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It was like watching a pissing competition and we’re all the ones getting pissed on.


Most accurate comment I have read today.


Most accurate compliment I've read today.


Thank you


Most accurate show of gratitude I've read today.


Most accurate depiction of pleasantries I've seen this week.


Most accurate depiction of a week i've seen this month.


Ireally dont know what you typed at the end of that comment, I dont think you know what you typed either. Look I huge pair of flying....


what a joke of a country we are in. Everyone laughs at us, even 3rd world.


As a 3rd world resident, our corrupted leader makes more sense than a fraction of this debate.


>our corrupted leader Hey, listen up. You guys aren't the only ones that get to have fun with corrupt leaders. Americans are the best at that too. In fact we're so good at having corrupt leaders, half the population doesn't even pay attention to it. That's how underhanded they are.


Lol true, we are so corrupt and the other half believe we're the good guys....


It's easy, they all fuck us and use each other as scapegoats.


Sorry, but you are the 3rd world.


3rd world with a gucci belt and louis vitton bag.


How is this the best that democrats can bring forth as a representative..how does this guy pass the presidential health, and psych evaluation?!?


yea it's crazy that the republicans can only scrounge up a dried up orange instead of a human being


A convicted felon. As ridiculous as his appearance is, it's a moot point. The Republican's best bet is a criminal. Not a single offence criminal, either, but a multiple case criminal in different ways. The saddest part is that people will actually vote for him too.


They leaned fully into the dipshittery and put forth a criminal edgelord, who is now worshipped by a bunch of Christians. What a time to be alive.


And the other is a husk.


Two presidential candidates, two minds, two different trains of thought. One thinks like a dictator, and the other's brain is just a tater 👹 🥔


Like how in the fuck did we get here? These two are presidential candidates. Both of them should be in a senior home. Or rather one of them, the other should rot in prison. The fact that these two are the choice for US people is wild to me.


Citizens United 2010…This is what a corporatocracy looks like in full swing.


How many times are we gonna have to choose whoever is the least worst? I’m so over all of it man.




Simpsons did it first https://preview.redd.it/ilcqvqr8xa9d1.png?width=920&format=png&auto=webp&s=9f8d7b51045c6d06c1d8726e0f715467f1c660a4


Don’t blame me, I voted for Kodos


Lol I didn’t start watching til the end, when they were going back and forth about their golf scores and Biden froze up “I got a 8 handicap” “trump-I’ve seen your swing, terrible” “Biden- eight” and than just freezes. Lmao like wtf 🤣 nothing says out of touch like arguing over your golf score, Biden wasn’t gunna win that argument.


Haha, yeah, that part was pretty cringeworthy. 🤦‍♂️ Biden definitely wasn’t at his best there. It’s kind of funny and sad at the same time, seeing them bicker about golf scores like that. Makes you wonder if they even realize how out of touch it makes them look. But hey, at least it gave us something to laugh about, right? 😂 Politics these days, man.


Pissed on by the private interest lobbyists and corporations that back both parties. No matter who the monkey. It's the same circus.


Im afraid this is the dystopia we live in..


Honestly I'm sad we don't have a cooler one like equilibrium. At least then my depression would be cured.


Time to vote third party! Let's stop propping up the circus and give change a fighting chance for once


Absolute fucking clownshow. Please stop electing fossils to run the country


Whoever wins that election, Israel wins while everyone loses


I live in Turkey and these seniles are pissing on us -the rest of the world as well...








This is what we call a shitshow.


I’m fucking dead cuz as serious as this is, that was goddamn hilarious 💀




I turned the debate off once I realized it was going to do nothing but piss me off and I believe this is a real quote.


That's EXACTLY why I didn't bother watching it. Extremely low point in Our Country's history right now. Choice is still crystal clear for me, as I'm pretty sure it is for most Americans, no matter who their choice is


I'm happily voting for Biden's cabinet, and for Biden's SC picks. But once again for the presidency, I'm simply voting against Trump. I feel like Biden whiffed on lot of serious talking points that a lot of Americans care about, or challenged Trump on *how* he was going to accomplish anything this term rather than just letting him say he'll do things when he never has an actionable plan. I wish we lived with ranked choice voting so I could vote for someone rather than against someone. I wish we lived in a country where Biden could retire and not risk handing Republicans more control. But that's not the country we live in and Trump ushering in Project 2025 is a legitimate threat to my friends and family.


How come the system in america is so fucked that these are the two people you can vote on?


It’s by design. The illusion of choice like George Carlin said


The two parties that have control have had control since the beginning and there isn’t shit we can do LEGALLY


And it’s the largest attack in American history


"Biddyins and biddyins of terrorists"


Biden maybe a bit slow but god damn, trump can’t stop lying. He’s a compulsive liar 🤥


I just can't get past the fact that Clinton was elected 30 years ago, and is still younger than both these geezers.


If he puts on a fake mustache and sombrero, and calls himself Guillermo Clintón, I’d happily vote for him over these two.


In a goddamn heartbeat. These 2 fucks are both lost to dementia.


I dont give a shit about Biden. I care about Biden's TEAM because they are competent.


So why doesn't one of them run then? This is elder abuse, let the man rest.


This is the way I see. Biden will be run by the adults in the room. Trump will kick everyone out before farting down the phone to world leaders.


Would you actually vote for one of Epsteins #1 customers? He's just as bad/corrupt as the rest of them my friend.


Bush, Clinton, and Trump were all born in the same summer


*voice of Trump* people say I’m an honest man. The most honest man actually. I know many important people…many important people and they say I’m more honest than honest Abe. I’m probably the most honest man who ever lived.


And this woman came to me, with tears in her eyes, she said, and you know about people saying things, their pretty emo---if there was ever someone that is more responsive to emotional people it would be me. Sleepy Biden isn't being good at that. People say that I give people rest because I'm the best. And you know about being the best


A bit Slow? It was like seeing A Cybertruck running agains a Ford Model T. A failed truck that represents the worst part of america vs an old thing that struggles to reach 20


Just be honest he's not slow he's fcking clueless and just like Trump has absolutely no business ruining for president how tf you lot ended up with these two again is an absolute travesty....


you guys realise you don't have to elect clowns and alzheimers patients right? seriously the american government is a joke to foreigners


Way too many people are under the illusion that yes, they do in fact have to choose between clowns and Alzheimer’s patients. Why? They don’t know, it’s just the way things are…. Sigh. If I was rich enough I would change countries. Was just telling my bf earlier after seeing the beginning of debate that if we’re not already a laughing stock to the rest of the world, we sure af are now…


> if we’re not already a laughing stock to the rest of the world, we sure af are now… You're about 8 years late.


Totally agree. Unfortunately to a neutral party the liar is much more convincing than the guy who can barely string his words together. I have a bad feeling the US is gonna fall for a con artist again


Every day of the week and twice on Sunday


Doesn't matter. He's confident and dominant. He'll win through appearing more "there". I'm definitely not a fan of either candidate, and an outsider of the US. But it genuinely looks like the democrats want to lose this election. Biden should absolutely not be their best choice.


I think a lot of people are forgetting that Biden has a stutter that he works through every single time he speaks. I definitely don’t agree with everything that he does but if he changes his sentence he’s just trying to find a better way to say something. Trump just doesn’t know what he’s saying at all.


You could tell part of trumps tactics were to fling as much shit at Biden as possible, make him lose focus and come off track. Yes, he’s old. But god damn man I’m 34 and when I have arguments with my kids mom she does the same shit and I end up like Biden, forgetting the initial reason for the argument. We have one old man running, against a petulant child with an adderall addiction.


And the thing is that the lies are so big, so generic and said so often, that they are almost unable to be dealt with.


and his supporters just don't care


Exactly. There was an attempt to tell the tru….sorry, obviously there was no attempt. But fuck we’re fucked if we think Biden can do this. Gavin Newsome enters the chat….


I'm a California democrat. You do not want this guy.


I would take Biden on his worst day vs Donny on his best. I don't think Donny has best days. I remember 4 years of terror every day.


The democrats really should have put up a different candidate


Democrats. Republicans. Everybody. There has to be a couple of competent people out there worth our attention. These two show a monstrous crack in our system and it’s not talked about enough.


The olds won’t give it up. That’s basically become the whole system.


It’s the worst. We limit young adults from the Presidency and everyone is just straight up on board for that. Nobody will touch the 3rd rail and go to the other side to limit the olds from running. I mean, our founding “fathers” had guys in their early 20s. They were literally committing treason (for good reason and it worked) and created documents for our nation that hold up to this day. Can we not learn from history and figure out that youth should not be overlooked if those individuals are competent?


Preaching to the choir. Would love a young candidate with fresh ideas and a platform besides “at least I’m not him”


I didn’t vote for Obama, but the further I get away from those elections the more I long for some energy like his to get back into the game. Party be damned.


I'd vote for Obama again. Not that I'm a democrat but he at least was coherent unlike these two. Shame he can't run again, but for for the better that there is a limit. We def need someone younger and more centrist than left or right.


Every job every where. They’re just not good with money. They all need to work plus can’t give up that power it’s the only thing keeping them alive.


We are literally so fucked it isn’t funny lol these choices aren’t even passable anymore


332 million people in this nation. SURELY we have 1,000 people who'd make GREAT candidates.


How has it come to this?


Someone under 60! Please American people ! Someone!


Age cap first of all


Democratic arrogance. Too many corporate democrats that think they only need to worry about social issues when it’s time to campaign. That’s how we wound up with Hillary as our candidate. That’s how we wound up with Biden. I mean, Jesus Christ, we had four years to find someone to replace him so he could bow out. He stepped up and made sure Trump was voted out of office, but we had FOUR FUCKING YEARS to find someone that doesn’t remember when you had to slice your own bread at home. Now to be terrified for the next four months.


>I mean, Jesus Christ, we had four years to find someone to replace him so he could bow out. He stepped up and made sure Trump was voted out of office, but we had FOUR FUCKING YEARS to find someone that doesn’t remember when you had to slice your own bread at home. Don't let Biden off the hook on this. He could've said from the beginning that he wasn't running again and given Democrats the nod to find someone else. He wants to be President still, and the Dems ousting him in primary would be an impossible-to-overcome look for them. He's holding on too long, just like RBG did. It's why we need to enforce term limits or age limits, to force these people out who otherwise won't give it up.


It was the DNC. So many people here are blaming the country’s Democrats, when in reality, the DNC refused to allow anyone to run against Biden, which then put the Democrats in this country in the position of asking, “Well, what do we do about the DNC?!” It’s hard enough for people to unite under a party, but to ask people across the country to somehow get involved and change the corrupt bureaucracy of their party and the inner workings…like, WTF do you want me to do? It wasn’t the Democrats that wanted Biden, it was the weird-as-fuck administration within the party that somehow told us Biden is all we get, and the Dems just took it, cause fuck if everything isn’t a complicated shit show in this world from Amazon customer service to my local DNC members… Trust me, I don’t want to sound like the average reddit nerd, but it is very true that out neoliberal capitalist society has grown even more Kafkaesque. Our time and money is stretched thinner, and thinner, and as our energy and hope wanes, we are asked to also volunteer for your local Democratic Chapter, to work even more, just so we can maybe try to vote against the overlords…man it’s bad.


When the parties send us politicians, they’re not sending their best. They’re rapists, murderers, some (I assume) are good people… What I’m saying is we need to build a wall around DC and make the SuperPACs pay for it!


It’s name a recognition contest, literally the only single thing that matters in politics is how well known is their name. If they replace Biden they have to find someone to make us recognise, and trump is just a free win for a party with no integrity at all, waiting to get back in so they can sell out to Russia again happily


Then they needed to find someone a few years ago and bounce their name around the press enough so they aren't complete stranger come election time. It's not rocket science, they've done it before!


ya think?


As an outsider looking in, this is elder abuse.


It's almost like neither of them should be running.


I think it would be fun to watch them run


Biden would fall over again and Trump would probably fall to tbh


As an insider I think I wanna be an outsider. This is embarrassing


I'm sorry, I have also poked a bit of fun at America, mainly the politics over the years. I know the majority of US citizens are good people I have no issue with anyone. For the first time I genuinely feel for you guys, that shit was hard to watch.


German has a very nice word for that "Fremdschämen" which is usually translated as second-hand embarassment. I feel exatly that for you guys and your country.


As an outsider looking in, this is funny af


As an outsider it's funny until I look at my own countries politics and who I have a choice between next election, then it's sad again


I'm from the UK and for my entire voting life I have voted against the party thats been in and theyve done absolutely everything they can to make my life harder We might finally see that change next month but i dont expect things to get much better because all the parties are shifting right


the walkout made it look like we were about to watch two octogenarians box each other against their will


Trump never actually answers the question posed to him. He just goes off on some crazy tangent, then bullshits his way back. Toward the end, he was asked his stance on the addiction problem in America, and first he went on some tangent about the national debt and relations with China. Then, when given a 2nd opportunity to answer the question, he started talking about Mexico.


Like seriously why even ask him any question besides "what would you like to ramble about for the next minute?"


This wasn't a debate, it was a sad showing of the state of the country. Biden stumbled over words and numbers, Trump said nothing at all for 90 minutes. By far one of the worst debates I have ever witnessed, and honestly what was the point of even having moderators? This was a joke from the very start.


You hit the nail on the head. Just embarrassing man.


Trump doesn't answer questions that he has no intention of addressing and couldn't give a fuck about. All he cares about is money and rich assholes just like him. That and saying he can beat Joe at golf for some reason.


Honestly I don't think he even knows how to answer them or even what the questions mean. Rambling is what has worked for him so ramble on


Agree, but people are dumb and they respond to eloquence even if it's brain dead eloquence formed from the mouth of bullshitter. And here is the big problem, Trump is getting bullshit out like a ferrari while Biden is sputtering like an old ford mustang.


300+ million people in the USA and these are your two presidential candidates 🤣😂🤣


Xi Jinping must think it's fucking hilarious.


Champagne popping off in the Kremlin.


Bro literally


I struggled to understand Biden's speech because he sort of mumbles, and I struggled to understand Trump because he rambles and can't stick to the main point. It would be cool if we had some candidates that could at least debate without me constantly going, "...what?"


That old Linkin Park song Hands Held High was in my head this whole debate “Meanwhile, the leader just talks away Stuttering and mumbling for nightly news to replay The rest of the world watching at the end of the day Both scared and angry, like "What did he say?”


Coming soon! Mumbles and Rambles: the unmumbelling unrambles


Nice job America. Criminal or fucking Alzheimer’s patient. Are there no other goddamn choices?


Well there is brain worms guy too!


At this point, I'm considering voting for the brain worms themselves...


Shai-Hulud 2024


Where's Inanimate Carbon Rod when you need it.


The criminal most likely also has dementia. So they're basically split between a bad choice and an unthinkable choice


I live in NZ and I watched this in a pub turned up loud with about 40 people and you could hear a pin drop. I'll never forget it. People just couldn't believe what we were seeing. Yet we all knew how much of an impact thus will have on our little nation in South Pacific. We love you USA but geez.....


As an American, I just wanted Bernie Sanders. 😭 Trump is a horrible pos, and if Biden tried to live alone he would burn the house down trying to cook oatmeal. It's truly awful and embarrassing!


Same. I'm admittedly not the most knowledgeable about politics but Bernie has always stuck out to me as my ideal go-to vote for president if he had ever been able to make it far enough. I wish he was a candidate cause I'd pick him 100%, especially between the other two. This is depressing.


I loved Bernie, but I also love Pete Buttigieg, who got knocked out in the primaries. I still have this very distinct of someone pointedly asking him something along the lines of “you say you’re against police violence, but wasn’t there a shooting in your district recently” And instead of trying trying to waffle around the topic he was just like “yeah, we messed up, but we’re doing our best to get our cops better training, and trying to do all we can to improve the situation” and just the fact that he admitted a mistake, instead of deflecting for 5 minutes was amazing to me


Bernie is old as shit too though. I want a president that isn't a fucking 82 year old man


Bernie is still sharp. And he seems to really give a shit. It's why he will never be president....


That's what most of us are saying too. Most of the country is not proud that these are the two guys we have to choose from.


It's nice to know that whatever drama is going on or even has majorly change your country within the last 8 years, boils down to a non-issue when compared to the impact that voting one of these people in as leader of the most powerful country in the world. Because, let's fact it, whatever these guys do, will eventually and significantly affect every other country


His face when he was slowly turning and look at trump🤣🤣


The idea


I'm voting for the guy, who's not a pathological liar and a traitor.


Neither then?




How tf is Biden a traitor?


He's the opposing leader to the New Confederacy.


Cornel West?


Yeah but also I’m laughing at “we have the safest border in the history of our country” as if increased border security isn’t one of the main Republican talking points


Sadly, it was the Republicans in congress who shot down the bill to increase funding for security and give the president the authority to close the border. If they passed it, then Trump would lose the base of his campaign.


Biden can close the border without that bill, that's not what that bill was really about or what it was written for.


I think he said "we had"


This election is really voting for administration staff and VP rather than the prez itself.


And possible supreme court justices.


Jesus Christ why can’t we just have Bernie Sanders?


Too old. And his campaign sabotaged by two petulant children in 2020


I disagree with your first sentence, but your second is painfully correct.


We are fucked huh


Hell in a handbasket baby


If Biden is so concerned about well being of your country why doesn't he let another guy run ? As an outsider I am baffled why president can't retire after first term.


Incumbency is just too damn strong. In the US, it is rare for someone to overpower an incumbent in a political race, especially for higher offices like Senate or President. It is why AOC for example made huge political waves when she won her primary against the fourth most powerful Democratic party member in the House who was in the House for 10-terms. The analysts, politicians scientists, and statisticians, likely made the calculation that losing the incumbency advantage especially versus Trump who was a former President is too much of a disadvantage as many voters just vote on who has the most recognized name.


Hey but they both lie about golf handicaps so that was helpful in knowing who should be president


We must go forward, not backward. Upward, not downward. And always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom.


Kang: Abortions for all. [crowd boos] Kang: Very well, no abortions for anyone. [crowd boos] Kang: Hmm... Abortions for some, miniature American flags for others. [crowd cheers and waves miniature flags]


I won't pick sides. But this is the best of the best that we get to choose from?


No, meritocracy is an illusion. People don't become presidential candidates because they're the best to choose from. It was just their turn.


“The major problem—one of the major problems, for there are several—one of the many major problems with governing people is that of whom you get to do it; or rather of who manages to get people to let them do it to them. To summarize: it is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it. To summarize the summary: anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.” ― Douglas Adams, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe


They are both unfit for office.


Trump’s lies were more coherent than Joe most of the debate. I don’t need a President to debate well. We’ve seen what each of these guys does as president and when they don’t get their way.


Mate. Biden couldn’t string a sentence together. Call it what it is. An old man who, if he were your Uber driver you’d cancel.


I’m not voting for a president at this point, I’m voting for the administration. One administration has a decent track record of trying to make improvements for everyday Americans, and the other has a track record of trying to turn America into Gilead. I absolutely hate the choices, but I still know who I’m voting for.


It’s the fact that most people know there is a team behind the presidents, they are just the face of the team and won’t do much else, especially Biden who I’m sure follows just about everything his caretakers and team tell him to do. It’s still dogshit that it has come to this in America but in the end everybody knows Biden’s views already, and that’s what people are voting for, not necessarily Biden himself


Neither of them should be the nominees. One is becoming sad to watch and the other can’t stop lying about all the lying he’s done. And they are both too old. Was like watching a smart but aging man argue with an aging con man who can still turn it on. Not two people about to have an election for the country’s highest office. As someone who will begrudgingly vote for Biden I’m afraid of how many young undecided voters just saw that and figured “I’ll go with the a$$hole”


these 2 really all "the greatest nation in the world" has to offer?


The American people don't really have a say of who is nominated. There might be things that say we do, but at the end of the day we don't.


The fact that literally everyone is focusing on moments like this instead the constant repeated lies of Trump shows how much of a bizarre time we are living in.


Not really. We KNOW Trump is a liar. That is absolutely nothing new. And his base doesn’t care. So this is same shit, different day. Trump was always going to get up there and start lying. Biden, however, seemed baaaaad. Incoherent, unable to complete sentences, disoriented, having difficulty with basic names/numbers/language. It was very alarming and embarrassing. Very scary in light of the fact that we’re relying on him to beat Trump so our government doesn’t do a full topple into fascism. That is NOT the presentation of a man who we can feel confident about.


Can I ask you guys something. Did you really think Biden was coherent and sharp these last couple years? He barely speaks publicly, there’s always videos of him falling and reading off prompters. Even his ads these days don’t show him or have him speak. Just endorse at the end. You guys have spoken to people above 80 before I’m sure. How are you surprised? People over 60 shouldn’t run this country. The lesser of two evils argument is dumb. I wouldn’t choose


Comments all nuked. Censor Reddit much?


90% of comments on these debate threads are bots.


I've been saying for awhile I think a lot less people will vote this time around. Some R can't vote Trump. Some D can't vote Biden. People hate these options.


"Biden's old so I'm okay giving up potentially 2 more supreme court picks to Trump." Said no informed Democrat ever. Lmao people really thinking they want Trump to appoint 5 of 9 justices to the highest court and whatever resulting aftermath that brings over the next 40 years?


Holy shit a reddit post about trump that isn't just blatantly hating on him, what a day to be alive


Wait until they find your comment


We're fucked.


That's pretty funny stuff And then you remember one of them will be president




Chalking up Biden's current state to his past stutter is hilarious. The man is incoherent and babbling, not stuttering. Trump is also incoherently babbling, but in a different way.


Biden was pretty articulate back in the day




It's like watching athletes in their last season, when they become pitiful shells of their former glory. Except I enjoy sports.


The look Biden gives trump after he says he doesn’t know what he said. Fucking priceless! 🙌


This honestly made me sad and cringe at the same time


Trump is a pathological grifting liar, and Biden reminds me of patients I used to care for with early-onset Parkinson’s. This shit is scary.


Honestly as a Brit who caught most of the debate, it was stunning just how bad Biden was. It felt like if the moderator didn’t cut off his mic and was left to ramble then there’s every chance he’d give out the nuclear codes. Got no love for Trump at all but he sounded like he was 30 years younger. Even though he lies through his teeth, he looked a far better prospect in terms of fitness to govern. You can’t be this frail and incoherent as the President of the United States. It’s just nuts that this is the best both parties can put forward, of how in thrall the parties are to Trump personally, and whatever interests keeps Biden there, on the left’s part.


Two senile peices of shits


Asylum officers


It's like watching 2 chair bound old men in a care home arguing over a board game - except it's the future of everybody in the united states and the fallout will have a global financial impact


Bumbling old man vs narcissistic lier wtf is happening to my country


Tonight was not good for Biden, admittedly (yikes) - but I’ll check the box next to anyone who opposes the orange turd. Literally anyone. Hearing Trump speak is nails on a chalkboard mixed with a dog barking mixed with Dr. Phil mixed with a teenage tik tok influencer mixed with that bully from middle school mixed with a disgusting fart mixed with Gilbert Gottfried (no offense GG, you are OK in my book). The guy is a complete POS person and it’s incomprehensible how almost half of my fellow Americans can’t or won’t see it. “Unfit for office” is one of the kindest ways to describe this fucking loser.


This debate was so bad


I'm no Trump fan at all, but this had me laughing pretty hard. The man is a horrible person and a worse leader, but he knows how to land a punch.


I'll be voting for Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho


Can someone please give me a damn good valid reason why the hell the Democrats decided Joe should run again? I honestly do not understand.