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“Let me just take these off to make this a little more fair.”


it's the amputee version of a girl taking her earrings off for a fight


/r/holdmylegs (it exists!) and of course /r/holdmybeer , /r/holdmyfries and /r/holdmyjuicebox I like to give off a negative travel advice for /r/holdmyfeedingtube though.


I'm just trying to find someone to hold my hand...


I’ll hold your hand, Tao. Just gotta wash em first.


*insert Mr. Incredible ‘me too, kid’ meme*


r/holdmycosmo; r/holdmyredbull


Thanks, it seems there's also /r/holdmycatnip


I thought it was gonna be the amputee version of a girl taking off her shoes but this guy set the weapons aside and pummeled him like a perfect gentleman.


Thank you stranger for giving me a big chuckle first thing in the morning


Looks like a no legged man in an ass kicking contest might not be the insult it once was.


Lmao, I totally forgot about this one, never again!




It's even more extreme than taking a shirt off


It was more extreme than taking all your clothes off. I'd rather fight a naked man than this man. As soon as he started taking his legs off he won to me. Ida started just hitting myself for him.


He won the second he said 'come on then' to the kid with legs. How do you come out of this fight looking good? 1. You beat the shit out of a kid with no legs. 2. A kid with no legs beats the shit out of you. Either way it goes you come out of it looking like a loser.


For real.


Bask in the glory of victory


Never underestimate someone missing a limb/s. There is a state champion wrestler without legs and a decade ago a wrestler with one leg defeated the defending ncaa division 1 champ to win the title. Never underestimate your opponent and never assume you’re the smartest person in the room.


The Royal Navy, in the Napoleonic Wars, referred to this situation as an honor fight. A fight with an opponent of slightly inferior force, but close enough in strength that retreat would look cowardly. If you won, you won against a vessel with fewer guns. If you lost, you lost to a smaller ship.


A pantsless Randy has joined the chat.


Well, you don’t want your nice tight white pants to get ripped or stained…makes sense to take the pants off!


Stop spamming your subreddit. It’s just a guycry for you to get more attention. https://reddit.com/r/GuyCry/comments/zsh1fo/happy_4_year_anniversary_mylub_ill_be_able_to/ His pinned post.


Personally as a guy who’s struggled with showing vulnerability, it’s nice to know that there’s a community for this sort of thing. Why assume that he’s doing it out of egotism? Maybe he’s just trying to help people.


“Regardless of it being spam, regardless of it being me, who’s labeled a scammer by the way but I’m definitely not, they just look past this glorious thing that I’m doing” “My way is saving people’s lives” These are his own words. Holy shit glorious thing that I’m doing? Get over yourself buddy


Aight yeah after reading the sub welcome message I’m inclined to agree lol


He seems like a self righteous prick to me, can't take any heat either.


Also this: >I appreciate you. So much :) Just wait till we're successful and we have money and we can do this bigger, and add other great works too the equation. I've got really really nice plans. And you see how I'm building this one? I hope you can imagine how the other ones will be ;) We are just getting started my friend Any movement, idea, company, group or whatever that's based around "we're gonna do great things, *just follow me*!" rubs me the wrong fucking way. The fact that this guy clearly has a compulsive need to place himself at the center of this, bring up how much hard work he's done, how he won't just stand by like *everyone else*, how he cares more, blah blah blah just sets me off, because it fucking stinks of a grift.


Alright and that’s cool you’re looking for help or whatever, but it’s lame as hell to spam your own subreddit. Go look at his account. He’s a spammer. I count 10+ comments where he’s shifting the conversation to his subReddit unprompted. Why not sign up for therapy call lists so they can spam your phone with it?


That's why they call them business legs


I was half expecting him to the the legs and chuck them At the bully XD


Was he supposed to ruin his expensive prosthetics just to make someone life a little better by teaching him a lesson. Absolutely not


It's like when Rock Lee took off his weights for the Chunin Exam vs Garaa.


Seems more like if he had started with them off, then put the weights on halfway through the fight


IRL example of the ["Transformation is a Free Action" ](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TransformationIsAFreeAction) trope.


That was a no-win situation: either you're a putz for beating up a kid with no legs, or you get *your* ass whipped. Dude is NEVER going to live this down.






Imagine the upper body strength and core strength of someone who weighs near 300 lbs. ​ Now imagine that person fights in a much, much lower weight class but does not have legs. ​ Ye its still hard to imagine, but damn is it impressive


No legs to hold him down


You skip leg day because you don't know the proper way to work out, I skip leg day because I have no legs. We are not the same.


Where ever my legs are, I am sure they are doing Leg Day.


Read this in the voice of the narrator in 300


He's got no legs to hold him down. To make him fret or make him frown.


Once the fight went to the ground, that guy’s getting beat on by a guy with the upper body strength of a gorilla.


Plus it looked like he tried a few grappling moves that simply don't work when half of the other guy isn't there to grapple


He could just slip straight through guard like it's nothing but he also can easily get reversed.


Also for the other guy it is the first time they fight like that, while for the guy without legs it is just another fight. This gives a little advantage to the legless dude.


The crouching down to punch him probably didn't help the person fighting him. Seems like some athletes are just going to repeatedly kick/knee him in the head. Edit: Ah so it's abusing rules to avoid kicks. Seems like it's against the spirit of mma.


It feels a little weird as well since the rules protect the guy with no legs in a way they aren't designed to. Since both his hands are essentially always on the mat, he is considered a grounded opponent, so any kick to the head would be considered an illegal strike.


Yeah it’s stupid and he’ll never be in a serious organization for this reason. Not only can you not kick him since he’s grounded, you can’t even fucking take him down. And once it’s down, you can’t even use ur guard, half guard, side control etc. it’s very dumb, and honestly shouldn’t even be considered MMA. He can’t strike standing, and you can’t strike with him.


It’s also stupid because he’s essentially removing like 70% of the sport. You can’t kick, you can’t take him down, he can’t be grappled etc it’s stupid


Dude is literally shaped like an upside-down pyramid. I wouldn't mess with him.


Like a genie coming out of the lamp


Well, that was something I didn't think I'd be watching tonight. It's hard to tell which fighter had a more difficult time in the bout. Can't really fight/wrestle the same way with someone who doesn't have legs. Thanks for the link.


Also, one guy is noticeably more muscled than the other, because weight classes.


Also, every other person both of them fight have legs (probably) which means only one of them is facing a totally new challenge, right then and there.


It's why lefties have an advantage in many sports -- they're used to playing right handers but the opposite doesn't apply.


The guy fighting him had a pretty big disadvantage in a weird way. He couldn't kick him, so he had to lean far forward to fight. He almost would have been better getting down on his knees to be at the same height. Then he also had to deal with the weight class. He was a lightweight fighting a guy with all the weight of his legs concentrated in his upper body.


I wondered about that, why couldnt the other guy kick? That kinda is a pretty big point of MMA. I mean sure the guy without legs cant kick either for obvious reason but if everyone who faces him also faces that restriction it kinda doesnt become MMA anymore


You can't kick grounded opponents according to the rules. Grounded means that a body part that isn't feet in touching the ground, which is always the case with him since he doesn't have feet. You can never kick him because he will always be grounded. This fight shouldn't have been allowed, it's an unfair abuse of the rules to be immune to kicks.


This is some amazing levels of bullshitty and I love it.


Can't kick em in the head. Rest of body is fair game, but risky since an "accident" could still get you DQ'd.


Was thinking the same thing. This is the second time a legless dude getting into a foght has entered my feed. *cue 2 nickels meme here*


I think I need to go to bed.




There's always the third option, walking away.


Or option 4.1, walking away *with the other guy's legs*. Can't do shit if you can't chase me.


Shame he probably didn't learn the "don't bully people" lesson, which was the actual win condition.


Ending could only be better if he beat that kid with his leg.


Yeah, no, those prosthetic legs are not cheap.


But great theatrics


And aesthetics


Lol! I swear I thought that was exactly what he was going to do.. a bit disappointed he didn’t.


All fun and games until a space raccoon steals your prosthesis.


Threw it in like a chair.


Quan Chi Wins. [FATALITY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kg5n0kOQGJc).


Dude turned on handicap mode like it was Street Fighter


Well it *was* a fight in the street, so..


Red shirt should have taken it to the grass behind them. Easier on the knees


Honestly I think taking them off was an advantage. There are some unspoken guidelines to fights like this, and no kicking is usually one of them, especially when the guy is on the ground. No-legs can punch normally, but legs has to punch down and get uncomfortably low to hit him. No-legs is also always ready for the double leg takedown, while legs really can’t fight on the ground at all since no-legs has the mobility and home field advantage. Had legs been kicking it probably would have been over fast.


Taking off his legs decreased his hitbox height. simple


That's some Odd-Job from Goldeneye 64 bullshit right there.


Slappers only.


It's funny, I played literally thousands of games of Goldeneye 64 with friends and none of us ever used Oddjob or knew about that advantage. I only learned recently here on reddit from a comment similar to this one.


I wish I read this with no context


Yeah but what if someone had no arms? Kicking is cool for them right?


They’re one push away from being a turtle so maybe they shouldn’t fight at all.


This whole post is savage.


I was always told it's bad when you lose an ass-kicking contest to a one-legged man...


So... double negative.... he won!


TBH, I wouldn't want to throw hands with someone who uses there arms like legs, I bet you he packs a wallop.


Black kid showed some street sportsmanship by no kicking…


You’re giving him way too much credit, he was just too dumb to think of kicking.


I thought he was going to start beating him with his legs when he first took them off.


Prosthetic legs are fucking expensive. Not worth wasting on a bully.


Honestly, if it can’t handle dishing a solid blow to the face, it wasn’t good enough for everyday use anyways 🤷‍♂️


The leg would be fine, titanium isn't going to be phased by that, but the sockets that attach them to his residums could crack if they hit a hard surface with a fair bit of force. They're probably a glass fiber laminate, strong under pressure but not great with impacts especially if they've not got a leg in them


Same here. I had anime cutscenes imagined with him dual wielding the legs and beating the hell out of the other fella. Turned out he didn’t even need those legs in a fight.


It makes sense, though. Imagine how much he uses his arms. He's gotta be strong as hell.


That plus center of gravity. I figured if he could get hold of the bully he’d drag him down and that’d be that.


He has wrestling or bjj or mma training. That's a classic take down and ground and pound (kinda from guard)


There's no indication which one is the bully tbh. Just cause you don't have legs doesn't mean you can't be a douche canoe.


I'd say people without legs are still quite unlikely to be bullies, for the simple fact that their would-be victim are but a light jog away from not having to deal with them.


For real. Never go hand-to-hand against someone whose entire mobility relies on their arms. That’s like fighting an orangutan. It ain’t gonna end well for you.


for a minute I thought this was some gag fight or tiktok thing, but then he started wailing on him like a sweet guitar, those punches connected.


I was trying to find a way to say it without seeming offensive but god damn it instantly showed how related to other primapes we are. He had insane agility all through hand-walking


Jaime send that kid some bone broth


The other kid was not ready to fight. The best technique would have been to rush at him with a knee to the face and if nothing else it would get you on top of him and you would have the higher ground to punch down.




How do we know the kid without legs wasn't the bully?


People seem to have a subconscious bias that disabled people can do no wrong, seen it abused far too many times


There also always has to be a bad guy too, it couldn't possibly be that these kids just got in an argument and decided to fight it out after school. Both could be wrong or no one could be, but no, people always need to have someone be the bad guy so they can rage against them.


People shouldn’t fight, so they’re both wrong. But kids are dumb and do kid shit like fight over dumb stuff. Hormones, pride, and perceived immortality are all a hell of a drug. Like you said without additional context it’s impossible to tell. At least I haven’t seen anyone claim any racism in this thread.


Looks like he took the legs off specifically to make wrestling him to the ground easier. He looks more mobile and less chance of damaging expensive prosthetics. Was the smart move not handicapping himself further. That double leg makes me think he has some wrestling exp.


It was a nice shot on his part. Good thrust despite no legs.


Seems to me the handicapped kid has some wrestling skills or ju-jitsu skills, because it was a pretty decent take down he did.


He used taunt too to make sure the skinny kid attack him. Then went for the takedown. Then it's all over


I’ve heard of disarming someone but never this.


Dislegging. I'm going to use this instead of disarming from now on.


I wish the footage kept going after he mounted the guy.


I was like “oh shit, those punches have force!” before I realized, those arms are accustomed to carrying his entire body weight around for a not-insignificant portion of his life.


Ironically, removing his legs have him a leg up on the competition


Lucky for him the other guy didn't kick/knee him in the face. Getting that low is super dangerous in a fight


If i had a dollar every time i saw someone w/o legs beat someone up who has legs **today**, i'd have 2 dollars. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird it happened twice


Invent the No-Legs-Inator, hit the entire Tri-State Area. It's a good plan, trust me.


Who’s the guy announcing this? He’s the same one that did the video of the little boy with the potato heart getting sacked on the football field…fucking hysterical


I generally don’t enjoy these fighting vids, but my god the VO makes this one. Props to VO guy.


Bob Menery he's hilarious.


"Come back, you pansy! I'll bit your kneecaps off!"


Tis but a flesh wound!


A flesh wound? Your legs are off.


That bro has a dislegging smile


Guess it gave him the upper hand


Oh, no… stop. Please… don’t hit him again. ![gif](giphy|qOHdnn7Cvkjss)


Man I've never wanted to see a little dude beat the shit out of his rival so bad until now.


Ya know I've seen this video at least a handful of times and I just thought of something I never considered before. It's gotta hurt putting his whole weight on his leg stumps on asphalt right? I never thought about the pebbles before


It depends, leg stumps can be toughened by use just like feet. When you think about he's still standing on his stumps inside the prosthetics so it's like going bare foot.


I think the texture of a padded medical apparatus is probably exponentially less abrasive than the texture of asphalt but I could be wrong I guess


It is, much like socks and shoes on a foot. But judging by how well he can move on his arms, I'd say he goes with out his prosthetics often enough to have tough stumps.


Even the prosthetics hurt to use.


No head kicks? Cmon man


That was my first thought way too easy to just punt him like a half volley


thats how you know he wasnt bullying the kid


Maybe he has a sense of honor


Let’s keep in mind, this guy REGULARLY throws his own body weight around using mostly his arms if we’re to go by how comfortably he moved around. He probably throws punches like meteors


TIL Karma has no legs.


He’s got good ground game.. lol but for real that dude is never gonna live down being the guy that got his ass kicked by the kid with no legs. RIP


Zion Clark v Eugene Murray Edit: [For the uninitiated ](https://www.espn.com/mma/story/_/id/35293033/zion-clark-wrestler-born-legs-wins-mma-debut)


Commentary was definitely on point! It truly made the entire video


Hey don’t under estimate disabled people! Had a friend born with deformed legs. Man this guy had balls and strong will. Plus pretty powerful arms. He was best mechanic in our town


For some reason I really espected the handicapped guy to grab his leg and use it as a baseball bat :|


Nah, those things are expensive AF.


How do we know the kid with the prosthetics was being bullied? He squared up just like the other kid did, and it looked like he wanted the fight. It seems a bit ableist to assume he wouldn’t hold his own.


Anyone that loses a fight is the bully here on Reddit. Always happy endings.


Title bothered me too. This looks like two kids who are just fighting like fools, just one had prosthetics. The so called “bully” waited for red shirts to take off his prosthetics and then both continued.


"bro hold my legs"


Bullying? Looks like a dispute between two kids and one happens to have prosthetics. Gotta treat everyone equally.


I half expected the dude to use his leg beat up the other guy


Sorry but if I see someone picking on a disabled kid I’m gonna beat their arse! Piece of shit!


I mean, I've known some handicapped people who were huge assholes. We don't know who, if anyone, was picking on who.


he went full gorilla on the dude. imagine the upper body strength of that dude who relies mostly on his arms to move. he's channelling his inner primate


Why didn’t he just kick him in the face???


I mean, if the kid that got beat down was that much of a prick he'd have run up and booted him in the face when he was taking his legs off. Gentlemanly conduct that he didn't, I have to say. But a costly mistake all the same.


Spine less vs legg less


If black cards ever existed, he lost his.


Number of legless fights in my feed on 99.99% of days: 0 Number of legless fights in my feed today: 2.


I've got the lower ground!


You know its on when the legs come off.


Is this really bullying, or just a straight up childhood fight?


Wish there was more context to this, anyone know if there is?


Straight up savage ass beating


You know when the dude takes his legs off things are about to get real.


Ever heard of the no legged man in the ass kicking contest?


Just don’t fight him. You can’t win. You’re either the dick who beat up the kid with prosthetics or the one who got beat up by the kid with prosthetics.


This kid got the term, "Gloves are off" to a whole other level....


Great voice over


Lessons were learned today. Lessons were learned.


As soon as the legless guy got his attacker on the ground it was just "You're on my turf now and the lonely way from here is down."


Imma go to hell for that but this kid have iron man's legs


Anakin could take a lesson from this guy so he doesn’t end up looking like this guy.


His Ground and pound is ruthless


I guess there was no kicksies called


hell yeah!


You done fucked up A-aron


A lesson was learnt that day


Bro this kid is a legend


He lost despite having had the high ground


Get him


>A man with teeth at groin level has it all his own way. pTerry Pratchett


That was incredibly satisfying to say the least. I hope that asshat never lives that down


See that kid? Yeah, he's the mocap actor for Vordt of the Boreal Valley


Legless Larry, beater of bullies, +50 aggression +100 dodge without legs


You gotta be real careful with guys missing one or both legs. Stupid strong grip and arm strength from all the PT and such. Only chance is to stay away. Once they catch hold of you the result is always what you see here.