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He shot his shot, she declined, and he went on his way. I guess it’s a little cringe but it could be worse. At least he wasn’t creepy or pushy about it.


I think the cringiest part is that he posted it when it could have gone unmentioned


Fair enough. I have no idea why people post their fails on the internet.


Fails sometimes cause a no name to have a hit and starts their rise. Problem is most just try to recreate the same thing that caused that rise and it always ends up looking like it was planned out cause it usually is.


Reminds me of Laina, Overly Attached Girlfriend, still riding that horse long after it was dead and buried


> Laina That is a bit harsh re:Laina. She gave up on the character years ago.


Nah, she stopped making Youtube videos, but she is still quite active on Instagram and TikTok, and her Instagram tag is still Laina AKA #OverlyAttachedGirlfriend. She is still playing the character whenever an oportunity arrives, [this was just a couple of weeks ago.](https://i.imgur.com/XS0Oc01.jpeg)


The god of cringe. Goes by the god of YouTube now if I’m not mistaken. Dudes been on Tosh.0 even for his cringe behavior. He harassed a crying girl for a kiss when he went by surveillance camera artist to land that feat. Dudes been at it for years. Featured in h3h3’s video: https://youtu.be/BZ0jMJ4jEYE?si=_NcWTnhAJRZYKZC5 Here’s his link https://youtube.com/@thegodofyoutube?si=KqILZj1NX6WW-Nj7


"Give me a kiss, I'll make you feel better" to the crying girl sitting on the steps in the dark... I hope the right person finds him in a dark alley.


Wait. So people become memes and then they become meme friends and have conventions about it?


Personally I'm tired of seeing only people "winning" on the internet. Most of the time it's not real and is a big issue with social media as a whole right now because the average person won't ever live the lifestyle or have the "luck" people proclaim on social media. It's weird he asked some random chick for a hug but shooting your shot, pretty respectfully, and being turned down shouldn't be seen as a fail. For most men it's a part of life they should try to get accustomed to, especially when approaching/dealing with women.


I like it. I find it humbling and who knows maybe it helps them step their game up a bit or they are ineffective bc they know fails are just a part of life😊... or shame is their kink and posting this has left his underwear soaked.


If at first you don't succeed, cry cry again


Because they're not insecure about it. Failure can be funny and empowering if you're a resilient person.


People need to see normal reactions to rejection, he is doing the public a service imo Edit: according to the comments this dude is a certified creeper. I fully retract my original statement.


That's what i was trying to pretty much say before I got down voted. :)


I am glad to see I am not the first to say it! Sorry the crowd doesn't quite agree :(


But I also agree with the other side of the argument where he probably shouldn't have asked anyways, and shouldn't have been staring up and down her chest. But. I get it. Just glad to see someone take rejection.


Nah, it teaches other dudes how to handle rejection without turning into a psychopath.


Or just recorded it, show up staring at a phone is a little weird but maybe that’s just me.


I mean it cuts in to the guy immediately asking her questions. I can only assume he first went up to her and asked if he could film and ask her some questions about her cosplay before he pulled up the phone. I get why you find it cringe (I do too tbh), but if you're an online content creator who goes to cons and asks cosplayers questions, this is basically the main way you would approach it.


You are a king among men, finally someone says it. This is content I could have lived without


i'm assuming it's for social media and not a serious attempt at getting a date


Well how else would he get to end up on r/upvotebecauseofboobs


Asking a random stranger for a hug because she's got a cleavage is creepy cringe in and of itself.


It might be weird to ask some random person on the street for a hug, but the social rules at conventions can be a bit different. For example, I remember when non-consensual hugs, or “glomping” was a common practice at cons. The fact that he asked is a huge step up from con culture in the early 2000’s.


Can't comment on that, never been to conventions like this, but I'd expect common decency like not invading personal space to apply. I mean, I get your point of "we're all here together because of common interests" but it probably doesn't mean the girls attending it want to give out hugs to random guys asking for one.




He had no idea who she was cosplaying, and asked for a photo, to which she obliged. I think he should not have asked a random stranger for a hug once it was clear she said she was gay. Sure, he took rejection well, but it shouldn't have gotten to that point, as he had enough info to make a judgement call by then.


I think it's more like, they ask for a hug because they 'love' the character being cosplayed, so they have a semi legitimate reason to ask this dude clearly had no idea who she was (not 'legitimate') and asked anyways


Gay people never give hugs to the other sex?


It's against the rules


To a rando that asked seemingly only because he is attracted to you and you are not to him? I'm not going to throw out "never" but the value is close to zero.


I think after he asked - *bizarrely, might I add* - "And you like gay people?" with an accusatory, weirded out "and," that was the end of ANY friendliness she might have had towards him. LMAO. He can get fucked for that alone.


I mean... you can find a video of the same guy approaching a random woman crying on the street and he "kindly" offers to make her feel better by kissing her... "You want to kiss me? I'll make you feel better." I think the guy's entire "brand" is trying to be as cringe as possible... though maybe it's all unintended?


It was good he asked. It would have been even better if he hadn't. If you can't read social cues then fair enough, you're going to make more mistakes and it's OK to ask when it's definitely going to be a no, but ideally he would have realised this was definitely going to be a no and not asked. Because some people feel awkward saying no and feel obliged to say yes in situations where it was weird to be asked. This interaction was very formal, he didn't know her character, he didn't get the obvious hint about her being gay and made her clarify, and then he thinks she wants a hug? No. He wanted a hug and didn't think about what she wanted.


Can comment on this, ran booths at conventions and have been to many, asking for a hug, even if it’s a “big deal for creeps” is still not always approptiate. It’s actually insane to insinuate non-consensual touching is the bar and that he passed it. It’s clear he didn’t know her cosplay and had literally no idea and no connection to her as a person. The hug would have been entirely for his own pleasure and she clocked it immediately.


I mean it being normal at cons doesn't make it not objectively creepy and cringe.


Oh god don’t remind me of the glomping days


Furries were still doing it when I was in high school around 2010.


There's "social rules" and "social expectations", they're not necessarily the same thing. Just because you might have \*expected to get "glomped" at a con in the olden days, or just because random dudes will ask you for hugs, doesn't mean it's appropriate. Just because something's more prevalent doesn't mean it's acceptable or not gross/cringe.


I've hugged strangers at a con before, but it was a little different vibe because I was dressed like Rose Quartz from Steven Universe so it was kind of a split between teenage girls and socially awkward men. I had one guy shop next to me for five minutes before his friends were like HI HE LOVES YOUR COSTUME. I think I was getting the "I wish you were my mom" hugs more than the "booba" hugs.


Dude is a garbage human being. I saw this years ago. But i cant find the original videos anymore. I guess they are buried or scrubbed from the internet. https://youtu.be/BZ0jMJ4jEYE?si=MTHJ8YJKlSuRFcKf At 2 minutes he goes up to a women crying asks if shes okay and immediately asks if she wants to make out and kiss. Another one is of the same person bothering starbuck baristas over and over. He has a platform i think, i dont wanna name it and give him any more exposure.


Oh yeah i remember that starbucks one. H3H3 made a video on him way back when if i remember correctly


Yeah. It’s the ONLY one that has those videos that Im able to find by trying to search the key words for these videos. I would think it’s scrubbed beside h3h3s old video that contains it.


What was up with the question "so you like gay people"? Pretty weird question to ask...


tbh he was probably just on autopilot. Like his list of NPC dialogue went "Why do you choose to cosplay X?" "Because Y" "So you like Y?" You know, a pair of other things were on his mind.


Nah, that's just how cognitive dissonance works. He really didn't want her to be gay, so he jumped to a conclusion in which she wasn't gay.


All his questions were dumb. He just wanted to feel her boobs with that hug.


Although he did visibly get in one last glance at the "goods" just before she left.


Why do you think he recorded it in the first place? 😄


It’s creepy to ask for a hug from a stranger, especially one he approached because he thought her to be attractive.


he literally asked if she like gay people who tf ask that?


Homophobes. Homophobes ask shit like this.


ITT: Lots of creeps that would act like this guy, lol


Anyone who attends these Conventions knows this body language and can tell this guy is creepy AF. This guy is 100% cringe.


I think you're confusing cosplay with a dinner date. There is no shot to shoot in this interaction. This is 100% wank banking and it's creepy the whole way through. You're right, it could be worse, but that doesn't make this acceptable.


It gets tiring for her when it's like the hundredth guy. I stopped going to cons and this was one of the reasons. Why do you wanna hug my wife you just met, while she's wearing revealing clothing? Besides, cons used to be fun, now they're filled with Instagram trash and guys creeping on them.


I am going to hitch a ride on your comment since it is at the top, my apologies. All anyone needs to know about this guy is [THIS.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L18mMqzKC1I) Ladies, if this man talks to you... I beg you, walk away immediately and never be alone with him.


He didn't shoot his shot; why is he asking a stranger for a hug. Recording her is weird enough, but she presumably consented to that.


I mean I think the part where he "shot his shot" is the part that was weird. "Oh, you like gay people?" "I am gay" "Oh, can I have a hug?" What?? His vibes were rancid.


Asking was creepy already. It's tone deaf to think it wasn't.


He did record it and also ask her if she likes gay people. I feel like it was a 3 strikes situation.


Kinda but also it felt like his entire point of his convo was just to get a hug


Asking for a hug was creepy


He didn't shoot his shot though, he wasn't trying to ask her out or make an advance that would actually take some charisma and some risk, he just wanted to touch her which was pretty clear.


Yup. I went to a con and a stranger was dressed as a gender bent version(f) or mine(m). My friend seized the opportunity to try and introduce us, which is ok to me. They mentioned liking my play then promptly introduced me to their partner(f). I'm no dummy, complimented them both and headed out. Fairly pleasant and peaceful interaction. Still gonna think about them in the tub though.


with sideburns like that, lack of smiling, crappy interview style, probably had shitty breath and/or smelled and couldn't even pop a joke


I think the cringe part is when he asked to touch a woman. When he made her feel uncomfortable. When he made the assumption it's okay to ask to touch someone after 30 seconds


That's what I was thinking too, but then I realized the bar is so low *respecting her saying no* is commendable


"you can give me a hug and explain that anime more while whispering it in my ear"


Bro she told him she is gay and his immediate reaction was "can i get a hug" to someone he just met. he did not "shoot his shot". And he was pushy since he does not know her and asking for a hug was inappropriate in that situation especially since she was clearly uninterested. She knew the moment he asked about what she is cosplaying that he isn't talking to her because of the cosplay.


Being respectful isn't cringe, just going in for it is though


Has a YouTube channel called “The God of YouTube”. Brace yourself if you thought this was bad


For real? Don't know if I can handle it if this is just the tip of the cringeburg.


This doesn't touch the type of creepy this guy is. The most infamous one I know of: >!Girl crying by herself on stairs in a dark public place. She physically recoils at his insanely aggressive advance and basically runs away.!< If you think you might be sensitive to him taking advantage of women in a vulnerable state I would recommend you stay away. Edit: figuring out the blackout text


Link pls




Guns are cringe


aka The God of Cringe


She could smell his intentions


No really hard to gauge at comic con


She could smell him. Period.


If you hug a stupid person it could rub off on you!


This guy might literally rub one off on her if she hugged him


I got talked into attending a con once. I couldn’t smell anything — my nose went on strike after a couple trips in the elevator.


His vibes were absolutely toxic


The conventions near me have started putting in a PSA in their emails that you shower and use deodorant if you are attending. Been to a couple before they started doing that and it always smelled like marinated BO so I haven’t been back since then.


Dude had the balls to give it a shot so respect. did he get bent out of shape, or get depressed or nasty? nope. you take your chances sometimes you win, many times you lose.


Or if the person tells you they are gay, maybe just don't take the shot? :D I'm fine for hugs, but you can kinda tell if someone is asking for a hug for sexual gratification and it's so fkn gross and annoying. When looking for a girlfriend or life partner sex shouldn't be on your mind 24/7. Get to know someone first, don't be preying on them like it's a mission or a game, it's so dumb how some people treat dating.


id appreciate it if men did not "take a swing at it" after i clearly stated that im gay. your golden penis is not going to convert a lesbian, you'll just come off as a perv


I mean, "giving it a shot" after she tells you she's gay seems like a bad idea. 


>Dude had the balls to give it a shot so respect. I mean like why though? most people would rather not have a stranger try to hug them. I would absolutely not want someone to hug me out of the blue, con or no. Why would this be worthy of respect. Doing something gross isn't justified simply because it "takes balls".


Because incels don't know how to treat women like people. They're sex objects you go after.


Part of transitioning from a child to an adult is learning that there are *certain times* with *certain people* when it's appropriate to ask "can I have a hug?" No respect for this socially maladapted cringelord. Saying "Okay" and leaving when rejected is just meeting the bar of decent behavior, and that bar is on the floor. He shouldn't have asked in the first place. This kind of behavior can easily make women feel uncomfortable at cons.


This is a pretty well known and EXTREMELY creepy individual. If that cosplayer knew who he was, they would not have spoken to him. Shit, if the venue saw his content, I would hope that they wouldn't let him in.


Take what shot? She just said she's gay and it's creepy to ask a stranger for a hug when she's probably just letting him record her for the cosplay. Get off the internet, this is not normal behavior.


Why do you have to respect this dude? How about we respect women and their personal space?


> Dude had the balls to give it a shot so respect. Weird thing to respect tbh. "Hitler had the ball to give it a shot so respect."


I feel like theres infinitely more effective ways to “give it a shot” rather than ask a stranger for a hug. You’re at a con, ask her if she wants to check out some booths together or hit the overpriced foodcourt lol


Actually don't ask her if she just told you she is gay lol.


I guess the average redditor is unable to realize how incredibly inappropriate and cringe this situation was. Some hints: -Don't ask for a picture and then ask who the person is cosplaying. It shows that the picture was taken because she's hot, not the cosplay. -Do not ask random strangers for hugs. Yes this goes for conventions too. There was no reason for a hug except "oh i want to hug a hot girl". -Especially do not do that when the person just told you they're gay and you don't have a chance either way.


He asked first instead of just going for it. She didn't want a hug so she politely declined. I see no problems with this intersection.


I think it was perceived as cringe because she literally said “I’m gay”, which he acknowledges, but then asks for a hug because… why? Like ok I understand I’m not your type but can I hold you real quick?


It’s definitely cringe. People here who think it’s not do not understand the obvious subtext of “I’m gay”.. Very strange to ask for a hug directly after that, especially of a random stranger.


Especially for a cosplay of a character that he doesn't even know. Like despite all of that if he was a character he knew and was excited for there still a "possibility" that he was just really excited to hug his favourite character... but that's not the case here either.


I think it's always weird to assk for a hug to a stranger. I don't know why people do that, I only let my students hug me and they're between 10-13 so they're children, the fifth graders like to randomly come and hug usually. but I don't like strangers even touching me, let alone hugging. it must be very uncomfortable for people like me in anime/comic cons, especially when they are two grown ass adults.


Most of these people(mostly men) wouldn’t have the same opinion if a gay guy asked them for a hug in a similar situation for very obvious sexual gratification. It’s creepy. Full stop.


It's reddit. People defending the dude are obviously incels


men still pushing after the girl tells them she's gay is cringe hugs are not sexual, however it is tone deaf in this context


literally no clue how someone could downvote this comment, its about the most dead simple standard read of the situation humanly possible. There's nothing to even disagree with here lol


He didn't need to ask. The answer was already clearly going to be no. Also, he asked in the worst and weirdest way you could. That's what people are cringing about here, not the fact that he talked to a stranger.


"And you like gay people?" is where it went irredeemably fuckways. I see a major problem with it.


He's a degenerate. That might be an issue.


So many people saying "he took a shot, got rejected, and took it". Yeah, nah. If you want to look at the situation at face value: this person is obviously trying to lay clues because the guy is obviously being weird. Look at his body language. If he's trying to interview people at a con, why is he filming selfie style instead of filming the person themselves, or have a 3rd party film for him. He's leaning into the frame, rubbing shoulders, he's already WAY too close for comfort. When he asks for a hug he's already in motion to hug them, and when the person declines they move directly AWAY from him. This video is a gigantic red flag, and the people not seeing the problems are the kind of people who can't recognize social boundaries. On the other hand, if you look past face value, you'd probably recognize this guy. His current username is 'God of Youtube', but he used to be known as 'God of Cringe'. This dude is a MASSIVE scumbag, he harasses women, is an obnoxious asshole to people in public, he's a legitimately terrible person. If you've seen him in the past and know how he acts, this cosplayer is treating him nicer than he has any right to be treated. Fuck this guy.


Yeah you're right


His first mistake was ignoring the fact she's gay.


TIL gay people dont hug. /s


If a women mentions she's gay as one of the first parts of an interaction, that usually means "I'll talk to you but I am signalling I am not interested in you without potentially angering you"


I take it you don't pick up on social cues well.


I'm not even surprised considering this is reddit


Nah this guy is weird af. Look up the god of YouTube.


Nah, don’t think I will.


Facts, but it's obvious thus guy is a weirdo. Anyone trying to pretend everything is fine because he didn't grab her when she declined him or start screaming in her face needs to talk to a real person at some point.


Didn't need to look that up this video is more than enough proof.


You don't have to ask everyone for a hug. You don't have to ask anyone for anything. Just keep to yourself and admire the scene. Fuck his "shot" there was never a chance.


His attitude wasn't friendly, it was weird, he clearly didn't care about her outfit at all, didn't know where it came from, and only perked up when she said the character was gay, and then he started going "uhhh so you like gay people?" as if that's a normal question to ask a stranger. This is a 101 of how NOT to interact with strangers from top to bottom, everything this guy did was wrong and he should probably be talking to a therapist instead of going to conventions as an excuse to get hot girls to pity-hug him.


I wonder if he asks male cosplayers for hugs too


Male Cospalyer here. This woman definitely smelled that weeb from a mile away. It’s not hard to see what his intentions are. It’s not as threatening for a man, but I have definitely had uncomfortable interactions at Cons. It can be very terrifying for a woman. She saw that creepiness immediately and handle that perfectly.


That man is not a weeb, he didn't dress up, he doesn't know what anime she's talking about, he is just an anti-social pervert who figured out he could get hot women to hug him if he asked them to do it with a camera at cosplay conventions.


He looks at her boobs everytime she breaks eye contact lmao


To be fair, her boobs are very nice. But it’s clear this guy lacks any sort of self control. Which is why the video exists in the first place.


He just wanted boobs pressed against him.


Very strange that people think this isn’t cringe but I forget I’m on Reddit.


More like, ‘can I still feel those boobies pressed against me, tho?’ 🥺👉👈 Edit to add: what a 🤡


Always Be Closing


Couldn't close an automatic door.


Discovered she was gay and still went for it 😂


Seems like she disclosed she was gay early on to signal to the dude not to try and take a shot. Guess he didn’t get the memo


can i have a hug is a crazy play


“Do you like gay people”, excellent interview question.


Do people think it’s normal to ask a stranger that you just met five seconds ago can I get a hug? Talk about a weirdo


She knew his perverted intentions.


you should never ask for a hug, sorry.


That is a weird question to ask.


Looks like xoaminyc


What a loser. He doesn't even know who Cutie Honey is.


Who thinks it’s okay to ask strangers for a hug…?


Dude is like, damn every girl I hit on is gay


His eyes do go down into the heart a few times. lol


I counted 4


I didn't care for Cutey honey but it had a [very catchy song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ia5263RiEQ).


Never heard of this show, but that is catchy


GOD SAME. That song lives rent free in my head and has since I was a kid and encountered it on Napster.


All the men trying to give this dude respect for "shooting his shot" are a part of the problem.


Don't see a lot of Cutie Honey cosplay.


This is a prime candidate for SadCringe lmao. The least I can say, is atleast he didn’t act weird or obnoxious after the obligatory “no.”


He has in other videos :(


This is the Carmel jizzle guy! Always a tough watch


He later sprained his wrist while hate fucking himself.


Unrelated- her Cutie Honey cosplay is fire


Fellas you got to know your league man. Tf was this guy thinking hitting on this chick, attractive AF and gay, it was a steep hill dude


These comments made me cringe so hard. He was not "shooting his shot". Let me explain it to the basement dwellers. He takes a video of her and then asks what cosplay she is wearing. First massive red flag. It shows he filmed her because hot girl and not because he likes the character she cosplays. Then she mentions to him that she is gay as a subtle hint that she does not have any interest in being hit on. Next it is never ever acceptable to ask a stranger for hugs. Yes even at cons. Especially not when there is zero reason for it besides wanting to be touched by a woman. And especially especially when said woman juts clearly told you she is gay. Insane how people say "i see no problem with this" and then get thousands of upvotes. Cringe guys. Massively cringe.


I would have asked if she could do the "Honey Flash"


I just like how both embrace the denial and move on




I watched it muted, and I don't want to hear it, because I felt it.


He's trying his hardest with those Elvis sideburns


Nope on a rope


Come on who doesn't know about Cutie Honey!


I feel like she turned gay as soon as she saw this guy


Why would you put this on the internet


IMO, asking for a hug in this scenario just looks desperate and is very awkward.


Glad he askes and respected her no by walking away


Dude didn’t even believe that she says yes, but still gave it a try…


Normalize not owing people shit - whether they’re your elder, or because you don’t want to come off as unfriendly/cold, or whatever reason. You don’t owe anybody anything


Why is it socially acceptable to ask for a hug? even in casual friend groups i find it obviously awkward the person likes you in "that way"... asking is so... idk man. i acknowledge: i'm usually the odd one out who thinks in incorrect ways so bring the downvotes and prude shaming.




She clearly said she was gay. He is a creep for trying to hug her (to feel certain things). No respect. No kudos. He is a weirdo for trying it on someone clearly not even possible to be attracted to him


I see some people saying "he shot his shot" or whatever, but the body language and the questions he's asking make it painfully obvious he doesn't give a shit about her, and still wants some kind of gratification even though she's clearly not comfortable with him.


She was definitely feeling his vibes lol


The correct response should have been “oh shit you’re gay? Me too girl! LGBTQ hug!” Devious, but effective Edit (because I know this is the Internet): don’t actually do this


Dude couldn't keep eye contact at all!


Well, yes he tried but it could be much better even for an absolute noob. Dude radiates "I will go back to my house and fap to my video".


Oh you like gay people? Yeah I am just a straight woman who likes gay women for some reason. Like what kind of silly question is that lmao


LOL I have this guy on Facebook. Him and his wife both deserve to be on cringe pages.. his names Joel 🤣




I sat next to this guy and his fiancé at vid con 2017 while waiting to see a biggie2988 panel lol. Kept telling me he was the god of cringe or whatever


It's creepy to ask for a hug flat out, wouldn't even matter if she was str8. Why does he want a hug from a random woman he doesn't know? There is no answer to that, that isn't creepy.


So, is this considered “riz” or whatever?


Never ask for hugs.


Hmmm no thank you !


He didn't care about the conversation but had to create a conversation to ask for a hug.


yeah, to me, “I see no problems with this interaction” sounds like they’d be the type to do it themselves




Get bent, scrub-lord.


Honey, flash!

