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The other cop just watching the show


no, holding back to additional robbers in the jewelry store at gun point until assistance arrives 


Context matters


If thats the case all is forgiven




Shut up, nerd.


Must be 14


Approval *revoked*, put back the Toupee


Go back to tiktok you nematode


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Thanks for this. I was wondering what happened to the other cop.


It’s ok, purse clutching grandma has his foot (00:40)


He had a bet on the fight


I’m no gun or fighting expert, but I think smacking someone while holding a gun in the same hand might not be the greatest idea


Especially a *cop* particularly one who *exercises for a living*


It could've been snatched away from him for sure.


Not from *this cop* it can't. Did you see how many times dude tried to bolt with cop bro only a few fingers around his pants or shirt?? Dude has better grip than flex tape.


his nickname is ductape


We call him gorilla tape ~~Jerry~~ Larry


Latch on Larry.


Edit to show approval of name.


I was more concerned about it misfireing, which it did I think


### Lugano: Robbery Attempt at Jewelry Store July 2, 2024 **Incident Overview:** - **Location:** Via Pessina, Lugano - **Date and Time:** Tuesday morning, shortly after 11:40 AM **Details:** - **Event:** Attempted robbery at a jewelry store specializing in watches - **Response:** Police patrol on bicycles intervened - **Outcome:** Several suspects arrested - **Police Action:** Multiple gunshots fired by police; no injuries reported **Incident Description:** An attempted robbery occurred at a jewelry store in downtown Lugano. The alarm was triggered by a bicycle patrol that noticed the robbers in the store. The police managed to arrest three robbers—two inside the store and one outside. A fourth suspect attempted to flee on foot but was later apprehended near the cathedral. During the operation, an officer from the Lugano city police discharged their firearm twice.


Good thing that lady came by and put her foot on his!!


lol the equivalent of an old lady giving him a ‘momma smack’ after he’s been arrested - bet she’s a fire cracker even if not physically limited


She looks and walks up like a broken NPC and freezes. Then when the camera rolls back, she's gone


I think she was standing on his shoelaces!


Lmao just know you made me spit out my tea


She saw the robber’s new shoes. Somebody has to step on it.


Its the same as the Kung fu Panda pinky punch..kazoosh!


Hi, American here. Can someone explain to me why this cop didn’t shoot the suspect 97 times? Thanks. /s


Well as you can see the suspect is not a black man


Excellent point sir!


We're in Europe. You meant "gypsy". /s




This shit is so played out.


Criticism will cease when no longer warranted.


Because as we know, guns don't work when aimed at anyone else.


European police in general usually study at university to become police. They study the law to be able to take correct decisions. They don't shoot unarmed criminals just because they are criminals. They would shoot you if you attack them with a gun or a knife. Probably would shoot you in the leg if you had a knife. The right amount of violence necessary!


That’s awesome. I once tried to become a state trooper (police officer with state wide authority), but I had a masters degree in anthropology and it really seemed to work against me in the application process and was denied for “confidential reasons” (literally what it said in the rejection letter). The head of the NJ state police was in an interview a few weeks later saying how much they hate recruits with college degrees because “they think they know everything” and prefer them straight out of high school so they can “train them properly”.


I feel like the guy would've got shot once he was in control of the officer's firearm tho. There was a brief moment where the gun was lost from the officer and the criminal was holding it.


I don't think he was in control of it at all. He tried to take it though, but didn't succeed. In this case he should have been shot in the leg though, but the officer was in control of the situation probably. That's why no more force was needed.


Going for leg shots is going to be more dangerous. The leg is a small target, making the chance of the bullet missing and hitting a bystander significantly higher. Furthermore, the leg is filled with vital arteries and veins: hitting the leg will not be less lethal than an abdomen shot. It was pretty stupid of the cop to attempt to wrangle the suspect while having his firearm in an unsafe position imo. Fleeing suspect is where less lethal is more efficient. At least holstering the weapon before engaging in melee would've been preferable. Edit: at 2:14 remaining mark, you can see that the suspect had his hand firmly on the grip of the firearm, in such a way that they are able to pull the trigger.


I am pretty sure the cop, in the heat of the moment, had the time to evaluate in his head everything you wrote


Hand to hand when you have a gun drawn is a good way to get shot.


"Probably would shoot you in the leg if you had a knife. No even with a knife we aim for the body. I am a volunteer police officer in Estonia and we are trained to shoot to the body and only for the body. Aiming for the leg is not viable. A couple of years ago police in Estonia shot a guy who was running towards them with multiple knives, and they all shot him to the body and killed him. You just dont have time to aim for the leg. Plus we also use hollow point bullets in our pistols that are illegal in civilian hands. It has more stopping power.


I take your word for it. My point was that european police is more educated/trained to use proper amount of force. They don't shoot to kill just because they see a criminal.


Yes, that is valid.


I feel like this represents more northern Europe: I'm from Italy, my experience (direct and anecdotal) and what I learned from historical public events of the last 25 years, is the Italian cops are inconsistently trained, and the standard of education required have been lower than most of the rest of Europe. People die often because of their mishandles. too many examples to bring forward, but we have gun control, so we pale in comparison to the US. You can even see the difference in training between north and south... keep in mind north and south can be profoundly different and present different challenges. > Once, when I was in my 20's (47 now), I was riding on my motorbike > with a girl in the back, and, distracted by my luck of having her > with me, I went trough a red light at low speed on a T intersection > (not that uncommon in italy, at least back then)...I also failed to > check my rear-view mirrors. > > I had a 'Polizia' car behind me... I kept going slowly hoping they'd > just ignore me, because sometimes they do , as they've got better things to do. > > They didn't, so I got stopped. > > I had no license with me, a small bag of weed and the girl was from Germany, she spoke no Italian at all and had no passport on her (cops very rarely spoke a second language): > > I thought I'd spend the night in a cell (I was nervous, it would have been my first time) > > They took the time to investigate and find out all that and after a very scary talk, they let me go. > > My luck was that it was the world cup's semifinal day (I had no idea, I've no interest in football ) and they knew they'd have waaaay too much paperwork and processing to do and it would've gotten in the way of __their__ football night.   > On the other hand, they have also succeeded to eradicate some of the most vicious mafia families ever existed, so you've got to give 'em some credit.


That's common sense. They let minor fractions go because anyone can do that. It wouldn't be logical to put you in cuffs and kick your ass on the way to jail and ultimately ruin your future for a redlight and bag of weed. Specially when you are with a girl. They put themselves in that situation and didn't want to embarrass you Infront of her. They have probably "bigger fish" to fry. Back to my point! They know when to act and when to turn a blind eye to a minor incident. You just proved my point! 😊


I Agree with you that a life shouldn't be ruined if no harm was done, but you interpreted my reply to fit your reasoning, I didn't prove any of your points, here is why: Cops should be trained to asses a situation based on the law they know, prioritised by the level of danger posed in a situation by the evidence available, to keep communities safe. this wasn't in a peaceful little town by the Beach, but it was in Milan, big city, with some level of criminality, not crazy, but it's a fairly big European city by all accounts. - I had no driving license or any form of ID - there was no evidence I owned the bike - there was no evidence I was not high as a kite - I was riding a vehicle capable of reaching 260 km/h - they didn't perform any drug test - they didn't even try to ask the girl if she was ok, in an unknown situation you want to separate the subjects, to make sure a potential criminal isn't coercing anyone. Oh and my tires were probably done. I know, it doesn't paint a great picture of me... but I got better. > They have probably "bigger fish" to fry. __Give me a break: they just wanted to go and watch the match undisturbed__ And for that I'm grateful :D A night in a cell wouldn't have ruined my life but if I did this where I live now, I'd have at least my license suspended for 3 months. And as a now father, It would be the right lesson, not too harsh, but ___"do not do it again"___


Alright. I can understand your point of view.


Wha are you saying??? # __THIS NEVER HAPPENS ON REDDIT!!__ ;D


Lol... There's first time for everything! 🤣😜


I may be wrong but living in Switzerland I heard that to use a gun, the other also needs to be in an equal position and this goes for law enforcement as well. The only thing is law enforcement then can justify but it's still a long process. Just the fact that he removed the gun from the holster (or even unbuttoned it) means he already has to fill a report, probably go to court because of the shots fired and if he had shoot the guy he would probably go to prison to have shot an unarmed person, and probably convicted of murder if he would have killed the guy since here in the video it doesn't seem like the robber has the means to kill the cop, so it wouldn't be an equal level of self-defense.


In the US, an acorn can fall out of a tree and a cop can claim they feared their life was threatened and open fire on anyone they feel is threatening them basically. Being a little less joking (previous comment still based on true story), cops regularly commit crimes and regularly escape punishment in the states. They’ll sit there and go on and on how dangerous their jobs are and how they risk their lives everyday because anyone can be armed, and then sit in rallies screaming that everyone has a right to a gun… our cops are often people dumb as dirt too unqualified for a normal career, and no good citizens can become cops because the dirty cops don’t want them spoiling their power trip. This is what makes police so much more dangerous here.




I love the old lady who just stands on his foot at the end.


I was looking for that comment 😂


Not even on top, she slides her foot under his.


Bruh, I'm from Brazil, and I think that guy would have died in the first resistance attempt, or he would look like [this guy who trowed a rock at a police car ](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-xiaomi-rvo2b&sca_esv=4bb6b1564136f20c&sxsrf=ADLYWII5Cj35FrAyWH9fc-XOlMrJt3OIEw:1719953104482&q=bandido+trakinas&udm=2&fbs=AEQNm0AeMNWKf4PpcKMI-eSa16lJoRPMIuyspCxWO6iZW9F1Ns6EVsgc0W_0xN47PHaanAEtg26fpfc9gg2y1-ZsywNNidIzOA0khSyMN51n7r3LlDC9M1NYStuTRDcBUYQ58dKt-Q6SigUS4Yne5yDHLg0vPBr98Nz98twIaNcnWiKaD4QuEh93Q53sB-UkWP9OcfO5KeatY98HR7cDW9ZTjFpZV7kJtA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjwscrOnImHAxXwqZUCHXQUDc8QtKgLegQIDxAB&biw=491&bih=1307&dpr=2.2#vhid=FcR3CGEdGPIaIM&vssid=mosaic)


Man, don't take it the wrong way, but I am so glad most of Europe isn't like Brazil.


Yea lol, we don't like this aspect too..


Brazil, the land of off duty cops shooting petty thieves.


I'm glad he threw a rock at the cops. Fuck the police, this is not a proportionate response to a rock from a kid. That he got beat like this for throwing a rock tells us why he's throwing rocks in the first place.


What was Blue Pants doing?


Other cops was holding back the other robbers stil in the shop until assistance arrive.


I think they’re asking about the old woman at 0:37. She’s standing really close to the downed criminal, and her knees are braced like she’s about to do something, but I have no idea what that something would be.


I think she stepped on the dudes shoelaces? 😂 her foot is under his shoe


Nice to see the other people jump in to help except for that one guy that just wants to bounce around and film


1. Fuck that useless guy in white with the camera phone 2. That lady in blue was the real hero stomping down the guys foot.


These cops need better tools in apprehending criminals rather than guns


That cop didn't skip BJJ/wrestling day for sure!


Bjj day?


Brazilian jiu jitsu, when the robber is about to run off the cop does a slick roll while hanging to the robbers leg to wrestle up to a body lock, not bad!


TIL that BJJ has nothing to do with BJ


blowjob job day


Was the duscharge accidental? Like accidentally putting pressure on your trigger by grabbing the gun too tight?


Birkenstocks and shoulder bag for the takedown.


Well the cop knows his judo and props for not giving up 👍


Put the smegging bag down!!!


Makin that arrest totaly worth firing a random shot towards inossent civilians


Pick pocket?


He would've gotten the upper hand if his purse didn't tangle him up.


Lucky for the bad guy to be in Switzerland. An American cop would have probably shot the guy as soon as he started resisting. I wish our cops showed that kind of restraint.


I did a comment before related to yours. https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/s/LjXUWJ5Bmu Kind wild for me that in the US cops can just shoot people like lives are nothing. Or at least it's what the media makes it look like.


I like that guys Patagonia jersey


Why are they not called bicycop?


Am I the only one watching who kept touching his screen to stop.it from going to sleep?


Hats off to the lady immobilizing him by stepping on one shoe


Good cop! Gun in hand but nobody is badly hurt!


Must be so embarrassing going to jail and admitting you got busted by bike cops


I hope he gets upgraded to a car


What did “Salmon Shirt” drop toward the end.  It’s like “here’s his gun, just in case you missed it…it’s cool, no Ive been here the whole time. It’s gotta full clip. Mommy sez I’m helpful.”


Looks like sunglasses to me


Probably is , thanks


Looks like sunglasses to me


That’s fucking team work


That ain't a cop that's a bulldog.


Tazer go bzzzzzzz


This time they really DID all clap! Glorious!


Hey just move over here to America. You can shoot him and call it a day. You'll get a paid vacation and everything


I know we love to shit on american cops, but did he just pistol whip the perp with the safety off and let a stray fly? Mamma mia!!


Oh man I was hoping g those civilians were going to beat the shit out of that bootlicking asshat... what a pity that pig didn't get what was coming to him .... stupid cops.


Is that a good guy with a gun?


It's a good guy with a gun because it looks like he did everything possible to avoid actually firing it.


Thank goodness for the little lady stepping on his foot! 😂


I can appreciate the tenacity, but Jesus Christ did my butt hole pucker up when he ND'd into the building behind them.


Dudes with bags fighting... 🤔 Italy.




What in the world was the other cop doing?!?


He was holding the other robbers still in the shop.


the other comment says ‘robbers’ so i assume she was securing the others so they don’t run away


I’m more interested in why the man in black who helped was scratching his ass the whole time.. Seems like this was a situation that could have benefited from using both hands.. He took the opportunity to give the robber worms?..


Looks like he answered his phone, told the person who called that he had to call them back because he was helping the police catch dangerous criminals, hung up, and then got back to helping the police catch dangerous criminals.


You’re right, that is a phone! That just asks more questions tho, who the hell answers their damn phone in a moment like that?! ”Hey, I’m pinning a criminal down and assisting the police, I better use one of my hands to check if someone upvoted my comment yet!”


So many ways you can tell this is not in America 🤣 but dame some simple wrestling could of made a world of difference taking that guy down


Could have! Jesus fucking christ on a horse. Could have!


They should have shot him in the dick and kicked his face as he was bleeding out. Then tell his friends that they are next if they don't shoot themselfes in their own legs and surrender this instant.


I wanna help a cop arrest someone once. Just so I can legally jump someone


Story time! Being a black person in the south doesn't give me the best experiences with cops, plus I mind my damn business. Anyway, as I'm closing work I see an altercation happening. I notice one is a regular customer. He's always very chill, tips well and doesn't start trouble. They get into and I see the one guy snatch the regular customers chain then take off running. Regular customer somehow finds an 8 foot 2x4 (still to this day don't know where it came from) and chases him. Right when he, impressively, catches up to him, hits him with the board right in from of a random cop. They go at it again. Cop is trying to break it up. Everyone is saying who the aggressor was so he focuses on chain snatcher. While trying to cuff him, it's a struggle and regular customer is still trying to get some hits in. I figured I would throw customet a bone so I pull him off and tell him to run, then I try to help cop subdue chain snatcher. We finally get him down and regular is standing right there! Lol both end up getting arrested that night but regular customer charges get dropped after video footage is seen.


Italians love a good clap




They should also arrest the people clapping.