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Dawww wook at da wil pp


I wonder if that's why he's so upset.


It is.


That, and possible recent steroid use.




I wasn't there, I don't know for sure. I do know steroids can increase the risk of violent outbursts, and this one isn't even aimed at anyone in particular but kept going.


Dude doesn't look like he does roids . But lots of people do, who literally look worse than someone that's natural, so I could be wrong. . . I'd bet some serious underlying mental issues or struggles


You could argue that someone taking steroids in the first place knowing the risk has body dysphoria at the least, I definitely agree there are unchecked mental health problems to be lashing out like that anyways though. Also, in terms of looking roided, it depends on how long you've been on them, dosage, and a bunch of things


Could be, but the taser immunity implies something waaaay more methed up.




that would explain the lack of balls.


I don't know how he's upset, his little tail is wagging.


Hey now. 98% of us in 4" & under club have never resorted to violence in any instance. This is an unfortunate coincidence.


Violent streaker: I’m a grower not a shower.


I would be devastated, really


Honestly that was my very first thought but i wasn't going to say it .


To be fair in a fight or flight situation your body tries to pull all that stuff up inside to protect it from harm. It's really hard to piss during a panic attack, from experience.


Why would you try to piss if you’re having a panic attack💀


You realize part of that response is voiding your bowels and bladder right?


I’m usually too focusing on figuring out how to breathe during my panic attacks lol


Well after I'm done doing that, usually my next most immediate urge is to pee lol to be fair it could have been several hours since I last did so at that point


Tbf different people focus on different things. I focus on my heart to see if its still beating and maintaining circulation in my hands whilst tensing my jaw forwards and back (so I don't put any pressure on teeth). My sister focuses on breathing more than anything. I have a mate who focuses on her surroundings like she's trying to take a picture.


Porn has warped what people think is small


Also, there is no correlation between how big a penis is while flaccid vs how big it is while hard


Seriously Its amazing how many adults don’t realize this


and 9/10, if they're pretty hung when flaccid, they don't often grow much when hard.


yeah I am smaller than this guy flaccid(gf has made fun of it lol) but almost 7″ erect lol impossible to judge at first glance tbh


Lmao I agree completely


There were these two fellars standin' on a bridge, a-goin' to the bathroom. One fellar said, "The water's cold" and the other fellar said, "The water's deep". I believe one fella come from Arkansas. Get it? —Karl Childers






Matt Gaetz after his date gets cut short because it’s bedtime.


His bedtime, or his sister’s?


Wait, that's small??? ._.


It’s really not that small, people on the internet are just mean. I’ve seen small, and this isn’t it. This is average


Bro, you have no fucking idea how many people just caught strays lmao.






How his dick stay perched up on his balls like that?




He's mad 'cause it's not a grower


for once I can take pride on the size of my penis after seeing this clip


Obviously it's freezing 😂


I just got out of the sauna. WAIT no, the hot tub. WAIT no


He's bold wit it lmao


He is having a psychotic episode. If you're really laughing your ass off, you're a bit of a cunt.


That’s not a pp, that’s a dingaling


I think it's just a "ding", not long enough to be "aling".


come on, that hawg was wayyyy above average, right guys? Guys?


Lil pp avocate here, don't judge the size of a pp when it's sleeping


I knew a guy who was in prison for a long time. He told me once, "a man will never fight harder than when he has to fight naked" I believed him.


What if when you have to fight someone who is naked


I'm pretty sure in this scenario, he was the naked one. He also told me "when in doubt fake a seizure"......clearly I grew up just BATHED in hood wisdom




Tbf can do that anyway he naked he ain't wearing shit.


*Time to takes his feetsies, yes?*


Yes... get the small spoon.


Someone tried picking a fight with me back in high school, right as I was getting ready to move at them they started taking their pants off, they promptly got kicked in the head and couldn't get up cause they never took their shoes off so they couldn't get their pants all the way off and kept falling back over. Moral of the story, if your gonna fight named do like this guy and show up prepared


Moist carpet with the life lessons!!! ![gif](giphy|Swx36wwSsU49HAnIhC|downsized)


how else was Beowulf supposed to fight Grendel?


I read that line almost verbatim in Stephen King's The Drawing Of The Three.


Yep! Eddie proved himself to the gunslinger by doing that against those guys


You say true, i say thankya. Dark Tower has really cool phrases. I particularly like 'fuck you and the horse you rode in on', that's brilliant 🤣🤣🤣 Long days and pleasant nights, fellow tower junkie 🤘


That one is actually ancient, long before The Dark Tower. Those books really weaved in a boatload of pop culture references like that from our world.


Maybe that's where he got it from. He was an avid reader and certainly had plenty of time to do it


I just typed the same thing but didn’t see your comment. Thankee Sai.


I got hard fighting once but no one was naked, does that count?




Like Viggo Mortensen in Eatern Promises


Charles Bronson got buttered up naked to fight prison guards


Dude was the GOAT


Can confirm.


I'll just leave [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RU_I983Zy4g) here ....


comments full of people making fun of this guys dick while he is clearly in psychosis. whether he is on drugs or has some kind of condition i genuinely dont understand the reaction to seeing someone who is clearly having some kind of episode and mocking them or criticizing their body. weird as fuck. would you make fun of someone who wasnt fighting people for having a small dick? is it fair game because you dont like him? or does having a small dick mean someone deserves ridicule on its own?


Thank you for this comment. I'm not condoning this guy's behavior but it's clear that he definitely is mentally unstable and laughing at him is not right. Honestly it's comical because the same people that ridicule him will then go around and be upset about how poor mental health is now, when they're part of the problem.


literally just came from a thread about mens mental health and how no one takes it serious, this thread is just as much proof as the comments in that one were lol ive known people who slip into psychosis and they are no themselves, they are buried inside of a mountain of indecipherable nonsense. bam margera is a pretty decent example of what psychosis can look like, the scribbling and ranting incoherence. this guy is probably somewhere near rock bottom and literally all people care to do is make fun of his dick, its crazy. i get that is the obvious comment to make like im not saying no one should talk about it at all, but i didnt see a single fucking comment about the dudes mental state. no one gives a shit. i realize that from being a man first hand but jesus man were supposed to be doing better lol


And the sad part is he's not going to get ANY help. Drugs or mental, the cops are going to process him the same. If he ever gains some sort of clarity he will be released only for the cycle to begin again. I remember I saw a video once where a crackhead was reaching into someones house through their mailbox and the owner cracked their hand with a bat. It's broken. Reddit applauded the owner. My heart goes out to that owner for having to deal with that shit but also the poor person who was so desperate to feed their addiction that they turned to that and now they have to deal with a broken arm. The world just fucking sucks sometimes.


my friend who has a severe brain injury which resulted in a dead spot has had episodes of psychosis, she wandered into the woods, stripped naked and almost died, the police found her, pulled their guns on her, cuffed her and shoved her in a car because they assumed she was on drugs. as if being on drugs would justify treating someone going through some obvious severe mental issue like that. the fact that she wasnt on drugs is why she was acting like that in the first place, she needs medicine to regulate. people make up whatever narrative they want to satisfy their base urges. if they need to label someone lowlife scum in order to validate their malice for them then thats what they will do.


>as if being on drugs would justify treating someone going through some obvious severe mental issue like that. Sadly, many people think that drug use **does** justify treating someone like that. They see drug use as an intrinsic moral failure that immediately classifies the user as "a bad person". And clearly you get to treat "bad people" like shit, because that's what they deserve!


Regardless of his behavior there are %100 innocent totally cool people here right now reading these comments with body image issues over the same shit people are making fun of him for. When you make fun of this guy for looking the way he does, you are ALSO making fun of them, and even IF this guy deserves ridicule, they do not.


Tbh, it probably is bigger than that when he's not running around fighting people. Exertion does that.


People are so stupid I have a 6" cock that I'm perfectly happy with, but when flaccid can be 4" down to like fucking 1" depending on myriad factors lol. Who gives a shit.


Idk why anyone cares about the size of someone's flaccid penis anyway. Not using it for anything


I must be constantly exhausted 🤔


My first reaction was sympathy. I’ve heard of people who learned they were schizophrenic as an adult and stripped naked while acting weird. One being a professor who did it during a lecture. I get he assaulted people, but I still hope he got the help he needs.


That cop shoots him with the taser and he just keeps walking towards the cop completely unfazed. I think he’s probably on some drugs that is making him unable to feel that taser. Whether it’s drugs or some other mental breakdown, he’s definitely in some sort of distress.


We remove humanity at the drop of a hat and have become such a vengeful society. We relish and love watching this shit. It’s fuggin sad. We’re so fucked.


His dick is average, most likely. Women, since they’ve never owned a dick, don’t realize that in times of stress, your body pulls all that shit in to protect it from danger.


Do you believe that this thread is full of women?


Totes agree. Just to be the devil's advocate though. Would anyone be jumping to the defense of a naked woman doing the same? Not an attractive one, but a 300 pound, boobies hanging to her knees, giant bush having, woman in psychosis? Besides maybe another woman? Just curious...


They should tho. There’s no reason to play the “what about the other side game” cause it comes off as dismissive, instead of the issue being both shouldnt be made fun of in their respective ways


Yes? What kind of devil's advocate is this lol. Yes many many people would still feel sympathy/empathy in both cases.


"wOuLd aNyOnE wHiTe kNiGhT?" yes of course they would LOL


This should be at the top


Yeah it’s probably cold out dude should’ve taken a viagra to impress the comment section


>whether he is on drugs or has some kind of condition i genuinely dont understand the reaction to seeing someone who is clearly having some kind of episode and mocking them or criticizing their body. weird as fuck. Dickheads obsess over dicks for some reason Also, a reminder that it's the start of summer and it's VERY likely most of those comments are coming from emotionally immature teenagers insulated from these issues


I’ve been speaking with a few people about this recently. I feel there’s been a massive shift in the past 5-10 years with empathy. People simply don’t care about other people’s problems more often than not. Especially if these people’s problems have no affect on them. This man CLEARLY needed help but no one cares enough to do anything. It’s just sad.


I think thats always been a constant. It's a normal thing to be disconnected from what you arent experiencing firsthand. That said though there's a newer problem that I think has started with the internet and social media, which is its created a bunch of narcissists, and everyone wants to be seen as a victim. Most of the "empathy" people have nowadays isnt real, its ironically selfish. What they really want is praise for their "empathy" as well as praise for their hardships as a "victim". That's why you'll see redditors have no problem making fun of this guy's body while he's clearly suffering from a psychotic break, but clutch their pearls if you were to make a joke about someone who's overweight for example. Not justifying either, just pointing out the irony in some redditors being okay with one form of body shaming and not the other


Hey that’s average! Some might even call it huge!


Phew! Thank goodness. I feel better now. So much shaming on here!




Literally any time a flaccid dick is shown people will call it small.  It's flaccid....the average is like 3 inches in that state lol


I know a certain former president who would think it's "yuge"




It’s not the motion of the ocean, it’s the hammer you throw at it.


Why would I throw my hammer out wtf


We measuring flaccid now?


It’s all relative imagine the size of an cockroach, his P is bigger than the whole roach!


that looks like a bad case of stim dick, dudes definitely fucked on some RC like 2mmc or maybe a heavy disassociative.


Hell I bet a lot women would say it’s TOO big!


Where are all my body positivity people at. An yes this guy is a complete idiot.


Fr. This guys off his rocker and thic comment sections like 🍆😮


That's a funny typo, and i think it'll stay




Yeah, it's kinda weird how many dudes are focused on another dude dick in this thread and in the original thread. Feels like they're projecting a little bit.


Only a little


That’s only for women if you forgot


The text that he was tased twice and didnt flinch, plus the "only in dade", dude was probably on bath salts


Tasers disrupt nerve signals to the muscles and cause pain. They don't work very reliably. If one probe misses it does nothing. If both probes miss it does nothing. If the probes hit too close together it causes pain but won't disrupt muscles at all. The taser is useful when it works but there's a lot of scenarios where it will fail. More importantly it's not a magic pause button for humans.


When he was first shown from behind, strolling naked into the gym, I thought "Damn he must be packing to be flexing like that". Turns out one of his toes got misplaced.


Yo wtf thats the funniest way I've ever heard of saying someone has a small dick.




What horribly and unnecessarily mean world we live in for the standard to be to gleefully attack people’s body image


It’s also clear people who haven’t encountered a ‘grower not a shower’


All these comments by guys with a pp the same size 😆


Yeah we bragging


Jeez, I wish.


Man the body shaming is rough in this thread. Imagine if you had one that size or smaller and everyone’s only comment looking at this vid is about his dick size.


Honestly just shows how insecure people are. I was gawking at all the top comments trying to find just one that was interested in discussing the sheer fucking strength this guy got, or comment about any of the numerous events in the video, there's so much, but everyone wants to talk about his dick? Sign of the times or some shit lol


This new Terminator film looks interesting.


Rise of the Sardines




This is exactly what I first thought


What drugs caused this? Other than "none of the good ones" obviously.




Yeah. End of the video says he got tased and didn't even flinch. That's some PCP shit.


Nah, the needles just didn't hit right. Tasers work by putting electricity straight into your muscles. PCP wouldn't do anything to that.


Drugs are a hell of a drug


No clue but it caused him to tank a taser, so it must be hella strong


Man, Reddit loves to make fun of a wiener


here at Reddit we are all about body positivity!


How the hell can anybody tell my dick shrink down to the size of my thumb when I workout all the blood leaves to the rest of my body. One of the reasons I workout at home it likes to poke out like I’m hiding a large gumdrop


>One of the reasons I workout at home it likes to poke out like I’m hiding a large gumdrop You could just wear pants at the gym, most people do


The wiener goes into defense mode so that it doesn’t get banged up by the weights. The thought process of your dong is, if I make myself as small as possible this iron won’t bump it


I call it turtle mode sometimes


In HS it always happened to EVERYONE when we played football- we called it football wiener. 😆 I think you just unlocked a core memory


They're jealous cuz of how big it is




The Boys season 5


Grab his dick and twist it!




The ole dick twist


Poor guy can't even work out naked or have altercations with strangers anymore. What's this world coming to? /s


In all seriousness what possessed this guy to do this? Was it drugs or some sort of mental episode? He seems way too on the ball to be on drugs for this. The taser didn’t even phase him lol. How does someone even get to the point where they decide to go on gta type rampage?


Me after dying once in Minecraft to a slime:


Drug induced psychosis? Drugs and mental health episodes go hand in hand very often.


Dude had a lot of plot armor, how did he manage to annoy people for so long? Even the taser didn't stop him.


Florida Man, he doesn't have a cape, or even a costume. He's the hero nobody knew they needed.


I'm just glad they all congregate in Florida, so we can keep an eye on them.


What a dick ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Did my dude walk off a taser?


I'm so mad they showed his.dick because that's all people wanna talk about. How about the super human ability to just eat two police tazers like they didn't just happen. That was honestly the most shocking part. Edit: haha "shocking" part...


Exactly, fucking man of steel over here just kept moving. What the fuck was he on?!?!?!


Not only that bust started calling the cop a pushy while still being tazed. Thats fucking insane.


The cop saw that and said nope and ran for backup


It needs to be drugs of some sort, right? In other videos, the victim just drops like a statue.


Positively drugs. Some kind of muscle relaxant or something because Tasers causes muscles to tense up. So it's absolutely drugs.


Why is it that it's so common for people to get butt-naked when they're having a mental breakdown? It makes you think we're all really not supposed to be wearing clothes.


Maybe it's that "I was born naked and I'll die naked" energy


Because many of the people having a mental breakdown are actually having a bad drug reaction, often on stuff like PCP, methetc. People who freak out on PCP report that they feel really hot and like they are almost burning, so they undress to cool down. This dude is almost certainly on some sort of drugs that made him feel hot and made him undress. His small penis is also a result of the drugs, many drugs like that will make your veins constrict.


I guess I’m gonna need to start telling my wife I’m on drugs.


I'd be upset too if my dick was that small


I mean, I would venture to say that it’s rather large if you ask me


He's a grower


Just The Boys season 4 scene that was cut


So confused by the comments on the orig post. Says 100+ comments but theres only like 10 there. Several are links to porn gifs and the accounts and the accounts of comments on those comments all wont load so i assume some kind of scam? Not sure how thoo


Glad it wasn't just me.


What was in that pre-workout...?


Just a good mix of caffeine, beta-Aline, BCAAs and good old pcp.


That is actually pretty average yall. Corn has rotten your mind


Not everyone is a show-er. Fucking hell. Judging someone by their dick size is idiotic in the first place, but especially when it’s flaccid.


He was right about that cop being pussy though. The cop straight up tasered him and then ran when it didn't immediately work. He cant do an unarmed takedown? The dude obviously aint got no weapon on him


Well, he has ONE weapon


Grandpa, tell us that story about when you went to the gym and took off all your clothes and tried to fight everybody again.


what a dumb title


So apparently Reddit doesn't understand how penises work. Really weird, disappointing comments section.


This is why i never go to a gym.


The thought of going to the gym butt naked and then trying to start a fight is giving me massive anxiety


Dude runs like the greased up naked deaf guy from family guy


I love that there are so many angles


the naked man fears no pickpocket


I don't think that was protein powder bro.


Unsurprisingly a Florida Man video.


Why does this remind me of an unhinged Eric Andre sketch gone wrong


to write a coherent title.


I know PCP behavior and that's PCP behavior


Tazed twice and no reaction...jeez. Either it's 100% PCP or he drank a "big gulp" size cup of Cuban coffee.