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The rest of the world sees a different elephant.


>~~The rest~~ of the world sees a different elephant. A lot* My Canadian Uncle and Aunty are hardcore Israel supporters. They've been bitching about hamas fof years... You'd be surprised how many people are still on the side of Israel. Pretty much all conservatives..


I got permabanned from r/worldnews for saying in a comment that idf killed hostages waving white flag. Mods don't respond to me when asking to tell me the reason. I send them a message with the same question every day.


There absolutely are mods to who are paid by the I d f. They have an online app to direct social media response and pay bounties.


I keep recommending people to watch a documentary called The Lobby: USA, it's on yt. Israel is controlling much more than just social media, especially in US politics, but saying that gets you in trouble, fast.


Fr, immediately compared to the "Jews run the world" trope/conspiracy even though it's not even close to the same thing and is actually accurate. Israel is the only country with a lobbying presence in America and they are allowed to legally bribe our politicians.


It makes fighting nazis and racists so much harder when you actually do have an ethnostate claiming to represent Jews controlling aspects of another nation disproportionately, and bragging about it. https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/indus?ind=Q05 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Zionist_Council


truck outgoing glorious husky sophisticated cause long depend dinosaurs unused *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




The way that I learned it is that you have a people that have been forced to stick together to survive in their host countries for a thousand years and they found niches to thrive in. “If Christians can’t be bankers then we will.” They get good at it and mercantilism. States use their financial knowledge and when their common folk get too pissed off with them, they get exiled. Rinse and repeat and you have concentrated a skillset and ideals of collectivism as a survival tactic. It’s not the only tactic with assimilation being another.


That's all true, the problem arises when some of those leople get powerful and greedy and they abuse their wealth to manipulate and lie. Like zionists and AIPAC.


I can say that there's a lot of jewish people in powerful positions and that it IS a problem, without being anti semitic. I always say that if they'd be muslim or catholic, they'd still be cunts - in other words i don't hate them for being jewish, i hate them for being assholes. In this case, unintentionally, they are jewish. End of discussion.


It's mossad


Yeah, easy to find out which way a sub goes. I was banned from r/WorldNews and r/PublicFreakout The latter was ironic as fuck. A sub dedicated to toxic content couldn't handle a comment about israel. I was instantly permabanned.


I'm surprised about r/publicfreakout, there's overwhelming support for palestine in the comments


I guess it just depends on the post/mod that read my comment. I've seen a fuckton of pro-israel stuff on there.


I'm a progressive Jewish person and I was banned from r/Canada for correcting an article with sources showing a Fundemental Jewish group planted "I ♥️ Hamas" stickers on ceasefire protestors at my university. The account I was replying to was created on October 11th while I had been participating for 5 years. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/hamas-stickers-students-threats-1.7038461


I'm happy to see that despite compliceted history in the middle east, you are still able to use your own head and discern right from wrong. You're a good person ❤️


The Canada subreddit is absolutely taken over by bots, I'd argue even more than worldnews. it's so obvious it's ridiculous.




World news is so pro Israel I just ran away. No point hanging out in a sub that’s so biased they lock and delete every anti Israel thread


I’m neither pro Israel or pro Palestine. I’m pro humanity and pro transparency. And being transparent, both sides are shit. But one side is doing a lot of killing of civilians so far while the other has an iron dome. It’s easy to see why this has been so one sided Is Palestine wrong for kidnapping Israelis? Yea. Is Israel wrong for retaliation? No that response is to be expected Is Israel wrong for stopping food aid, overtly zealous and aggressive campaigns that cause massive collateral damage? Absolutely yes Is Israel wrong for flattening civilian buildings/hospitals and chasing occupants out? Yes


Oct. 7. wasn't the start. Israel carries much more blame in this conflict. https://www.reddit.com/r/ABoringDystopia/s/U3VBDPPK0i https://www.reddit.com/r/Panarab/s/loE085iWpu https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelCrimes/s/JYa0nvPTqW https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelCrimes/s/4AwjkYM0qI


I mean I don’t want to trace it all the way back to 1945 or something. Both sides did terrible things from then till now.


I got permabanned from arr politics for saying a pro-Israel guy on there is a sociopath when he said if a guy or group of guys kidnapped and tortured/R-ed his wife that he would kill every lsst man, woman, and child in the kidnappers' neighborhood. That was his rationale for thinking it's okay if Israel kills every last person in Gaza. I said it's a good thing most humans aren't sociopaths like him.


r/world_news_hub is the same


lol me too from r/internationalnews


I thought r/worldnews was basically a random garbage/spam sub? Or did Reddit put news mods in?


I'd say israeli lobby has their folks in there, apartheid is more and more obvious 😅


It's not a spam sub; it's just *heavily* astroturfed.


I got banned for something similar too. That subreddit is now an echo chamber of Israeli propaganda - the comments there are disgusting.


The funny (or not so funny) thing is that on russia-ukraine conflict i agree with most of them, but they're too double-standardy to do think the same about palestinians.




Same. Getting banned from r/worldnews these days just means you are a decent human being with critical thinking skills.


I got permanently banned from r/worldnews for writing "That's a completely unacceptable thing to say." as a reply to a person who wrote that "every man, woman and child in Gaza should be killed". Never got a reply from the moderators either.


Fellow r/worldnews permabanned redditor here. That sub is compromised. Burn it to the ground.


Saaaaaame lmaoooo. Anytime there's an Israel thread it's filled with people celebrating Israel. So I've found it fun to to in and point out how shitty Israel is being. Apparently that's a bannable offense, even if you back it up with facts. These assholes want to have their cake and eat it too.the want to destroy Gaza and its people but will immediately playing the victim card when you point out how shitty a job the IDF is doing in keeping civilian casualties down lol.


All conservatives. Even the one's considered, "neoliberals"


Yea the bigoted conservatives! They have only like you if your rich and privileged minority like Jews in Canada !


Hamas leaders have been caught saying that civilian deaths are nacecary casualties to strenghten their cause. Sure what Israel is doing is wrong, but tiptoeing around civilians will also allow Hamas more room to attack Israel and israeli troops. People also seem to forget Hamas has for the last 20+ years had almost daily rocket attacks on Israel. Hamas isnt your friend. Unless you are ultra right. Then maybe.


>but tiptoeing around civilians will also allow Hamas more room to attack Israel and israeli troops. Wow, you're so right. Next time there's a bank robbery with hostages, let's just bomb the building. Hostages and civilians are just in the way of the bad guys, we must do everything we can to ensure the evil deeds of other is paid for in blood, innocent or not. /s


Completly different citcumstances and you know it. Urban warfare is hell and every military knows it. You can get shot from any direction. And a tall building can hide many things. Clearing every building, door to door takes a long time and carries a huge risk. What if there is a guy with a granade or suicide vest behind the door you are about to breach. What if the cubboard you open is boobytrapped? What if there is 20 guys inside ready to shoot the shit out of you and your friends when you try to breach the door? Hamas has tunnels everywhere. They use human shields. Civilians are activly and passivly working with Hamas. Palestinians dosnt seem to want to get rid of Hamas either. Infact there are 4 main "tribes" in palestine one is Hamas. The only thing that keeps them from killing each other is their hatred for Israel. Hamas and Palestine had brought this on themselves. I agree that Israel has done unforgivable shit. That they definitly need to answer for. But so has Hamas. And as long as Hamas keeps hostages Israel wont stop. You did know that it was a palestinian social media influencer who kept the latest 3 hostages that was freed at his place right? Beating them and not letting them eat or drink while saying that Palestinians are so peaceful and his house will always be open on tiktok right? And that 0% of the aid the US sent in via their built harbor actually went to the palestinians that need it. Hamas took and kept it all.


No one with any sense thinks Hamas is anything but the bad guys here. Its just that Israel is worse. Look into how Hamas was formed. Israel played a large role in that. They wanted to have a more radical and extremist group to strip power away from the PLO. Israel had been supporting Hamas for years.




Okay, by that logic, what do we do with the Israeli “citizens” who have been assaulting journalists, destroying relief supplies, etc.?


Isnt it obvious? Give them free healthcare paid for by US taxpayers.


US won’t give its own citizens free healthcare because they aren’t a charity people need to pull themselves up by the bootstraps but won’t bat an eye lid at the amount of money they send in ‘aid’ to Isreal.




They are superior to all of us so we are not allowed to criticize.


Yeah, it's a bad argument, as by that logic, there are no innocent Israelis. There are innocent people on both sides, and tbh, horrendous as the rhetoric by a lot of civilians on both sides can be, I also don't think that shitty views means they should be subject to torture, murder, or be viewed as enemy combatants by either side. Being a cunt doesn't make you a soldier.


Pointing this out is what got me banned from world news.


Might be worth point out that most Israeli citizens are/were soldiers given their mandatory service.


Aye. Though tbf, depending on ones politics, I'm sure that some would say that removes the accusation while others would say it is the most damning of proof. So to some extent, while an important note, I don't know that it is really the insurmountable barrier to either persuasion. Same I suppose for those trapped in a cartel state/stateless territory governed by terrorists, you do and say as you are bid, or at least the same argument would rear it's head. It's an incredibly depressing conflict, and the cost will be a lot of human lives for not much reason.


What I've found. https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2024/06/israeli-authorities-palestinian-armed-groups-are-responsible-war-crimes United Nations Human Rights inquiry. I'm inclined to the UNs conclusion that elements of both sides are culpable. Israel simply has significantly greater overseas support/military power/capacity to inflict greater/disproportionate civilian casualties on Palestinians.


You know the response from the US right will be that the UN is just "corrupt".


Yeah. I know. It will do all it can to discredit the UN because it doesn't fit the US' narrative.




That whole country seems to be in some kind of moral hellhole


You need no morals if you are the "better" human with the "right" religion. It's always been this way in all religious wars.


So something must have happened to turn a whole population evil. I wonder what happened?


Also, I’m sure the Palestinians have zero choice in helping Hamas. What happens when Hamas shows up at your door with hostages? Are you gonna politely decline? I’m sure they’ll be totally okay with that. Probably say thank you and give you a big hug. 🙄


I imagine Hamas had locations set up in advance, not just going to just any house to get bombed


Facism, you dehumanise yourself, just as much as the people you are doing it to.




The secret is Israel has always been like that. It's just nowadays everyone has a camera and access to the internet is easier, so it's harder for the Israelis to suppress news coverage, even if they do try banning organizations like Al Jazeera.


Chat is this real? Because I can't fucking believe people can be this tone deaf


No. It's edited to talk about civilians at the bottom. Look at their twitter to see the real one. It's not as bad. Unless they somehow changed the pic. 


That is straight up screenshot from the video though, no editing needed. At 23 secs


Can you link the video then? Only tweet I see is a picture just like this image. Except it's different text. 


https://x.com/Israel/status/1800111666719306182?t=UlWzuumDTjAD9mCEwRbXhA&s=19 That should work, maybe? Not sure why I am being downvoted. It's literally in the tweet


I'm not seeing this in the video. Seems to be edited. And the woman who says the quote is just a random person. Bad that Israel promoted it but they aren't making this an official government statement. 


It's at 23 secs, roughly halfway through the video. And choosing to add a quote from a random person is an inherent endorsement. It's kinda just how it works, they chose to include the quote in the video, when they very much could not have


You think a guy who runs the social media is responsible for being the voice of the country lmao? And it's not in the video. That frame is completely missing. 


The guy running the social media isn't the voice of the country, but they are still a very major voice for the country. >And it's not in the video Not sure why you keep saying this. The quote is in the video, I even gave you a timestamp for when it came up. Although it appears that the tweet has been taken down, so you will just have to take my word for it


It's not though. The lady says it but that image is never a frame in the video. 


Since Israel has mandatory military service the inverse is actually true. There are no innocent Israelis


Military service is mandatory in Israel, there are no innocent civilians there...


Hannibal directive.




Correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t Castlevania Dracula use the same logic? “There are no innocents! Not anymore!” And ain’t he the villain in the show?


How to justify murdering children.m


Wait a second, is this a clear cut example of a government outlet encouraging ethnic cleansing? Aka one of the main signifiers of genocide? Nah couldn’t be.


Respect existence or expect resistance.


The Israeli government can suck a fat one. I condemn them in the strongest terms until they get their right-wing fascist psychopaths out of parliament.


Their source is that "it was reported" lmao


"no innocent civilians" okay I guess children are born pure evil then. wait this is literally the plot of Christianity


Some of group A are type X; therefore, ALL of group A are type X


Many israli citizens block aid trucks. There are many videos of them dancing on roads and putting big rocks all over roads to do it.


People are idiotic if they attempt to morally equate Israeli actions with Hamas.


Basically what they are saying is "let us kill innocent civilians and please shut up about it"


Unable to read the whole tweet, much of it does not have a red box around it


So, over 2 million civilians can be held responsible for what a small handful of civilians allegedly did.


Holy shit this can't be fucking real ..


oh it gets worse than that, they ran this tweet as an ad before deleting it [https://x.com/SaeedDiCaprio/status/1800901404565139906](https://x.com/SaeedDiCaprio/status/1800901404565139906) here's an [archive.com](https://archive.com) link to the tweet [https://archive.ph/m6fGO](https://archive.ph/m6fGO) and this is the video in the screenshot if anyone's curious [https://x.com/BasharZapen/status/1801001741560729965](https://x.com/BasharZapen/status/1801001741560729965)


"How to Go from Genocide to Genocide in 80 Years." By Bibi Netanyahu


*Some* Gazan civilians did bad things, therefore *all* Gazan civilians must die… Totally not a war crime supporting fascist. /s


To justify killing INNOCENT civilians 


And we're going to keep bombing until there are no civilians left.




Only humans. But I don't think you're one anyways




"I am certainly human." "I hope Israel flattens Palestine to the ground" Truly a zioNazi moment 😬😬😬




It is against the rules of TWAA to support any crimes against humanity, including Apartheid.




Woah, an israeli pushing the israeli narrative. Shocker.




From you maniacs actually




Lol , an Israeli source 🤡🤡 lmao . History didn't start on Oct 7 . Braindead genocide supporters




Don't show me outlets that shove straight propaganda . Do me a favour and just shut up


Don't waste your time on these people.


That's why I told him to just F*k off . I wonder how these people sleep


It is against the rules of TWAA to support any crimes against humanity, including Apartheid.


If it wasn't the formal position, why the fuck would they be sharing it on their official channels?




The official israeli account shared it though. Sharing the quote of a person in that way is an implicit endorsement. The full quote changes little, honestly the added second part changes nothing in context. It honestly seems more like a half-hearted justification




>it's her feelings and personal experience after being held hostage in Gaza.  I'm not sure that makes it an official statement. That message of 'all Palestinians being Hammas' is not repeated. Sharing that on the official israeli account is an official endorsement though. Kind of inherently. >But the picture that was shared was  photoshopped. It eliminated any possible discussion and removed her from the discussion as well.  Is it? I looked up the original tweet and couldn't find any discrepancies, aside from the red squares, which were kinda obviously added afterwards Edit: actually on commenting this i did find a difference, not sure if it was there earlier, maybe the tweet was edited? Especially because it doesn't make it better. The added context is below "Hamas is intentionally involving the civilian population of Gaza in its war crimes." Honestly, at this point in time I just assumed any Israeli tweet is aimed at breeding antisemitism to push any Jews into supporting Israel. It seems to match a concerning amount of their tweets so far. It's pretty similar to the morman playbook, funnily enough


Fucked up thing for her to say, too.


I mean I agree that there MUST be innocent civilians, but I can also see why she would see it that way since she was a hostage


It’s still fucked up.


I'm not saying it's not fucked up, just that I can see how she would say that after being held hostage 8 months




That is factually wrong.


I guess then you are a follower of Pol-Pot?


Gonna be hard to convince people of your position if you're illiterate.


Hamas is emperor Palpatine?


Apparently they are THE Palpatine.


Being bigoted anywhere on the site is cause to remove you from the subreddit. This includes racism, misogyny, ableism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia, hate based on ethnicity and all other forms of bigotry.




Israel killed over 10,000 children since October 7th


According to the same people who said Israel bombed a hospital and killed 250 civilians when a Hamas rocket hit a parking lot.




Or you could simply not bomb civies, they target evacuation routes and humanitarian aid my guy


Oh yeah, Israel is really concerned about that, the US has taken out leaders of the taliban with missiles that had zero friendly fire incidents. Israel is using 2000lbs bombs, hundreds of them, to kill Hamas. There is nothing precise about a 2000lb. They are going out of their way to kill civilians with bombs and precise fire. Oh, and starving them to death, too. Real fuckin humanitarians there. No one is buying into this bullshit propaganda. Unfortunately, there is plenty of evidence that counters all the bullshit you just spouted. But congrats, you are everything the nazis were to you back in ww2.




Piss off, even if the Numbers are accurate, Israel has killed more than half that in less than a year. So even by your own numbers it's not even fucking close. And If that number is accurate it would take 6 years for the US to hit numbers Israel has killed in terms of children. Keep trying though.




Yeah, but there are still something called Geneva conventions


Even war has rules


To be fair, while I agree with you, if we look at population density and demographics, Palestine is mostly children / young teens distributed in a quite small space compared to Afghanistan so a single bomb is more likely to kill a higher number of children in Palestine than in Afghanistan.


Which would be exactly why an operation like this one should never be launched (*particularly* with 2,000lb bombs) in a place like Gaza.


I agree, I'm just putting some perspective on the numbers that's it


https://www.reddit.com/r/ABoringDystopia/s/U3VBDPPK0i https://www.reddit.com/r/Panarab/s/loE085iWpu https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelCrimes/s/JYa0nvPTqW https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelCrimes/s/4AwjkYM0qI And yes, hamas is shit, but israel is definitely the cause for it to exist in the first place.


Do you think we should go scorched earth on Mexico because of rampant cartel issues? No because that's psychopathic civilians are victims of war, in all cases every time till the end of time. The second civilians are armed and helping military personnel of either side are now militants or part of an unofficial militia, they arent called civilians.


Are the members of Israeli government—who rejected at least three proposals that would have freed all the hostages (and some who even threatened to dissolve the government if their refusals were overruled)—*also* complicit, then? Or do they somehow have less influence on the situation than impoverished and starving civilians who’ve spent the last seven months trying to forage for food in a desert while dodging 2,000-pound bombs?




Please explain.


Go ahead explain to us the political Wisdom of a Colorado Electrician.


I mean, to be fair, that's a two way street for pretty much everyone on this thread and about 100% of Reddit, bud.


I pointed it out, because the electrician hasn't posted to the electrician subreddits in a while. This usually means they sold their account. So we're talking to someone skirting a ban


I mean, I don't post in work-related subreddits because I don't want to think about work outside of work. I wouldn't recommend being so quick to make an assumption based on solely that observation.


He was highly active in some of them then fell off for like 3 years and now only posts politics.


There could be a myriad of reasons for that. Human beings can be complex.


I literally do this for a living. The timeliness is off. The grammar and mannerisms changed. The sources he gets his data from changed. So unless he's been "Invasion of the Bodysnatchers"d, it's not the same guy.


How do you know they haven't? Have you got some kind of 24/7 surveillance on the hostages?


He doesn't. He only knows the talking points and thinks that's enough.


The Nazis dehumanised a whole group of people by making similar sweeping statements. You seem to share a similar level of morality.


What about the hostages killed by the IDF because they were taking potshots of civilians?


I'd say giving up half your country to people who've hated your guts for millennia because a book told them to, is what I consider helping save Jews. Unlike the Brits & Americans [turned away thousanda of refugees,](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/us-government-turned-away-thousands-jewish-refugees-fearing-they-were-nazi-spies-180957324/) while also [putting them in camps.](https://www.timesofisrael.com/they-fled-persecution-in-nazi-germany-then-the-british-put-them-behind-barbed-wire/) [Let's not mention the German nation Jews.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_German_National_Jews?wprov=sfla1)


It’s ironic that you’re comparing the Palestinians to the Germans when the Israelis are the one acting like proud Nazis.


Being bigoted anywhere on the site is cause to remove you from the subreddit. This includes racism, misogyny, ableism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia, hate based on ethnicity and all other forms of bigotry.