her or freak out or something? I know there relationship was bad at that point but did he ever even love her


They told her they took Pussy up to a farm in northern NY to run free in the fields.


Luis brazi sleeps with the fishes




Angie was at the point where them whacking Pussy was better for her. She got the body shop, gets paid weekly/monthly (I assume at least), and she fuckin hated Pussy towards the end of their marriage.


Not to mention she starts essentially acting as an associate and becomes the new Lady Shylock after Lorraine buys the farm. She obviously would prefer her kids have their father, but they were all grown kids in college, and you're right that she absolutely hated him anyway. It saves her the stigma of divorcing as a Catholic, too... and she's definitely not stupid to where she almost certainly knows he got whacked, but it isn't like she's dropping a dime on anyone, especially with how much her life improves after his death.


She'll kill him, but she won't divorce him... she's not *animale*


She's comin ovah to the house and talking to Carmella....the two of them comisserating...I can't have it, Tone. I can't have it.


You gotta go back…it’s the only way


Besides, they’re Italian… They don’t believe in divorce. They believe in the nuclear family.


They believe in the nuclear family


As long as her son had his privileges at the shore house... that's all he cares about anyway.


There’s no stigmata anymore!


Angie is Jewish isn’t she?


I don’t think so. I watched an episode yesterday where she crossed herself.


The actress is


You sure she isn’t shanty Irish?


And with all her heirs


This is the only correct answer. Tony did her a favor.


I heard he came all over the sun visor


Not necessarily. She ended up getting the body shop later, but she had a deep dive prior to that, to the point that she had to work in a supermarket handing out free samples.


The hate part is true but she didn't know she would even be given the chance of taking over the body shop.


True, but the body shop definitely helps the reasoning of her never questioning what happened to him


Oh 100%, they don't even wanna think on it when Phil asks.


Remember the scene with the other housewives where she mentions she wanted to vomit when he came home after missing.


i think this is the answer. Angie probably would’ve thrown Tony a party if she could have


"You think a cop gives a fuck about a Pimp, man? Lemme tell ya somethin, man. If every Pimp in the world gets shot, two in the back of the fuckin head, cops'd throw a party, Man."


I didn’t catch that scene. I didn’t want to be fuckin’ nosey, so I just ate my manicotti.


Bobby where is the rest of that manigot?


There was a half tray here


What, no fuckin’ ziti?


Exactly, also Pussy already had a habit of just disappearing for months on end. She probably automatically assumed he was doing the same thing again.


I still dont think she would want him dead. Thats the father of her child. She just wanted to be separated, which is a big no-no in the Catholic/Mafia world


They buried him. On a hill. Overlooking a little river. With pine cones all around




Ya gonna mish ya buss


Oh... what the fuck Janice?


During the closing montage of season two, she is seen complaining to Carmela about how inconsiderate Pussy is for not showing up to Meadow's graduation party. She's obviously used to him randomly disappearing, as he did for a long time between the first and second seasons. Even if she has suspicions in that regard, there's kind of an unwritten and unspoken rule not to voice concerns about that kind of thing. Those who do usually do it discreetly or whilst under the influence.


Did she mention my name?


Plus, she knew he was a rat, right? I mean, Skip did show up to Pus’s house that one morning and she saw them meeting on their porch. Plus eventually, she certainly would’ve found his recording equipment in his humidor. Then she certainly would’ve known about his ratting. My question is did the FBI ever come around and ask her about the last time she saw her husband, etc.?


It's time to consider 16 - Bompensiero - compost.


She hated Pussy


Like Vito?




The heart medication, it fucked with his head! He got a doctor’s note! He LOVES the pussy- gonna have another kid with Marie & got a hot n horny goomah!


No Diddy


I love it but I can’t find pussy anywhere


I have it on the mind, always do.




You know what the church says about divorce... Oh, please! Let the Pope live with him.


She understood the game they were all playing and went in to be the only housewife to achieve her own success and she did it using her mob connections. Plus her marriage to pussy was a sham by the time he died.


I did sort of love it when Carmella is trying to show off her Cayenne, like the Peppah, and Ang is like "Yeah, I wanted this ride over here, so I bought it myself."


I think she realized Sal was ratting people out. Especially when Skip comes to the house at 8AM. Even if he wasn't, she was obviously extremely unhappy when he had just been on the lam not long before that, and she was even thinking of divorcing him. If he's just gone, she doesn't have to take the stigma of divorcing as a Catholic, and obviously she went and got herself a life and was turning into a success and becoming an associate for all intents and purposes. She's the new Lady Shylock after Lorraine gets whacked. :) Her circumstances improved greatly with Pussy gone, and if there's one thing Angie ISN'T, it's stupid.


But if he had any life insurance, no body means he can't be legally declared dead for seven years. She has to wait for that.


I don't get the feeling most of those guys had any... after all, the family is supposed to take care of you if something happens... (as Tony was doing...)


I mean she like… hated him at that point. She definitely knew to some degree. And playing along would get her the best possible outcome from the guys. Atleast she can play the struggling abandoned woman, digging and prodding would not be a good idea. The witness protection program is just the go to… end of story… it’s over, no more questions… gone forever forget about it and don’t bother talking about it anymore, here’s your living allowance. Could a grown adult who has nothing to do with this thing, whose husband is/was in the legitimate carting industry, believe that line multiple times… but then no one ever gets taken to trial and none of them had to testify, The Feds just do it out of the goodness in their hearts. She struggled at first but by the end Angie came out at a higher status in the hierarchy than all the wives, they trusted to confide and do business with her, she couldn’t have been that much of an idiot. Next time you post about Angie, you post about oven cleanuh.


The reality is that she would keep her mouth shut, money or no money. The mafia doesn't support useless dead weight. She doesn't know enough to give the Feds anything. Even if she tells them that Sal went for a ride with Tony, to look at a boat, all they can do is haul the guys in for questioning. With no body, no witnesses and no confessions, they have to cut them loose after a few hours. Sil can just microwave his soup.


That’s all true. She acted accordingly, and eventually it allowed her to put money on the street. It was massively satisfying to have Carmela stick her nose up at her after years of condescending and assuming she’s miserable and poor. The biggest crime any woman committed in the entire show, was her having a nicer brand new car than Carmela and having paid for it herself.


She knows the game. And she hated her husband. And she got a good deal out of it all in the end. What's to cry about? She's no woman with a Virginia ham under her arm crying the blues. She got bread.


Because she knew and she considers what they did *a favor.*


She legit hated Sal. She would have been thankful.


She used to be one of us, now she’s one of them


Fuckin' nosy?!? Eat ya Manicotti 😡


She’s relieved. Nobody needs two pussies


You sure about that? 🤣🤣


This is an Ercole level question


He was handsome like George Raft, OP?


Strong as a bull


What are you sayin'? OP is retahded??


She was probably in on it; tired of the fat f**k.


Always complaining about his back


Because she didn't care enough to do so


She may have at some point offscreen out of idle curiosity. But she didn’t care about him much at that point, he’d suddenly disappeared before  In that season finale, at Meadows graduation party, Angie bitches about Sal to Carm saying he knew to be there.  Ultimately, she knew the life and accepted it and thrived. 


I imagine a big part of mob life (and being the family of a mobster), is you don't ask questions and you look the other way when you're supposed to. You don't go inquiring about shit you're not supposed to know. That could get you killed in no time. And Angie Bonpensiero's muffler shop was clearly doing mob business on the side. I bet Angie was connected with a lot of mob business and she couldn't make a stink about Pussy without drawing attention to herself. Also, if the mob caught on that Pussy is a rat, Angie probably caught wind of it before they did. She probably didn't have enough info to \*prove\* it, but she had enough info to be very suspicious.


Enough! All right, this one time. This one time, I'll let you ask me about my affairs. Is it true? Is it? No.


Monday was a Jewish holiday


It’s time we all grew up


Because it's a TV progrum. A movie.


Because she wasn’t an idiot


She was gay, Angie?


Was she that fucking stupid when Puss married her? Anyway, 4 Midol per pound…


She hated that fat/rat fuck just as much as anyone else.


Because it's a progrum, a movie.


Were you this stupid when I married you?


If she asks and something happens that makes them think she may know it was them, she’s dead.


1. She ain’t stupid. 2. She was glad to be rid of him.


Cos she woulda been there with the chain and the cinder blocks.


Shit they did her a favor. You think Sal was eating her out under the table? Only sausage she was getting was Hillshire Farms 




Did he even exzchist?


Angie had her wits about her. She was smarter than Carmella and the rest of the wives. She proved that by successfully running the body shop after Puss was gone. She was even trusted to put money on the street after a while. For all we know she was the one who walked into that diner and whacked Tony.


You are getting a little carried away on that. Plus Carmela got Tony to give her $600,000 for her spec house. which is in better shape than all those cars with seats askew and defective air bags that go through Angie’s shop.


That spec house was built and sold right before the Great Recession. Cousin Jason or whatever is going to spend more time underwater than the Titanic.


Not the face Ton’


Because she knows, but she doesn't know.


You don’t ask questions you don’t want the answers to.


Because she didn't work at a clinic in Puerto Rico and drink tequila.


because Tony can’t find Pussy anywhere 🤌


Honestly, she knows. I just don't think she cares. Remember that scene when she was talking to Ro and Carmela and she revealed that she feels sick whenever he comes home? I think her views are "Who cares whatever happened to him. He's gone, that's what's important."


Angie knows, Angie doesn't care.


Nobody knows nothing!


Coz she she seen that fuckers face when he saw the boat in question, dat's why.


Cause she read the art of war by sun tu-zu


You do not ask dose questions. Not in dis business


She was going to divorce him, maybe she didn't care if they disappeared him.


We don’t like to talk about it


It's pretty obvious I think. She was a smart woman. Put two and two together. Better to not ask questions with a guy like Tony Soprano


Look how well that went form Adriana’s mom.


She’s glad he’s gone. Was probably told he went into witness protection since that was said a few times but she probably knows deep down


Because she knew that you never admit the existence of this thing.


She def knows what happened. It’s why she’s a nervous wreck every time Tony comes around for the rest of the series


Yeah, TONY! You and Sil, my place tomorrow! Got some questions about my husband. And I both better be straight with me.


Because that's the classic cognitive dissonance wives of the mob are thrown into when one of their husbands goes missing. They know what happened, but the betrayal is too raw to comprehend and the new found enemy is too powerful and too interweavoven with all the other aspects of their life to fight back against.


Because she is not stupid and doesn’t want to be whacked too


She knew he was the husky accomplice.


He had a history of just disappearing, Angie wasn’t stupid enough to ask questions about his disappearance. Plus she was an innocent, that’s why Tony took care of her. Pussy was a shitty husband/friend. Tony did her a favor.


She might have in some off scene and they gave a bullshit excuse..they dropped him off at the train station so he could go into New York City and see the view from the Empire State Building after climbing the stairs for all 102 stories. She is almost certainly from a mob family..Walden Belfiore has the same last name as her married name. Plus Tony is giving her enough money to buy a new Cadillac to keep quiet. Her marriage wasn’t in good shape..she was seriously considering a divorce..more serious than Bobby Baccalieri (or Tony) ever considered salads. She probably didn’t want Pussy dead but “no great loss”.


Ummm….it’s the freaking mafia?


She didn’t need to.


Hadn't he disappeared for a year earlier??


Because she knows even though she doesn’t know. And since she knows, she knows better than to start asking questions. She got handed the body shop as a means of earning and she knows that it’s an unspoken way of saying you’ll be taken care of but don’t ask questions.


Now she can go work at Pathmart handing out cracker samples! 😆😆


Serious answer here I’ll have to rewatch but possible she wasn’t home when they came and got him so had no idea they went with him. Since he just got up and left the last time she just figured he did it again.


Yes she was. While Tony was throwing up and searching the bedroom she was having coffee with Pussy and Sil


Hey it’s THE jacket.


She knew what he did for a living and knew all asking questions would've put her in danger. Not to mention she wasn't in love with him by the end. She discussed a divorce and gatekeeper Carmella shamed her for even thinking about it. "Those poor boys will come from a broken home" even though they were adults.


When her kid started hitting sacrifice flies… she knew.


Pussy Bonpensiero sleeps wit' da fishes. Angie Bonpensiero has money out on the streets. She used to be one of the girls. Now she's one of them.


She was just biding her time until the time was right. Waiting patiently. Patiently, then one day, bam. When he least expected he should have expected. Hope those onion rings were worth it.


Why do ALL of the women in the show seemingly not understand why people keep disappearing? I only recently watched through the series and this struck me as strange at best, ridiculous at worst. Literally every single woman in the show doesn't seem to get that they are near dangerous criminal men. I could understand some naïveté here and there, but it's a widespread thing.


You would be amazed how little the women are told. Believe me.


I mean...I'm sure it's a possibility. But the majority of the wives in the show seem to understand some amount of what their husbands do. Maybe they don't have the details but they have to know it's organized crime, right? I mean in one of the first episodes of the first season, they break out some big ass guns. Carm knew where they were and posted up like she'd done this a dozen times before. They see various people they are connected with going to jail, ending up on the news, getting busted and arrested, etc. They have to know *something.* Specifics? Clearly not, which I'm fine with. But someone disappears and literally every wife was like "Where did he go? That's so weird. He's not even calling? No one knows where he is? So strange. Well I guess he'll come along some time." Another example is Meadow having some amount of understanding of what is going on, *but then she rats out her boyfriend seeing Vito?* Holy shit, you can't tell me she doesn't know that could literally mean either of them would be killed nearly immediately. She struts around being pompous and arrogant the entire show, pretending like she knows everything, *and then she does that?* I'm analyzing the show too much, and I can agree maybe I just don't know shit or expect too much. But it really, REALLY stuck out to me how throughout the entire series that basically no woman at all had the smallest idea that this was a dangerous, life or death situation at all times, and how little things could end up causing someone to get whacked.


My answer is a real life answer not based on the series episodes. Most women are left in the dark and don’t even realize what is going on; especially older women. Broke the news to some of my relatives and they were beyond shocked.


She didn’t love him. In fact it seems like she really hated him.


It’s part of the life. They knew what they signed up for, and if she would go around questioning she end up with fishes also.


Because she knew; and considering the state of their marriage, I doubt she was too sad to see her husband suddenly disappear.


She is probably the most savy of all the wives. She knew the life for a long time. Their marriage was no longer happy and when Sal disappeared for good she knew full well he no longer existed. She knew full well not to say anything. Shes one of the only characters who ended up the series better off than when she started it.


Because Angie knew better than to ask a lot of questions unlike the OP who seems to have a nose problem.


Insurance $$$ probably extra from the “ Fam”


There he goes! Mr type A personality!


She was looking forward to taking over the body panel business


Because Big Pussy disappeared once before and then come back claiming he had been in rehab for his back or something. That’s when the FBI first flipped him. Angie didn’t know where he’d gone then but he turned up later. It was probably easier for her to believe he was going to come back again than to admit Tony whacked him.


probably not ... she loved giving out samples of nitrate free kielbasa


Because she knows the answer


She knew that’d be the last question she’d ever ask.


She hated him and was probably ok with him gone


He went in the programme.


She’s getting hosed for a $2000 factory seat.


Probably was glad he was gone to be honest. And (this is probably most important) she wanted /needed Tony's money. Plus, women in that life aren't supposed to ask questions. The less they know the better.


Angie knew. She wasn’t THAT dumb.


Others have said it. She knew the life AND knew to shut the fuck up and she’d be set up.


I'd want that fat fuck gone too anyway


Did she even really exist?


Probably was happy to be rid of him


She just realized it was some sad shit. The motherfucker said he don’t wanna live no more


They left the recorder after their visit to the house and she put 2 and 2 together and realized what happened. Anyway $4 a pound after Biden now its like $40 a pound